The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 29, 1923, Image 7

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    After Every Meal
Chew your food
well, then use
aid digestion.
It also keeps
the teeth clean,
breath sweet,
appetite keen.
The Great American
lion pau
| ,7Itore but
‘ &et more
') B5audealers
can tell you anything yoi 1
want to know. There’s the
right book for every mood
and need. Write for Free
booklet describing the lat
est books, or tell us whal
subjects interest you.
New Fiction loaned
at moderate rates
The Mail Library Service
M W«t Mth St. ... NEW YORK j
RemoTC* Danara tt -R tnpsH at r Fall in*
Restores Color and
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair
and $1.00 at Ifrurclvta.
ftlsnox ^ cm. Wfes. Patchop ur. N. Y.
HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Cal
louses. etc., stops all pain, ensures comfort to t!:s
feet, makes walking eaer. l*<j. by mail or at Drue*
rifts. Hisoox Chemical Works, Patcbosrue.N. T
--/ ..
SIOUX CITY PTG. CO., NO. 13-1923
Cutting through the alley the late
worker figured that he could just
about reach the front door of the caff
before they closed. And, as he passed,
he noticed a waiter coining to the al
ley door with a platter of remnant
toast. He made the front door. They
were not overglad to see him, but took
his order. He asked for a club sand
Tlie waiter plodded to the rear, and
pretty soon the customer heard the
cook growling: “Say, where did you
throw that toast?”
Chatterboxes hold nothing hut noise.
“Hair Groom” Keeps Hair
Keeps Haif
— I 1^ ’V
.Millions Use It—Fine for Hsiri—Not
3ticky, Greasy or Smelly.
A few cents buys a jar of ‘‘Hair
Groom” at any drug store. Even stub-'
born, unruly or shampooed hair stays
combed all day In any style you like.
“Hair-Groom” la a dignified combing
cream which gives that natural gloss
and well-groomed effect to your hair—
that final touch to good dress both lr
business and on social occasions.
| Greaseless, stainless ‘‘Hair-Groom”
does not show on the hair because 11
.Its absorbed by the scalp, therefore
your hail* remains so soft and pliable
and so natural that no one can poe
•ibiy tell you used It.
Miss Abigail Harding, of
Marion, 0., Looks Over
Sights of Greenwich.
Universal Service Correspondent.
New York, March 23.—“I enjoyed it
very much. It was just lovely-”
Miss Abigail V. Harding, sister of
President Harding, Friday thus
described her reaction to a “slumming
party” to Greenwich Village.
People front Winsted, Conn.; Koko
mo, Ind.; bum, Mich., and every
where, visit the sawdust inn in the
village when they come to the big
town, And when Miss Harding and
her party dropped in Thursday night
it caused no stir, until a man whis
pered to Manager Crosby;
"That's President Harding’s sister."
After that things warmed up at the
inn. Dick Anderson put a lot more
soul into his rendition of “The Rose
of Picardy,” and judging by the
hearty handclapping of Miss Harding
the song made a big hit with her.
Poll of National Committee- J
men Shows Almost Unani- |
mous Sentiment for Re
United Prees Staff Correspondent.
(Copyright, 1923, United Press.)
Washington, March 23.—Republi
can political leaders throughout the
country are virtually unanimous for
the renomination of President Hard
ing, a poll of the republican national
committee by the United Press show
ed Friday.
Every reply received in response
to a request for comment on Mr.
Harding’s candidacy, as announced
by Attorney General Daugherty,
brought a prediction that the presi
dent will be renominated, with little
opposition. likewise the committee
men made optimistic prophecies as
to his chances for re-election. Many
stated that delegations from their
states would be solidly pi* dged to
Mr. Harding and the people of their
states strongly favored his can
The president has the strong sup
port of committeemen from the
thickly populated states with their
big blocks of votes.
Among these are Secretary of War
Weeks, of Massachusetts; Senator
Pepper, of Pennsylvania; Charles D.
Hilles, of New York, and R. K. Hyn
icka, of Ohio.
Some of the committeemen could
not be reached, due to their absence
from the country. No reply was re
ceived from Senator LaFollette’s state
of Wisconsin.
Some of Views Offered.
