The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 09, 1922, Image 7

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*5 *6 *7 & *8 SHOES M!
W. L. Douglas shoes are actually de
manded year after year by more people
than any other shoe In the world.
for forty years has been to
make the best shoes possible
for the price. Protection
ygalnst unreasonable profits
Is guaranteed by the price
ttamped on every pair.
Jmd Quest leathers,by skilled i
shoemakers, all working to '
make the best shoes for the
price that money can buy. A
The quality Is unsurpassed.®
The smart styles are them
leaders In the fashion cen-m
iers of America.
110 of our own stores in the W. L. Douglas name
large cities and by shoe deal- and portrait ti the
ers everywhere. Ask your b7'i‘,*"i?*?,‘h?i'
Shoe deafer to show you W.L. woru. It stands Jor
Douglas shoes. Only by ex- the highest standard
ambling them can you ap- of Quality at the low
preoiato their value. Refuse est possible cost. The
substitutes. Insist upon hav- »f
Ing W.L.Douglas shoes with ^TsoK. ^
the retail price and tlie name
stamped on the sole. The II tst (k «sl« Is rssnridwty
retail prices are the same whit im csiaisf.
dealer In your town handles
W.l- Douglas shoes, write to- President
fag for exclusive rights to W.L.Douglas Shoe Co.
handle this quick selling, JO Spark Street
juick turn-over line. Brockton, Maos.
f 1^p£c:£|LOOM
Bafty Carnages & Furniture
Ask Your Local Dealer^
lor 32*Page
The Lloyd Manufacturing Company
(Hey wood-Wakefield Co.)
Dept E
Menominee, Michigan (16)
7 A Year** Wear
or a New Pair Free
That’s our guarantee of
Ho rubber, Phosphor Bronte/^
Springs give more, easier ](r\
and lasting stretch and
never rot. Always comfor-,
table. Susoenders,* 76c;_
<Jarters,^0c;Ho8p8upport-\jjP t
ers-2So. Ask Vour Dealei^f he
hasn’t them, send direct glvlngdeal
«’• nams. Look for guarantee ea ererr pel**
dNs-Way S track Sespeadar Co., Mfr*.
^Dept, F-6311 Adrian. Mich.
Now smoked
by a million
men who love
a superior
1 5 for 1 Oc
Rabbit Cannery May Solve Problem
In Argentina a rabbit cannery lias
been established in the hope of rid
ilng some sections of the country of u
pest In a profitable way.
Don’t grumble about the rough road
In life; help to mend It.
Sure Relief
25i and 75$ Packages. Everywhere
SIOUX CITY PTG. CO* NO. 45-19??.
Irish Republican Leader An
nounces Policy of “No
i -
Universal Service Correspondent.
Dublin, Nov. 6.—Cork city and
county were the scene of considerable
fighting over the week-end and the
clashes resulted in much property
TCantonn De Valera today issued a
manifesto declaring that th^re is no
truth in the stories that the negotia
tions for peace with the nationals in
dicate any concessions from the re
publican principles.
Mary MacSwlney has started on a
hunger strike in jail and it is report
ed that if she is released, 10,000 other
irregulars now in prison will imitate
her example.
A brigudler general of the irregular
forces with 17 men, with their dis
patches, were captured by* Free State
forces at Ballinrobe tonight. The in-®
surgents were making an attack on
a wedding party when the nationals
captured them.
Man, 40, Held as Kidnaper of
Two Daughters of
Wealthy Farmer.
Universal Service.
Anderson, Ind., Nov. 6.—Mrs;.
Louise Remm, 17, a bride of 10
months, and her sister Virginia Heis
tand, IB, daughters of a wealthy
farmer near Kouts, Ind., are held In
the dententlon home here as wit
nesses, and Joseph Troffer, 40, a
former Chicago -teamster Is in Jail.
Re is charged with kidnaping and as
The trio were found by the au
:horities living in a single room at a
local residence after persons had re
ported peculiar actions of the young
women. The sisters * claimed they
Pad been abducted by Troffer.
The girls claim Troffer intimidated
<hem, threatening to kill them, if
they started hack or sent word home.
In fear of their lives the sisters say
they accompanied Troffer to Valpar
aiso, Gary, South Bend and Elkhart.
