The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 21, 1922, Image 3

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    Sure Reliefi
Ha jTodbcj
vakTTmt Chid and p*»«I
Kidney, liver, bladder and uric
acid troubles are most dangerous
because of their insidious attacks.
Heed the first warning they give
that they need attention by taking
The world’s standard remedy for these
disorders, will often ward off these dis
eases and strengthen the body against
furtherattacks. Threesizes.aMdruggists.
Look for the nime Cold Medal on every
box and accept no imitation
Shave, Bathe and
Shampoo with one
Soap.— Cuticura
Cuticura Soap ia the favorite for safety raaorahaving.
9 9 9 Is out of fashion;
Iirau Hair
UR9f II911
■hade by using Q-Ban Hair Color Restorer.-Safe
as water—try It. At all good druggists. 75 cent*,
or direct from HESSIC-EUJS. CWuU. Meapln., T«a.
Terrible Force of Habit.
As an illustration of the terrible
force of habit, there is the story of
the nmn who had been visiting at the
home of a millionaire. When he re
turned to his hoarding house lie ab
sent-mindedly left his shoes outside
Ills door to he shined by the butler.
When he looked for the shoes tlie next
morning one of the other boarders had
made away with them.
»5*6*7&*8 SHOES »SIS
W. L. Uouglao shoes are actually de
manded year after year by more people
than any other shoe in the world
ing surpassingly good shoes
for forty-six years. This ex
perience ef nearly half u cen
tury in making shoes suitable
for Hen and Women in all
walks of life Bhould mean
something to you when you
need shoes and are looking
for the best shoe values for
your money.
quality, material and work
manship are better than ever
before; only by examining
them can you appreciate their -
superior qualities. • A OO 2 tile
Ho Hatter Where You Litre
«hoe dealers can supply you
with W. L. Douglas shoes. If
not convenient to call at one
of our HO stores in the large
cities, ask your shoe
for W. L. Douglas shoes. Pro
tection against unreasonable
profits fa guaranteed by the
name and price stamped on
the sole of every pair before |f Ml to Mk h wsrwrkdt
the shoes leave the factory. —a, *—
Refuse substitutes. Prices g / .
are the same everywhere, /[ . _,
To Merchants : If ne dealer r
in your loten handles S', /„ ft
Douglas shoes.wrste today for W.t.Iionglm* ShaaOa.
exclusive rights to handle this to Spar It Street
guick setting, Quick turn-over line. IlrecJetom, Moot.
SiMfutd guaranteed by leading dealer
Million# wear them. No rubber. Lots of
oonlort and aaay stretch from Phos
phor Brente Bprlnn. Year's gun ran-,
tee. 8ueponder*.-?6c. Garter*, -60c;
W-u Way name on buckle*. 8md
direct, giving dealer'* name if ,
he hMrt them.
Dept, g-yia Adrian, Mich.
His Quaintness.
“Something powerful queer about
Josh J uckett,” said a resident of
Grudge. “He got back day before yes-'
terday from a week’s stay in Kansas
City. Last night me and jiim went to
the picture show and saw a Harold
Lloyd comedy. And, actually, Josh
never said a word about how much
funnier it was when iie saw it with tlie
original cast up to Kay See."—Kansas
City Star.
Point of View. §
He was a child of the rich and lie*
was talking to a child of the poor in
Lincoln park, Chicago. /
“Say,” said the child of the poor,
“I know a slick bike ride to take.”
“Do you?” said the child of the
rich. “Tell me where so I can sic
one of the chauffeurs onto it.”
#/» Morning __
Keep Your Eytes
Clean - Clear •"< Healthy
Iflfrlt# for fr«o tyto Caro Book Murino Co, Chicago, ISA
IS $132,000
Much Military Equipment Lost
in Blaze—Other State Col
lege Buildings Saved After
Hard Fight by Firemen.
