TEACHER PATS IT GLOWING TRIBUTE Declares Tanlac Ended Indiges tion, Chest Pains and Palpi tation-Lost Strength Restored. "Tanlac has Improved my general condition ten times more than I antici pated,” recently stated Herbert A. Gnp tlll, a well-known school teacher of Keznr Falls. Maine. “My trouble began with a sudden loss of strength. Almost everything I ate disagreed with me and .caused a sickening sensation that remained with me for hours. For months I found breathing difficult on account of in digestion, and had such chest pains and palpitation I thought my heart was affected. I also suffered greatly from headaches nnd nervousness, seldom 6lept well, and felt tired and worn out all the time: “Since taking Tanlac no kind of food hurts me and I have a wmnderful ap petite. I have gained ten pounds, breathe freely, sieep perfectly, and feel as strong and well ns ever In my life. Tanlac is certainly a superior medi cine.” Tanlac Is for sale by nil good drug gists. Over 35 million bottles sold.— Advertisement. Conscience cannot be compelled. HELP FDR GIRLS WHO WORK Mrs. Lodic Tells How Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound Helped Her Tyrone, Pa.—“A friend told my hus band bow Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegeta Die uompouna naa helped hrs wife, so my husband bought me a bottle because I was so run-down, had a nervous weak ness. no strength in my body mid pains in my left side bo bad that I could hardly do my work. Before I was mar ried I used to work in the factory, and I had pains just the same then as x nave had since 1 have done my housework. I would not be without a bottle in the house now. It has stopped the pains all right and I have found out that it is a wonderful body builder, as it has made me well and strong. It is going to be the ‘oldareliable’ with me hereafter, end I am always willing to tell other . women how it has helped me. You can use this letter as you wish as I can hon estly say that my words are true.”— Mrs. M. Lodic, K.F.D. No. 4, Box 40, Tyrone, Pa. Letters like this bring out the merit lof Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com | pound. They tell of the relief from such j pains and ailments after taking Lydia E. ! Firkham’s Vegetable Compound. SLOW DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffi culty in urinating, often mean serious disorders. The world’s standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles— LATHROP’S U A AD ISSSSBQESI bring quick relief and often ward off deadly diseases. Known as the national remedy of Holland for more than 200 years. All druggists, in three sizes. Look for the lumi Gold Modal on avary box and accapt no imitation Try PISO’S COUGH SS WWW! ■ from all atbarr pleaoant—ao up --— oat stomach—no m oniataa. 35c and -J 60c arerywhara. SB i There are scores of reasons why "Vaseline" Petroleum Jelly should be accounted a household mainstay. A few of them are burns, sores, blisters, cuts. It cornea in bottles—at all drug gists and general stores. _ t ‘ CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO l (Coaaolldatod) State Street New Yorl Vaseline Reg U S. Rat Off PETROLEUM JELLY ( Kvm"/Wurtll rmmmtndtttn*muh*r* Strew# t/ltl ilmhtU fmritj mnj tftttK-nuu AI A B% V B* UdedMh*7r wTorl* 3nti a it 1, W Inal color, don't usr ■ « U jUP I L > dye —lt> dance. ■* w ^ ona—Oct a bottle of Q-Baa Bair Color.Beetorer—Safe as water — Kply it and watch rceulta. At all good druggtata, , or direct from BtStlC-Plfi, fl iiibn, Mwgli., W 1 RUM BRINGS GOLD FLOOD { TO BAHAMAS, Island Officials and Nassau Merchants Involved in Illegal Booze Traffic With U. S., Congressman Charges. . Universal Service. Washington, Jan. 28.—Charges that the Bahama Islands and some of their officials are growing rich through ex portation of bootleg liquor to the United States was made in a state ment Sunday by Representative Johr. Jacob Rogers, of Massachusetts, republican member of the House com mittee on foreign affairs. This follows publication of the an nual report of the Province of Quebec, quoting a member of its legislature as charging the-‘Quebec liquor commis sion with making millions in Ameri can bootlegging. ‘‘I have been advised by the ^de partment of state,” said Mr. Rogers, ‘‘that 2,000,000 gallons of liquor have been smuggled into the United States from the Bahama Islands since the prohibition act became effective. More than half of the illicit liquor has been brought to this country during the past year. Trade Thoroughly Organized. "The traffic is at its height today. In the early days of prohibition a few ships inaugurated the practice. Their profits were such that great capital ■ and organized! procedure were intro duced, with the result that present smuggling between the Bahamas and our north Atlantic coast ports is an established, if illegal, practice. “The government of the islands is deriving relatively immense revenues from the traffic. In 1922 the amount was $l,200,0t)0. With some of the members of the executive council and the merchants of Nassau