The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 03, 1923, Image 1

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The Frontier.
_ 3
Barrington Hall
Lettuce Celery
Cash Paid For Eggs
M -aidMHM—BBgffl imomti liUW.MBBi^HaSBaMaBSaaMMBHMaBMW—
I O’Neill, Nebraska J
Rev. Philley, of Ewing, was an
O’Neill visitor Tuesday.
Mrs. C. Devine, of Caliente, Nevada,
is the guest of Mrs. Robert Cook.
The checker club has taken up tem
porary headquarters at Eager’s store.
Woods Cones, prominent banker of
Pierce, Nebraska, was an O’Neill visi
tor Tuesday.
Superintendent Michael Grady of
Western Union, of Omaha, was an
/ O’Neiil visitor Thursday.
I The Methodist Ladies will hold a
' food sale at the public rest room Sat
urday afternoon, May 5.
County Agent Rose and Bryan
French, of Page, returned Sunday
from a business trip to Lincoln.
Group 6 of the Nebraska Bankers
association will meet at Wood Lake in
June, the exact date to be determined
Darrel A. Hoffman and Mildred J.
Anderson, both of Clearwater, were
' united in marriage by County Judge
Malone April 21.
Edward Barrett and Miss Dorothy
Vrooman, of Atkinson, were issued a
marriage license by Judge Malone
Tuesday, May 1.
Vance W. Johnson, of Brunswick,
and Miss Norma F. Chapman, of
Royal, were married by County Judge
C. J. Malone Api'il 21.
William Cosner and Miss Mae Yar
ges, both of Stuart, were united in
marriage by the Rev. E. L. Peterson,
of Atkinson, April 18.
The strip of norheastern Holt
county visited by hail last year con
tinues to show the effects of the storm
in the perhaps permanent injuries in
flicted on shade and fruit trees, a num
ber of which show no signs of budding
or leafing this spring.
Mrs. Ell Riley, of Inman, was call
ed to University Place, Nebr., Tues
day by announcement of the serious ill
ness of her daughter, Mildred.
Mr. Madison Henefin, of Meek, and
Miss Ethel Sanders, of Blackbird, were
united in marriage by County Judge
Malone, Wednesday, April 25.
Pete Curtis, who looks after the in
terests of the Hanford Produce com
pany along the Bonesteel line, spent
Saturday and Sunday at home.
William H. Bosworth, of Amelia,
and Miss Fannie Demary, of Blake,
were united in marriage by County
Judge Malone Saturday, April 28.
George Williams, prominent busi
ness man and capitalist of Albion, was
looking after his Holt county land in
terests Wednesday and Thursday.
Ewing Advocate: Our birth re
porter failed to mention last week the
arrival of a son at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. L. M. Trumbull, at Kyle,
South Dakota.
Judge Robert R. Dickson and Re
porter C. B. Scott will go to Spring
view Monday to convene the regular
jury term of the Keya Paha county
district court.
A special spring term of the Boyd
county district court, to try four per
sons charged with hog stealing, has
been called by Judge Robert R. Dick
son for May 14.
The Literary Department will hold
the next meeting on Wednesday, May
9th. The Last Act of Merchant of
Venice will be studied. Mrs. Clifford
Scott is the leader.
Martin F. Cronin received a card
from the Cotterill Sisters, at Los An
geles, Wednesday, stating that they
would be on the radio program broad
casted from K. H. J. Los Angeles, Sun
day evening, May 6, from 8 to 9.30 p.
m., and requesting O’Neill friends to
tune in.
To The Depositor
* they do depositors lose heavily. Why?
Because deposits in National Banks
are not guaranteed.
do depositors are paid in full. Why?
I Because deposits in State Banks are
protected by the Depositors Guarantee
Fund of the State of Nebraska.
OF O’NEILL is the only Bank in
O’Neill which offers you this pro
| tection.
| You will protect yourself and please
us by depositing your money with us.
5 per cent paid on time deposits.
Nebraska State Bank
of O’Neill, Nebraska |
^ '
The regular term of the Brown
county district court has been adjourn
ed by Judge Robert R. Dickson to some
time in June, owing to the prevalence
of scarlet fever at Ainsworth.
