The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 21, 1922, Image 1
_ * VOLUME XLII. O'NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 21, 1922. NO. 29. My feet feel as they did when I was a little girl! i THAT is what one woman said after wearing the ARCH PRESERVER SHOE for three months. It will do as muchforyou. Will {pre vent that needless tiring of your feet. Will keep them well, strong, vigorous, happy. Yet you can wear just the style you wish. The ARCH PRESERVER SHOE looks like any regular good shoe. But your foot immediately feels the differ ence. Of course, it also relieves all ordinary foot troubles. r I ■s I _ i "KEEPS THE FOOT WELL” Unless this trade-mark appears it is not a genuine ARCH PRE SERVER SHOE. The exclusive arch construction offers firm support for the foot during the entire life of the shoe and gives the shoe longer life. There is a “walking base” underneath the entire foot. ‘THE ARCH PRESERVER SHOE ■■■I-—■' — P. J. McMANUS, O’Neill S. J. Weekes was a passenger to Omaha Tuesday morning. J. N. Trommershausser, of Ewing, was in O Neill Tuesday and Wednes day. Will Mohr, of Spencer, was in O’Neill the first of the week on busi ness. A son was born Wednesday morning to Mr. and Mrs. Burl Martin at their home in Omaha. Kenneth Templeton arrived home from Hastings college Saturday for a two weeks vacation. T. J. Lakey went to North Platte, Nebraska, last week, where he has em ployment in a bakery. Fern Hubbard is expected to arrive home the last of the week from the state university to spend the one week Christmas vacation. George Agnes returned home Tues day night from Plankington, South Dakota, where he was called last week by the death of his mother. Mrs. Bennett Martin went to Tuc son, Arizona, last week, arriving there Friday, where she will spend the win ter with her daughter, Mrs. Opie Chambers. Miss Lois Go.Idrey returned to her home in Chicago, Tuesday. Miss Lois has been a guest of her aunts, Mrs. F. D. McMillan and Miss Markey for the past few months. - —... 1 ■■ mm m cp irnnurii <4P Buying at the Bakery is a real event this year. We have many candies priced at 15c. These high grade goods are made in our shop. That’s why we can make prices so low. Get the habit cf buying your candy at the candy factory. 11 IHimWlIM III McMillian & Markey Miss Nora McCarthy who teaches the Shoemaker school, has an extended vacation on account of scarlet fever. Miss Margaret Donohoe came up from Omaha Wednesday afternoon, where she is teaching in the city schools, to spend the Christmas vaca tion with O’Neill relatives and friends. Mrs. James Peeler went to Los An geles, California last week, where she will spend the wnietr. Mrs. Peeler has been visiting with her daughters, Mrs. Ed. Davies, of Ewing, and Mrs. Luke Rakow, of Page, for several weeks. Chas. Havens, supervisor elect from the seventh district, comprising Atkin son and Stuart townships, was in O’Neill last Saturday attending the meeting of the tax payers and shak ing hands with his many friends. Miss Irene O’Donnell, who is attend ing St. Mary’s at Notre Dame,Indiana, and Miss Marjorie Dickson, who is at tending college at Rockford, Illinois, are expected to arrive heme together Friday for a visit with the home folks during the holidays. Jphn C. Spllman, road master of the C. & N. W. Railroad, was in O’Neill last week. Mr. Spellman has just re turned from a two months visit in the east. He was present at several con ferences of road officials looking to ward the betterment of railroad service. L. P. McCoun, of Omaha, is now in charge of the Harding Cream Co. station in O’Neill, having taken over the business the first of the week. The station was operated recently by W. P. Curtis who took over the business a few weeks ago from the Farm Bureau people. Mr. McCoun is experienced in the cream and produce business. In comparing the sale of starrtps at the postoffice during the Christmas season this year with the cor responding period of last year, Post master McCrathy estimated that the decrease amounts to from twenty to thirty percent under last year. Mr. McCarthy states that as many pack ages are being mailed this year as last but that they ar£ much smaller. The Nebraska Territorial Pioneers’ Association will hold its annual re union Tuesday, January 9, 1923, in the parlors of the Grand Hotel, 12th & “Q” Streets, Lincoln .Nebraska. The session will convene at 10 o’clock a. m. and continue throughout the entire day with luncheon and social hour at noon. At two o’clock the annual address will be given by Hon. Edgar Howard, Co lumbus, Nebraska, and following Hon. I. G. Dunn of Omaha, will give a talk on early days. A round table will be conducted by Moses P. O’Brien of Omaha and each Pioneer is invited to be ready to respond to the call for a five minute talk. Fred Watson, of Inez, was in O’Neill Tuesday. John Mullen left for Lincoln Thurs day morning to spend Christmas with relatives. J. L). Cronin expetcs to move his law office to the front rooms over the O’Neill National bank next week. The village of Orchard has pur chased a plot of ground which will be used for a tourist camping ground and city park. Miss Elsie Longstaff entertained a few friends at her home Monday even ing nt r seven o’clock dinner. The evening was spent with games. Charles Jones, of Neligh, foreman for the Western Bridge & Construct ion company, was an O’Neill business visitor Wednesday and Thursday. Rev. Enoch Nye closed his meeting at Ponca Sunday night. He reports a good meeting. He is contemplating leaving the evangelistic work and tak ing a church at Spencer, Nebraska. Fred McNally turned over with his large oil truck last Saturday night near the Denberger place south of O’Neill while returning from a trip to Chambers. Fred received a bruised foot and the car was somewhat damaged. