The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 01, 1923, Image 6

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Editor and Business Managar.
"The producers’ great need Is not
JYouse bills nor Senate bills, but
bills of lading principally t. o. b. Eu- j
rope," says The Annalist. When
the country awakens to the fact that
there is no magic in congressional
bills, and that restoration of solid
prosperity means the restoration of
Europe, a lot of politicians who hava
been masking in frock coats as
statesmen are going to be looking
for Jobs.
In moving his desk out into the
reception room and putting over the
door a large sign, "Governor’s Of
fice—Walk Right In,’’ Governor Pin
chot of Pennsylvania lays h'tnsell
open to the suspicion that he is
grandstanding. A governor can be
both a capable and accessible execu
tive without that sort of thing.
James M. Cox, democratic presl
dential candidate in 1920, Is blading
■gain for the political spotlight, Tha
American public is hoping that the
next presidential election will pre
sent candidates, on both of the ma
jor party tickets, of a somewhat
higher caliber than last.
While It Is impossible to predict
the Immediate outcome of the pas
eive war with which Germany is
meeting French aggression, ona
thing lS certain; and that Is that
events overseas are at least breed
ing a scab for future generations.
Governor Bryan, of Nebraska,
starts well by slashing the budget.
In reducing the appropriation for tha
state railway commission 40 pel
cent, he displays especially good
Judgment, for, ag he says, It has loaf
power over railroad rates.
Canadian scientists have succeeded
In transforming helium gas Into a li
quid, as steam changes Into water un
der low temperature. Helium gas now
produced for 10 cents a cubic foot,
cost $1,500 a foot recently. This in
terests you, for soon you may sail
across the ocean to Europe, held up |
In the air by that helium gas. It has
92 per cent, of the lifting power of hy
drogen gas, doesn't burn and doesn’t '
In 1922 smelter* in this country
produced 981,000,000 pound* of eop
o per, nearly double the output of 1921
and a good sign for everybody. One
line prospers and others get better.
This country needs educating as to
the value of copper, tas it does con
cerning the value of cement. Copper
and cement combined ought to make
the nation's buildings rat proof, sav
ing hundreds of millions In money
and starving out disease carriers.
t The big automobile exhibition in
New York finds the public crowding
!n, buying in the old fashioned way.
Another good sign for all the people.
Worry about your baby when It
atopH wriggling Us little arms and
legs. Worry about national prosperity
when the people stop spending their
money. Stagnation is death.
The funeral procession la London of
"Fanny the Ludgate Hill 'flower girl"
tied up traffic in Fleet street Wednes
day. Lighted torches guided the way
through one of the heaviest fogs Lon
don recalls. The hearse was- heaped
high with floral tributes, topped by the
empty flower basket used by Fanny,
who sold posies to the high and low!
While the body was In state, Fannie's
Weary of complaints from women, a
Janitor In a fashionable apartment In
Dhltadelphla took poison. *T took
enotigh poison t0 ki“ io men,” he told
the pdiee. "These women are enough
to driVe any man to suicide. One rushes
down and raise* the devil became she
says her apartment Is cold. Next min
ute another claims her rooms are hot
enough to roast beef. I want to end it
Indications point to a continuation of
the building boom throughout the coun
try this spring. Sales of fabricated
structural steel took an upward swfng In
December, the census bureau announces.
.carrying the years estimated sales to
L929.M0 tons, or 61.3 per cent, of the shop
production capacity. Sales exceeded
those of 1921 liy almost a million tons
and wpre the highest In the last 10
"Anyone who claims to be a survivor
of Custer's last stand at the Little
Big Horn, Montana. Is a liar," Joseph T.
Hill, of Menasha. WIs.. survivor of the
old Seventh United States cavalry, told
Wisconsin National guardsmen at a
gathering. Hill was on scout duty near
the Little Big Horn, the scene of the
battle, and says that the only living sur
vivor of that massacre was a lone horse,
which was found riderless, and quietly
grastng along the banks of the river.
