has to offer YOU! If your dream of success seems like a hopeless ambition, if you are discouraged trying to get ahead on high priced land, if your present location fails to give you opportunity, there is a new deal for you, a new chance in the fertile, virgin farms of Western Canada, where wheat produces 20 to 40 bushels to the acre, where the 1922 crop was biggest in history, where oats, barley and hay and fodder crops are the basisof a great dairy industry, and a man’s work brings him success and prosperity. Low Priced Land—the Last Great West In Western Canada you still can buy virgin'prairie land at $15 to $20 per acre, on long terms if desired, near to town, railroads, etc.—land such as has for many years produced the world’s prize winning wheat, oats, barley, flax. rye. alfalfa. Canada had no “war time’’ land boom; prices are not inflated — you get in on the ground floor. Taxes Favor the Farmer as Values Increase The tax laws of Western Canada encourage the producing fanner. The tax on land is reduced when it is brought under cultiva tion-while on your buildings, machinery, improvements, personal property, automo bile, there is no tax at all. A single crop is often worth more, acre for acre, than the cost of the land. Rent Now—Buy Later M Pay Out of Profits ft Canada welcomes the industrious settler. H What you have now isn’t so important. If ■ , your capital is small, or you cannot sell your gs present holdings to advantage, rent.a fertile Eg Canadian farm and "try it out for a season I f! or two. Make a good living, increase your 1,-f capital, and buy later. Farms may be rented KH from successful settlers on easy terms; in 1® some cases with option of purchase. B Buy on Exceptional Terms—32 Years to Pay ■ For the benefit of those wishing to buy land a national non-profit sharing organization— H I the Canada Colonization Association- has been established with head office at Winnipeg, ■ . and United States office at St. Paul. This Association offers selected land convenient to E8 * railways—much of it at $15 to $20 per acre—on very small cash payment; no further M payment until third year; balance extended over thirty years, but purchaser may pay up ■ g and obtain title at any tiraeif desired. Interest six percent per annum on deferred payments. H Special Excursion Rates to Western Canada 1 In order that you may inspect the land—see for yourself—judge of its value and fertility— EM special excursion trips of inspection will leave United States points on the first 'and third ■ Tuesday of each month. Single fare plus $2 low the round trip, available from all Sj| principal centers. Take advantage of these ™ j H low railroao rates to inspect tor yoursen < 3K the opportunities which Western Canada has t » to offer you. Seeing is believing. The near- ! 9 est Canadian Government Agency will give ! |gj you all information. The men in charge are j 9 Government officials, interested only m the 1 ; service of the prospective settler. We help j 9 you find your opportunity. Let us know j something of your position and receive free book with maps, and information how .9 special railway rates can be arranged for a |H trip of inspection. Mail the coupon. U FREE & HOMESTEADS are still |H available in some localities. Canada III welcomes TOURISTS— Come and S see our country for yourself. No H passports required. ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■a Address Nearest Agent . G. A. Cook, Desk W, Watertown, S. D.: W, V. Bennett, Desk W, 300 Peter's Trust Build ing, Omaha, Nebr.;or R. A.Garrett,DeskW, 311 W. Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minn. Please send me your Free book on Canada, I am particularly interested in 1 I Name.... " . ....R. F. D. No.assesseseeeseesee or Street Addresa Patience No Word for It. “It takes patience,” says the Detroit ^free Press, “to bring a boy sufely 'through the smart age.” And longevity. The smart age usu tlly begins at about five, and lasts until f injurious insects. It has a partial ity for cutworms, grasshoppers, weev ^Us and click beetles. Yes, an Orphan. ~ A new member of *u southern legisla ture asked one of the older men for nn interview so that he might intro duce his niece’s boy, for whom he wanted a job as pnge. The boy proved to be a dull-witted fellow thirty-five years old who probably was unable to get a job in the little country town where he lived. Tl.e new member said: “There’s just three reasons why this boy ought to have this job as page. He ain’t got no father; and he ain't ,got no mother; and he’s a orphan.”—■' Youth’s Companion. No Divorce for Ham and Eggs. We never expect to hear of a suit being brought in court for the divorce of ham and eggs. The two were united in the early days of the republic and are inseparable.—New Orleans States. God gives every bird its food, but He does not throw it into the nest.