A delegation from the local Knights
of Columbus to attend the state con
vention to be held at Sidney, May 21
and 22. The delegation will leave for
Sidney Sunday evening, May 20.
Frederick Jederman, superintendent
of the Atkinson schools, pleaded guilty
in county court Wednesday to striking
Claire Hewett, of Atkinson, a minor,
on April 28, and was fined $1 and
Mr. Mathew L. Hynes, of Maple
Grove, and Miss Helen Rotherham, of
Amelia, were united in the holy bonds
of matrimony by the Reverend Father
Byrne, of Emmet, Wednesday, April
Mr. and Mrs. James F. O’Donnell
and J. B. Mellor returned Sunday from
a short visit at Omaha, driving
through the new Hudson coach re
cently purchased for the Rev. M. F.
A minor collision of two oil trains
at Neligh Monday evening delayed the
arrival of the Northwestern passenger
from the east several hours Monday
afternoon. Three oil cars were de
railed in the mix-up.
H. J. Hammond, J. P. Golden W. H.
Harty and H. J. Reardon have been
named as delegates from the Knights
of Columbus to attend the tate conven
tion to be held at Siney, May 21 and
22. The delegation will leave for Sid
ney Sunday evening, May 20.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Potter enter
tained Friday evening in honor of the
birthday anniversaries of their twin
granddaughters, Miss Muriel and Miss
Marguerite Bates. Refreshments, a
mock wedding ceremony and dancing
comprised the evening’s pleasures.
Clifford B. Scott left April 25th
for Kansas City to attend a meeting of
the executive committee of Sigma Phi
Epsilum fraternity, after which he
will go to Lawrence, Kansas, to assist
in initiating a new chapter of the fra
ternity. He will return home Friday
The O’Neill and Stuart high school
base ball teams will clash on the local
diamond Friday afternoon. The Stu
art team is one of the fastest school
teams in the county and last Saturday
defeated the Atkinson high by a score
of 11 to 5. They should give the home
boys a good battle.
Henry Grady returned Monday night
and Mrs. H. J. Hammond Tuesday
evening from Omaha, where they have
been in attendance at the bedside of
Miss Rose Grady, who was operated
upon for appendicitis last Thursday.
They report that Miss Grady is recov
ering nicely from the operation.
The board of directors of the O’Neill
Country club formally adopted the club
house plans prepared by Architect
Stitt, at a meeting Monday evening,
and also located the site of the new
club house immediately north and west
of the) present locker house. The con
tract for construction will be let with
in the next few weeks.
Long Pine Journal: Judge Robert
R. Dickson confirmed the sheriff’s sale
of the Long Pine Amusement Park th6
latter part of last week. By agree
ment of the parties concerned the sale
of W. F. Parker, of Wood Lake, was
confirmed and title then transferred
to P. E. Skillman and H. M. Culbert
son at the price bid by Mr. Parker.
E. N. Purcell of the Purcell Produce
company, returned Sunday from an ex
tended trip through western Nebraska
and South Dakota by auto. Heavy
snows in the Back Hills compelled the
abandonment of the trip at Newell, S.
D. An abundance of mosture makes
prospects for crops exceedingly bright
in the western section, says Mr. Pur
Former State Treasurer L. W. Brian
of Lincoln, who for several years has
been in chage of the state hail insur
ance department, was an O’Neill visi
tor Tuesday night and Wednesday.
Mr. Brian, who now looks after the
hail insurance departments of several
insurance companies, is engaged in a
tour by auto of north Nebraska
On Saturday, May 5th, at 3 o’clock
p. m. the O’Neill Woman’s Club will
give a social and reception in honor of
the District President, Mrs. Acker
man, who will be a guest of the club
on that day. The program will be in
charge of the Entertainment Com
mittee. Mrs. T. J. Wilburn, past dis
trict president, will also be a guest.
Members of the club are requested to
be present.
