The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 21, 1922, Image 6

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Editor and Business Manager.
Arthur M. Tan Rensreiaer nf New
York, who was maimed while serving on
the Mexican border, has devised a car
•or legless men. The machine Is operat
ed by hand controls and has a speed of
from three to 15 miles an hour.
An "old fushl >ned spanking week,
with careful, prayerful spanking” was
r^oor. mendert **** nn aid In rearing future
citizens in an address by Mrs. Smith Al
ford at the annual meeting of the Big
Brothers and Slaters In New dork.
A truck driver iri Redding, <’al., re
ceiv'd word from England telling of the
deatti of his mother and advising him
that lie hud inherited her estate. Eater
I, received a letter telling of the death
of n rich uncle. The estates are snld to
be valued at $100,000
A vessel will sail from Sweden short
ly carrying expert salesmen armet^ with
literature on up-to-data railway en
gito «. South American republics will tie
visited Swedish locomotive builders
have just delivered the 20(»th locomotive
to the Russian soviet. They seek new
Russian inductriosi nre \o no repre
a. nti-i) at the next Lyom, France, fair
n- a result of Mayor Herrlot’s visit to
Russia. His leeture and articles plead
tr.g for a restoration of confidence In
nu,, now guiding Russia have convinc
ed French firms that prospects of Rus
sian trade are now safe.
Fifty thousand presents from all parts
of China were showered on Hsuan Tung,
China's democratic'ex-emperor, and his
bride, the princess Kuo Chln-81, whose
wedding In the early morning hours of
Monday brought forth a pageant of color
end light that revived memories oP the
olden, gorgeous Manchu regime.
The appointment of Mrs. Annie L,
Swynnerton as an associate In the Royal
academy, London, bids fair to be as
fleeting as that of Mrs. Felton to the
United .States Senhte. Now that she has
tacn elected. It Is discovered that one of
the cast-iron rules of the academy Is
that asoolate members must resign at 75.
Mrs. Swynnerton Is 77.
The Petit Parlslen, commenting on the
depopulation of France, demands that
etc c functionaries Is- forced to marry.
Tlu suggestion also is made that mar
riage be obligatory for citizens of 30
years. "The church Incises celibacy on
its priests," the article states. "Why
cannot the republic impose marriage on
Its citizens?" says a special dispatch to
the Philadelphia 1'ublle Ledger.
Cleaning the attic of her graudfnth
rr's home a few days ago, Miss Dorothy
Addington, of St. Paul, Minn., ran*
across a crumpled bit of paper on which
waa drawn a map of a. farm of her
grandfather's 10 miles away, a cross
within a circle Icing one feature of the
(3 la gram. She went to the farm, dug
down two feet at the witching point,
end brought up an Iron box containing
$750 in gold.
The famous smithy at Oretna Green,
famous for Its past connection with
runaway marriages. Is threatened with
demolition. The building Is considered
a dangerous obstruction to Increasing
Motor traffic In Dumfriesshire. 9
The song, “Silver Threads Among the
Gold," Is still piling up royalties, al
though It was written t8 years ago, and
the composer died 19 years ago. This
comes to light In a lawsuit In Brooklyn
brought by the widow, seeking to col
Red do.{ Is the latest addition to the
alcoholic beverages nt Kingston, N. C. It
Induces a sleeping slrkness, one negro
dying after lingering in a state of coma
for a week.* Another was dazed for a
long time and did not recognize his
Every person In the United States will
he wearing eyeglasses within 100 years,
according to an authority reporting at
the meeting of the national committee
for the prevention of blindness. The
report called for greater safeguarding
of eyes.
James House*, 70, who three years
ago arranged and attended his own
“funeral" at Hillsboro. Ind., Is dead. De
siring to know what his friends thought
of him, he had the funeral and dis
guised. occupied a front seat In the
country church.
Chicago citizens are 100 per cent, ef
ficient In shirking jury duty, according
to a federal Judge. He summoned 80
city men for service and 20 farmers.
Nineteen of tho lntter appeared, and
none of the 30. Ho sent the farmers
back to work, and^rdered the city men
icunded up.
