THE FRONTIER D. H. CRONIN, PUBLISHER. WcTtEM PLETON, Editor and Business Manager. ffNEILL, NEBRA^K ^ Russian bolshcvlsts went In on«* di rection. letting the bottom of the heap govern—with a little help from the middle. Fa si 1st l went In the other di rection. determined that the bottom of the heap—that is what they call socialists and radicals—should h»ve nothing to do with government. Changing government is spreading To visit this writer came Dr. N. I-upu, editor o' "Aurora.” an energetic newspaper published at Bucharest. He says peasants will soon take the government of Roumunla, as peasants have Already done in Bulgaria. Poland starts an imitation fasristl movement, with a girl leading. You oh erve That there wns a Turkish Joan of Arc, busy with Kemal. There Was a charming young Itallon girl, •Jtfn called Joan of Arc, active among fascist!. The more the merrier. as the ice breaks up in the spring And starts flouting so old establish ed frozen kinds of government swm breaking up in Europe. Park* Davis, able chemists, believe they have discovered a virus to end rats by their own viciousness. It Is the vile character of the rat that de stroys him, through cannibalism, as It Is man's vicious character that de stroys him through wars. Give destructive bacteria to one rat. He becomes feeble. Immediately his brothers and sisters attack and devour him. They get the disease, they get sick, their brothers and sla te-—- eat them. i* Prince Kropotkin has shown, the higher animals are preserved by their “mutual aid.” You leurn now that the vilest of the animals are destroyed by their own cannibalism. Providence is very Just.* Man should take warning. A clerk In Wales, charged with being drunk, salil he had three glasses of port and tripped on the pavement. "Three glasses of port,” said the magistrate. “Your ancestors would cell It sugar water. They took It by the pint and Went to bed on the heather, and woke up fresh In the morning. You ought to be ashamed of yourself." Warm wat<-rs of the lagoon at datum locks. Interest In swimming and the energy of Homer Baker, physical di rector of the rone, are promising to make Panama a well known e-enter of a