Mike Kirwan recently received an
order from a Central City sportsman
for four “Bad Eggs” baits and sent
him a white one, a red one, a yellow
one and a silver one. Back came the
three colored ones with a curt letter
from tha Central City man requesting
three more white baits for them. “The
bass down here prefer the natural
colored eggs,” said the accompanying
letter. “They are not used to Easter
Jack Higgins and several others are
engaged in the organization and train
ing of a baseball team for O’Neill and
from the promising looks of material
turning out for practic the team is go
ing to be a winner. It has been sev
eral years since O’Neill has enjoyed
the distinction of a first class ball
tearti. The success of a team depends
upon the support, moral and other
wise, given it by the home folks. Mon
day night a dance is going to be
given at the K. C. hall for the benefit
of the team, with Col. Ted Cooper’s ag
gregation of jazz maniacs furnishing
the atmospheric disturbance. A good
way to show that you are a booster
and are desirous of seeing a good ball
team in O’Neill is to buy a ticket
whether you dance or not.
Until Decora
tion Day. I am
selling at Cost
until that date
all my Granite
Come and get
a Bargain.
]>. Stannard
All officers and other appointees of
the city administration were renamed
at the re-organization of the city
council Tuesday evening. Mayor Gil
ligan announced the re-appointment of
the old standing committees and the
chairman of each committee was au
thorized to select assistants where
necessary. T. F. Birmingham was re
elected president of the council. The
Frontier was selected as the official
newspaper for the ensuing year
With a total rainfall since April 1st
up to and including Tuesday night,
May 1, of 3.23 inches Holt county farm
lands and hay meadows received the
most thorough spring soaking of sev
eral years and a sufficiency of moisture
in the subsoil is assured to carry
young crops well up into June is as
sured. The rainfall of Monday night
and Tuesday, according to the govern
ment rain gauge at the court house,
amounted to 1.18inches, which with the
previous precipitation of 2.2F< inches
since April 1st makes the totla of 3.23
Ainsworth Democrat: John J.
Wood, of Ewing, last week purchased
the George Niles Hofeldt lake ranch.
The deal was made through Smith &
Chappel. In the deal Mr. Niies gets
property in the vicinity of Ewing and
Neligh. The Niles ranch consists of
3,200 acres. Mr. Wood js not a stran
ger in this section, having at one time
owned the Henneman ranch, and sold
the same to Theodore Serck. The
Niles ranch is leased this year, but
Mr. Woods plans to take personal
charge next year, and to engage in
cattle raising, and will embark in the
raising of pure bred Hereford::.
Fourteen friends assisted Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Ennis in celebrating their
thirtieth wedding anniversary at the
Ennis residence Monday evening of
this week. Following a bounteous
dinner games were indulged in until
a late hour. Mr. and Mrs. Ennis were
presented a beautiful cut glass dish
and numerous other remembrances of
the occasion. Those present were Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Hancock, Mr. and
Mrs. L. G. Gillespie, the Reverend J.
A. Hutchins and Mrs. Hutchins, Miss
Lilah Stukenholtz, Miss Vivian Ward,
Miss Georgetta Coon, Miss Spalding,
Miss Esther Pine, Mrs. F. B. Pine, Mr.
Ralph Baker and Mr. Geroge Agnes.
Neligh, Neb., April 30.—Oscar An
derson, a farmer, residing just over
the county line in Holt county, was ar
rested by Sheriff Sutton in Clearwater
on the charge of selling and having
liquor in his possession. Anderson was
brought before County Judge J. Q. In
gram and sentenced to ninety days in
jail and his car was ordered confisca
ted. The defendant had six gallons ox
moonshine in his possession at the
time of his arrest. This was in his
second offense, that being the reason of
the stiff sentence.
George Harrington broke all records
for spring fishing last Thursday after
noon, when after appearing as attor
ney in a case at Ainsworth Thursday
morning he drove out to Enders lake
with a companion and caught some
sixteen large and juicy bass. He also
got a big flock of perch, but threw
them back as too common after the
tussle with the bass. The bass ranged
around four pounds, more or less. The
big catch was made practically from
the shore, no boats being used. It
was Mr. Harrington’s first extensive
experience with a casting rod and re
sulted in his immediate decision to
order an outfit. In the mean time he
is taking casting lessons of Ira Moss.