Carl Remm, 40, farmer, the hus
oand of Louise Remm, one of the ab
ducted girls, arrived here today and
after a tearful recitation of her ex
periences. forgave his bride and stat
ed that lie would take her back.
House at. Wilkesbarre Disap
pears Into Mine Cave
75 Feet Deep.
Universal Service.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., Nov. 6.—One
dwelling, two summer kitchens and
three sheds completely disappeared
in a mine cave at Hudson early to
day. The cave measures 100 feet In
diameter and is 75 feet deep.
Three families were inn the dwell
ing. Some of them were awakened
shortly after midnight by rumblings
which they regarded as thunder. Re
fore they realized their danger the
building had settled 10 feet into the
earth. Soon as the discovered the
cause, members of the families leaped
through windows and got to safe
ground with little time to ppare.
Within a little while the buildyigs
crashed to the bottom of the cave.
The cave continued today and it is
feared that other buildings will go
The territory is undermined by the
Hudson coal company. Several homes
have been roped off and families will
not be alowed to return to their
Rome, Nov. 6 (A. P.)—Fascist! and
nationalists clashed today at Tarrato,
In southeastern Italy, over questions
of local politics. In the fight which
ensued seven iru n were killed and
numbers were wounded, casualties
being suffered by both sides.
Count Sforza, Italian ambassador to
France was the object of a hostile
demonstration by fascisti w’hen he ar
rived at Bussoleno, in the province of
Turin, on the Italian frontier, while
returning to Rome for a conference
with the new premier, Mussolini. The
fascist! detached the carriage in which
the count was riding, from the train
lint carabineers rushed in and rescued
Toliio, Nov. C (A. 1’.)—One hundred
and thirty-five Russian refugees from
Vladivostok were drowned Sunday
When two steamers foundered, ac
cording to a dispatch from Seoul to
the Yomiuri here. Only two persons
were saved, the report stated. The
dispatch omitted the exact location of
the foundering.
Dallas, Tex., Nov. 6 (A. P.)—The.
fifth court of civil appeals today Is
sued a mandate to the 77th district
court at Groesbeck, ordering dis
solved a temporary restraining order
preventing the name of Earle U.
Mayfield going on the ballots. The
action was taken on motion of VV. A.
Keeling, attorney general and L. C.
Sutton, one of his assistants.
Oheppy, Eran< e, Nov. 5 (A. P.)— -A
monument to commemorate the sol
diers of the state of Missouri who fell
during the world war was dedicated
today. Marshall Joffr* presided.
Xiwtt'arlf It Ms .'er> ■«♦». .>!■« »» ■iWMHf.mi
Lester James Wright, of Wauke
sha, AVis., a Near East Relief work
er, is reported to have been slain
by bandits near Aleppo, after hav
ing brought a party of Armenian
orphans from the Near East Relief
Orphanage at dHtarpoot to safety
outside of Turkey. He was former
ly on the faculty of the University
of AA’isconsln.
j*_ _ _ _
Sir Basil Thompson, Former
Scotland Yard Man, Gives
New Light on Con
duct of War.
New York, Nov. 6 (A. P.)—The
German kaiser of 1914 to 1918 was not
the all-highest but the mouthpiece of
the general staff, and the order that
send German armies through Belgium
was thrust beneath the unwilling
hand of AVilliatn Hohenzollern, ac
cording to Sir Basil Thompson, K. C.
B., former head of the criminal in
vestigation department of Scotland
Yard, who sketched for a lecture au
dience last night, a picture of the
German leader. Sir Basil ascribes
this uncommon portrait of the kaiser
to “General A’on Buelow, who told
the Britisti detective of the intimate
prologue that prefaced the kaiser's
Sir Basil's story, which makes clear
the motive that sent the kaiser to
Doom, is this:
Warning to Wilhelm.
A few days before the armistice,
General A’on Buelow went to Unter
Den Linden, and sought out the
"It is my duty to tell you,’’ said
A’on Buelow to him, “that there is
not a possibility of the Fatherland
winning the war.”
“We shall not lose until every Ger
| man has died,” the kaiser answered.
“It is my duty, sire,” A’on Buelow
continued, “to inform you that there
Is a revolution in Berlin.”
