The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 07, 1922, Image 3

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*5*6*7&*8 SHOES Ml!
W. It. Douglas shoes ore actually de- |
mantled year after year by more pet)pie
than nnv other shoe in the world I
BECAUSE *?r,»tyle. mate
* . ■* rial, workman
ship and reasonable prices
they are unequaled. FORTY
YEARS of satisfactory ser
vice have given the people
confidence in the shoes and in
the protection afforded by the
W. L. Douglas Trade Mark.
profits is guaranteed by the
name and price stamped on
the sole of every pair.
W.L.DOUGLAS-*10*8*™ !
any ipxxi value*, vmiy uy ex- ^g AVCIunmi
amining them ran you appro
ciate their superior qualities. J1]??*
You can always save money by **-.Uu ™
wearing W.L. Douglas shoes. S’. L. bouglat name
W.L.DOUGLAS^lff.,*- OS KTS2 ?»$
—-sold n 110 Trade Mark in the
of our own storeB in the large world. It tlandi tor
cities and by shoe dealers the highetttlandard
everywhere. When you need of quality at the iow
shoee.if not convenient to call I
at one of our stores, ask your plainly damped on
shoe dealer to show you W.L*. the sole.
Dougr!»« ehoes. The name r .TT*
•nd price i» always plainly If Mt fA itk la ytmvkM&
•tamped on the sole. Refuse wrilf ftf cat sin
substitutes. The prices are j- / j0
the same everywhere. ■/>/✓! J
To Merchant* : If no dealer * M**J**rt^*4~~
in your tarn handles W. L. President £'
Douglas shoes.wnte today for W.L. Douglas Shoe Co*
exclusive rights to handle this SO Spark Street j
qutek sellings quick turn-over line. J9ro«Mo»t, Mass.
Business as Usual.
A subscriber to n Philadelphia pa
per three-quarters of a century ago in
dignantly accused its editor with the
angry announcement: “I have stopped
your paper, sir—I have stopped your
paper J”
“Indeed,w the editor calmly replied;
“come with me und let us see about
When the two had reached the news
paper office find found everything going
on ns usual, the editor assumed the
role of the indignant one: “My paper
stopped, sir? IIow could you utter such
a falsehood?”
Must Be Neat Nowaday*
“Who’s your lawyer?”
“Lawyer Glibwitz.”
“He’s good, all right. But Lawyer
Pumpham’s on the other side, lie's a
powerful man with a jury.”
“I’m not worrying any. There are
four women on the Jury and Pump
ham’s a careless feeder. They’re no*
going to pay much attention to n man
who lias egg stains on his vest."
\ Mothers!!
\ Write for 32
\ Page Booklet,
\ Mr “Mothers of
jjf the World” ,
'A Pat. Process •
'Lloyd A
Loom Products Mrg. cL
Baby Carriages GFurniture^T wakl/i'tldT-o1.]
Dept. E
Use This Coupon
The Lloyd Mfg. booklet.-Mothers of th.
Company S World
<SX~?.)W .
Mich. Strest.
t*D Jr City..Stata..
'Suspenders and Garters
Make Idea) XuiasGIfte
Sold and guaranteed by leading dealers.
Millions wear them. No rubber. Lots of
comfort and easy stretch from Phos
phor Bronx© Springs. Year’s gunrnn-y
tee. Suspenders,-75c; Garters,-50c; //
Hose Supporters,-25o //'/
Nu Way name on buckles. Send
direct, giving dealer's name if
he haant them.
-J I Restores Color and
J I Beauty to Gray and Faded Hail
t myrr» toe. and$!.coat Dmjrtrlsts.
HINOERCORNS Removes Coras, Cal
louses, etc., stops ell pain, ensures comfort to the
feet, makes walking easy. I6o. by mall or at Drug*
gists. Hire ox Chemlaai Works, PxtclMxuo. N. Y.
Always Planning Ahead.