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Young, of Oppor tunity, left on No. 3 train Sunday for Hornell, New York, to visit their son, Guy E. Young, stopping at Fremont to visit their other son, R. M. Young, of that city. They expect to be gone about three weeks. B. F. Bigelow, of 1913 Jackson Ave., Des Moines, Iowa, is one of the many new subscribers to The Frontier, hav ing just recently attained that dis tinction. Mr. Bigelow was a resident of O’Neill a number of years ago. After reading an issue of The Fron tier he writes: “I received the paper and it did me good to see the old Fron tier again. I see that you still have a band; d played in the first band that O’Neill had, Fred Herre, as leader; those were days of real sport, about 1-885. There are not many there now that were there \^en I lived in O’Neill, the only name that I saw that was familiar was Biglin.” A special rate of only $2 a year for the Lincoln Daily Journal or $3 a year incluling Sunday is now being made in Nebraska and adjoining states, if order is sent in during December. The legislative session and the battle for lower taxes the coming year will make The Journal desired by every Ne braska family. The Journal is de livered on most rural routes on the day printed, nearly a day ahead of most other papers. Try The Journal the coming year at this Bargain Rate. 1 49-1 Lincoln Track Review, Dec. 16.—Mr. John J. Hynes, the inventor, and Mr. C. M. Daly, secretary of the O’Neill Commercial Club, are preparing to market what will be known as the “Hynes’’ rubber work mitten and glove. The invention comes as the re sult of an experiment in using husking mittens made of old rubber tubes in lieu of the usual cloth mitten for corn husking in the section. The result showed that these crude rubber mit tens outlasted a good many pairs of canton flannel mittens. The inventor has provided for ventilation in the back of the rubber mitten to ward against too much heat when working. The mittens being of rubber, also keeps the hands dry when husking corn in damp or snowy weather and offers added protection against burrs and weeds. New Meat Market We have opened a new meat market in the old Brennan store building where we are prepared to furnish you with all kinds of fresh and cured meats. Your patronage is solicited. The Cash Meat Market % J. B. Ryan, Prop. In the old Brennan Hardware store building. * Where The Price Is Right .The Knights of Columbus expect to put on a comic opera some time in January. An instructor has been em ployed and the ca^t will be arranged in the near future. Announcement of the slaying of C. T. Linton, currency guard for the Den ver Federal Reserve bank, who was killed when bandits held up a truck last Monday in which currency being transported from the federal reserve bank to the Denver mint for safe keeping was received by Judge Thomas Oarlon of this city with sorrow. Mr. Linton was for years court -clerk to Judge Carlon while the latter was on the bench in Denver, and the two men were intimate personal friends. Two sons of Mr. Linton are noted actors and both were on the stage, one at Scranton, Pennsylvania, and one at Indianapolis, when they received tele grams announcing the murder of their father. Both finished their turns, which happened to be comedy ones, rather than to disappoint their audi ences and the latter were not aware of the great sorrow sq suddenly visited ilpon the laugh makers. Im mediately after the conclusion of his shbw Harry- Linton left Scranton for Denver to attend the funeral. Thomas Linton, who heads his own show at Indianapolis, was unable to attend the funeral because of a twenty weeks contract from which he could not be released. Winter and T. V. Golden are twins. Both began on December 2? and both will celebrate their birthdi y anni versary Friday, which day is .\lso ‘dis tinguished as being the shortest one of the year. But a day which is the anniversary of two important events doesn’t need to be so very long. Mr. Golden is’nt the only one of the Golden family with an unusual birthday. When Parnell Golden arrived on earth a number of years back it was along close to midnight, in fact so close that it was very doubtful whether it was a few seconds before or a few seconds after 12 o’clock, and because of this it developed on T. V. to make the official decision as to the exact time. The decision to be made was far more important than it would ordlhary seem, because the month happened to be July. If T. V. decided that Parnell was born before midnight it meant that his birthday would be July 12, Orangemen’s Day. If he fixed the time as. after midnight it meant ar riving in this world on the thirteenth of the month, which also waB Friday on that particular year. After weighty deliberation Mr. Golden decided that there was nothing to the silly super stitions about Friday and thirteen, so Parnell was born at 12.1 *1” a. m., Fri day, July 13. The anniversary falls on the same day of the week this year, so a mathematician should be able to figure Parnell's age. -Y our Christmans Dinner When looking over your list for that Christmas Dinner you must remem ber that quality must be considered. See BEN J. GRADY, the Quality Grocer We have a complete line of fresh fruits and vegetables: LETTUCE CRANBERRIES GREEN ONIONS SWEET POTATOES PARSLEY . ORANGES CELERY BANANAS GRAPE FRUIT LOGAN BERRIES PEANUT BUTTER GRAPES H0NEY STRAWBERRIES SORGHUM RED CHERRIES MAPLE SYRUP RASPBERRIES CUCUMBERS TOMATOES We also have a full line of Mixed Nuts and Candies, at Ben J. Grady “Quality Grocer”