(PAID LOCALS. Paid announcements will ap pear under this bead. If you have anything to sell •jr wish to buy tell the people of It in this column. Ten cents per line first in sertion, subsequent insertions live cents per line each week. FARM LOANS—R. H. PARKER.37tf BUY YOUR BOB CAPS AT AB botts Variety Store. 39-tf. WILL DO ANY KIND OF HAUL ing.—Frank Welton. 44 WANTED—GOOD MILCH COWS.— George Bowen, O’Neill. 47-tf I HAVE SOME HORSES FOR SALE or trade.—Peter Reifers. 22-tf LEHA HOTEL—MEALS, 36c; Room and Board by week, $7.60. 41-tf KODAKS, FILMS, KODAK FINISH ing.—W. B. Graves, O’Neill. 80-tf WANTED—A GIRL FOR GENERAL house work—Mrs. C. M. Daly. 49-1 WANTED TO RENT — SMALL modern house.—L. Burley, Golden Hotel. * • 49-tf FOR SALE, MY RESIDENT PROP erty in west part of town.—Pat O’Donnell. 48-4p LOST—FUR LAP ROBE BETWEEN O’Neill and Center Camp, April 29. •— G. H. Pace. 48-tf „ FOR SALE—REGISTERED SIIORT hom Bull, old enough for service.— John L. Quig. 4G-0 FOR SALE—BARN 16x24 GOOD loft, cheap for cash for quick sale.— John Horiskey. 45-tf FOR SALE —GOOD FOUR ROOM residence. Close in. Inquire at this office.—Jess G. Mills. 46-6p FOR SALE—A SUPER-SIX HUD son Touring Car in good condition.— T. F. Birmingham. 48-tf I WANT SOME FARM AND RANCH loans. If you want money come in and see John L. Quig. 32-tf LOST, STRAYED OR STOLEN—AN automobile crank for Overland 86. —E. D. Henry, at Frontier office. 49 TAKEN UP—ON THE CARLON place, one sow, black and red, weight about 226 founds.—C. L. Harding. 49-3 FOUND ON CHAMBERS ROAD 3 miles south of O’Neill, one rubber for left foot.—Inquire at this office 16 FOR SALE — ONE PURE BRED Holstein bull, 10 months old, at far mer’s price. Inquire of Emmet Stein, Meek. 48-tf PURE BRED PLYMOUTH ROCK Eggs for hatching $3.00 per 100. 60c per 16, during hatching season. Phone 3F210.—Mrs. Frank Pribil, Jr. 448-2 FOR GREATER PROFITS FROM calves, pigs, and poultry, feed Jer aee Calf Meal. Satisfaction or your money back. For sale at Harding Cream Station. 49-t£ MY RESIDENCE PROPERTY FOR sale.—Frank Phalin. 48-tf STRAYED — FROM MY PLACE south of O’Neill, April 26. two 3 year-old colts, one dark brown and one black with rope around neck.— John Sullivan. 49-tf IF YOU NEED THE OLD LOAN ON your farm renewed for another 5 or 10 years, or if you need a larger loan I can make it for you.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 21-tf FOR SALE—DORT TOURING CAR —new tires, new battery, new lamps, in good shape all over. First reasonable offer takes it.—M. H. Hor iskey, O’Neill. 47-tf THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating under the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Avail your self of this PROTECTION. 8-tf FOR RENT—HAY LAND — CASH or share of hay on board cars. 160 A. near Chambers, 160 A. near Dustin. Write quick—J. Howard Wagner, R. F. D. Route 1, Central City, Neb. 48-2 IF YOU WANT THE BEST OF Ex perienced, Consciention Optical Service at Reasonable Prices and Sat isfaction Guaranteed, call on Perrigo Optical Company at Golden Hotel, O’Neill, Wednesday May 16. 48— l JUST MADE ONE FARM LOAN of $15,000.00 and one of $25,000.00 and one of $40,000.00. I am prepared to make Farm and Ranch Ix>ans as large or as small as you want. If you want a small loan see me, or if you want a large loan see me.—R. H. Par ker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 24-tf FOR SALE. Standard Atlas and directory of Holt County. Best offer takes it. D. J. KIRWAN, 49-1 Gross, Nebraska. TO THE BUSINESS MEN AND THE PUBLIC: We are getting out the premium book for the Hoit County Fair. To make this Fair a success we must have the support of every man, wo man and child in the county. Every business man and breeder in the County ought to have his ad in the Fair Book. Below is a list of those who have given us their ads: Union Stock yarls, South Omaha, E. A. Dimmitt, L. F. Sougey, O. F. Blg lin, McPharlin in Barber Shop, Mc Millan & Markey, Frnak Howard, O’Neill National Bank, James Moore, Ben Grady, John L. Quig, Nebraska State Bank, Golden Hotel, L. A. Bur gess, Warner & Son, Hammond Ab