enriching themselves thereby there is absolutely no public sentiment against the prac tice. "The official data which I have re ceived reads as from a book of fic tion. From 1917 to 1919, inclusive, when no liquors weje reshipped from the islands, the average annual Im ports were 50,000 AWrican proof gallons. This, it may be said, Is the extent of the consumption in the islands. “What happened in 1921? Hven at that time before the smuggling be came systematized, the imports were 445,000 gallons. In the following year the total Increased to 568,000 gallons. The exact figures for the year just ended have not been tabulated, but for the first nine months of 1922 the imports amounted to 900,000 gallons, and the quarter ending December 31, last, will bring the total for the 12 months- period to 1,200,000 gallons. “Thus in the three years there were released from the Bahama cus toms for consumption 2,213,000 gal lons: the 213,000 gallons are a gener ous allowance for liquor drunk on the islands. “The vessels, nearly all flying the British flag, usually clear for the French port of St. Pierre, Miquelon, or for Tampico, Mexico. In the first instance, the vessels really unload their cargoes off New York or some other north Atlantic port; this was the case of the ships which kept the dry navy so busy beyond the three mile limit of New York, a week or two ago.? SOLD PAPERS IN FRONT OF STORE; NOW OWNS IT Universal Service. Newark, N. J., Jan. 28.—It can be done, Barney Taylor, who sold newspa pers 30 years ago on the sidewalk in front of the Big Stoutenburgh^and company clothing store, has bought the store, paying more than $1,000, 000 for it, it was learned Sunday. When Taylor sold papers he was a poor lad and had a hard time making ends meet. He used to gaze through the windows at the fine clothing and wonder how people could afford to buy them. But he saved the pennies he made from the sales of papers and finally went in and bought the entire stock in one transaction. He will assume charge in a few days. GOVERNORS INVITED TO ATTEND BRIDGE OPENING Gov.’ Nate E. Kendal! has accepted an Invitation to attend tli* formal opening of the Sioux bridge some time in April, if the state legislature has adjourned by that time, accord ing to an announcement Sunday by Mayor Wallace M. Short. Gov, W. H. McMaster, of South Dakota, has also been invited.. The bridge will be open for traffic by February 15, Mayor Sfliort sjalcJ. but construction will not be completed by that time, necessitating postponement of the official opening until April. The bridge has eight spans 42 feet each and the distance from abutment to abutment is 336 feet. CHARGE $100,000 THEFT. New York, Jan. 27 (A. P.)—Lazarus i Schanfeld, 31-year-old lawyer, was j locked up at police headquarters late | last night charged with grand lar ceny in the theft of $100,000 from the Empire Trust Company and other New York banks, by forging dormant accounts. Sound Statesmanship. From the Ohio State Journal. When, we as a loyal member of the only party that does things, don't know what In thunder to do under any given set of conditions we can always clear our throat impressively and announce that w« shall wait until the situation clarifies. 4444444444444444444 4 ♦ 4 JUDICIAL WHISKERS *3 4 ADORN BENCH AGAIN 4 4 4 4 Universal Service. 4 4 Washington, Jan. 28.—Judi- 4 4 cial whiskers are coming back 4 4 into their own. 4 4 The appointment of Judge 4 4 Sanford to the supreme court, 4 4 adds another fkt, three in all, 4 4 to the high coVirt bench. There 4 4 is strikingly close resemblance 4 4 in the Sanford crop to the 4 4 chinners which Justice Suth- 4 4 erland, recently appointed, 4 4 brought into court. The third 4 4 set belongs to Justice 4 4 McKenna. 4 4 All the whiskers and the two 4 4 sets of moustaches, worn by 4 4 Chief Justice Taft and Justice 4i 4 Holmes, belong to the republi* 4 4 cans. Justice Van Devaater 4 4 is the only clean shaven G. O. 4 4 P. jurist. The three demo- 4 4 crats, Justice McReynolds, 4 4 Justice Brandeis and Justice 4 4 Butler are #ree *of facial 4 4 adornment. 4 4 Chief Justice White, who 4 4 died, and Justices Day, Clarke 4 4 and Pitney, who have resigned ± 4 during the Harding administra- 4 4 tion, were all clean shaven. 4 + 4 ±444444444444444444 EUROPE LOOMS Senate Battle Expected to Open When Borah Re introduces World Con ference Resolution. Universal Service. Washington, Jan. 28.