Sharps Island Is the latest bit of Mary
land terrain to be chronicled as doing
a disappearing act. This island, stand
ing at the mouth of the Choptank river,
unprotected from the action of the cur
rent and the washing of the Chesapeake,
has diminished 88 per cent, in three
quarters of a century. The bouses have
been washed away, except for the large
hotel, whiqjt stands alone in tho center
of the Island, a crumbling monument to
the activity of other day*. In addition
to being a summer resort, the Island was
noted as a good hunting ground for
ducks anti small game.
Jewish reconstruction problems will be
discussed at a conference Of middle west
and Pacific coast kaders at Denver
March 6 and 7. About 5()0 delegates are
expected. 4
The American Indian as a race Is not
dying out. A slight increase compared
to a year ago is shown in the -census.
A year ago there was 310,838, and now
they number 310,817.
A mongrel dog found a new home with
a family In Kenosha, Wis. He soon lost
It after making a meal of $50 in bills he
found on a table.
Mine. Jerftza of the Metropolitan opera
company has established a aclilorahtp
for American girl singers In Paris, In
honor of the recognition she lias re
ceived from fhe American public. Tha
first holder la Miss Susan Steel, of New
Shoes can now *" polished by elec
tricity. The entire p wess Is performed
without hands by an Ingenious machine.
In which the dropping of a coin in the
•lot starts the dusting of the shoes, ap
plying of polish, brush* ig to a shine and
gubing with cl* t t eattnllke finish.
American Born Youths Ask
Guardian in Nebraska to
Secure Their Trans
portation to U. S.
Elgin, Neb., Jan, 29 (Special).—
Three American born youths, John,
Eddie and Leo Lampman, are eager
to return to America from Germany
where they were taken by their moth
ers before the war. The boys, who are
19, 18 and 14, have no means of de
rfaylng the expenses of the trip and
their guardian Willis McBride, has
been given permission by County
Judge Ingram to draw the money
from their share of their father's es
tate for their transportation.
Mrs. Lampman originally went to
Germany to vlsll her old home. She
was unable to cothe home on account
of the war and finally married a Ger
man subject. Th« youths are anxious
to return because 1? they do not come
soon thye will automatically lose their
citizenship here at'tl become subjects
of Germany.
Friend, Neb., Jnn. 29 (Special).—
Botulism has appeared among the
stock on the farm of Peter VojV*.
Four horses and 20 hogs have died.
The disease, is spread by grain or
forage feeds. It is thought it affected
the Vojta stock through oats. Spar
rows in the barnyard which ate the
oats with the stock also fell dead in
Valentine, Neb., Jan. 29 (Special).—
J. K. Nye was found dead in bed and
Mrs. Nye was unconscious as a re
sult of gaB from a base burner. They
were discovered by a granddaughter,
Almira Bachelor, The wife is in a
serious condition. Nye was the fath
erinlaw of John H. Bachelor, who was
recently sued for $100,000 for breach
of promise.
Randolphm, Neb., Jan. 29 (Special).
—The Randolph Cbmmercial club di
rectors held their Annual election last
week electing the following officers:
Chas. Peaslnger, president; Wm.
Eike, secretary; August Obert, treas
urer; Dr. Gleason, vice president.
Committees on membership, roads,
publicity, entertainment and closing
were appointed. Randolph has over
200 members of her Commercial club.
Webb, la., Man Held at Storm
Lake on Oomplaint of Mrs.
Gus Erickson, of
Albert City.
Storm Lake, la., Jan. 27 (Special.)
—Art Mossengren. of Webb, la., was
arrested this week by Sheriff Hoff
man for threatening to shoot Mrs.
Gus Erickson, of near Albert City, and
was lodged in Jail here.