Ames. Ia., Dec. 17 (Special).—Fir®
of undetermined origin destroyed the
armory of the Iowa State college here
Saturday night, causing an estimated
loss of $132,000. Several thousand
dollars worth of government property,
including militia uniforms, rifles, ma
<hine guns and other military equip
ment, were destroyed.
The fire started shortly after 11
o’clock Saturday night iu the north
easi corner of the building. Twf>
militiamen, who were in the building
at the time, attempted to quench the
flames by using extinguishers.
A stiff northwest wind, however,
fanned the flames and the blaze
spread to the roof and followed it^he
entire distance. The fire department,
assisted by apparatus from nearby
towns, strove unsuccessfully to con
trol the flames. Firemen worked iu
zero temperature.
The building covered an acre of
ground and adjoined the state agri
cultural buildings. For a time the
main college building was threatened,
but firemen played water on the
building and weie able to save it.
The armory, a state building, was
erected in the fall of 1921 and had
been in use a little over a year. The
loan is covered by Insurance, officials
Later Reports Reveal Details
of Crashing- of Lake Su
perior Vessel During
Sault Ste, Marie, Mich,, Dec. 17.—
Twenty-seven lives were lost when
the steamer Reliance crashed on 'the
rocks of the Lizzard islands, in Lake
Superior, according to word reaching
here Sunday.
The Reliance, operated by the Span
ish River Pulp and Paper company,
was driven onto the rocks during a
storm early last week. The Reliance
normally carried a crew of 14, but she
had picked up a number of lumber
jacks. When she was wrecked 36
seamen and lumberjacks were f on
Nine of the crew, including a wom
an, the wife of Jack Hartens, the
cook, reached safety.
The tug Favorite left here Sunday
for the scene of the wreck, in the
hope that more survivors might be
rescued. The storm, which had abat
ed, Increased as night settled over the
lake and it is doubtful if the tug will
be able to reach its destination.
London. Dec. 17.—Eleven of a crew
of 16 perished Saturday night when
the British steamer Smerdis, from
Bordeaux, sank in the Mersey river
after a collision with tlie steamer
City of London from Bombay.
Five men wearing the new illumin
ated life belts were saved.
-_ E
Will Fight Monday to Have
Ship Measure Pushed
Aside for His Farm
Marketing Bill.
Washington, Dec. 17.—The issue
between administration leaders ..and
the Senate farm bloc over displace
ment of the subsidy bill in order to
make consideration of the farm cred
its legislation possible, is expected to
be,, settled in the Senate Monday.
Senator Norris will press his motion
to set aside the subsidy and take up
his bill which provides for ttie crea
tion of an $100,000,00# co-operative
marketing ugency.
- Senator Jones, in charge of the
subsidy measure, will resist such ac
tion on the part of the Senate. He
announced early in the debate that
he would be willing at any time to
give way to a real credits measure,
but is of the opinion that the Norris
bill is only a subterfuge nnd does not
'•represent the wishes of the farm bloc
in the way of farm credits legisla
tion. He wants the debate on the
subsidy bill to proceed, he says, until
there is a general agreement among
the bloc members as to the kind of
legislation they desire.
Senator Jones does not believe the
farm group will be able to muster
sufficient votes to adopt Senator
Norris’ motion. All of the adminis
tration senators will viote against
Cincinnati, Ohio, Dec. 16 (A. P.)_
The mystery surrounding the finding
of a blood stained automobile here
Friday was dissipated last night.
when Walter Phillips, brick layer,
who left Dos Angeles several months
ago, appeared at police headquarters
and Claimed the automobile as one
stolen from him several days ago.
Mile. Sorei. French actres now In the
United States, lectured on coquetry. She
advised young and old women to flirt,
because that Is the type that pleases
men. It stirs the heart and soul and In- t
splreg men to do great deeds, she oaid. [
Prohibition Director Haynes
Announces Cleanup Cam
paign to Start in January—
Not Aimed at Movie Colony.