A Christmas tree decorated with gifts
for animals will be held by the New
Yerk humane society. There will he
carrots, apples, sugar, blankets, palls,
leashes and collars, and owners of
horses, dogs and cats will be Invited to
visit the tree and obtain gifts for their
In 1892 a Chicago man sued another
for $500. During the next 80 years, the
litigants spent more than $10,000 In ap
pealing to higher courts. The Judge
now dismisses the suit, unsettled. Both
litigants are dead, so is one of the orig
inal lawyers. No one Is now certain what
the suit was about. Some think It waa
a piano.
The little English town of Sunlngdale
Is thoroughly up-to-date, for it now has
a woman as sole minister of Us Congre
gational church. She Is Miss Norah
Thompson, who has made a name for
herself as an excellent preacher. She
has officiated at marriages, baptisms
and funerals, and Is fully qualified for
every duty.
Although canned fish from Portuguese
waters are reported all over the world
by shiploads, the people of Portugal
like codfish, and send fishing fleets to
After 18 citizens of Cleveland. O., were
Injured in one night authorities estab
lished a rule that automobile drivers un
der 18 years old he arrested on sight.
Skull experts have deserted Wheeling.
W. Va., leaving the curious s'III wonder
ing what the bumps mean. City author
ities passed an ordinance prohibiting
phrenologists from practicing.
Rlpo.i. England, keeps up a custom
1,000 years old. Every night a "wake
man." attired In official costume, ap
pears before the mayor's house and
blows three solemn notes on the “horn
of Rfpon."
A bath once a year is quite enough,
and the dally plunge endangers civiliza
tion, In the opinion of Dr. Ralph Bern
stein. of Hahnemann hospital. Philadel
phia. Luxury of the bath was Rome’s
ruin, he says.
A Punish colony of 8.000 persons in
South America, is being plhnned.
The jury acting in an Italian law case
which lasted three months had to an
swer 11.000 questions and consult 73.800
Miss Kthel May Bradford is the direc
tor of the course In bee husbandry re
cently established by the University of
Salesmen and clerical workers are In
the majority of the men applying for
commissions as second lieutenants In
the American army.
Christmas savings which will be dis
tributed within the next three weeks by
banks throughout the United States
amount to fl*0,000,000.
Organized Farmers Make Ef
fort to Secure Reductions
in Pay of County
Fremont, Neb., Dec. IS (Special).—
Fanners represented by attorneys
employed to combat Dodge county
officials, will assemble at the court
house December 22 to renew I he
fight for a lower salary schedule for
Dodge county officers. The farmers
contend that the salaries should, be
based on the population shown by
the census. This Is 23,000.
Homer, Neb., Dec. 15 (Special.)—
Fifty teams and about 75 Corn
pickers in the neighborhood of Mrs.
Barbers home gathered and picked
her 70 acres in one dajfc Over 3.000
bushels of corn was cribbed. Mrs.
Barber is the widow of Robert Bar
ber, who wus killed in an auto ac
cident several weeks ago. The busi
ness men of Homer assisted in pick
ing the corn and furnished the lunch
for the crowd.
No-folk, Neh.. Dec. 15 (Special).—
Herman Taupert, local messenger
service owner. Is unconscious in a
local Ijospitul suffering from frac
ture of the base of the skull. He
speeding on a motorcycle was run
down by Klmer Rains, who, the po
lice say, was racing in an automo
bile. ' m
Dcs Moines, la., Dec. 18.—A move to
read W. G. Haskell of Cedar Rapids
out of the republican party and pre
vent him from taking part in the re
publican caucus of the ’state senate
this winter Ih being made by Senator
J. L. ltrookhart of Washington, la.,
Haskell announced while ut the state
house to attend a meeting of the con
servation board.
Senator Haskell is one of the re
publicans who bolted Colonel Brook
hart during the campaign and openly
admits that he voted for Clyde L.
Herring for United States senator.
Senator J. L. Hrookhart is a broth
er of Smith Brook hart, the United
Statese senator.
Friends of Senator Haskell have
informed him that Brookhart Is taking
a poll of the state senators on the ad
visability of barring the Cedar Rapids
senator from the republican caucus.