“I can count on one of the greatest
votps ever given a favorite son," re
marked Senator Sorghum, as lie
scribbled on the hack of an envelope.
“In fact, It will he a veritable land
“You have had some serious opposi
tion in this election.”
"Pm not talking about this election.
It’s practically over. I’m talking about
next election.”—Washington Star.
Freshen a Heavy Skin
With the antiseptic, fascinating Cutl
eura Talcum Powder, an exquisitely
scented, economical face, skin, baby
and ducting powder and perfume.
Renders other perfumes superfluous.
One of the Cuticura Toilet Trio (Soap,
Ointment, Talcum).—Advertisement.
Wrong Pocket.
Clothed In the customary sack suit,
he was fortunate enough to obtain a
sent in the subway the other morning.
As he put his hand Into an inside coat
pocket to get his glasses he missed
them, hut drew out instead a large pipe.
“Beautiful pipe, isn’t It?" said the
gentleman sitting next to him.
“Yes," he answered, “but it isn’t
mine. I never saw it before and can't
Imagine how it got Into my pocket.”
“It didn’t," the other smiled. “You
took it from my pocket.”—New York
•.. 1 —» --— - 1 ’ ---- -
IIDIMF Night and Morning.
£Have Strong, Healthy
Eyee. If they Tire, Itch,
'fo« [P* Smart or Burn, if Sore,
Y4l r> r\/rC Irritated, Inflamed or
TUUR LILJ Granulated, use Murine
often. Soothes, Refreshes. Safe foi
Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. Writefoi
Free Eye Bock. Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chic??
House Grants Power to Sub
pena Witnesses and Obtain
Documents Daugherty Re
fused-Hearing Dec. 12. _
Universal Service Correspondent.
Washington, Dec. 4.—Formal public
hearings on the Keller resolution for
impeachment of Attorney General
Daugherty will be started by the
House Judiciary committee Tuesday
morning, December 12. at 10 o'clock.
The committee in response to the
demand of Representative Keller ob
tained by special resolution Monday
afternoon power to subpena wit
nesses, administer oaths and requiie
the (submission of documents and
papers in the files of the department
of Justice requested by the author of
the Impeachment charges.
The resolution was offered by
Chairman Volstead. The vote was
Debate Acrimonious.
This course of procedure was de
termined upon by the committee nfter
an acrimonious 40-minute session, at
which Representative Keller and his
counsel, Jackson H. Ralston, of
Washington, had flatly refused to:
proceed with the offering of testi
mony until authority to make the
hearings official was obtained.
First among the 14 specific charges
presented to the committee by Repre
sentative Keller will be the group
dealing with alleged refusal and neg
lect by Attorney General Daugherty
to enforce anti-trust laws, particu
larly in cases referred to the depart
ment of Justice for action by the fed
eral trade commission.
Besides the evidence turned over
to the department of justice by the
commission charging violations of
these statutes by more than 30 cor
porations, which Mr. Keller asserted
would be sufficient to substantiate
these specifications. Mr. Ralston sub
mitted the names of these two wit
nesses, whom he asked to have sub
peuaed: v
Gives Names of Witnesses.
Donald R. Richberg,- attorney, of
Chicago, who represented the railway
labor unions In their fight on the in
junction obtained by Alforney Gen
eral Daugherty in the recent rail
strike, and Thomas Stevenson, a
Cleveland lawyer.
Pressed by Chairman Volstead for
the names of witnesses he proposed
to call in support of the other charges,
Mr. Ralston named Chief Justice Taft,
Former Attorney General Wieke.'
sham, Samuel Gompers and Gompera’
secretary, Guy Oyster. In his letter
to the committee submitting Ills spec
ifications Representative Keller stated
these four men would be asked to
testify in substantiation of his charges
that Mr. Daugherty knowingly has
appointed "untrustworthy and cor
rupt” men to places of great respon
Daugherty Issues Denial.
