The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 01, 1923, Image 4

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    The Frontier
urn. CRONIN, Publisher.
Editor and Business Manager.
Entered at the post office at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as second-class matter.
Friday is the day that the ground
hog goes to bat.
About four inches of snow fell here
last Friday afternoon.
Mrs. M. E. Fitzsimmons was in
Omaha , the first of the week.
See the “Womanless Wedding” at
the K. C. Hall. February 13th.
Frank Harrington is taking ^re-law
work in the state university at
The members of the dancing club
enjoyed a dance at the K. C. hall Fri
day evening.
Mrs. George A. Miles has been con
fined to her home to past week with
the grippe.
The ladies of the Presbyterian
church will hatfe a food sale at
Bay's store, Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. R. R. Dickson entertained eight
friends at luncheon at the Subway fol
lowing the theatre Wednesday even
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Ryan went to
Sioux City, Thursday, where Mrs.
Ryan is receiving treatment in a
Mr. and Mrs, E. P. Wiese, of Lin
coln, are visiting at the J. M. Hunter
home. Mrs. Wiese and Mrs. Hunter
are cousins.
The coming wedding of Charley
Chaplin to Pola Negri, the Polish
beauty, is just now getting first posi
tion in all the papers.
County Judge Malone, Tuesday, per
formed the wedding ceremony for
Frank H. Dengler, of San Francisco,
and Mrs. Ethel M. Woods, of Spring
Joe Humphrey, living south of
Chambers,' in O’Neill last Friday with
two broken ribs which he received
when he fell from a hay rack at his
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mcllorentertained
fifty friends at a dancing party at
their home Tuesday evening. Lunch
eon was served at the Subway at
Mrs. Wm. Bliss returned to her
home in Schuyler, Nebraska, Satur
day, following a week’s visit at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Frank
Mrs. Ross Haynes and son, Fred, re
turned from Sioux City Friday night,
where- Fred was released from a
hospital, having fully recovered from
an operation for appendicitis.
Mrs. W. F. Finley entertained the
Monday night club at the Subway,
?Tonday evening. Mrs. H. J. Ham
mond was a guest of the club and also
the winner of the high score prize at
bridge. »
F. W. Rose, whose home is in In
diana, has been employed as county
agent of Holt county. Mr. Rose has
been taking graduate work in Lincoln
for some time past. He will begin
his work here February 15th.
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Zimmerman
drove over to Spencer last Sunday for
a short visit with the former’s sister,
Mrs. Sturdevant. Mrs. Zimmerman
went to Colome, South Dakota, for a
visit with the Harold Zimmerman
Wednesday was the fifty-fifth wed
ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Newton Carson, of Redbird, in order
to properly celebrate the occasion
their children arranged a party for
them at their home. A pleasant even
ing was enjftyed.
Mrs. Clyde Mathers and sister, Miss
Bertha Weyenth were called to
Marion, Nebraska, last week by the
death of their mother. Miss Weyeneth
will remain with her father and has
resigned her position in the county
clerk’s office nere.
Earl B. Gaddis died at his home in
Omaha last Sunday following a short
illness of pneumonia. Mr. Gaddis was
the campaign manager for Senator
Hitchcock: during the late campaign,
and was a visitor in this city twice
during the summer.
The O’Neill American Legion bas
ket ball team were in Chambers last
night where they met and defeated
the Chambers Legion 22 to 12. The
Ewing Legion will play here Friday
night at the High School Auditorium.
An extra good game Is assured.
The directors and stockholders of
the Nebraska State Bank held their
annual meeting last Thursday evening
and reelected the following officers: S.
S. Welpton, president; J. A. Donohoe,
vice-president; J. F. O’Donnell, cash
ier; P. J. O’Donnell, assistant cashier.
The Holt County Farm Bureau
board have decided to put on a mem
bership campaign which will start
Monday. E. Sullivan, of O’Brien
j county, Icwa, is here and will conduct
i f he campaign. He will be assisted bv
j Walter Sandhurst., of Thurston county.