Mossengren had been spending
BOine time at the John*’Jackobartz
place which is just a short distance
from the Erickson home, located two
miles west and two miles north of
Albert City. It is alleged that he oc
cupied most of hiR time shooting
chickens at the Erickson place, and
taking them tp the Jackobartz home.
Mrs. Erickson stated that ho ap
peared Wednesday under the influ
ence of liquor and started shooting
at the chickens and through the barn.
She asked him to stop, and he
threatened to shoot her unless she
went into the house. She notilied
the officials and Mossengren was
brought here. He is about 43 years
Storm Lake, la., Jan. 27 (i|peclal.)
—Mr. Everett Walker, well known
young business man of this city, and
Miss Madeline Meltvedt who is con
nected with the Lorryane Beauty
Shoppe here, were married at Sioux
City. Thursday, January 25. The
groom took a leading part with
Sweet’s show for several years, and
is well known in this part of the
country. He in a member of the
Rotary olhb, the Commercial club and
several fraternal orders. The bride
is & graduate of the Paullina high
school, and from Northwestern uni
versity, where she took a nurse's
training course. She has been con
nected with the Beauty Shoppe here
the past year.
Storm Lake. Ia„ inn. 27 (Special.)
—Sheriff M. N. Hoffman went to
Chicago last Thursday and brought
hack Martin Wrigh> on the charge of
wife desertion, on information filed
by the county attorne?. Wright was
taken before Justice of the Peace
C. F. Aiken where he pleaded not
guilty and was hound over to the
grand Jury under 3400 bonds, which
were furnished.
Storm Lake,. Ia., Jan. 29 (Special.)
—Fourteen applications for citixen
shlp papers have been filed with the
clerk of the district court for April,
1923, term. Eight of these applica
tions are continuances from the Sep
tember term. Five are natives of
Denmark, five are from Sweden, one
from Germany, one from Holland,
one from Austria and one from Ire
Animal Husbandry Specialists
Says Nebraska Can't Afford
to Abandon Fight on
H. R. Smith, formerly the head of the
animal husbandry department of kite
state, agricultural college, but now
commissioner for the National Live
stock Kxchange, In charge of the edu
cational work In tuberculosis eradi
cation at all markets, expresses as
tonishment over the action of Gov.
C. W. Bryan In cutting out the appro
priation for tuberculosis eradication.
"f was dumbfounded when I re
turned to Lincoln to 'earn that Gov
ernor Bryan had recommended that
the item of $285,000 for tuberculosis
eradication be eliminated from the
budget,” said Mr. Smith. .
“This work is of more importance
to the people of Nebraska than any
• project undertaken in the department
of agriculture or any other depart
ment. It is for the purpose of eltml
nating the w'hite plague among cat
tle, hogs and poultry, a disease that
is costing the farmers of the state
more than $1,000,000 a year on meat
condemned and animals that die from
the ravages of tuberculosis. A na
tionwide campaign has been in prog
ress for the past five years to stamp
out tuberculosis in livestock. The
prosperity of Nebraska is dependent
more upon livestock than any othei
industry. Tuberculosis is slowly b.uf
surely undermining industry. Tin.
. Nebraska farm organizations . have
passed resolutions during the past
year urging that tli'e sum of $285,(100*
be appropriated for the destruction of
the plague.
"I have come into personal contact
with homes where children have con
tracted tuberculosis from infected
milk, many of them terminating fa
tally. No state has made greater
progress along this line than Nebras
ka on the fund«g available during the
past 12 months. It would be nothing
short of criminal action to discon
tinue it and much that has already
been done would be undone."
Governor Bryan has announced that
he 1b opposed to the bill introduced
by the state bankers which provides
for a comission of nine made up of
bankers from nine districts created
in the state. This will have its own
corps of examiners and is given the
right to take over failed banka.
Governor Bryan says that the prin
ciple Is wrong in that it assumes that
the guaranty fundi belongs to the
bankers, whereas it is the property of
the depositors. He objects to -the
state delegating its power to a com
mission of nine individuals.