— Holland. Jbr Economical Transportation OF V . Farm Products Modern, progressive farmers, being also busmess men, now depend on fast cheap motor transportation to save time, save products ai d get the money. Chevrolet Superior Light Delivery, with four post body was built espe cially for farm needs. It has the space and power for a big load, which it moves fast at a very low cost per mile. For heavy work, Chevrolet Utility Express Truck at only $575, chassis only, offers remarkable value. Fits any standard truck body. Chevrolet Motor Company Division of General Motors Corporation Detroit, Michigan s Prices f o. b. Flint, Mich. Superior 2-Paaa. Roadater $510 Superior 5-Paaa. Touring . 525 Superior 2-Paaa. Utility Coupe ....... 680 Superior 4-Paar. Sedanette 850 Superior 5-Paia. Sedan . . 860 Superior Light Delivery .510 Superior Commercial Chaaaia.425 Utility Expreaa Truck Chaaaia. 575 • Dealers and Service Stations Everywhere SUPERIOR > Light Delivery *510 f. o. b. Flint, Mich. Gives New Life to Old Stockings 9 w If Putnam Fadeless Dyes—dyes or tints as you wish PRESIDENT ASKS HEP OF WOMEN — Will Seek Endorsement of World Court Plan by Club Federation and Other Organ izations. BY JAMES R. NOURSE, Universal Service Correspondent. Washington, April 30.—President Harding intends to make a strong bid for the support of American women through their various organizations in his campaign to put the United States into the League of Nations court. This was revealed Monday, follow ing a long conference between the executive and Mrs. Thomas G. Win ter, president of the National Feder ation of Womens clubs, at which th6 world court plan was understood to huve been the principal topic of dis cussion. It became known that the presi dent will endeavor to have the fed eration at its convention in Atlanta, beginning May 7, adopt a resolution endorsing the court proposal. The president will send a letter to the federation explaining his view* re specting the world court. CULT'S BURIAL SECRETS BARED Investigation Shows No Per. mit Issued for Interment of One of Purnell’s “Favorites.” St. Joseph, Mich., April 30.—A single burial permit anil a single grave was used to bury two women of the House of David cult, it was revealed at Monday’s investigation of the colony. Further investigation into the death records will be made. The burial permit that excited sus picion of the authorities was issued for the burial of Harriet Hanna, 61 years old. She was buried in Febru ary, 1919. Ten days after her funeral the body was remove# and shipped to 1 Canada and the body of 16-year-old Dollie Gray was buried with the same permit in the same grave. Records of the city clerk’s office, altered and disfigured, according to the authorities, disclosed that the girl had died of “interstitial nephritis.” The girl is said to have been a fav orite of “King Benjamin” Burnell, head of the cult, for whom the au thorities are searching. Purnell dis appeared several months ago, when an investigation of the colony became probable after civil suits had been filed by malcontents. Attorney General Andrew Dough erty, personally supervising the state’s probe of the cult, indicated Monday night that more than 50 bodies dumped without prayer or ceremony into the windswept, sandy cemetery, may be disinterred before the present inquiry is concluded. The body of Dollie Gray will be exhumed Tuesday, Mr. Dougherty said. SUSPECTTn REMINGTON CASE ALMOST ARRESTED Universal Service. Los Angeles, April 30.—After a thrilling race through crowds on Broadway and in a Broadway depart ment store late Monday afternoon Deputy Sheriff Bright lost sight of a young and pretty girl whom he had been following as a suspect in the Remington murder mystery. The girl, whose name the author ities won’t divulge, was traced to the store by the deputy sheriff, who had received an underworld tip that she had admitted to one of her girl friends that it was she who killed Remington, the club man and society bootlegger, the mystery of whose death at the door of his home in the Wilshire dis trict some weeks ago has not yet been cleared. SUGAR STARTS RACE DOWN THE TOBOGGAN New York, April 30.—Refined sugar Opened 10 points off today. Reduc tions were made by three of the lead ing refiners. National Sugar and Refining re duced their price to $10.15; American Sugar made a similar cut, while Ar buckle Bros, reduced their prices 1C ■mints to 10 cents a pound. JAPS FOR FASCISTI. Tokio, April 30 (A. P.)