Daugherty Sunday sent a scorching,
defiant 'denial to every charge con
tained in Representative Keller's
charge of impeachment now beforem
He declared that radicals and war
grafters are engineering the case in
nr. effort to learn what the depart
ment of justice has against them and
flatly declined to submit to the com
mittee the documents asked for.
He strenuously defended his action
ir. asking for a sweeping injunction
during the railway strike. He said
that the conditions at the time left
him no other course. To the question
of influence of the Morgan interests
he said that wealth in no way influ
enced him and had nothing to do with
his actions.
Regarding Morse Case.
Mr. Daugherty declared that the
case of C. W. Morse, indicted for
shipping fraiftls, was directed by and
still is under the direction of the
I United States shipping board. His
I role in this is entirely formal, he says.
He brands as “knowingly false anjl
untrue” the charge that he failed to
act against the so-called dye trust.
There are 14 specifications In the in
dictment and Mr. Daugherty treats
with each in a detailed denia*.
In refusing to submit the dope- ‘
ment records in.130 cases, inclu
the reports of the bureau of inves
tlon, all correspondence and docu
ments, he said It ‘‘would be violative
of the rights of those whose confi
dence, as muny of these reflect, were
given to the government upon the ex
press understanding that the confi
dence would not be violated.”
Alleges Plot of Antis.
"Certain important matters which
involve the vital interests of the gov
ernment,” he says, "are now in pro
cess of presentation to the proper
tribunals, praying for relief.”
Mr. Daugherty concludes:
"The attorney general cannot es
cape the conclusion that the sole ob
ject and purpose of the proceeding
Is not to remove him from office, but
is in the nature avowedly an attempt
to compel the publication and the
disclosure in advance of the evidence
upon which the government relied
ar:d must rely in the prosecution and
investigation of cases of the greatest
importance to the government."
Waterville, Me., Dee. 4 (A. P.)—
Three students were l^urned to death
in a fire early today in the North col
lege building on the Colby college
campus. The bodies were so badly
burned that Immediate identification
was not possible.
Dos Angeles, Cal., Dec., 4 (!’. —
The third trial of Madelynne Oben
chain for the murder of John Pelton
Kennv dy was postponed two weeks
upon consent of both counsel today.
First Clash in New Congress
Likely to Come Over Rural
Credits Legislation — Con
firmation of Butler Blocked.
Washington, Dec. 4 (U. P.)—The
newly formed progressive bloc will
face Its first test In the session of
congress which met at noon Monday.
Rural credits legislation is be
enacted this winter. Other measures
dealing with the welfare of the farm
ers are probable.
Under the leadership of Senator
Watson, Indiana, Harding adminis
tration forces have worked out an
agricultural program which will be
presented by President Harding,
probably in his annual message on
Tuesday or later.
First Test of Power.
The progressives also have an agri
cultural program, dlferring In es
sential particulars from that pro
posed by the administration. The first
test of progressive power therefore,
probably will come upon this matter.
The progressives do not expect too
much at this session. They will not
reach their full strength in either
house until after March 4. They are,
however, powerful enough in the sen
ate to put up a sturdy fight for their
What appenrs likely to happen is
compromise legislation, in which
some administration ideas and some
progressive ones will appeap. The
progressives are not opposed to the
proposed administration plan, but
they hold it does not go far enough,
nor hit directly at the cause of agri
cultural Ills. They would gladly take
the administration bill or .bills with
out change rather than get nothing
for the farmer.
Both the congressional and public
groups of progressives will plunge at
once at the work outlined at the Fri
day and aSturday conferences here.
Session Lasts to March 4. f
With a brief 10 minute interval,
congress Monday ended its extraor
dinary session and at noon entered
upon Its regular December session. It
is the fourth assembling of the GTtli
congress, and Its last. The session
will last until March 4, when the
present congress expires by law.
Preparatorv to the main routine of
business of the- session—passage of
appropriation bills for all govern
ment departments—President Hard
ing transmitted his budget message,
setting forth the needs of the govern
ment as complied by the budget bur
eau. This message was a letter from
Mr. Harding transmitting the recom
mendations of Budget Director Lord.