A blizzard was predicted to arrive
in O Neill Monday evening but it fail
I ed to reach here; however, the tem
j 'i erature dropped to 4 degrees above
zero and the air was filled with fog
Monday evening, but Tuesday proved
to be* a nice day. Nebraska has the
climate. “There’s nothing like it.”
The O’Neill Country Club is nego
tiating with Jasper Ritts for the pur
chase of about fifty acres which is
now being used as the golf course. If
the deal is perfected a stock company
will be formed to finance the propo
sition. A new commodious club house
will be erected and the course other
wise improved.
Miss Mayme Grady went to Norfolk
last week where she spent several
days visiting at the home of her
brother, Tom Grady and family. Miss
Mayme accompanied her sister, Miss
Kathryn as far as Omaha last Mon
day returning home Wednesday even
ing. MissKathryn went to Chicago to
purchase her millinery line.
The Cubic Club met at the home of
Miss Ruth Barnard Wednesday even
ing, The feature of the evening was
the juvenile appearance of the guest s
who were attired as little girls. Music
and games were the entertainment of
the evening. Luncheon was served.
The club met at the home of Miss
Edna Bay on Wednesday evening of
last week. The members of the club
are: Opal Ashley, Winora Shaugh
nesy, Ruth Barnard, Edna Bay, Mil
dred Malone, Lulu Hatch, Irene Cole,
Fern Hubbard.
A good five round preliminary will
be staged between Ernest Smith, 150
lbs., of Walntft, Nebraska, and Dean
Likens, 143 lbs., of Bassett, Nebraska.
Smith is not a stranger here. He de
feated Dietrich, of Atkinson, here last
summer and is a real boxer. Likens
comes to the athletic club'well recom
mended as a very clever man with the
The Musical Department of the Wo
man’s Club met at St. Mary’s Academy
on Wednesday, January Slst. The fol
lowing program was given:
Leader ... Jennie Scott
Opera, “Rip Van Winkle” or “Robin
Hood” Review,
Gladys Kubitschek.
Selections from Opera.
Piano, Marjorie Scott.
Voice, Irma Stout.
Short Biography of Reginold De Ko
ven, Lily Golden.
Voice—“The Cradle Song,”
May Reardon
“Am I Intruding?” is a thoroughly
modern comedy causing laughter ga
lore, based on a mystery plot that
holds the attention from start to finish
and copies out quite differently from
what.anyone in the audience is expect
ing. There is really no big star part,
all the people in the cast having nn
unusual opportunity to shine ps in
Through^it three acts of “Am I In
truding ?”nie rapid . action bring;;
about one situation after another in
which are mingled thrills and laughs.
The comedy is natural, not forced, the
characters havetlittle mannerisms which
we sec about us in every day life, and
the interest is well sustained to the
final curtain. Every character in the
play is worthy of a star actor.
“Am I Intruding?” brings a new and
distinctive type of play into the ama
teur theatrical field.
Mrs. Hastings .Sylvia Simonson
Blair Hoover. George Stannard
Earnest Rathburn Willard Arnold
Marjory Vare . Helen Ashton
Dickie Waldron. Ralph Mellor
Nona ... Ruth Lichty
Horace Vare. Emmet Harmon
Violet Vare.Oyma Clyde
Peter . Carroll Templeton
Dora .... Margaret Allsworth
Gerald Mays .Joe Beha
Jane .. Edna Harnish
“Am I Intruding?” to be given at
the K. of C. Hall on Wednesday, Feb
ruary 7th, at 8:00 p. m. Admission,
50 cents. Balcony, 25 cents. Matinee
at 3:30 p.m. Admission 15 and 25
cents. Reserved seats on sale at Rear
don’s Drug Store. Get your tickets
New Business In O’Neill
John W. Hiber
“Radio Bug”
I am going Jto carry a complete line of Radio parts and sell
Radio Machines of all makes.
