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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 21, 1922)
The New Edison __ Edison Invented ». | # I Edison Manu factured It. ijou can Lave a phonograph The Edison I Has No Needles to ■ Change. I . ' Plays All Makes Of Records Even records of all other makes sound better when played on the New Edison. Upright Models $145, $200, $245, $295. Console Models $175, $295. Table Models $95. Don’t Delay Warner & Sons “THE EDISON SHOP” Buy Now The Frontier b. H. CRONIN, Publisher C. TEMPLETON, Editor and Business Manager. Ertered at the post office at O’Neill, Nebraska, as second-class matter. The Frontier, only $2.00 ner year. NOTICE. FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASONONLY Ice cream at about one-half the regular price. From now until January 1, 1923, we will sell 'o any one who calls for it, Hnnfords “HOLIDAY SPECIAL” Ice Cream at 75c per gallon, in 1 gallon containers, no deliveries. 29-2 HANFORD PRODUCE CO. We have a nice line of Toys, Dolls, Candy, Fruit, Cigars, Pipes, Tobacco, Christmas Cards, Christmas Tree Decorations. D. St0Li\i\ard - _ _ a Presents - - _ Books Smoking Stands China Games Smoking Stands White Ivory Goods Dolls Xmas Tree Decorations Xmas Cards A Beautiful Doll will be given away Xmas Eve. Ask for particulars. Shop early while our stock is complete. Reardon Bros. HIGH SCHOOL NOTES. # John G. Neihardt, Nebraska Poet Laureate will deliver a lecture at th# O’Neill high school auditorium on Jan uary 18th. Neihardt’s appearance in O’Neill is sponsored by the high school. The proceeds of the enter tainment are to be used for the pur chasing of books for the high school library, (particularly books for the English department. In 1919 the Poetry Society’s prize for the best poem of the year went to ‘“The Song of Three Friends.” The high school basketball team de feated Newport Saturday 52 to 11. The boys play at Stuart this Friday. December 29th Atkinson plays at O’Neill. Everybody come out and give the boys your support. CHRISTMAS PROGRAM. To Be Given At the Presbyterian Church at 8 o’clock Saturday Evening December 23, 1922. Song No. 51 .Congregation Prayer.Rev. Longstaf? Song No. 36 — .Congregation Recitation . A Christmas Wish Violet Strube Recitation The Holly Wreath Hazel Vaught The Christmas Story . Mildred Malone and Loree Planck Rec. O Little Town of Bethleham Gladys Williams Recitation .If You Are Good HeletkBay Recitation .Don’t You Mind Ruth Evans Song. A Little Empty Stocking Merle Arnold Recitation'. Dear Jesus Boy Glen Lancaster Recitation .... A Bed For Little Jesus Lois Ruth Templeton Song . A Manger Mary Campbell Recitation . . A Christmas Prayer Arlene Page Song . The Name of Jesus . „ Junior Department Rec. A Little Christmas Present Orvil Winchell Song . Santa Is Coming Tonight Children’s Choir Exercise . Stars For Jesus Hazel Schwisow Helen Toy Mary Campbell Dialogue . Polly’s Prescription Ruth Scott Marjorie Carter Song. December Primary Department Recitation . The Secret Florence Surber Recitation . Santa Claus Alice Page Exercise To Christmas Land and Back Primary Class Song.Cradled In a Lowly Manger Phebe Abdouch Recitation . The Dollies’ Christmas Ruth Jean Mayfield Drill ... Swing Low Mrs. Hunter’s Class Recitation The Christmas Stocking Loree Planck Exercise . Christmas Presents Junior Department M. E. CHURCH NOTES. The Sunday school will give an “Xmas” program on Saturday even ing. December 23rd. The VV. F. M. S. met with Mrs. A. E. Dim mitt recently. They perfected the organization and voted to meet the second Tuesday of each month. The January meeting will be held at the parsonage. Rev. R. L. Carlyon, the Methodist minister of Chambers, made a social call at the parsonage on Tuesday. He reports that the church work in Cham bers is doing well. He purchased a fine piano for the church of A. E. Christmas Selections OUR STORE THIS YEAR HAS THE CHOICEST THE MARKET AFFORDS t In Holiday Goods WE HAVE RINGS OF ALL KINDS. PLAIN STONE, AND DIAMOND; CUFF BUTTONS, WATCHES, WATCH FOBS, LOCKETS, SILVER WARE, VIOLINS AND KODAKS, ANY OF WHICH WOULD MAKE A BEAUTIFUL AND LASTING PRESENT WE ALSO CARRY A COMPLETE LINE OF EASTMAN’S KODAKS i W. B. GRAVES, Jeweler .__ • RARE CHANCE J| After making several payments j| on good piano party returns it in 8 perfect condition. You can pay me ■ the unpaid balance and take it. B Easy payments. A. O. Cline, 1513 ■ Douglas St., Omaha, Nebr. B Bowen. Proff. J. Y. Ashton, who is now the business manager of the Hunter Evan gelist Party, reports that two thous and people attended service last Sun day evening in the tabernacle. They are holding meetings at Cherokee, Oklahoma. The choir will give the “Xmas” Can tata on Sunday evening, December 24. This promises to be one of the finest entertainments put on by the church _ ;-. Xmas Dance At K. of G. Hall O’Neill * TUESDAY EVENING, DECEMBER 26th DAILARD’S ORCHESTRA NORFOLK ——————.. ^ this year. A silver offering will be taken at the close of the exercises to defray extpenses. Second Hand Ford Parts at Half price at Ford Garage. 29-1 v . V ■. i . We Have Everything In Our Big Stock That You Would Wish To Buy JUMBO CELERY HEAD AND LEAF LETTUCE APPLES ORANGES BANANAS GRAPES CRANBERRIES LEMONS CANDIED CHERRIES CANNED PINEAPPLE PLUM PUDDING FIGS, DATES MIXED NUTS CANDY CANNED MUSHROOMS CANNED CAVIAR CANNED LOBSTERS SWEET CIDER MINCE MEAT PETIT-POIS PEAS % BOTTLED CAPERS OLIVES, PICKLES SALAD PRESSING OLIVE OIL 100-Piece China Dinner Set............$50.00 100-Piece Dinner Set......._ .$45.00 100-Piece Dinner Set.........$35.00 42-Piece Breakfast Set .._ ...$15.00 42-Piece Breakfast Set.„.......... $12.00 CUT GLASS AT SPECIAL PRICES J. C. Horiskey