It was read in both houses.
Regular Message Later.
The president's annual legislative
message will be read in person be
fcie a Joint session of Houso and
Senate tomorrow or possibly later in
the week. This message is looked up
on as one of the most important to
which Mr. Harding has addressed
himself, as he must now meet a
strengthened progressive bioc. with
a legislative program which It will
insist upon, even if that calls for
sidetracking measures sought by the
As soon as the Senate convened.
Senator Lodge said that he had been
instructed that the Dyer bill would
not be pressed between now and
March 4.
Senator Underwood, leader of the
filibuster, then announced the fight
would bo ended.
The first business to be transacted
since last Monday when the filibuster
was begun in the Senate was refer
ence of the ship subsidy bill to the
Senate commerce committee.
The nomination of Pierce Butler,
St. Paul attorney, to be an associate
justice of tile supreme court failed of
confirmation in the close of the extra
cession and a renomination in the reg
ular session was made necessary.
Senators LaFellette, republican. Wis
consin, and Norris, republican, Ne
braska, objected to immediate con
firmation and forced over the nomina
A statement opposing Mr. Butler’s
confirmation, filed recently witii the
Judiciary committee, was referred to
by Senator LaFoliette and be was
Joined by Senator Norris In demand
ing that the persons making the
statement be given a hearing. Under
these circumstances, the leaders de
cided to attempt no action today.
The statement relates to Mr. But
ler’s alleged connection with railroads
and other corporations and also with
political leaders in his home city.
Confirm 1,700.
The Senate c-onflrmecr about 1,700
other appointments. Including 1,500
army officers. Among the latter were
seven majors and 11 brigadier gener
als and about 600 officers of lower
grades who would have been dropped
from the army if the Senate had not
acted on their names before the ad
journment of the special session.
Most of these were demotions.
Among the nominations con
firmed was that of Miss Luclle At
cherson. of Columbus, Ohio, to be sec
retary of legation. She is the first
woman ever appointed to the diplo
matic corps.
Toklo, Dec. 4 (A. P.)—-The Japan
ese Red Cross society, acting tn c on
Junction with the government has de
cided today to assist 7.000 Russian
refugees at Gentian, Korea, exiled
from Vladivostok, refused an outlet
through Manchuria, and compelled
to starve in Korea.
Ac orit’.nj? to information received
hero 43 deaths have occured among
the refugees and 2,000 are seriously
Contractor Has
Gained 30 Lbs.
on Tanlac
“Tanlac fixed me up so I gained
hlrty pounds. I havt> never seen or
leard of such a wonderful medicine
in all tlie sixty-six years of my life,"
declared William Magee, well-known
retired contractor, 3840 Lafayette
Ave„ St. Louis, Mo.
“About two years ago I had a severe
bladder trouble that left me In an
awfully run-down condition. My ap
petite went back on me and my stom
ach got so weak 1 could not ont and
digest enough to give me any strength.
I also had the worst sort of pains
across the small of my buck, and could
not sleep.
“I began picking up soon after I
started taking Tanlac, and now I have
a fine appetite, sleep like a log and
that tired, worn-out feeling lias all
left me. I could not do otherwise than
recommend Tanlac.”
Tanlac is sold by all good druggists.
—Advertisement. ,
Knotty Points Concerning Rates of
Duty That Have to Be Dealt
With Judicious!?.
Cakes, folding pocket scissors, mar
ble statuary, oriental rugs, pineapples j
In brine, and bibulous paper, alias 1
“blotters," are a few of the articles w itli
which tlie Court of Customs Appeals
will have to struggle this winter, ac
cording to the calendar of cases it has
Issued. The tariff gives rise to many
highly technical questions that are cal
culated to make the most judicial mind
dizzy, and which have a real signifi
cance in dollars and cents to some
pne. An example is the pending ques
tion whether wheat screenings are
dutiable at 10 per cent as a nonenu- ;
meruted manufactured urtiele or are j
free as wheat. What will ltappen j
when shipments of 2.3,000 pounds of
goats' beards, reported as passing
through the l’anumu canal, reaches the ■
customs there is no telling. Only
those who go down to the sea In ships
and make land at the customs housed
have an adequate idea of the oddities
of international trade and the prob
lems they present.—The Nation's
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOKIA, that: famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that it
Bears the
Signature of
In Use for Over .30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Cnstoria
Indication of Guilt.