Haskell expressed little concern
over this attempt to read him out of
the party and apparently considers
the movement In the light of a Joke.
As Senator Haskell denies that he is
a democrat, he may have to flock by
himself. Should the move to bar
Haskell from the republican cnucus
succeed, there would be In the state
senate next winter 4tt republicans,
three democrats and one man without
a party.
Storm Lake, Iowa. Dec. 18 (Special).
—When jltussell Point and his play
mates followed their curiosity up tiie
tower of tile Presbyterian church to
get an advance view of the new
chimes, they did not know they
went up. The workman in charge of
thi, installation saw the boys finger
tn% his tools and Called out in no
uncertain tom\ "Get out." The boys
in clambering down the narrow
stairs, Russell, fell and rolled down
several feet, striking his head on the
steps. His left ear was torn and, cut.
The workman discovered him a few
minutes later, picked him up and
carried him to the hospital, where
stitches were taken in the injured
Waterloo. Ia„ Dec. 18.—Through re
cent action by the management of
the Illinois Central, this city will he
roine the depository of the road's fifth
hanking zone, it is estimated the de
posits will run as high as $40,000,000
annually. The zone will comprise the
district west of Dubuque including
branch lines.
. —f—
Storm Lake, la., Dec. 18 (Special.)
—Speaking of the spirit of youth.
Col. George Currier, 80 years old la#
June, lias recently Installed a radio
in liis home. He is a hit deaf him
self but his wife bus fun enough for
(wo in "Listening in." The set was
presented to Mr. and Mrs. Currier by
their son. R. C. Currier of Sioux City.
Mason City. In., Dec. 18 (Special).
—Two burly colored men were put to
rout yesterday morning by Mrs.
Israel Crystal when they entered her
store, leveled pistols on her and com
manded her to open the store’s safe.
"You don’t dure shoot,” she yelled ns
she rushed at them. She was right.
They ran and police found no trace
of them. Doth were masked.
Storm Lake, la., Dec. 18 (Special).
Karl \V. Bowers, son of Mr. agd Mrs.
L. \V. Bowers of this city, made a
score of 99.9 per cent in a recent rifle
match in Chicago. He went to Chi
cago a year ago, where he entered the
central engineering office of tA> Wes
tern company. Kor recreation he
took up rifle practice and made the
Illinois rifle team last summer. This
team won the trophy at the match at
Camp Perry. Mr. Bowers lias just
won the gold medal at the Chicago
rifle meet, and will continue his prac
tice that ho may go to Camp lY.ry
again *hls year.
Grant Mears, Wayne County,
Said to Be in Running for
Legislative Post of
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 16 (Special).—
Members elect of the Nebraska legis
lature in Lincoln say they believe the
contest for speaker of the House, with
nearly a score of avowed and tenta
tive candidates, has narrowed down
to four men—Daniel Garber of Web
ster county, a new member; Grant
Mears, of Wayne, tv veteran of many
terms and author of the Estate capi
tol bill; Scott Reynolds of Lincoln
and George T. Staats of Dodge. Tho
iV-mocrats will have a candidate, but
as the minority party no one is seek
ing the place. Members who are here
say there is little dohbt but that a bill
will be introduced lowering salaries of
state officers. Constitutional state
officials cannot have their stipends
reduced during their terms, but ap
pointive officers are not thus pro
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 16.—A. S. Allen,
of North Platte, county clerk of Lin
coln county, is out on bond on a
charge of embezzlement while Carl
Goucher of Omaha, a traveling sales
man for the Omaha Printing company
is also at liberty under bond, in con
nection with the case, according to
advices received from North Platte.
The charge resulted from the al
leged issuance of three Lincoln coun
ty warrants to the Omaha Printing
Company according to a statement by
the company. The statement said:
"In checking over the accounts of
this company with Lincoln county
a representative of this company
went to North PtStte Wednesday
night and w4>ile there, after an exam
ination of the records of the county,
discovered that three warrants, to
taling $2,323.97 had been, by mistake
or some other irregularity, issued to
Hhj Omaha Printing company. Upon
discovering this irregularity, tins
company sent its check for the total
amount of thest warrants back to the^
county. '
"Mi-. C. R. Goucher Is an old and
trusted employe of this company atid
the company has yet to be ahuwn that
there was any criminal intent grow
ing out of this transaction, on his
part.” ^
Kearney, Neb., Dec. 16.—Mrs.