Universal 'Service,
Washington, Dec. 17. -Prahtbyion
Commissioner Roy A. Haynes will
personally direct a drive to clean up
the Pacific coast eerly in January, It
was announced here Sunday night.
Under the law, he is charged with
enforcing "narcotic regulations and
will concentrate on^thls rather than
violations of the lSth amendment, it.
was stated.
9 Mr. Haynes will he accompanied to
the coast by Col. B. H. Nutt, chief of
the narcotic division of Die prohibi
tion bureau and a corps of agents
especially trained in drug suppres
Backed by the Jones-Miller law,
Mr. Haynes said Sunday night ho
hoped to he able to cheek an ex
tremely dangerous vice and eventual
ly root it out. This law’ deals
specifically with the smuggling of
dope, which Mr. Haynes declared, *-s
the big problem to be overcmna*
Movies Not Involved.
Mr. Haynes made it perfectly clear
that his campaign on the coast has
no connection with the case of Wal
lace Bold, celebrated motion picture
star, and he made it equally as < lear
that he will not start an inquiry into
the motion picture colony.
He is convinced there is no dopa
ring In the movie colony and the per
centage of addicts there probably will
measure far below that in average
’ life. What he is especially anxious to
do, he said, Is to break up drug pro
curement among the porrer classes,
particularly lumberjacks and day la
f The coast situation, Mr. Haynes
stated, has long been a source of a
great deal of annoyance, and is really
responsible for the recent drug legs
latlon that has been enacted.
As the gateway from the Orient, he
pointed out, it Is only natural that
such narcotics as are smuggled in
should come through the ports there.
Will Start ‘Machinery*. *
“We already have a law to take care
of this situation," he said.' "It is only
necessary now to set up the machin
ery for the enforcement of this law.
That Is really the reason for my trip
to th| coast.
"It is foolish to attribute dope ad
diction to the motion picture colony.
It is pathetic that any one so conspic
uous as some of the stars are should
he Involved. But at the same time I
doubt if there Is any set quite so
free. I recently had a long confer
ence with Will Hays, arbiter of the
motion picture industry, and we are In
perfect accord.
"What we want to do and will do is
to ascertain the means in which the
dope is made so easily procurable and
take the necessaty action to make It
no longer procurable.”
Universal Service.
New York, Dec. 17.—The plight of
Wallace Held, movie hero, now strug
gling In the coils of the dope habit In
a Los Angeles sanitarium, is not
worrying federal and local narcotic
officials a hundredth part as much as
is the real and widespread menace of
the narcotic traffic as revealed in the
arrest last week of William Williams
with whom Reid Is said to have done
business as a •‘customer”.
“More and more we appreciate the
seriousness of the menace that stalks
through our city and country as we
check up on this arrest and the rami
fications of the dope traffic it shows,"
said Dr. Carleton Simon, special de
puty police commissioner in charge of
the narcotic division, who Is Investi
gating Williams’ history and scope of
trade In drugs.
Indications point to the fact that
New York was the shipping point for
a large traffic in narcotics in the west
where Williams is said to have had
many customers, buying direct or
through agents.
I Dr. Simon said he believed the
J wave of irreligious sentiment that had
swept the country had been largely
responsible for dope addiction.
. “There is no cure for drug addiction
possible without spiritual uplift.” he
said. “The statistics of my office
show that of the 6.000 dope violators
arrested in two years less than one
per cent, were church goers."
Washington, Dec. 17 (U. P.)—No
disciplinary action for the “liquor
scandal" among midshipmen following
the recent army-navy game at Phila
delphia was recommended by the spe
cial board of inquiry appointed by
Secretary Denby to investigate the
Rear Admiral Henry B. Wilson, as
commanding officer of the naval
academy, was held technically res
Secretary Denby, in making the r -
port public warned that every possll •
step would he taken to prevent sm i
occurrences in the future.
London, Dec. 17.—The Turkish fi
nance minister anounced to the Near
KasW’*‘ace conference, according to a
dispatch to the Central News, that the
Turks will not discuss, much less pay,
the cost of any army of occupation.