“Did you get any evidence on that
soft drink dealer?"
"I did ns you cold me," said the dry
agent. "I asked him for ginger ale and
winked my left eye.”
"And then?"
. “He Jdt me over the head with an
empty pop bottle."
“That’s pretty strong evidence that
lie had something on Ids conscience,
hut I’m afraid it won’t he accepted
in a <,ourt of law."—Birmingham Age
Took Lydia EPinkhamVVeg
etable Compound and
is Now Well
Chicago, Illinois.—“You surely gave
Women one good medicine when you put
Lydia E. Pinkham s
Vegetable Com
pound on the mar
ket. After 1 had my
baby I was all run
down and so nervous
it kept me from gain
ing. My doctor did
everything he could
to build me up, then
ho ordered me to take
Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Com
pound with his med
icine and I am now a new woman. 1
have had three children and they are all
Lydia E. Pinkham babies. I have rec
ommended your medicine to several
friends and they speak highly of it. You
are certainly doing good work in this
world. ”—Mrs. Adritii Tomsheck, 10567
Wabash Ave., Chicago, Illinois.
There is nothing very strange about
the doctor directing Mrs. Tomsheck to
take Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound. There are many physicians
who do recommend it and highly appreci
ate its value.
Women who are nervous, run down,
and suffering from women’s ailments
should give this well-known root and
herb medicine a trial. Mrs. Tomsheck’s
experience should guide you towards
No Returns.
“He used to give thousands to his
forty's campaign chest. Now lie thinks
lie’s done his duty if lie hands over
“He run for office and got 200 votes
out of n total of 25,000 counted. A man
in his position is apt to think a con
tribution to his party is a poor invest
All the world lovest to laugh with a
A dollnr found Is less valuable than a
quarter earned.
Say “ Bay errand Insistl
Unless you see the name ‘‘Mayer’’ on
package or on tablets you are not get
ting tlie genuine Mayer product pre
scribed by physicians over twenty-two
yeurs and proved sufe by millions for
Colds Headache
Toothache Lumbago
Earache llheumutlsm
Neurulgiu Pain, Pain
Accept “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Each unbroken package contains
proper directions. Handy boxes of
twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug
gists also sell bottles of 24 and 100.
Asperln Is the trade mark of Bayer
Manufacture of Monoucetletocldester of
Greenwich Village Girl# Claim They
Figd the Humble “Billies” Use
ful Companions.
The 4 oil thing in the Greenwich vil
lage studio now is the hilly gotit. Those
who profess to know go so fuc as to
stall' that the village girls, when they
go out to show their smocks and
bobbed hair, won’t carry a I’eke or a
Pom, tint will lead u g"«t. Those who
have them say they are easier to care
for than a dog, the upkeep not being
so heavy, due to a goat’s digestion, and
that they are kind and companionable.
There are other advantages, that of
garbage disposal, even to cans, being
one. Then again, the owner of a goat,
particularly if the studio is small, will
never he lonesome. A little observation
from the Sixth or the Ninth avenue
elevated from Fourteenth street on
down will show that the goal Is becom
ing more and more prevalent.—New
York Correspondence in the Detroit
Each package of. “Diamond Dyes” con
tains directions so simple any woman can
dye or tint her worn, shabby dresses,
skirts, waists, coats, stockings, sweaters,
coverings, draperies, hangings, everything,
even if she lias never dyed before. Buy
“Diamond Dyes”—no other kind—then
perfect home dyeing is sure because Dia
mond Dyes are guaranteed not to spot,
fade, streak, or run. Tell your druggist
whether the material you wish to dye is
wool or silk, or whether it is finen, cotton
or mixed goods.—Advertisement.