Louise Collins, 93, wife of the Rev.
Asbury Collins a missionary among
Sioux and Pawnee Indians, be
fore tin* time of white settlements In
Nebraska, died here Friday. She was
one of the first, if not the first white
women tb settle permanently in Ne
Omaha, Neb., Dec. 16.—Two armed
bandits entered a South Omaha pool
hall Thursday night, locked the pro
prletor in a closet, lined up six pa
trons against the wall, and taking
$200 from the cash register, fled after
an exchange of shots with the pro
prietor, who had freed himself.
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 16.—•Charles W.
Bryan, governor elect, Frida> turned
in his resignation us city commis
sioner to take effect December 17.
Waterloo, la., Dec. 15 (Special.)—
Plummer Copeland, who escaped
from the Black Hawk county jail,
where he was b^ing held awaiting
orders from Wisconsin officials, lias
discovered that breaking jail Is a
rather disastrous experience. Cope
land escaped with two other prison
ers. He was recaptured a few days
He was taken to Wisconsin, where
he was acquitted of charges preferred
against hi maud released. He re
turned tex his home in Independence.
Sherfff H. T. Wagner learned that he
was in Iowa and ordered him taken
into custody to answer an indictment
of breaking Jail in this county. He
was removed to the Black Hawk
county Jail and will he given a trial
at the January term of the district
W —♦—
Cherokee, la.. Dec. 15 (Special.)—
William C. Adsit, father of County
Treasurer Ray Adsit, was 90 years
cld, Tuesday, December 12. The event
was celebrated by the Cherokee
Lodge of Odd Fellows with a home
coming and meeting for congratula
tions. Mr. Adsit was made an Odd
Fellow at Decorah, la.. January 6,
1857 and therefore, has been a mem
ber of the order for almost 66 years.
Fifte^fr years ago he was presented
with the 55-year medal by the grand
lodge of Iowa. He was born in Duch
ess county. New York and came we.-t
in 1854. He has resided in Cherokee
since 1876. ,
Allen. Neb., Dec. 16 (Special).—A
Dixon County Epworth League asso
ciation was (brined at a meeting in
Allen recently, when about 75 young
people* representing the Methodist
young people of Ponca, Hose Hill,
Dixon and Alien were guests of the
Allen organization. Special talks
were given by Mev. Sideel of Laurel
and Prof. Marksbury of the Ponca
public school^ The officers of the
new organization are George Heaton
of Allen, president, and Belt. W. Min
ter of Martinburg, secretary. The
next county meeting will be held in
Ponca, February 1.
Will Hold Organization Meet
ing Early Next Month lo
Formulate Legislative .
t " ' ■*
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 12 (Special.)—
Leaders of the organized farmers of
the state propose to hold a conference
of representatives of the farmers’ un
• ion, farm bureau alfd possibly the
T non-partisan league, during the first
j week of January to adopt a legisla
. tivo program.
This is the beginning of the pro
! posed farm bloc in the legislature,
j After the program has been agreed
■ upon members of the legislature will
be asked lo back it and to organize
for that purpese. They will also be
inferred as to what bills the organ
ized farmers are opposing. Hereto
fore each organization lias had a leg
islative committee.
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 12 (Special.) —
The state railway commission has no
power to regulate the rates which the
transmission line companies may
charge cities and towns for current,
it is obliged to write back to all In
quirers in recent weeks. The last
letter was from A. J. Barak, mayor
of Petersbu^j, which has a contract
with the Nebraska Gas and Electric
company to supply electricity.
When the rates were first put in
the company charged a service fee
o? $1 a month, and then rates rang
ing from 9 cents to 14(4 cants a kilo
watt hour. Since then Barak says
the company put on a 20 per cent
Buroharge ind then added 25 per cent
until rates are now oppressive.
The legislature has steadfastly re
fused to confer on the state railway
commission any power of regulation
on the theory that lighting plants fall
properly within the jurisdiction of
cities and towns, and that home regu
lation is better.