I am building machine? to order, installed complete. Guar
anteed to give satisfaction for $85.00 cash. All you have to
do is to hook up the wires and put on a receiver an listen.
ui hi i u ij'i MiTiTain j 11 Lui i rt+n ih Hf mfSi n k
1 The Kidnaped |
CopvrUfht, 1822, Woetern Newspaper Union
“Her Serene Highness Princess
Beatrice of Luxemburg has joined the
fast augmenting ranks of women ex
plorers,” said Randolph at the club.
“She has left on a three years’ trip
through Central Arabia, and expects
to emerge from the desert near Bag*
dad at the end of that period. It will
be remembered that her divorce from
the prince of Wessel, after four years
of married life made much conversa
tion at the courts of Europe last sum
“That’s Interesting,” put in Bruce.
“I didn’t know princesses were hu
man enough to be granted divorces.
By the way, what’s become of Gardi
“What has become of Gardiner?”
asked somebody else.
“I’ve seen him,” said little Jim
Barnes. “But either he has falling
eyesight or he is living incog. Just
now. I saw him stepping out of an
auto in front 6f a house in Yonkers,
where r happened to be last week.
Ordinary house, ordinary auto, but the
indy he was with—say 1 Site was a
stunner. Black, flashing eyes, and
such an air. I’d know her anywhere
in ten years’ time.”
“Speaking of Gardiner,” said Treve
than, “I’m going to tell you fellows
something. As you know, Gardiner
and I went to Europe together some
five years ago. We stopped at a lit
tle hotel in Spa. There were some in
teresting people at our hotel. One of
them was a Belgian countess—at least,
so she called herself. •
“I don’t know how Gardiner struck
up an acquaintance with her, but be
fore a week was out she and he were
always together, walking in the
woods, listening to the band, or sit
ting outside the casino side by side.
“We three were sitting out in front
uf the hotel. I could see the countess’
big eyes, fixed on Gardiner’s; I could
see the tremulous fluttering of her
heart under her corsage.
“I made some trivial excuse and
rose, promising to bk back in half an
hour or so. I took a few turns up
and down the open space in front of
the hotel; and then a big, burly man
dressed like an officer and accompa
nied by two smaller men, also in uni
form, came out of the hotel and
■walked straight toward Gardiner and
the countess.
looked round after tnem. At tne
sight of the big, burly man the count
ess seemed to grow pale as death.
She rose to her feet. Gardiner rose
also, but I could see he had no ink
ling of the situation. Then, in the
twinkling of an eye, the big man
raised her in his arms and ran badk
with her throng]* the hotel dining'
room, carrying her as though she had
been a bag of feathers.
“Of course Gardiner went after her.
But the two men who had been with
the big man contrived to get in his
way and trip him, so that when at
last we reached the hotel door togeth
er there was no sign of an automo
bile or of the countess. The maid had
vanished, and the proprietor seemed
quite indignant when I questioned him
about the kidnaping, and accused me
of being Inebriated.
“Gardiner spent the night rushing
about the streets, in the wild hope
that the countess was being held.
“On the lowest step of the hotel
Gardiner and I found a lady’s visit
ing card. It had evidently dropped
or had been thrown there by intent
ns the girl was being carried out of
the hotel. On it was engraved the
name of the lady who is now, or was
till recently, Princess Beatrice of Lux
“So Gardiner had the clue, but that
was all. I went with him to Luxem
burg and we stood before the big, old
fashioned palace of the ruler, and
watched the sentry walking up and
down with Ids rifle over ills shoul
der. Not much use trying to get past
“We spent, I think, three days Jn
tills sort of nonsense, and then we
read in the newspapers that the prin
cess was living In seclusion at the
court of Wessel, paying a visit to tije
mother of the young prince whom, V
was rumored, she was to marry. Next
day tlie engagement was announced
That day we left for America.”
■‘lie never got over it,” Trevethao
continued. “I am sure that lie was
hi love with her all the time. I know
that about the time of her marriage
he went big game stalking in the
Roekips without a guide,, and was
away for months, living In complete
solitude. However, If you really saw
him In Yonkers—but I guess you were
mistaken, Jimmy. Gardiner isn't the
sort of man to go to Yonkers. lie
hates tlte suburbs. Unless he was
making a call Hiere. . /. . By the
way, I’d like to see that piece about
the princess ii^ the newspaper."