Among the views of these political
leaders, representing all sections of
the country, the following are typi
cal :
Maine—Guy P. Gannett, after a
conference with the president at Mi
ami wired: «
’’I am confident no opposition will
arise in Maine to giving President
Harding an unqualified endorsement
for renomination. Those western
states which just now are Inclined
toward socialism have no sympathetic
response in Maine. We have our par
lor bolshevists, to be sure, but they
are lonely.”
New Hampshire—F. W. Estabrook:
‘‘I have no doubt that the voters of
this state will send to the next con
vention a solid delegation in Presi
dent Harding’s favor."
Missouri "Solid,” He Says.
Missouri—J. L. Babler: "Missouri
republicans are solidly for renomina
tion of President Harding. We feel
that President Harding entered upon
his duties when the country was in
a serious situation and that we are
now emerging from chaos into an era
of commercial prosperity.”
Minnesota—-I. A. Caswell: "I am
firmly of the opinion that the Minne
sota delegation will support Mr.
Harding and that he will be re
Arkansas—H. L. Remmerll: “The
republicans of Arkansas are perfectly
unanimous for the renomination of
President, and believe he will
be triumphantly re-elected on the rec
ord of his administration.”
West Virginia, Too.
West Virginia—Virgil L. Highland:
”1 believe the people of West Virginia
■ re in favor of the renomination and
re-election of President Harding Our
people are beginning to realize fully
the accomplishments of his adminis
Wyoming—Pat Sullivan: ”1 am
sure that the people of all the Rocky
Mountain states feel that It would be
unfortunate and deplorable If the peo
ple should fall to renominate and re
elect one who has accomplished so
much in such a short .period of time,
and brought prosperity and order out
of chaos.”
Dubuque, la., March 23 (Special).
— Capt. R. H. Trombley, 76 years old,
a pilot on Mississippi river steam- |
boats for 40 years, was drowned in
the river here late Friday afternoon.
He recently suffered a nervous break
down. No one saw the drowning.
Universal Service.
Ixjndon, March 23.—The Pr-ince of
Wales Friday night attended the ball
of the American Legion In London.
The prince was given a big reception
by the 3,000 guests.
He was Introduced by Ambassador
Harvey to Mrs. Chandler Cobb, wife
of the assistant secretary of the em
bassy, and danced a fox trot with
“I had a wonderful time," t" t
prince said.
White Haired Couple At
tempted to Protect Hidden
Savings, Mudloff Testifies at
Trial of George Cooiey.
Tyndall, S. IX. March 2.1 (Special.)
—Selection of a Jury to hear the trial
of George Cooley, charged with slay
ing Mrs. John Mudloff. of Tabor, was
completed at 2:15 o'clock Friday aft
ernoon. The jury is composed of nine
Bon Homme county fanners and
three business men.
Impanelling of the Jury was slow
work. Attorneys for the prosecution
and defense exercised great care in
selecting the veniremen. The case
was so thoroughly aired in news
papers that most of those drawn had
made some comment on the case.
Completing the jury tok up three
Aged Husband Testifies.
The trial got under way in earnest
Immediately after the last juror had
beeD sworn. Attorneys made their
opening statements late Friday, and
first witnesses were heard. Testi
mony, similar to that offered at Coo
ley’s preliminary hearing, was of
John Mudloff, 74 years old, white
haired husband of the slain woman,
dramatically told the jury how his
wife was murdered before his eyes
the night of January 26.
Broken in health and trembling
with revived memories of the night
of terror, the aged man told how the
bandit trio drove up near the
Mudloff farm home in an automobile.
He described how two of the men
stationed themselves at the front and
rear doors of the home.
Grappled With Bandit,
The third, he said, entered. He
sobbed when he told of how Mrs.
Mudloff grappled with the bandit
when he demanded money. Then he
broke down completely while telling
how the bandit fired the buHet that
crashed through his wife's head.
He said the robbers were seeking
the $18,000 savings secreted under the
floor in his home.
J. W. Jarman, Sioux City youth,
held in jail here pending trial, was
captured in the attic of the Mudloff
home following the shooting.
Several other witnesses testified
for the prosecution. The court room
was crowded. Intense interest is be
ing shown In the case. Farmers for
miles around are flocking here to
near the trial.
Attorneys said Friday night they
hoped to have nearly all evidence in
troduced by Saturday night.
List of Jurymen.
Judge R. B. Tripp, presiding, ad
journed court at 6 o’clock Friday
night. It will reconvene at 9 o’clock
.Jaturday morning. •
Those serving on the Jury are J.