Lincoln, Neb., Dec. 12 (Special.)—
English-speaking members of the
German Lutheran Evangelical church
at Emerald, a small town west of
Lincoln, have brought suit In district
court to restrain the six deacons, who
were recently fined for discriminat
ing against the use of English in the
church services, from using any part
of the church funds to finance their
appeal to the supreme court. They
also ask an order restraining them
from barring the doors against Eng
lish services. The first case is a test
of the new Reed-Norvay law.
Wakefield, Neb.,.Dec. 12 (Special.)
—Numerous cases of hog cholera
have been reported here. Several
farmers have lost almost their enttre
herds. As yet the disease is con
fined to a small locality. A great
many herds have been having what
veterinarians pronounced influenza,
but from which most most of the. in
fected animals recovered.
Onjaha, Neb., Dec. 12.—Rev.
Thomas E. McNeive, Instructor of
Latin and English at Creighton Uni
versity 1904 and 1905 and pastor of
St. John's Church here, 1917, and
1918, was killed Sunday near Topeka,
Kan., in an automobile accident.
Fremont, Neb., Dec. 12.—Dr. H. E.
Kills, 40, Fremont dentist, died here
Monday evening as the result of in
juries received in a fall from his bi
cycle to the pavement.
Lincoln, -Neb., Dec. 11.—Governor
elect Rryan has begun to close up his
work as a member of the Lincoln city
commission preparatory to taking th*
office of chief executive of the state^
early in the new year. As a com
missioner Mr. Bryan has .a number of
reports to make and these will be
forthcoming. It is reported that Mr.
Bryan intends to resign as a commis
sioner at an early date.
Mitchell, S. D., Dec. 12 (Special).—
Winter, borne on the wings of a 30
mile gale yesterday came t^ith a rush
last night and temperatures dropped
to 14 below zero last night. This
morning, the wind having abated, the
mercury had clambered up to nine
below by 8 o'clock. '
Aberdeen. S. D., Dec. 12 (Special).
.— H. C. Bronson, director of the Aber
deen Municipal band, has returned
from a winter tour with Sousa's band.
11c will immediately #start work on
his new municipal band here and ex
pects to have one at least as large as
last summer's.
A Boston horse the task of which Is
to draw a delivery wagon qualified as a
long distance swimmer. The animal
fell through a drawbridge and was in
the Charles river 36 hours before it was
Thouands of American tourists going
to Egypt after Christmas will have op
portunity to view the tomb of King Tut
ankhamen, discovered in the Valley of
the- Kings at Thedcs. Treasures
brought to light are valued at J15.a00.000.
The Albert A. Biei-er eoileetion of
books and manuscripts on American
poetry, said to be the largest on the
subject in existence, las been sold to
• the University of Texts. Many rare
spec intents are included. There are
7.200 volumes of the 1716 to 1876 period.
Going home for Christmas! It is
still as popular as it was when
knighthood was in flower and Dickens
w'rote his Christmas carol. But the
methods have changed. In this aga
of complexes, there is also the Christ
mas complex, and even getting home
is a toilsome journey fraught with
many telegrams and taxicabs, not to
mention extra sections.
Once upon a time it was different.
There was the old stage coach that
took all the absent members of the
family home for Christmas. It was
unnecessary in those days to speak
ahead for reservations, to wire on
from Chicago to hold a lower on the
midnight that stops at the nearest
big city tn the little New England;
town you live in. The coachman, un
like the railroad officials of today,
did not have to worry about putting
on extra trains to get the college girls
homo for Christmas. Traveling was
light, and if it was a bit cold, there
were friendly inns where all could
stop and warm nose and toes by a
blazing fire while drinking down a
mug of ale. There were no baggage
masters to turn gray with the shower
of trunk checks at each station.
In the Stage Coach Days.
But let Washington Irving tell it.
“The coach was crowded, both inside
and out, with passengers who, by
their talk, seemed principally bound
to the mansions of relations or
friends to eat the Christmas dinner.