Other new bills in the senate in
clude a new income tax bill by
Thelen which defines who is exempt
and fixes a graduated scale; one giv
ing a person who invests in stocks,
bonds or other securities 30 days in
which to rescind the transaction, and
brings railroad employes, when not
engaged in interstate commerce under
the state workmen's compensation
Democratic members lined up
solidly Thursday morning, behind
Governor Bryan in his opposition (o
bovine tuberculosis appropriations
and the republicans were unable to
get the necssary three-fifths to pass
the emergency appropriation bill
which carried $75,000 for the purpose
to immediate resumption of the
eradication work. The governor says
it is akin to a ship subsidy. The bin
was then killed but republicans will
try to resurrect it shortly.
Party policies also entered into the
passage of the senate bill reducing
the salaries of code secretaries. It
passed 55 to 40, with party lines al
most intact.
Imposing factions in the senate got
together Thursday on a bill reduc
ing state officers’ salaries. Under the
compromise state officers are cut
from $5,000 a year to $4,500 and su
preme Judges from $7,500 to $0,000.
Wayne, Neb., Jan. 27 (Special).—
An epidemic of acute bronchitis, ac
companied by a sore throat and
severe nose bleedfing has made its ap
pearance. among the children and in
fants throughout Wayne county.
New cases are being reported daily.
The death of one infant is reported.
Wayne, Neb., Jan. 27 (Special).—
John Herchet, a farmer south of
Wayne, was arrested Thursday at the
request of Dixon county authorities,
who claim that he passed checks that
were casher when he had no funds in
the banks. The Dixon county sheriff
to Herchet to the Dixon county Jail, at
Nobody on earth ever has seen the
other side of the moon, as that satel
lite always keeps the same face
turned toward us.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 22 (Special).—
Over 16,000 Nebraska voters failed
{o vote for governor. This was shown
in a completed canvas of the total
vote cast in each county of the state
in the 1922 election by Charles W.
Pool, eecretary of state. The canvas
indicates that 407,673 men and women
cast their ballots last November. For
governor a total of 391,440 votes were
cast showing that 16.233 persons did
not vote for governor. A total of
33,559 persons failed to vote for a
lieutenant governor. The total vote
for United States senator was 387,
691 or 19.982 less than the total vote.
Nebraska Legislators Hurry
ing to Get Measures In Shape
—Fanners Push Tuber
culosis Appropriation.
Lincoln, Neb., Jan. 25 (Special.)—
With seven more days left in which
to introduce bills the members of the
legislature are hurrying up with their
literary efforts. The legislative ref
erence bureau has a corps of a half
dozen stenographers writing into
legal form the ideas of the members.
New bills introduced Tuesday in
the house include these: To have a
grand jury called every two years
in every county; placing the burden
of establishing the competency of
a half breed Indian in a civil action
on the opposing p&rty; providing for
reciprocity with statds that bound
Nebraska in the matter of high school
districts and rural school districts;
providing for a 50-foot minimum
width for all roads save by-roads,
and provididing that.county officials
shall repair roads where township
officials fail to keep them in good
farmer members In the house are
jubilant over securing the advance
ment of the bill appropriating $75,000
to immediately resume the testing of
cattle for tuberculosis. .Governor
Bryan, who had said in h!s message
that he would not recommend any
further matching of dollars with the
federal government, placed it. on the
ground that it benefited only the
packers, the x»urebred stockmen and
the veterinarians.
Representative Hughes, familiar
with the xiackers’ end of it, told the
house they were not interested as~the
federal government paid the cost of
inspection, and Represnetative Keifer
said the real persons benefited were '
the owners of th small dairy herds.
• The farmers will now proceed to
push a bill appropriating $235,000' to
match the federal appropriation, and
they do not think that the governor
will dare to veto it.
Bill In Nebraska House Would
Fix Interest Rate at 5 Per
Cent. — Ask for Tuber
culosis Eradication Fund.