W. Hruska, of Tabor; Frank Marek,
♦if Avon; E. O. Snowden, of Spring
field; W. J. Brown, of Scotland;
John Hack, Jr., of Tyndall; G. W.
Eggers, of Tyndall; MIL* of
Tyndall; G. Hertz, of Scotland; Jo*
Schmidt, of Scotland; John Kuerna,
or Tabor; Chris Freese, of Tyndall,
and Joseph Valaska, of Tyndall.
Premier Poincare Ridicules
Communist Leader Who
Made Statement He Con
trolled French Leader.
Paris, March 23 (A. P.)—Premier
Poincare, angered by communist In
sinuations that he was controlled by
the Deputy Leon Dedaut, the royalist
leader, started a scene of wild dis
order when in open session of the
Chamber today, he called Communist
Deput Andre Berthon an ‘‘abominable
The chamber immediately went
wild, while deputies hammered their
desks and the ushers ran about try
ing to restore order. The presiding
Officer vainly rang his hell for a
quarter of an hour to get a hearing
and calm the chamber down.
“That man, shouted M. Poincare,
pointing at Deputy Berthon, “dared
to say he had against me and mine
■rvidence I feared would be published.
“He lied when he said it,” the pre
ttier angrily ejaculated, and the
deputies, most of whom had not heard
JM. Berthon’s accusation, Jumped to
their feet, all of them with the excep
tion of the communists and a few of
the radicals, cheering Poincare madly.
Mt. r-niil, Minn., March 23 (A. P.) —
A proclamation calling on the people
\ of Minnesota to eat more wheat and
thus consume the surplus which h<
•aid is the cause of present low whi.i
prices, was issued today by Gov. J.
O. Preus.
I/ondon, March 23 (A. P.)—The
house of lords Thursday night agreed
to a motion offered by Lord Newton
In favor of reducing the membership
of the house. Lord Newton urged
that the house was double the sir.e
of any other second chamber in the
world, and that a large number of the
members were always more likely to
be found on the raca courses than in
the upper chamber and the bulk of
the talking was done by some SO or 60
Bit* From an English Play.
“I might he induced to marry again
If 1 could find a man to induce me."
"I think marrying again is such n
nice compliment to one's first hus
"We women rt'»'ier like* selfish men.
They give us a chance of sacrificing
“There ere times when all nice men
regard all nice women (-.s their mot ti
ers. After a good dinner is one of
them."—Host on Transcript.
Wa*eh Cuticura Improve Your Skin.
On rising and retiring gently smear
tiie face with Cuticura Ointment.
Wash off Ointment in five minutes
with Cuticura Soap and hot water. It
is wonderful what Cuticura will do
for poor complexions, dandruff, itching
md red, rough hands.—Advertisement.
The Cold Truth.
There's nothing so pal both about
Jacob working 1 i years for his wife.
Many men put in*u lifetime at it.—-Ex
Don’t call agin an a fool—he may lie
foolish enough to fight.
Good brendmaU.^
JL UnlULA. everywhere prefer it
Every ten-year-old
girl should learn
how to make good
bread. It should be
the starting point in
her home cookery
Send for free booklet
“The Art of Baking Bread”
Northwestern Yeast Co.
1730 N. Ashland Avc., Chicago
Gives Charming New Shade to Old Lingerie
PUTNAM FADELESS DYES—dyes or tints as you wish
Real happiness is cheap enough, yet I
how dearly we pay for its counterfeit, j
do what we claim for It—rid your system
of Catarrh or Deafness caused* by
sists of an Ointment which Quickly
Relieves the catarrhal inflammation, and
the Internal Medicine, a Tonic, which
acts through the Blood on the Mucous
Surfaces, thus assisting to restore nor
mal conditions.
Sold by druggists for over 40 Tears.
F. J. Cheney ,& Co., Toledo, O.
As a general t.iing, the boss of the
house is the one who can be most d-!s
Important to Mothors
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTORIA, that famous old remedy
for Infants and children, and see that It
Bears the
Signature of
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
Hawaiian Natives Found It Practical
ly Impossible to Translate “Roose
velt" Into Their Language.
The village of Roosevelt hits
changed its name back to I’ukoo. Not
many persons, probably, know where
this village i«. It is situated in a a
obscure corner of one of the Hawaiian
islands, and some years ago it bad
as one of Its residents a Dr. E. S.