It was loaded also with hampers of
game, and baskets and boxes of deli
cacies; and hares hung dangling
their long ears about the coachman’s
box, presents from distant friends
for the impending feast. I had three
fine rosy-cheeked boys for my fel
low passengers inside. They were
returning home for the holidays in
high glee and promising themselves
a world of enjoyment. It was de
lightful to hear the gigantic plans
of the little rogues, and the imprac
ticable feats they were to perform
during their six-weeks’ emancipa
tion from the abhorred thraldom of
book, birch and pedagogue.
“Perhaps it might be owing to the
pleasing serenity that reigned in my
mind that I fancied I saw cheerful
ness in every countenance through
out the journey. A stage coach,
however, carries animation always
with it, and puts the world in mo
tion as it whirls along. The horn
sounded at the entrance of a village
produces a general bustle. Some
hasten forth to meet friends; some
with bundles and bandboxes to se
cure places, and in the hurry of the
moment can hardly take leave of the
‘group that accompanies them.
“Perhaps the impending holiday
might have given a more than usual
animation to the country, for it
seemed to me as if everybody was in
good looks and good spirits. Game,
poultry and other luxuries of the
table were in brisk circulation in the
villages; and the grocers’, butchers’
and fruiterers’ shops were thronged
with customers. The housewives
were stirring briskly about, putting
fheir dwellings in order; and the
glossy branches of holly, with their
bright red berries began to appear at
the windows.”
Changing the Technic.
What is it like now. The idea is
the same, but how the technic has
changed, how much more complicated
are the matters for the homing chil
dren and for those who help get them
In the first place, there are so
many more-away from home. Jack
and Jill go away to school and then
go away to work and then settle
down and marry in. some far-away
place, so that there are whole fami
lies to be transported at Christmas
time. And then no one can possibly
leave until the last minute. So that
congestion is not the word to de
scribe the crowds. Modern efficiency
methods had to be invented to take
care of them.
There are of course the railroads.
Special trains, eJftra sections, all late
—that is Christmas eve on the rail
read. Stations blocked with baggage,
porters handing out bags hopefully
in return for generous tips, passen
gers racing for the first taxicab—
Christmas eve in the station when
the home-bound arrive.
But there is still good nature or.
O Little Town of Bethlehem.
O little town of Bethlehem,
How still we see thee lie!
Above thy deep and dreamless sleep
The silent stars go by;
Yet in the dark streets shineth
The Everlasting Light;
The hopes and fears of all the years
Are met in thee tonight.
For Christ Is born of Mary;
And gathered all above,
While mortals sleep, the angels keep '
Their watch of wond’ring love.
O morning stars together
Proclaim the holy birth,
And praises sing to God the King,
And pettce to men on earth!
How silently, how.silently
The wondrous gift is given!
So God imparts to human hearts
The blessings of His heaven.
No ear may hear His coming;
But in this world of sin,
Where meek souls will receive Him
* still. ,
The dear Christ enters in.
© holy Christ of Bethlehem,
Descend to us, we pray;
Cast out our sin and enter in,
Be born in us today!
We hear the Christmas angels
The great glad tidings tell— _
Oh, come to us, abide with us.
Our Lord Emmanuel.
—Phillips Brooks.
Christmas Song.
Why do bells for Christmas ring?
Why do little children sing?
Once a lovely, shining star,
Seen by shepherds from afar,
Gently moved until its light
Made a manger-cradle bright.
There a darling baby lay,
Pillowed soft upon the hay.
And his mother sang and smiled,
“This is Christ, the holy child.”
So the bells for Christmas ring,
[ So the little children sing.
--Lydia A. C. Ward.
the day before Christmas. Every*
body is now, as when Washington
Irving wrote, in good . looking and
good spirits. Shops are crowded,,
bumpy bundles get in the way, but
it. doesn’t matt«-. Holly still appears
in the windows, and Christmas greens
are everywhere.
A Miniature Christmas.
There are, however, some drastic
changes. Many are the families that
have moved to an apartment in the
city. No entertaining on .a large
scale is possible there. The dining
room table is only big enough for six,
and there are only six of the large
dinner plates. It must be a minia
ture celebration. The apartment
house fireplace—If there is one—is
no place for a yule log.
An old writer’s account of Christ
mas celebrations runs thus; “Now
capons and hens, besides turkeys,
geese and ducks, with beef and mut
ton must all die, for in 12 days a.