—America’s part in the European crisis precipi tated by the Franco-Belgian invasion of Germany wil be debated at length In the Senate this week when Sena tor Borah, of Idaho, reintroduces his resolution urging President Harding to summon a world economic confer ence. Senator Borah is preparing a de tailed argument in support of his pro posals, which he expects to lay before the Senate Monday or Tuesday. Two powerful Senate groups are counted upon to lead the attack on the Borah proposal. Administration leaders who three weeks ago persuaded the Idaho sen ator to withdraw his resolution are expected to renew their opposition on the ground that it is untimely and embarrasses the president and Sec retary of State Hughes in their efforts to assist In the solution of the Eu ropean problems. Senator Johnson, of California, and* other “irreconcilables” advocating American isolation will point with dis approval to the Borah proposals as seeking to involve the United States in the European tangle. Senator Borah Is determined to bring his resolution to a vote if he can. Europe, he maintains, is on the verge of a disaster that will profound ly affect American business and agri culture, and the United States is the only nation in a position to sponsor a conference which will save the world from chaos. Both the president and Secretary Hughes take the position that the American government would be un warranted in offering mediation or its good offices in an effort to settle European differences. A plea for entrance of the United States in the League of Nations to solve the present Franco-German difficulties was made in the Senate Saturday by Senator Owen. Oklahoqia. democrat. Reed Flays Germany. In a brief, but aggressive speech following Owen, Senator Reed, of Pennsylvania, the only man in the Senate who fought in Fiance, and a member of the American Legion, declared much "maudlin sympathy” was being wasted on Germany in the Senate and called for "an American policy of minding our own business” while France tried to collect repar ations from Germany. - Reed declared that sympathizing with the Germans was like sending flowers to a murderer condemned for his crime. ALLIED COMMISSION ARRIVES AT MEMEL Issues Proclamation to Lithu anians Demanding Settle ment of Dispute. Universal Service.' Special Cable Dispatch. London, Jan. 28.—The allied com mission appointed by the council ot ambassadors, has arrived at Memel, according to a despatch to the Daily t News from Riga. The commission has issued a pro clamation to the population insisting upon a speedy settlement of tha pres ent dispute. The insurgents are now openly wearing their Luthuanian uni forms and have been increased by a number of volunteers. The insurgents are receiving rftili tary supplies, including heavy artill ery, from an unknown source. The french are digging trenches outside of Memel and have landed artillery from the warships in the harbor. DES MOINES BANKER WEDS. Des Moines, la., Jan. 28 (Special).— Simon Cassidy, banker and financier, aged 70, and Mrs. Caroline Young Smith who has been active in demo cratic circles for many years were married Sfunday in Chicago. She is 51. LEE VlEADS CORPORATION. Cleveland, Ohio, Jan. 28 (U. P.)— William G. Lee, president of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, today was elected president of the Stelgelmyer Manufacturing com pany, of Seymour, lnd„ a $10,000,000 corporation.. PIGEONS FLY FAR AND FAST Forestry Service Has Had Occasion to Acknowledge Their Aid as of High Importance. The United Stutes forestry service, not content with such modern fire spying and reporting equipment ns airplanes and radio, has been experi menting with currier pigeons. Re cently, In an Idaho forest, a carrier pigeon was taken by a pnckhorse over mountains, kept at its destination overnight and released the next day. It was subsequently found that It took the pigeon exactly thirty minutes to cover the eighteen miles to Its home coop. In another recent tost the pigeon was sent to headquarters with a message asking for flrc-fightlng as sistance. Soon after, however, it was found that tlie fire was under control. Word was sent by a second bird that the requested assistance would not be required, and It reached the cen tral camp just In time to prevent tiie assisting expedition from starting.— Washington ktnr. A Lady of Distinction Is recognized by the delicate, fascinat ing influence of the perfume she uses. A bath with Cuticura Soap and hot wnter to thoroughly cleanse the pores followed by a dusting with Cuticura Talcum powder usually means n clenr, sweet, healthy skin.—Advertisement. Where? “Mamma, what makes the street car go?" loudly piped small Joan, much to the amusement^. of the pas sengers on the street car, Her mother quietly replied that the electricity made the street car go. While Joan twisted about in her sent, turning this unenllghtenlng answer over In her Blind, the car came to a stop. “But, mamma!" she said, still puzzled, “where doc: the electricity go when the street car stops?" CASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria ,, CASTORIA Exact Copy of Wrapper. tmc ccntau* coupamy. nzw yo*« cm. m Panic 6've> Cheerful New Color Tone te Old Certains V wllIS PUTNAM FADELESS DYES—dyes or tints as you wish WOMAN’S “TALK*TANK” SMALL Explanation Offered at to Why the Gentler Sex i« Acknowledged the More Voluble. Why do women talk more than men? Dr. A. A. Brill, professor of psy chology at New York university and well known psychoanalyst, told the National Association of Teachers of Speech why, at their convention at the university. “There Is no question that women are more voluble