The county high school baseball
tournament, in which teams from each
of the high schools of the seven towns
of the county are entered, began last
week. It will conclude at O’Neill, May
18, when the two surviving teams meet
at the field day exercises for the cham
pionship of the county. In the open
ing games last week Stuart defeated
Atkinson, at Atkinson; Ewing defeat
ed Page, at Page; Chambers won from
Inman, at Chambers, by default and
O’Neill drew a bye. Friday O’Neill
meets Stuart on the local diamond and
Ewing plays Chambers at Ewing. The
winners of these two games play off
at O’Neill on May 18. 'The players
working out for the O’Neill team are
George Hanley, Richard Morri' on, Mc
Kinley Simonson, Ralph Mellor, Joe
Beha, Merle Hatsh, Donald Enright,
Mkurice Downey, Leslie Uhl, Henry
Pison, Merle Hunt, Warren Hall.
Norma Talmadcje
and Conway Teaile ;>*
The Eternal Flame"
Sunday and Monday
May 6 and 7
Jewelry’, Silver and Clothing Valued
At $3,000 Taken As Girl
Had Guileless Manner.
A housemaid whose guileness manner
won the confidence of her employers in
less than two hours, disappeared sim
ultaneously with more than $3,000
worth of clothing and jewelry from
the home of Arthur F. Mullen, attor
ney, 715 North Thirty-sixth street,
yesterday during the absence of the
The loot included much of the ward
rode of Mrs. Mullen, a small amount
of jewelry, two leather bags, a piece
of glass from the Rheims cathedral,
valued highly as an heirloom, and
silverware. The robbery was commit
ted during the hours of 12 p. m. and
2:03 p. m.
The maid, now being sought by
police, had answered an advertise
ment inserted in a newspaper Satur
day. She furnished references from
Carroll, Iowa, and presented a satis
factory appearance. She was hired
and started work at 10 a. m. Monday.
Mrs. Mullen and her son, Arthur, left
the home two hours later.
Precautions taken by Mrs. Mullen
in hiding her valuable jewelry saved
them, the son said last night. The
house was not in disorder and showed
systematic tactics had been employed.
Police could obtain no witness who
saw the maid depart.
Mrs. Ben Winchell received word
last Thursday of the death of her sis
ter, Mrs. Frank Charles, formerly of
Chambers, at the home of a daughter
at Upton, Wyoming. Mrs. Winchell
left Saturday for Omaha, to meet the
funeral party enroute to Auburn,
Iowa, where interment was made.
Mrs. ,Paul Green Alleges Husband
“Maintained Familiar, Improper,
and Immoral Relations With
Various Women.”
(Lincoln Journal.)
Mrs. Ruth Green filed petition in
district court Wednesday afternoon
against Paul Green, church evangel
ist, asking a divorce on alleged
grounds of extreme cruelty and al
leged failure for the past two years
to support her. Mr. and Mrs. Green
were married January 27, 1918, in
Kansas, the petition states, and have
two children, of whom the mother asks
custody. It is alleged in the petition
that the husband '“has maintained fa
miliar, improper and immoral relations
with various women whose names the
plaintiff is unable to state, and has
conducted clandestine and familiar cor
respondence with various women.”
It is also charged in the petition
that prior to the birth of one of their
children, the husband informed his
wife that he had no love for her or
the expected child.
The petition states: “In his occupa
tion of church evangelist in Ne
braska, he has persisted over the ob
jections of his wife in associating with
himself and in seeking the society of
various women in preference to his
wife and in refusing to permit his wife
to accompany him in connection with
his work as an evangelist.”
The wife askes absolute divorce, cus
tody of the two children, and a re
straining order from the court prohib
iting Mr. Green from selling any of
the family household goods, or mo
lesting the plaintiff and the children.
Announcement of the marriage, in
March, of Ray J. McBride, of Butte,
Montana, formerly of O'Neill, and
Miss Helen Hoagland, of Billings,
Montana, has been received by O'Neill