Film Magnate Astonished by Austra
lians’ Knowledge of the Eng
lish Language.
The predominance of the foreign
element in New York is the subject of
many jokes. At a motion picture
luncheon to the press the other day,
as Tommy Gray, one of the city’s
wits, arose to speak, lie looked about.
“As this luncheon is to the press,”
lie began, "and not to the motion pic
ture trade, I will make my remarks in
Somewhat along tills shine line is a
joke that is being told on one of the
most prominent of the film magnates,
who is shrewd but Illiterate, Two
Australians, stranded in New York, in
search of jobs, managed to get an au
dience with lilm.
“So,” lie said, “you’re from Aus
tralia? When did you come over?”
“Only a month ago," they answered.
“My,” lie exclaimed, “but you
learned our language quick.”
Vigorous Rodent War Urged.
Damage by smaller rodents on stock
ranges, while not so spectacular as
that by wolves, mountain lions and
coyotes, in some cases more than
equals that of the predatory animals,
according to I*r. A. K. Fisher of the
United States biological survey. There
should be closer co-operation, particu
larly in the matter of appropriations,
between the federal aifd state govern
ments, so that the largest amount
available from both sources may be
obtained, he says.
It is declared that if the prairie
dog alone were exterminated 4,000,000
more cattle and 4,000,000 more sheep
could be raised because of the increase
In the amount of forage.
A woman admires her husband's
good Judgment—when he agrees with
Sure Relief
9* cam J
16 Bell-ans
Hot water
Sure Relief
“Vaseline” Petroleum Jelly bene
fits all bumps, sores, bruises, sun
burn, blisters, cuts and chafed skin.
Never be without a bottle of it in
the house. It’s safe, always effec
tive and costs but a trifle.
Stste Street (ConsolicUted) Nrw Votk
Reg. U S. Pat. Off.
Petroleum Jelly
Keep the vital organs healthy by
regularly taking the world’s
standardremedy for kidney, liver,
bladder and uric acid troubles—
.^Rhaarlem oTl^^
The National Remedy of Holland for
centuries. At all druggists in thre#
3izes. Guaranteed aa represented.
Look for the nemo Gold Medal on «rcff
box aud accept no imitation
, If ■■ ■ need net be thin
VjkllM KJB Ja ■ u or ttrrakrd with
four na r Eirw«*5
■ ® " ■ RESTORER wlU
j quickly rcrlTe It and bring back all Its original
1 color and luxuriance. At all good drngrlata, 7oc, or
direct from HtSSIC-ILUS, Clwwhn. MEMPHIS. TEN*.
No Soap Better
-For Your Skin
Than Cuticura
Snap 25c, Ointment 25 and 50c, Talcnm 25c.
SIOUX CITY PTG. CO., NO. 49-1922.
, Presumptuous.
Mrs. Goodbody always spoke to poor
men in the streets and did her best to
help them.
“And how long,” she said to one ot
them, “were you a prisoner?”
“Seven years, ma’am,’ he answered.
"But the war didn't last seven
years,” said the old lady in astonish
"Ah!" said the tramp. “But who
was talking about the war?"
Trotjble is the only reliable scale for
' weighing friendship.
is indispensable in treating
Influenza, Distemper, Coughs and Colds
bo prevalent among horses and mules ut thl3 season of the year.
For nearly thirty years "Si'OHVS" has been given to prevent
these diseases, as well as to relieve and cure them. An occa
sional dose "conditions" your horse and keeps disease away.
As a remedy for cases actually suffering, •‘SFOHN’S" la quick
and certain Sold In two sizes at all drug stores.
mPawie Gives Charming New Color Tone to Old Sweaters
(i C111 d PUTNAM FADELESS DYES—dyes or tints as you wish