-- ♦ • —
Twenty-eight automobiles, valued at
more than *65,000, were recently reported
stolen over a week end In Philadelphia
More than half of the tars wer«
taken on Saturday afternoon by joy
riders, who. arter running out of - gas"
abandoned them on the highways.
World Surely Is In a Bad Way, or
This Writer’s Liver Is Out
of Order.
J Strike and the world strikes with
.voa, work and you work alone; our
.souls are ablaze with the apathy craze,
the wildest ever was known.
(■roan and there’ll be a chorus.
Smile and you make no hit, for we’ve
; grown long hair and we preach de
spair and show you a daily tit.
i Spend and the gang w ill cheer you,
save and you have no friend, for we
throw our bucks to birds and ducks
and borrow from all who'll lend.
I Knock and you’ll be a winner. Boost
and you’ll he a frost; for the old sane
"'ays of the pre-war days are now
from the program lost.
Strike and the world strikes with
you, work and you work alone, for
we'd rather yell and raise blue It 1
than strive for an honest hone—-Roy
K. Moulton ii^the New York Eve
ning Mail.
Cuticura for Pimply Faces. ^
I To remove pimples and blackheads
j smear them with Cullcurn Ointment,
j Wash off In five minutes with Cutl
j curn Soap and hot yater. Once clear
keep your skin clear by using them for
j dally toilet purposes. Don’t fall to In
clude Cuticura Talcum. Advertisement
Warning Came Too Late.
Mother was in the kitchen hurrying
to get dinner. At the busiest minute
! 1 saw the minister coming down the
; Street. Knowing there was a drive to
' collect money. I knew the object of his
I visit and that it was apt to he u long
i I announced to mother who was
coming, and she, annoyed at the Inop
portune time for such a call, said, “Oh,
tell him I’m not at home.’’
j 1 went to the door and told him
mother was out; iie expressed his re
gret. Mother not realizing lie had ar
rived so soon, came in from the kitch
en, calling: “Hose, you’d better not tell
bint a lie. I'll come inland see him.”
j The next few moments were such a
muddle neither mother nor I knows
'what was said.—Chicago Tribune.
Discovery by Scientists Has Replaced
Tills and salts give temporary re
lief from constipation only at the ex
pense of permanent Injury, says an
eminent medical authority.
Science has found a newer, better
way—a means as simple us Nature
in perfect health a natural lubricant
keeps the food waste soft and moving.
But when constipation exists this nat
ural lubricant is not sufficient. Medi
cal authorities have found that the
gentle lubricating action of /s'ujol most
closely resembles that of Nature’s own
lubricant. As Nujol is not a laxative
it cannot gripe. It is in no sense a
medicine. And like pure water It is
' harmless and pleasant,
j Nujol is prescribed by physicians;
used in lending hospitals. Get a bottle
from your druggist today.—Advertise
Chopping Him Off. +
“Sir,” whined the measly mendicant,
i “I nm in great distress. The wolf is
howling iit my door. What shall 1
j “Go out and let him eat you!"
! -nai led J. Fuller Gloom.—Kansas City
I _
Made With Raisins
—and already baked for yon
SAVE tlic trouble and the
time of baking pies at
home, yet give your men
folks pies that are exactly to
their taste.
Master bakers and neigh
borhood bake shops in your
city are making luscious
raisin pie fresh every day.
Your grocer or these bake
shops can supply them.
Taste them and you’ll
know why there’s no longer
need to bake at home.
Crust that’s light and
flaky —- tender, thin-skinned,
juicy fruit, the juice forming
a delicious sauce 1 There’s
nothing left to be desired in
a pie.
Made with finest seeded Sun
Maid Raisins.
1560 calories of energizing nu
triment per pound in practically
predigested form. Rich in food
iron, also — good food for the
Make cakes, puddings and
other good foods with them.