than men," said Doctor Brill, and, strange to-say, none of the women delegates rose to argue with him. “Many discussions and ex planations hnve been offered." Doctor Brill offered one by Doctor Jesperson, the eminent philologist. It was couched very scientifically, but the meat of it is that woman’s vocab ulary Is smaller and more centralized than man’s, hut always on tap. She can get at it yery quickly, and does so frequently. Now, man’s lingual abilities are scattered. He cannot always get at It in time to have a comeback ready for the wife. Bonehead! Hubby did not like the appearance of the cook a friend had sent them, so taking his wife aside he said, “Don’t hire her.” "But," remonstrated Ids better half, “Jtiat think of the reputation for cooking she bears.” “Never mlhd about her ability to cook she bears,” said lie. “We don’t eat ’em, anyway.”—Boston Transcript. Historic Tablets. Some of the tablets in Leland Stan ford university, secured from Babylon, show the Imprints of the fingers tha* moulded them over four thousand years ago. One bears the uurne, Darius tlie King. Profiteers in Society. Viscount Astor said In an interview In New York: “The profiteer, the hanl-faced man who did not do badly out of the war, Is pushing bis way into English so ciety. lie Is bad enough but ills wife is worse. “ ‘I ’nd Lord Hnddlson to dinner last evening,’ a profiteer’s wife boasted to me one day. “ Tie brought his coronet with him, I suppose,” said I, by way of a Joke. “‘Why, no. I didn’t ask him to. 1 didn’t even know he played one.’ said the profiteer’s wife in a mortified tone," Funny if Ho Couldn't. A hnnd that had attained some repu tation in its locality accepted an en gagement that involved a train trip. Following the concert certain rneine bers of the organization gained ac cess to a jug that had a kick In its contents. The drummer was one of the members. When, on the return by train, the conductor was collecting tickets, the drummer could not find hi? ticket. lie ransacked every part of Ids uniform, without results. Wishing to be sympathetic, the con ductor said: “But, my friend, surely ypu could not have lost your ticket.” “Iluh," came the reply, “funny if I Couldn't. I lost my big buss drum.”— Exchange. ~ How It’s Done. The new dean of women at the U. of M. Is quoted as saying that It Is very easy to manage flappers if you know how. First, you learn how; and by that time they are quiet, middle aged ladies who ore trying to learn how to control other flappers.—De troit News. Centenaries in 1923. It is jutrt of the business of editors to keep truck of centenaries. There lias already been a searching for the centenaries falling due In 1923. with no very Impressive results. One or two world celebrities were ttorn In 1823—Renan, for instance—but fho others mentioned are second rat erst The Boston Transcript makes consid erable of the coming centernry of Francis I’arkman, but that is because lie was a Boston’nn who would still have tlie Transcript read to him were lie now alive.—Springfield Re publican. i 4 — '■ " —e ■ ' —.. m Absent-Minded Hubby. A good dinner, a newspaper, and • pljH? of tobacco, lie was about to strike a match to light the latter when she intervened. "Here you are, dear. See how economical I have been. I’ve bought some wax tapers to save you buying so many matches.” “Now, tlurt is thoughtful of you,” he replied, taking hold of the taper. At tlie same time lie absent-mindedly j»ro coeded to light tin* taper by sirikiig one of ids precious mutches.—Montreal Gazette. - 7 Working in Reverse. "Gosh, old man, you actually are getting fat! What have you been doing to get nit that flesh—r* yo«r bones?" exclaimed tlie friend. "Ob,” said tlie former thin man, "I began taking tlie reduction dope, dirt and exercises ttiey jirescrlbed for my wife and I began to pick up right away. And she started in on the tonics' and diets I had been fallia; for to make me fut and she has al ready lost 20 pounds.”—Cincinnati Enquirer. When our arteries begin to harden, let not our hearts. HelpYhurself to Health and Comfort Thousands of people do not stop to think of the harm which may result from drinking Coffee and tea. If you IVive frequent headaches —if you ax e nervous and irritable —if you cannot sleep at night—it is time to find out the cause and help yourself to health and comfort. You s lone can do it. Postum makes it easy. Just stop coffee and tea for a while and drink delicious Postum instead. You will find it whole some and delightful, with a delicate fragrance and a fine, full bodied flavor. Made from wheat, roasted just like coffee, Postum contains no caffeine, nor any other harmful ingredient. 4 Your grocer sells Postum in two forms: Instant Postum (in tins) pr par ed instantly in tho cup by the addition of boiling water. Postum Cereal (in packages) for those who prefer to make the drink while the meal is being prepar ed; made by boiling fully 20 minutes. Postum FOR HEALTH “There's a Reason" Made by Poatnta Cereal Company, Incorporated Battle Creek, Michigan ■