Somebody picked it up aud handed
it to hfan, and Trevethao read It.
“Well, she still has the traveling
Instinct,” he said, “and if she eludes
tin? Arabs as deftly as she eluded her
father when she was at Spa I shouldn’t
lie surprised If she did succeed in
crofting the peninsula. Why, here's
her likeness! She hasn’t changed a
particle since -those days when I knew
her. But this doesn't begin to do her
Justice. . Hello, Jimmy! What ails
you I’’
Jimmy Barnes had picked up the
paper and was staring at the like
“Oh, nothing much." he answered,
laying it down. “Only this happens
to lie the ludy I saw with Gardiner in
I Yonkers.”
' . -
(Neligh Leader.)
“Jay D. Grimes, of Douglas, Wyo.,
and Miss Fern Baker were married
Sunday at the home of the bride’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alva Bak^r, liv
ing east of Neligh, Rev. J. E. Jones
performing the ceremony. The bride
has grown to womanhood in this com
munity but recently has been engaged
in teaching, part of the time at other
places. She is an accomplished young
woman whose daily life has endeared
her to a large circle of friends who all
join in best wishes for her future. The
groom is not generally known here but
has every indication of being a fine
young man and comes with that repu
“Mr. Walter C. Rakow was best man
and Miss Fay L. Baker, sister of the
bride, was bridesmaid, and lrttle Miss
Arline Grimes carried the ring on a
tray of roses. James E. Jones, pastor
of the Methodist church officiated.
“The color scheme in yellow and
white was used for the bridal bowery
and table. The bride was dressed in
white crdpe de cmne, and carried a bo
uquet of roses and lillies. The brides
maid wore a yellow satin and lace
“The newly married couple will
make their future home near Douglas,
The above article appeared in the
Neligh Leader of last week. Mr. and
Mrs. Grimes are both quite well known
in the south part of the county. The
bride taught school at Chambers a few
years ago, where she made many
friends; she also taught in the Page
schools in 1917. The bridegroom was
raised in the vicinity of Chambers and
is the son of Mrs. J. D. Grimes. Dur
ing the past few years he has been
making his home near Dquglas, Wyom
The Frontier extends congratula
tions and wishes them prosperity.
W. C. T. U. NOTES.
The Woman’s Christian Temperance
Union will hold an apron and rumage
sale on Friday and Saturday, Febru
ary 23rd and 24th. Luncheon will also
be served. A part of the proceeds will
be spent for park improvement. All
donation will be gladly received. Please
leave these donations with Mrs. Min
nie Seybolt or telephone Mrs. Mary
Uttley so that she may send for them.
The Loyal Temperance Legion is
still at work on the “Star in the Win
dow,” campaign. The money will be
used to buy trees for the park. You
may not be able to deliver a lecture or
preach a sermon, but you can display
in your window one of the beautiful
“Service Star” cards, with the sig
nificant words “Serve America. Sup
port the Constitution.”
The W. C. T. U. will meet Tuesday
afternoon, February the 6th at the
home of Mrs. Mae Martin. A full at
tendance is requested.
Meal tickets, $7T0.—Mrs. A. I .
Willcox. 3&-5p
horn bull.—Roy Cole, O’NeilL 3512p
J. H. Meredith of this city received
the following copy of a letter from his
son, Major Owen R. Meredith, who is
now the commanding officer of the
Chemical Warfare School at Edge
wood Arsenal, located near Baltimore,
(Office of Assistant Secretary)
October 21, 1922.
Major Owen R. Meredith,
United States Army,
There is transmitted herewith &
silver Life-Saving Medal of Honor
awarded to yoh by this Department
under Acts of Congress approved June
20, 1874, and May 4, 1882, in recogni
tion of the gallant conduct displayed
by you in assisting in rescuing two
officers from the perils of the sea Jan
uary 27, 1822.