You may be offered other
brands that you know less well
than Sun-Maids, but the kind
you want is the kind you know
is good. Issist, therefore, on
Sun-Maid brand. They cost no
more than ordinary faisins.
Mail coupon now for free bock
of tested Sun-Maid rtyipes.
The Supreme Pie Raisin
Your retailer should sell you Sun
Maid Raisins for not more than the
following prices:
Seeded (in 15 oi. blur fit.)—2Cc
Seediest (in 15 at. rtd ft;.)—IOc
Seeded or Seediest (11 ot.)—16c
Sun-Maid Raisin Growers,
Dept. N-565-13, Fresno, California.
Please send me copy of your free boot,
“Recipes with Raisins.”
Street_- -- _
Blue Package j ClTy__...State__
Everywhere She Goes.
We lmve a little dog that is rattier
fond of me, and follows me wherever
I go.
It happened in church as I was sit
ting at the end of the pew, during a
sgrinon, that I noticed all eyes fixed
on me.
I looked and saw little Trlx wiggling
his tail for all lie was worth, glad to
have found me.
As I could not chase him home, I
had to"get up and walk out, feeling
the heat that made me blush as Trix
and I marched down the aisle.—Ex
change. •
At Close Quarters.
Mamma—Who was that young man
who was just dancing with you?
Flossie—I don’t know.
Mamma—Well, then, what did he
look like?
Flossie—I don’t know that either.
He danced so close to roe that 1
couldn’t see him.
jfahfrfQUDcJSABUlUUW^** ■
.'i3S*» I I
>.«<« Vtirwlshness ana jj
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Thirty Years
Gap Johnoon's Progeny Naturally R&.
•ented the Presence cf Inter
loper in the Family.
“A short distance up the road,"
said a tourist who had halted his car
In front of the residence of Clap John
son of Rumpus Ridge, "I met a small
boy legging It for bis life, with it
howling mob of children of assorled
sizt*s pursuing him and fairly raining
stones, clubs ami blistering epithets
around him.”
“Eh-yali!" replied Mr. Johnson. “The
party of the first part was (Jube Oig
gery’s hoy and the mob was composed
of some of my children, chasing him
home. You see, their maw washee
'em all up a spell ago, and when thej
looked each other over they found that
kid of (tube’s had been amongst ’em
for nobody knows how long, eating,
drinking and making merry, as it
were. Whurupon they gave a united
yell/)f fury and started to swarm all
over him, and he let off a screech of
terror and defunct out of yur as the
crow dies!”—Kansas City Star.
One Must Be Careful.
I think the most embarrassing mo
ment for me was one day when I was
going to lunch with two girls. We hnd
gone a short distance when we s^w
two other girls coming. One I knew.
I said: “Oh, this one makes me
“They said: “Which one?”
I said: “The one on the inside. Site
thinks she is so swell, and she is only
a switchboard operator."
I then remembered one of the girls
i was with was a switchboard opera
tor, and all shl* did was look ft me,
and I knew I got red, hut it was a lint
day, and the sun was shining, so
may he she thought I was sunburned,
hut 1 don’t think she did, for she lias
not talked to me since.—Detroit Free
Wireless Call Bells.
An oflicer of the Portuguese army
has developed a system of operating
call bells by wireless, which army
circles say will do away with prolonged
watching for calls at radio receiving
' “ """ • ---
RemovesOaoorulT KloprHairFalllaf
, Restore* Color er.d
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hair
1 eoc. and 3100 at Orucslsta
_Rmcot Ctirm. tvta Futclioeuf.K. Y.
Joiner, ete., rtope all pain, enrurea comfort to t'-.a
•£*> *"»• l«o- by mail or at Urur*
C**t» llmcox Chemical Works, I’atchotjTje. M.
In the Heart of SIOUX CITY
Absolutely Fireproof - Kates From 31.75
11# Uvlild PUTNAM FADELESS DYES—dyes or tints as you wish