stract Co., O’Neill Bottling Works, F. J. Dishner, Casper Preble, J. B. Mel lor, W. B. Graves, Golden Hotel Bar ber Shop, J. M. Higgins. Look over this list and see if your name appears and if not, give your ad to any one of the Officers of the Fair Association or call the Secretary. The price for a full page ad is $5; half page ad, 12.50. Yours very truly, JOHN L. QUIG, Secretary Holt County Fair. -- Auto Livery Make all trains Day or Night. Call 148 W. G. BEHA V .. ■ ✓ FOR SALE. Pure bred single comb Buff Orphing ton eggs and baby chicks. Eggs 50c per setting; if3.00 per 100. Chicks 12c each. MRS. J. K. ERNST, 41-l3p O'Neill, Route 1. WANTED^ CATTLE TO PASTURE I will take cattle to pasture at the Willcox ranch, on the Eagle. Separate pastures if desired. W. A. O’MALLEY, 48-3p O'Neill, Neb. GIVING OUT. The Struggle Discourages Many a Citizen of O’Neill. Around all day with an aching back, Can’t rest at night;. Enough to make any one “give out.” Doan’s Kidney Pills are helping thousands. They are or kidney backache; And other kidney ills. Here is O’Neill proof of their merit: Mrs. Minnie Bowen, says: “‘I had backache and a heavy dull pin in my kidneys that seemed to wear me all out. I couldn’t get much rest at night and it was all I could do to keep at my work. There was a severe pain in the back of my head and through my shoulders. My kidneys were weak, causing a great deal of annoyance. Doan’s Kidney Pills relieved me com pletely.” FOUR YEARS LATER, Mrs. Bow en added: “I still think Doan’s are a good kidney medicine. It has been a long time since I have had need of a kidney remedy.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Bowen had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. (First publication April 19.) NOTICE. All persons trespassing upon, or permitting their live stock to run upon or over the following property: The North Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section Five, Township Twenty eight, Range Eleven, will be prosecut ed to the full extent of the law. D. H. Cronin, 46-4 Owner. (First publication May 10.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 1529. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, May 4, 1923. In the matter of the Estate of Eli Bitney, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the adminis Where Real News Is Paramount « In the country newspaper, sensations, scan dals—the recording of human misery—is al most taboo. At least it certainly is secondary to the printing of real news about people and things. For the province of the country paper—your Home Town Paper—is to give community in terests first place, printing the more or less sensational personal items only when neces sary to keep faith with ^ibscribers who pay for ALL the news. Therefore, your Home Town Paper can give you, in full measure and overflowing, 100 per cent pure news about the people in whom you are most interested—your relatives and friends of the Old Home Town. Subscribe today for THE FRONTIER PERMANENT ENAMEL BAKED ON STEEL Eight years ago, when Dodge Brothers originated the all-steel motor car body, they took advantage ©f the absence of wood in the framework to bake an enamel finish on the surface of the steel. In a vast series of electric ovens, especially designed and built by Dodge Brothers’ engineers for this process, three distinct coats of black enamel are successively baked on the steel at an intensely high temperature. The result is a finish so hardy and durable that it seldom requires more than a good cleaning and polishing to restore the original brightness. Even in sections of the Southwest where alkali in the soil is especially destructive to body finishes, Dodge Brothers enamel retains its beautiful lustre after years of wear. ^ ARTHUR G. WYANT O’NEILL. NEBRASKA tratrix of said estate has filed in said court her final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard May 31, 1923, at 10 o’clock A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Ne braska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and distribution of said estate. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 49-3 County Judge. (First publication May 3.) ETSIMATE OF EXPENSES OF CITY OF O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. The following is the estimate of ex pense of the City of O’Neill, Nebras ka, for the fiscal year commencing on the first Tuesday in May, 1923, and ending on the first Tuesday in May, 1924, passed at a meeting of the City Council of the City of O’Neill, Nebras ka, on Tuesday, May 1, 1923: Printing . $500.00 Wages of employees and salaries of city officials 4,000.00 Cost of running water plant 4,000.00 Street lighting. 2,500.00 Repairs on water works and water extensions .... 2,000.00 Repairs and extensions of streets and sidewalks .... 5,000.00 Sewer bond sinking fund.... 1,000.00 Sewer bond interest. 200.00 Repairs and extensions of sewers . 1,500.00 Repairs on fire equipment and new equipment. 1,000.00 Repairs on pumping station. and fire house . 500.00 Legal expenses. 500.00 Water bond interest . 2,600.00 Water bond sinking fund.. 2,000.00 Parks and public grounds .. 1,000.00 Engineering expense. 500.00 Total. $28,800.00 The entire receipts of revenue for the fiscal year ending May 1, 1923, were as follows: County Treasurer from road tax ..._.$ 595.43 County Treasurer from tax levy.».. 5,627.00 Occupation tax . 475.00 Police Judge. 93.30 Sewer permits . 6.00 Building permits... 7.00 Interest on deposits . 45.72 Insurance received. 258.64 Miscellaneous items . 28.40 Water department. 5,304.98 Total.$12,441.47 It was moved by Councilman Bay seconded by Councilman Johnson that the above estimate be approved and adopted and that the same be pub lished for four weeks in The Frontier. Attest: JOHN C. GALLAGHER, 48-5 City Clerk. (First publication April 26.) (Julius D. Cronin, Attorney.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 1582. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 26, 1923. In the matter of the Estate of Mary H. Rouse, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are notified that the time limited for pre senting claims against said estate is August 24, 1923, and for the payment of debts is April 26, 1924, and that on May 24, 1923, and on August 26, 1923, at ten o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said County to receive, examine, hear, al low, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 47-4 County Judge. (First publication April 19.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 1575. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 5, 1923. In the matter of the Estate of Charles L. Wood, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are here by notified that the time limited for presenting claims against said estate is August 17, 1923, and for the pay ment of debts is April 5, 1924, and that on May 17, 1923, and on August 18, 1923, at 10 o’clock a. m., each day, I will be at the County Court Room In said County to receive, examine, hear, allow, or adjust all claims and ob jections duly filed. (County Court Seal.) C. J. MALONE, 46-4 County Judge. (First publication May 3.) NOTICE. Anyone caught hunting, fishing or trespassing on the following described land will be prosecuted according to law: E% NW)4, SW% NW% of Section 33, Township 29, Range 11, West of the 6th P. M. SW% , SEyi swyi Section 33, Township 29, Range 11, West of the 6th P. M. swy4 NW%, NWyi swyi Section 3, Township 28, Range 11, West of the 6th P. M. Ey& NWyi Section 4, Township 28, Range 11, West of the 6th P. M. Syfc NEyi Section 4, Township 28, North Range 11, West of 6th P. M. WALTER KLOEPPER, 48-2 MRS. M. GALLAGHER. k HOW’S YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCE [ 1 Are your shirts and collars clean and well [ 1 laundered? t Your shoes, are they new or nicely shined, ! L your hat, if not new, should be left with us and , p we will have it cleaned, retrimmed and block- “ l ed and your suit, why, say, we can make it B jp look like new. t J Let us serve you. We’re as close as your g | ’phone. J P. S.—If you wear over-alls we can launder fl | them. | O’Neill Sanitary J { Laundry s tojbe gundty