Goodhue, who was anxious that the
name of the famous president should
never die out of this section of Ameri
can territory. So he got up a petition
to the postmaster general at Wash
ington, asking that the original name
of the vill.'.ge should ho altered, as
far as the mail was concerned, to
The request was granted, but the
new name bothered the natives ter
ribly. They have no “r” or "s" or "t”
In their alphabet, and the nearest
Hawaiian equivalent to Roosevelt
turns out to lie Luklwekl. So they
sent a second petition, in which they
stated that they were deceived into
signing the first, and asked that the
native name of the village lie restored.
The petition lias been granted.
Pc-rsonal Eulogy.
Ivriss—Does Stuckup believe in a
supreme being?
Kross—You would think so if you
beard him singing his own praise.—
New York Sun.
A man’s good opinion of himself Is
the real tiling.
SK your local dealer to rec
ommend a practical dec
orator. If you are unable to
secure one you can do the work
yourself, tinting and stenciling
your walls to give beautiful results.
Instead ofKalsomine or Wall Paper
Buy Alabastir'- from vour local dealer, white and a variety of tints.
ready to mix wit! cold water atld apply with a suitable brush.
Each package h.< ti.e cross and circle printed in red. By inter
mixing Alabastr z t> von can accurately match draperies and
rugs and obtain individual treatment of each room.
NtEDt»Y»WlV |
IVrite for special suggestions and
latest color combinations
>647 GraadriHe Art. Grand Rapids, Midu
Almost a Monopoly.
“In the United States.” remarked |
the man who can remember figures,
“there are 12,357,000 motorcars, ac
cording to the automotive division of |
the federal Department ot‘ Commerce.
Do you realize what that means? I’ve
done a little figuring and I ascertained
that it means that out of every six
motorcars operated in the world five
of them are to he found within the
United States of America. The world's
motorcars total 14,622,000. About
2,000,000 of this number are trucks.
In Europe, according to the same au
thority, motorcycles, without side cars,
are taking the place of the lew-priced
car. Over there are more than 080,000
motorcycles, about three times as many
us are registered in this country.
Smoke Bombs as Signals.
Long Reach, California, life savers
send up a smoke bomb when about to
make a rescue, and need assistance.
It lias been proved that a boat can
approach a bather In distress more
safely and rapidly from the seaside
than If It were to start from shore
through the breakers. The smoke
bomb is the signal for the boat to
leave Immediately for the scene.
A gossip that tells the truth does
the most damage.
Hair Gray?
Mary T. Goldman'n Hair Color Restorer
raatoren the orlglnai color. Write for fr*m
trial bottle—tent It on one lock of hair*
State color of your hair. Addreas Mary T.
Goldman. 144C Goldman Building, St. PauL
Observed Time Limit.
We were to huve out-of-town guests
for dinner.
I hud no sulad forks, so I borrowed
some front a neighbor. I cautioueC
my young son to say nothing about
them during tlie meal.
He didn’t, but just as we finished
lie picked up several of (hem and saii^
“Well, l guess we’d better take then**
homo now.”—Exchange. *
Knew Her Mother.
"And s'.all I speak to your fathtft
dearest ?”
"Yes, but for goodness’ snkfc, do*T{
say n word to mot her.”
“Why not?’’
“Because we don’t want the ongagw
meat made public for two or tbret
days yet.”—Boston Transcript.
Bad break.
"Toni says bis heart is broken. 1
refused him.” “Why so did I." “TLe»
It’s n compound fracture.”
ust think what .
you’ve been missing/
MANY people deny themselves the comfort
of a hot drink with meals, because they
find coffee and tea detrimental to health. For
many, the drug element in coffee and tea irritates
the nerves, retards digestion and often prevents
natural, restful sleep.
If this fits your case, try Postum. This pure
cereal beverage supplies all the pleasure and
satisfaction that a hot mealtime drink can give—
Invigorating warmth, fine aroma and' delicious
flavor. And you can enjoy it in the full assurance
that it cannot harm health.
Postum for health
“There’s a Reason”
Ybor grocer Mila Ptetum in twoforma: Instant
Pee turn (in tins) prepared instantly in the cup
by the addition of boiling water. Poetum
Cereal (in packages) for those who prefer to
make the drink while the meal ie being pre
pared; made by bailing fully 20 minutes.
Made by
Prnto Cereal Ca, Ine., Battle Creek, Mich.