—An organ ization somewhat similar to the fas cisti of Italy has been formed here under the leadership of Dr. i’aichi Haga, former professor of the Tokio Imperial university. It is known as the “Dai Nippin Kyokadan,” and its purpose is to "inculcate the spirit of imperialism in the chaotic world of thoupght in Japan which threatens to precipitate a dangerous condition." Sixteen patriotic bodies are embraced ' in the organization. -—o~. The Lovers. The robins round the lilac tree Were bathing in the rain,— Before we knew—the cloud had fled. The sky was fair again. Before we knew—the young, sweet moon With/frose was drifted o'er. The dusk had drowsed the stream and lit The lights along the shore. The stars were faint—before we knew The night was on the lawn:— Before we knew—a shadow stirred It must have been the dawn. —Duncan Campbell Scott, in Scribner’s. war bonus bonds. not yet tried to market her World BUSINESS OF RUM CREWS GIVEN BOOST U. S. Supreme Tribunal Puts Liquor Back on American Ships and Forces Transfers Outside Three Mile Limit. BY WILLIAM P. FLYTHE, Universal Service Correspondent. Washington, April 30.—The Unitea States supreme court Monday ruled that American ships may sell and transport liquors outsido the three mile limit from the American coast. The same decision held that neither American nor foreign ships may come 1 within the three ir--le limit with liquors aboard. The immediate effect is to legalize all rum traffic on the high seas, in cluding the liquor fleet that hovers i off the Atlantic coast. Lasker Likes Decision. These high points are stressed: 1. Chairman Lasker, of the shipping board, says the decision will enable American vessels to compete with the British. He fa vors the sale of liquor, but will keep the ships “dry” until ordered to lift the lid by the president. 2. It will, in the opinion of cue toms officers, greatly increase the number of rum ships. 3. It precipitates a fight to have the president Declare Amer ican owned ships “dry” under the same law that the navy is now "dry”. 4. “Drys” will seek new legis lation in the next congress to change the law and nullify the decision or the supreme court. Mellon Changes Plans. Secretary Mellon is drawing tip regulations to permit foreign vessels sufficient time to get rid of their li quor stores in line with the supreme court decision. He said that he would allow ships now on their way to America to clear for their return voyage before making the law op erative. The decision took the law enforce ment agencies of the government completely by surprise, Just at a time when extensive preparations were be ing made to sweep the liquor traffic from the high seas, so far as this country is concerned. j Both “drys” and “wets” claimed the supreme court decision as a victory. What Will Daugherty Do? Regarding the request for a decis ion on tho right of the president to use the navy to suppress rum run ning, it is now Intimated that At torney General Daugherty will con tend that funds cannot be diverted once they are appropriated and that the navy cannot be used in this in stance. The high court held there is nothing in the 18th amendment to prevent American ships from having liquor on board when in foreign waters, but decided tlse amendment does apply specifically to foreign ships entering territorial waters of the United States. Foreign ships cannot bring lmiuor in as sea stores, the court held. Shipping Interests Appealed. Monday’s decision was handed down New York, which upheld the ruling of Attorney General Daugherty that American ships must be “dry” wher ever they may be. Judge Hand had held, however, that foreign ships i could bring liquor into the three mile ! limit, provided the liquor was under band as "ship stores.” For the Amer ican lines the appeal was brought by the United American Lines, which claimed it was illegal to prohibit them from opening their bars when Ameri- . can ships pass out of three mile zone. ! For the foreign lines the appeal was made by the Cunard and Anchor i lines, the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company, the International Naviga tion Company, the Compagne Gener ale- Trans-Atlantic, the Holland American line, the Royal Mail Steam Packet line, the Scandinavian-Ameri car. line, the Liverpool, Brazil and River Platte Steam Navigation, the Pacific Steam Navigation Company, and the Navigazone Generale Ital 1U liU, The foreign lines based their ob- i jections mainly on the Italian law re quiring ships carrying Italian crews to provide wine rations for them, even when in foreign ports. It was pointed out that a ship could not sail for Italy from an American port with j Italians in the crew unless wine was aboard. George W. Wickershal, former at torney general, represented the steamship lines, while the Anti-Sa loon league and other temperance or ganizations supported the govern ment. The majority opinion said: Various meanings are sought to be attributed to the term 'territory' in the phrase 'the United States and all territory subject to the jurisdiction thereon.’ We are of the opinion that it means the regional are^s—of land and adjacent waters—over which the United States dairies and exercises dominion and control as a sovereign power. The immediate context and the purport of the entire section show that the term is used in a physical I and not a metaphorical sense—that it refers to areas or districts having fixity of location and recognized boundaries. "Marching Through Eden." From the Kansas City Star. Uncle John paraphrases "Marching Through Georgia” thus: Bring the good old shovel boys, an' fetch the rake along; Appetite fer gar den-sass is cornin' good an’ strong; Fel ler uses elbow grease—he can’t be goln wrong—While we are marchin' through Eden. Passe! out the onion sets, an’ sort the kidney beans; Safe to place yer judg ment on the way yer fancy leans; Short est*way to weaven-on-earth, is. jowl, an' mustard greens—While we are marchin’ through Eden. Exercise is needed when yer fuzzles is forsook. Don’t forget yer insides—if ye have to bribe the cook—Lordy. there’s a ftshln’ worm! Mtrandy, where’s my hook? As we go Kti-cchin’ through Kdanl -' - ■ ■* . . ■ ^ . SUGAR INJUNCTION HEARING UNDER WAY Seymour Outlines Government Contention on Gambling in Futures. New York, April 30 (U. P.)—Outlin ing of the government's case in its suit to obtain a permanent injunction against the New York Coffee and Sugar exchange, the New York Cof fee and Sugar Association, Inc., and 33 individuals representing these or ganizations, was begun in the United States circuit court of appeals here Monday. "Sugar prices have fluctured and advanced beyond reason," Assistant Attorney General A. T. Seymour told the court. "This situation must be wiped out. We Intend to prove that the defendants entered an unlawful combination in restraint of trade be tween the states." The government has records of pa per transactions on the exchange ia support of this contention, In, said. FLETCHER FIXES _ Pan-American Delegates Are Plainly Informed Monroe Doctrine Policy Not Subject to Change. BY GEORGE W. HINMAN, JR. Universal Service Correspondent Santiago, Chile, April 30.—The United States holds that the Monroe doctrine is a "natural unalterable policy" and that it is not a subject for discussion at international con ferences. Such, in substance, was the un equivocal declaration of Ambassador Henry P. Fletcher, head of the United States delegation to the as sembled nations of the new world, ■ Monday afternoon while the political I commission of the conference was in j session discussing the program topics i of “closer relations" and "encroach- | ments by non-American nations.” Referred for “Study." Immediately after the declaration \ by the head of the United States delegation the commission voted to refer the topics, without recommen dation, t.o study by the governing board of the Pan-American union. Replying to statements favoring the creation of a Pan-American as sociation related to the League of Nations, Fletcher positively Indicated that the United tSates would oppose any European political participation I in the new world. Disarmament Shelved. The last glimmer of hope for con- J Crete action by the conference in the I direction of disarmament was dissi- ; pated Monday evening at the meeting of the armaments commission when Brazil declared her opposition to making a decision here and urged a separate ABC commission for deal ing with the problem. The declaration of the Brazilian delegation featured a tense session in which Argentine asserted her desire for an agreement here, while Brazil opposed the plan. The commission adopted a resolu tion urging all states to recognize as international law the rules against submarines and gas contained in sec tions 1, 2, 3, f and 5 of Washington treaty No. 2. JUDGE DISCHARGES UNWILLING PANEL .. . Sixty, Summoned for Fraud Trial at Dubuque, Objected to Serving. j Dubuque, la., April 30 (Special).— i Federal Judge George C. Scott, late i Monday surprised attorneys in the I $500,000 Cooper income tax fraud case when he discharged the entire panel of 60 veniremen. The action was taken, the court said, because many of the jurors said service would be a hardship for them and because defense and gov ernment counsel decided at a con I ference to impanel 60 more prospec | tlve jurors. The new venire will re port at 9:30 o’clock Tuesday morn ! ing. It is expected that William F. and ! A. A. Cooper will be tried first on an indictment containing eight counts of fraud and conspiracy in income tax returns for 1918, 1919 and 1920. They are co-defendants with Kathryn F. | Cooper and Phil Ryder, the latter figuring in five other counts. The Coopers are the wealthy heirs of Augustus S. Cooper, pioneer wagon manufacturer, and Ryder is an offi cer of the Julien Dubuque Hotel Company, in which the Coopers are ! stockholders. The alleged frauds : were committed on returns of the | wagon company and the hotel corpor | ation. ; The government is seeking $169, ' 297.57 in penalties, taxes and inter ; est. ' 1 CUT STUDEBAKER MELON. South Bend, Ind., April 30 (A. P.)