■multitude of people will not be fed
with a little. Now plums and spices,
sugar and honey, square it among
pies and broth. Now or never must
niusic be in tune, for the youth must
dance and oing to get them a heat
while the aged sit by the fire. The
country maid leaves half her mar
ket, and must be sent again, if she
forgets a pack of card on Christ
mas eve. Great is the contention of
holly and ivy, whether master or
dame wears the breeches. Dice and
cards benefit the butler; and if the
cook do not lack it, he will sweetly
nun. nia lingers.
Now one turkey will do very nice
ly and the butler is turned chauf
Christmas dinner. The youth may
feur and goes home to his own
dance, but not at home, except it be
one couple to the tune of the Vic
It is as if one big Christmas of
the olden time had been divided up
and scattered around to make 10 or
a dozen modern Christmases. Or if
you look at Christmas through field
glasses, look through the small end
and you will see the old-time Christ
mas; look through the large end.
and you will see the modern Christ
mas.—Springfield Republican.
-- ♦ -- •
Christmas Bells.
I heard the bells on Christmas day *
Their old familiar carols play,
And wild and sweet
The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good will to men..
Then from each black accursed moutlK
The cannon thundered Tn the south,
And’ with the- sound
The carols drowned
Of peace on earth, good will to men.
And in despair I bowed my head;
“There is no peace on earth,” I said,.
“For hate is strong
And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men!”"
Then pealed the bells more lou<J anti
deep: /
“God is not dead, nor does He sleep!
The wrong shall fail,
And right prevail,
With peace on earth, good will to*
—Henry W. Longfellow.
A Walk on Christmas Morning.
Before high sun-peer let us go
Across the unfiawed sweep of snowE
The distant line of firs well seem
Like Druid warders in a dream
Guarding some white domain wherein*
There is no memory of sin.
With us, in silvern fall and swell,
The soul of music from a bell
Will float, ethereal and pure. #
The crystal sky will lift and lure
Our spirits upward ceaselessly.
A delicate ,-ow harmony
The hidden rill will breathe, ahdt
No bird note will our ears beguile,
A murmurous, bough-whispering
Will sound a prestige of the spring.
A drifted dip, a turn, and lo,
Upon a virgin slope of snow
A holly tree, full foliaged, set
In green and scarlet silhouette!
A holly tree whose fadeless cheer
Symbols the Yuletide of the year.
Berry and leaf—perennial sign
Of holy love—will we entwine.
Berry and leaf, ah, joyous glow!
Back will we bear across the snow?
And if upon some old oak tree
The mistletoe we chanct to see
A spray we’ll pluck that mirth mayr
And cap the ancient rites of Yule!
—Clinton Scollard.
(New York Herald.)
By William Herachell
Sweet eve eternal! Wondrous night E
Aglow with songs and candlelight;
Aglow with dreams and mystic spells
Of Santa Claus and Chrismas bells!
O let my dreams of youth run free!
Glad Christmas eves, come back to
Change me to child! Let me once
Go nightie-clad to Dreamland's
It cannot be! So, Yule-begulled,
I’ll wish loy to some other child.
My thoughts will follow up the stairs,.
Some baby, to its Christmas
Its prayers will be for everything—
Far more than Santa Claus could
But what are prayers if they must be
Of limit in gratuity?
Make Santa’s Christmas pack so
He'll fairly groan beneath the
'Twill do no harm—so have no fear—
He only works one night a year!
May every prayer that's breathed to
Be answered ere the dawn of light.
May every heart, however sad.
Find stockings filled with Loads of
Under the Mistletoe.
She stood beneath the mistletoe,
The shaded lights were burning low;
The time was Christmas eve, youi
And she had never had a beau.
Our conversation ceased to flow,
I sensed the psychic undertow.
And felt a sudden panic grow;
My knees were wabbling to and frot,
I saw her eyee expectant glow.
She thought a kiss I would bestow.
I heard without the wild winds blow,
The rattle of the sleety snow,
I took my hat—I wasn’t slow—•
I knew that it was tiru^ to go,
She stood beneath the mistletoe.