Among the new house bills intrdUuced
was one proposing that the perman
ent school fund may be loaned on
land at 5 per cent, and also invested
In state works and public bonds. An
other allows the municipal water
works of Omaha to engage in com
mercial electric lighting.
An old age pension bill carrying a
premium of a dollar a day was Intro
duced in the senate.
The house advanced to third read
ing a bill appropriating $75,000 fot
emergency use in continuing the
eradication of bovine tuberculosis. In
his message Governor Bryan asked
that none be made for the biennium,
because the people at large got no
benefit, this going to the packers, pure
bred stockmen and Veterinarians, ac
cording to his idea.
Deal at Holdrege, Neb., At
tracts Attention of Governor
Bryan—Thinks Guaranty
. Fund Imposed On.
Lincoln, Neb, Jan. 27.—At the re
quest of Governor Bryan, Attorney
General Spillman and Secretary Hart,
of the department of trade and com
merce have undertaken an Investiga
tion of the facts connected with the
merger of the Holdrege State bank
with the Citizens State bank of that
ciyt, which was afterwards cancelled.
Clarence A. Davis, former attorney
general, is vice president of the Citi
zens, and Mr. Hart is quoted as say
ing that Mr. Davis was to have re
ceived a fee of $16,000 from the
Holdrege State bank.
The* Citizens took over the other
bank 20 months asro, and last No
vember a receiver was named for the
bank and claims aggregating $187,000
were allowed against the guaranty
fund. The governor says he has re
ceived a number of complaints about
the matter, and that he is of the opin
ion that having once executed the
contract of merger by which the
guaY^anty fund should be saved from
any drat the Citizens’ bank should go
through with it. 'Mr. Davis says he
got his fee in notes, a fourth of which
art; bad. and he offers to return them.
Wayne, Neb., Jan. 29 (Special).—
The Wayne County Fair Association
has acquired a .45 acre tract just west
of the city limits and will erect sev
eral buildings to house exhibits be
sides, grading a half mile track. Stock
is being sold rapidly and Wayne again
will have a race meet and stock show
early In the fall. The laying out of
the grounds and. plans for the build
ings will be made by the state
Attacked by Cholera, Animals
Die at Rate of 65 or 70
a Day—Carcasses
Being Burned.
Blue Hill,'Neb., Jan. 2d (SpecJhl).—
The hardest streak of luck which has
hit anyone in this section in years
visited itself upon Joseph Dvoracek in
the past 10 days, when he has lo»t
nearly all of 800 head of hog's from
cholera. Two weeks ago he ordered
cars to ship fat hogs he was buying.
The railroad was unable to furnish
them. Dvoracek kept them at his
ranch, and kept buying. When he
haft 800 head, cholera made its ap
pearence. Sixty-five to 70 hogs a
day have been dying and great pyres
of dead hogs have been burned daily.
He has no hopes of saving any.
Dvoriicek estimates his lost arffund
Alliance, Neb., Jan 25 (Special).—
Two families in the east part of town
have again been annoyed by the “win
dow tapper,” who terrorizes women
alone in their homes at night. Mrs.
W. H. LaMon reports that her bull
dog's growls aroused her recently to
the fact that someone was on the
front porch peeking in. She loosed
her bulldog and as he rounded the
corner, she saw a man hastily enter
an automobile and speed* away.
Omaha, Neb., Jan. 25.—“Jean,” a
large American bald eagle which es
caped from a zoo Tuesday and later
attacked a herd of deer, was shot to
deattj^by a park policeman. “Jean,”
captured 18 months ago near Golden,
Colo., and donated to the zoo, Ifad a
wing spread of nearly 8 f«et.
TABLE ROCK.—Several cases of dlp
therla have 4een reported in Bookwal
ter. The schools have been closed.
BEATRICE,—The farm home of Jerry
Mangus, northeast of here, was des- |
troyed by fire Sunday night. Loss will
exceed $6,000.