“Then I. personally shall lead the
army to Berlin,” the kaiser shouted,
and rose from his chair.'
“It’s my duty, sire,” A’on Buelow
went on, "to tell you that your life
would not be safe among your sol
Start for Holland.
Kaiser AVUhelm slumped into the
chair. His face turned gray. His
muscles were twitching. Efforts to
arouse him from a faint were useless.
Physicians and General A’on Buelow
lifted the body of the all highest to a
motor car. The machine started for
Sir Basil told the audience last
night A’on Buelow’jf version of the
final order for the invasion of Bel
gium, Indicated that the kaiser, be
fore August 4, 1914, decreed that the
armies must not invade the little
country. The general staff. Sir Basil
said, told the emperor that that was
the only pathway to France. Then,
in answer to the kaiser’s reiteration
that there he no invasion, the staff
departed, to return with the order
sending the army forward.
“£Hgn this order or the general
stafT will consider it its duty to take
over the protectorate of tlie father
land,” is A'on Buelow’s report of their
That point Sir Basil gathered from
A'on Buelow', marked the metamor
phosis of the all highest to an instru
ment of the staff.
Philadelphia, Nov. 6 (A. P.l —
Funeral services for Thomas DeWitt
Cuyler, chairman of the association
of railway executives and a director
of the Pennsylvania and several other
railroads were held yesterday in tho
Second Presbyterian church. Inter
ment was private. A special train
from New York brought many lead
ing railroad men.
Grtensboro, N. C., Nov. 6.—Mrs.
Susan Pruett, of Casur, Cleveland
county, N. C„ holds the most unique
place in the baptismal records of tho
Baptist church, the world over. She
was baptised at the age of 104. lack
ing Just a few days of being 105 years
of age.
Syracuse, N. Y., Nov. ti.—No more
beating of the tom-toms at Syracuse
university dances. The university
authorities isued an edict today ban
ning jazz music.
Authority Makes Pica for Games That
Arc Characterized by Energy
and Vim.
“Jellyfish gymnastics, or stupid, silly
games, played half-heartedly, have lit
tle place In the proper physical devel
opment of the growing child." declares
Dr. K. Blanche Sterling, acting assist
ant surgeon, Vulted States public
health service, in commenting on the
health of school children. In planning
exercise with a view to the promo
tion of good posture, she suggests
they should he simple and vigorous
and full of energy and vim.
The posture of school children can
not, however, he said to depend chiefly
on any one condition, she holds. De
fective vision, adenoids and had tonsils
tend to have a bad effect on the chilli’s
posture. Where hygienic conditions
In a school are not tlie host there is
an Increase of poor posture. Good
nutrition is a contributing factor to
good posture, but by no means an in
dispensable condition. Condition of the
teeth, she claims, tuts no effect. Doc
tor Sterling's findings mv bused on a
study of three eleinenfary schools at
Bedford, Ind.
Shave With Cutlcura Soap
And double your razor efficiency as
well ns promote skin purity, skin com
fort and skin health. No mug, n<^
slimy soap, no germs, no waste, no irri
tation even when shaved twice dally.
One soap for all uses—shaving bathing
and shampooing.—Advertisement.
Energetic Reform.
“Are you a reformer?"
"Of '•nurse 1 am," answered Senator
“What are you trying to reform?"
•“The opposition. I’m doing my
best to give them the benefit of a
long term of retirement and medl
I tatlon."
A Revealer of Undulations.
“1 thought you believed witli Vollva
that the earth was flat."
“I did until I had gone riding In
Springnixe's second-hand car.”—
A close mouth muketh a close friend
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
For Infants and Children. i
iwn-mw— ■■■■■! ... wi—■mii—
Mothers Know That
Genuine Gastoria
Bears the
Signature ,
• In
For Over ;
Thirty Years
Spohn’s Distemper Compound
will knock It In very short time. At the first sit'll of a eonwh
or cold In your horse, ulve a few doses of "HPOHN'B" It will
act on the stands, eliminate the disease ijerm and prevent fur
ther dnstruetlon of body by disease. "HPOHN H” hs* been tha ,
standard remedy for DISTEMPER. INKLUKN/.A, I1NK ■«,
CATARRH AC FEVER, COUGHS and COEDS for over a quarter
of a century. Sold tn two sizes «t all druu stores.