— The Studebaker corporation today de clared the regular quarterly dividend ' of 1% per cent, on common stock and 2Vz per cent, on preferred stock, pay able June 1 to stockholders of record May 10. EMERSON HOUGH, NOTED U. S. AUTHOR, IS DEAD Chicago, April 30 tU. F.)—Emerson Rough, noted writer of stories deal ing with American frontier and pio neer life, died at the Evanston hos pital today. He was 66 years old. His two most widely known stories, “The Covered Wagon," and "North of 36," dealing with early life on the western plains, are netv attracting widespread attention... LEGISLATURE CUTS POWER OF GOVERNOR Nebraska Lawmakers Send Troublesome Civil Code Bill fro Executive—Veto Prob able—Session Near Finish. Lincoln. Neb.. April 30 (Special.)— Working under high pressure throughout Monday, the two houses of the legislature reached the stage where final adjournment Is believed I possible by Tuesday night. The joint committee on adjournment submitted a report fixing 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon as the hour to end the ses ! slon, but neither house adopted the report. Both houses passed the civil code administration bill, making elective state officers secretaries of the six code departments, they to choose their own deputies, Instead of center ing the power in the hands of the governor. The bill will go to the governor Tuesday morning. He al ready has announced he will veto It. The maintenance appropriation bill has been agreed to In conference and will be reported Tuesday. The house sent the general salaries bill to 8on ference because of the senate amend ment providing for salaries of code secretaries. ny a tie vote, the senate rerusea to bring up the bill repealing the tax on Intangible property. The senate passed the "treaty bill" relating to water rights between Colorado and Nebraska for use of water from the South Platte river. Senate and house adopted a reso lution asking the federal trade com mission to investigate the costs and profits of beet sugar manufacture and production of beets. The senate killed all senate bills in the hands of standing committees. The oil inspection bill was amend ed by the senate by fixing the fee for inspection at three cents a barrel, as favored by Governor Bryan. Governor Bryan Monday sifted the bill defining the boundaries of the state for the purpose of requiring payment of one half the tax on a bridge at Sioux City to the school district on the Nebraska side of the Missouri river, and also the bill re pealing a law which prohibits cities of from 5,000 to 25,000 from paying more than 25 cents a square for pub» lication of legal notices. NEBRASKA’S CAPITOL ARCHITECT RETAINED Resolution to Discharge Good* hue Defeated in House, ' 49 to 40. Lincoln, Neb., April 30 (Special).— The Nebraska house Monday de feated by a vote, 49 to 40, the resolu tion calling for the termination of the contract with Bertram G. Goodhue, New York architect, as supervisor of the new Nebraska cupltol. Party lfcies were not drawn in the vote, but considerable feeling was shown dur j ing the discussion of the resolution. ! O’Malley, of Greeley county, who op posed the resolution, censured For mer Engineer George Johnson, who preferred the charges agdinst Good hue. "The one man who is responsible for all this agitation,” he said, ! “stands back of the rail. His name Is Johnson.” Looking directly at the former en gineer, Mr. O’Malley said: "They would have you believe that members of the commission were not always on the Job. I would like to ask whether or not the secretary, paid member, was on the job. If he thought the people of Nebraska were being robbed, why did he not stay on the job?" USE DYNAMITE TO Blast Kills Woman In Ken tucky Tragedy — Jealousy Thought Motive — Three Children Escape Injury. Paducah, Ky , April 30 (A. P.)—Mrs. Rosetta Daugherty Warren, 34 years old. was Instantly killed early today . in a dynamite explosion which wrecked her home. Her three chil dren escaped injury. An arrest is ex pected. A woman is believed by the police to have planted the explosive. Au thorities attribute insane jealousy as the cause of the blast. The charge was placed at the cor ner of the front room directly under ttie bed on which Mrs. Warren slept. The three children who were asleep in an adjoining room miraculously escaped death. Mrs. Warren’s hus band was at work. With Mrs. War ren perished her unborn child. The blast shattered windows in houses in a block’s radius. S. D. BOY ACCIDENTALLY SHOOTS SELF, MAY DIE f Oldham, S. D., April 30 (Special).— De Waine Wilkenson, 17-year-old ' son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wilkenson, I farmer, six miles west of Oldham, ac cidentally shot himself through the Is l ight chest Friday, while cleaning a .22 caliber rifle. The youth was taken to a Madison, S. D., hospital where attending physi Qjans say he probably will die. Parents said the youth had been hunting during the afternoon and was cleaning the rifle in the house when it was discharged.