LINCOLN.—The Fourteenth annual
convention of the league of Neb^ska
municipalities began here Tuesday eve
• ning for a session of three days.
LINCOLN.—Among the applications
for parole made to the state pardon
hoard are those of Joseph Decora, a
Thurston -county Indian, convicted of
stealing a buggy In the reservation and
of Robert Bailey of Holt county.
OMAHA.-M£mil Olson, has received a
letter containing a $10 bill in payment
for a second hand suit of clothes which
his father sold to a stranger 27 years
ago. but for which he never received
TECUMSEH.—More than 100 have “hit
the trail” at a "whirlwind” revivaf con
ducted here by the Rev. W. D. Hamilton
of University Place. Crowds of "500 and
600 have attended nightly since the meet
ing started three weeks ago.
AURORA.—The funeral of Mrs. Sarah
Burt was held at the United Bretnern
church Sunday. Mrs. Burt was 85 and
for many years had been a resident of
Hamilton county. She was horn in Eng
land and came to America in 1868.
AURORA.—At the annual meeting ot
the Hamilton County Farmers Tele
phone association, VV. C. Merrill of the
auditing committee reported that there
were 2,792 phones now in use and that
the average cost per phone to the sub- j
sc ribers is 15 cents per month. The i
Hamilton County association is now the
second largest independent telephone
company in the state. It lias exchanges
in every town in Hamilton county ami
in Trumbull and Doniphan in Clay and
Hall counties.
AURORA—According to the mort
gage records of Hamilton county, tut
total amount of farm mortgages filed
during 1922 was $1,392,265.85, while the
amount of those satisfied and released
during the year was $1,029,791.91;* making
an increase of the mortgage indebted
ness of over $300,000. In 1921 there was
an increase of about $700,000 in mort
gage Indebtedness.
Winter Landscape.
The snow lies just as softly on the earth
As white hair lies against a gentle
In which there is a certain springtime
In which there is a spirit of rebirth.
And^leafless trees stand like an etched
Against the frosty skyline, where the
Of sunset Ungers, and the winds that
blow, .
Sing songs as frail as cobwebs, and as
A little brook, still free of ice. flows
A silver ribbon wound about the land
And twilight, like a fragile, aged hand.
Pauses, yet seems almost too calm to
Perhaps a storm is coming—who can
What night may bring? The trees
may weap with pain.
Before the crisp, bright sunlight
comes again
To touch the world with hope and
Perhaps a storm may come, and yet the
Lies softly on the wistful, lovely earth
And something that is like a tender
Is in the music of the winds that blow!
—Margaret E. Songster, in the New
York Sun.
Built to Order.
From Clark's Bulletin.
“What's the matter with Stnith? Got
lumbago or spinal curvature or some
“No. .he has to walk that way to fit
some shirts*his wife made him."
The citv of Calais, France, has start
ed a mumctpal dairy and dairy farm the
milk from which is to be tested by hea’.th
officers and the cows fed ecientlftcally to
keep the quality up to that prescribed
for babies.
Expert camera men are to go on the
customs craft assigned to the New Jer
sey district. They will try and film
the reported smuggling flotilla and the
transfer of Its cargo along the Jersey
Chanucey M. Depew was elected
aonorary member of the Yale class of
'8!‘ at a recent dinner of the alumni in
Now York, who have lost BO of their
number. Depew Is from the famous
class of '56. —
Hostilities From Either Source
Likely to Involve Whole Con
tinent—-British and Turks
Prepared—Serbs Threaten.
Universal Service Correspondent.
Special Wireless Dispatch.
Paris, Jan. 29.—"War threatens,”'
was the admission made Monday
night to foreign newspaper men by
one of the highest authorities in the
French republic.