Gives Charming New Shade to Old Lingerie
PUTNAUf] FADELESS DYES—dyes or tints as you wish
• _
Some of the Remarks That Would-Be
Made About That Proudly Dio
played Photograph.
“Tills Isn’t a very good picture of
you, Helen. You don’t usually look
so wide-awake.”
“My, how this Hatters you! A per
son might he led to lliink you’re real^
ly good-looking, to Judge from this."
“If you had held that pose much
longer you'd have had a nervous break
down. That photographer should have
known better."
“The man who took this picture
ought to build up a heavy business.
He certainly knows how to make age
disappear, doesn’t lie?”
“Why do you always have your pic
ture taken In profile? You've got a
very ordinary nose, to say the least.”
“Too bad you don’t smile like this
“Take it away!"—New York Sun.
A woman Is never sure that she Is
happily married until she discovers
that she isn’t.
The airplane chauffeur has some
excuse for feeling uppish.
A stout heart crushes ill luck.
If you are In doubt, delay.
Fear Is a bad counselor.
Selfish Parent.
He was blonde and blue-eyed and
seven years old at most, tlds young
ster, who was eompla’nlng about the
way Ids father treated him.
"Oh, gosh, I luite to go h mie. My
fathers so selfish. You -an't guess
how selfish my father is.”
“Selfish?" said an old man, all ten
derness In his tone.
“Yes, selfish,” said the lad. “Why,
he wouldn't ever think of lending me
his washrag or his toothbrush. Not
On the Anxious Seat.
At tiio Bright wood branch library
one little gill was much Interested in
Hie hook-rending contest. However,
siie wasn’t interested to tiie extent
that site would uake the effort to
rend tin* ten hooks necessary to re
ceive a diploma.
After the contest was closed and
(tie winners hud received their diplo
mas, she remark*'1, “If tlier-j are any
diplomas left, I believe I will take
one."—Indianapolis News.
flood children spare tln*Ir parents
from early wrinkles.
A million dollars’ reward will never
bring back lost time.
Love is tiie real thing until the new
ness begins to wear off.
There Is always a fool at one end
of a flattering tongue—and sometimes
at both ends.
wmmnmammmmmmmmtMmmmmmmmm i n ———w—a——
Ladies Keep Your Skin
Clear, Sweet, Healthy
With Cuticura Soap
and Cuticura Talcum
uray, turn, straggly
hair makes people
look rery oil. It
Isn't necessary — a
tool tic of O Ban Hair
Color Restorer will bring bark original color
quickly—stops dandruff. At all good druggists,
7&\ or direct from Hwaj EUi Cfcafata. Tam.
■ 1111 " 111 1.. 11 11 11 - _I™.1™!! "nl-.,.-S
At Last.
“lie was always waiting—did any
thing finally turn up for him?”
•*Oli, yes—his toes did.”
When you hear u limn refer to a
Imby ns “It” you can safely bet that
he Is a bachelor.
Perhaps a woman wants to cheat
the custom house because It might get
n bead start and client her.
If we have good brains an* we grate
ful enough to Providence or are wa
When It comes to stepping Into a for
tune no man objects to putting his foot
Into It.
If one must have supersflf Ions, let
them be cheerful ones.
The way of the average woman nu
perates the average man.
Are you among
these thousands?
/T"AHOUSANDS of people keep on
^ trying, year after year, to build
health from food that has been robbed
of certain elements required for per
fect nutrition.
If your food doesn’t contain the
mineral properties that go to build up
nerve, tooth and bone structure, there
is no other means by which you can get
these vital elements.
This is one reason why so many
well-informed people eat (_>rape-Nut3
—the food that enriches the blood, and
builds sound, healthy bodies.
Grape-Nuts is made from whole
wheat flour and malted barley—baked
for 20 hours, which develops the nat
ural richness of the grains and makes
for ready digestibility.
And Grape-Nuts is perfectly deli
cious—served with milk or cream, or
made into an appetizing pudding for
Get a package of Grape-Nuts from your grocer
today, and give the family a help to health.
—the Body Builder
Postum Cereal Co., Ino.
Battle Creek, Mich.