It affords the Department great
pleasure to have this opportunity of
commending the services rendered by
you on the occasion mentioned.
Assistant Secretary.
The above letter tells of the honor
bestowed upon Major Meredith by the
congress of the United States. The
service which prompted the giving of
the silver medal occurred on the morn
ing of January 27, 1922. Colonel Bell,
head of the Chemical Warfare service,
and Major Heritage, of the Chemical
Warfare School accompanied by a
large number of others, were hunting
on Chespeake Bay the previous after
noon and when the party met after the
hunt the above named gentlemen
could not be located. Searcing parties
were organized. The following morn
ing they were sighted on floating ice
three miles out in the bay. The rescue
party called for volunteers to swim
about 300 yards the swimmer to break
the ice with a hammer as he went.
Major Meredith was the only member
of the party who volunteered.
The Colonel and Major were un
conscious when Major Meredith reach
ed them but they fully recovered in
due time from their thrilling ex
1 •
The Kings Daughters class met at
the home of Mrs. Ritts last Thursday.
It being Mrs. Ritts* birthday the class
presented her witff a beautiful
decorated dish. A dainty luncheon
was served at 5 p. m.
The supper and program given by
the choir last Friday was a fine suc
cess. The school orchestra took part
in the program./
A nice sum of money was taken in
by the Primary Department at their
candy sale last Saturday.
Rev. E. D. Hull, of Norfolk, preach
ed two sermons last Sunday to the de
light and joy of the large audience
that heard him.
Special meetings are being held
throughout the week each evening at
7 o’clock. Rey. L. R. McGaughey, of
Page, will preach the sermon Thurs
day and Friday evening.
Regular service next Sunday. The
pastor will conduct all services.
We are greatly pleased with the
fine attendance and fine interest taken
in the Sunday school. The school is
doing an excellent piece of work, the
writer doubts whether you can find a
better organized or larger attended
school in Holt county than this school.
Yet, it should do more, it should reach
more people than it does. We are hope
ing for great gains in all departments
for the year.
Emmett Wertz was on the Page
market Friday and Monday with two
cars of-hay.
A skating*party at Oscar Newman’s
Wednesday evening was enjoyed by
the younger element.
Zero weather is in sight but the
weather man did not advise your cor
respondent how long it would continue.
We are informed that several
changes will be made in Willowdale
precinct. New renters or owners com
ing in and residents here moving to
other farms or to town.
January, 1923, will soon pass as one
of the mild winter months. We recall
January 12, 1888, and our experience
in that destructive storm to life and
property. Only those thdt were in
that storm know the nature and
severity of a real Nebraska blizzard.
Hay baleing still appears to be in
order and hay meadows in this pari;
of the County will carry but little or
no hay over. It has been the source
of renumeration to those who have hay
to sell. One farmer advises that h%
has cleared $1,500.00 on* hay alone.
H. H. Kightlinger and family, of
Page, former residents near Star, were
visiting friends here Saturday and
Sunday. They are going to Brookfield,
Missouri, in the near future, where
Mr. Kightlinger has employment with
an electric light company and expects
to make that their future home.
T. A. Cassell, of Opportunity* de
livered corn Monday and Tuesday at
the Wertz farm. He advises us that
he has exchanged his farm of 320
acres for a tract of land near New
castle, Nebraska. He will remain in
Holt county this year, having rented
the J. T. Patterson Home place near
Traffic Rule No. 2 in Tokio, Japan,
follows: “When a passenger of the
foot heave in sight tootle the horn
trumpet to him melodiously et first.
If he still obstacles your passage,
tootle with angry vigor and express by
words of mouth the warning: ‘Hi!
Hi!'” _
The Frontier for Sale Bills. * %
The Fruitier, only $2.00 per year.
I ■
Memory rouses at the mere mention of that
magic word—HOME.
And where there’s a home, there’s a Home
And where there’s a home town, there’s a
Town Paper, which prints all the news of
Home Sweet Home.
Have it sent to you, no matter where your
present home may be. Keep in touch with
your old friends and their doings.
* y
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