The declaration reveals for the
first time the true gravity of the sit
4 -- 4
4 Universal Service. 4
4 Special Cable Dispatch. 4
4 Berlin, Jan. 29.—The amor- 4
4 ous adventure of five Hungdr- 4
4 ian sentries, who crossed the 4
4 border to visit their sweet- 4
4 hearts in a Rumanian village, 4
4 causing a clash with the popu- 4
4 lation, is the real reason for 4
4 the Rumanian mobilization 4
4 against Hungary. That is the 4
4 explanation made by the Ru- 4
4 manian newspaper Epocha. 4
4 “The affair has already cost 4
4 the Rumanian government 10,- 4
4 000 lei, or 2,000 lei per kiss,” 4
4 says Epocha. (The Jei was 4
4 normally 19.3 cents). 4
4 The story cametout in the 4
4 course of questions by the 4
4 minister-president in the Hun- 4
4 garian national assembly. 4
4 When he asked for informa- 4
4 tion regarding mobilisation in 4
4 the states bordering on Hun- 4
4 gary he was informed that a 4
4 part of the Rumanian press 4
4 exonerated Hungary for res- 4
4 ponsibility in the border in- 4
4 cident. 4
4 4
uation as viewed by official eyee
Passing over the Ruhr, this official
who must not be named, declared -
that there are two places in Europe
where hostilities which would drag
in the remainder of the continent,
might conceivably break out in the
next few days.
The first of these is Memel. The
second is Turkey.
Danger at Memel.
The Memel situation is considered
by far the most dangerous, since if
Poland carries out its threat to drive
Lithuanians from the city there is no
shadow of doubt that Russia and
Germany would both declare war oa
Poland. This would force France
to (lime to the aid of Poland, owinff
to the defensive alliance between the
two countries, the existence of which
was Monday night admitted by the
same authority.
To further complicate matters, the
allies are admittedly helpless to en
force their fiat ordering the Lithuan
ians to retire, since they not only can
not send troops, but their warships:
are useless owing to the dangerous
winter anchorage.
To the order of the coucil of am
bassadors directing them to evacuate
Memel, theLithuanians replied: “We
will stay forever.”
Russia massing i roops.
It is the view of leading diplomat*
that the Lithuanians would never
adopt such a defiant attitude unless
they were secretly supported by Rus
sia. Russia is known to be massing:
11 army corps on the Lithuanian
So far as the situation in the near
east is concerned, both Turkey and
Britain are ready for war. While all
hope is not yet abandoned to make
the failure of the Lausanne confer
ence an "adjournment” instead of a
"rupture,” official circles are frankly
If Turkey fulfill* the threat to
march on Mosul, Lord Curzon told
the Lausanne delegates Monday, Bri
tain will declare war.
Predict "War to Death.”
Such a conflict, in the opinion of
experts, would be a "war to the
death” with Britain the ultimate win
ner at an enormous sacrifice.
"If an Anglo-Turk war breaks out,
the United States may say good bye
to its chances for collecting the Brit
ish war debt,” says Monday night’*
Similarly, It is evident that if the
Memel cinders burst into flame or if
internal revolution in Germany forc
es France to extend the occupation
beyond the Ruhr, the United State*
may say farewell to the debts due
from France, Germany, Poland and
Italy as well.
At no time since the armistice has
the air been so thick with threats,
counter threats and rumors of im
pending wars.
-■ ♦ , --
Des Moines, la., Jan. 29 (Special).—
“Only fair,” was the report from the
city hospital Monday relative to the
condition of Harry Ogllvie, policeman
who Is suffering from a case of blood
poisoning, as a result of a prisoner
biting him on the hand.
London,*Jan. 29 (A. P.)—The par
liamentary labor party today decided
to ask Prime Minister Bonar Law to
convoke parliament earlier than
February 13, the date set for its re
assembly, in order to give considera
tion to the situation which has arisen
in the Ruhr valley in consequence of
the French occupation. The decision
was taken at a meeting held under
the chairmanship of J. Ramsay Mac