The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, November 09, 1922, Image 5

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    The Largest and Most Entertaining
Indoor Carnival In The Middlewest
Crack Military Band
All Members Formerly Of Susie’s Famous Blowers.
^ Faries In A Tank Of Ink.
———■ ——Tirmr tm~n inin—1 nr i i mw11 > wm———— —
Man Sawed
In Half
“Tony” The Freakish
Wonder Horse. No One Knows What He Will Do.
You Will Have To Come And See.
The Band Concert Will Take Place Immediately Before The
Grand And Gorgeous Free Act.
Special Costumes For This Performance Supplied By Lady
Duff Gordon.
Don’t Feel Slighted If You Don’t See Your Friends, They Will Be At The K. C. HALL, O’Neill, On
- *
Saturday, November the 11th
Dance Afterwards To The Famous Marne Orchestra.
The ladies aid are meeting this week
at the home of Mrs. Chas. Millard.
Rev. Kerber, of Inman, made a
social visit at the parsonge Monday
Evangelist Nye is conducting a re
vival meeting in Martinsburg, Ne
braska. He reports splendid success.
The Norfolk District convention will
hold a meeting next Tuesday and
Wednesday in Norfolk. The pastor
will attend.
A farewell reception was given in
the church Tuesday evening for Mr.
and Mrs. Arthur Roberts. They are'
leaving for Nashville, Tennessee, this
A splendid missionary rally was
held in the church October 27th. Rev.
E. D. Hull, our new District Super
intendent, gave the message, which
was well received. Delegates were
here from Chambers, Inman, Page and
The Kings Daughters Sunday school
class met last Thursday at the home
of Mrs. Pine. Almost every mem
ber of the class was present. The
meeting was held in honor of Mrs.
Della Shaw, who is leaving soon for
California to spend the winter.
(Springview Herald.)
A very regrettable o£curance, one
that cast a gloom over this community
was the injury which resulted in the
death of George Hill, member of the
Long Pine high school football team,
on the field here last Friday afternoon.
Just how the accident happened is not
clear, but it is thought he tackled a
Springview player high ^ and was
struck in the neck with his’opponent’s
knee resulting in its dislocation and
causing his death Sunday forenoon
about eleven o’clock at the Ainsworth
hospital. A specialist was called from
Omaha to assist the local surgeon, but
all efforts to save his life failed.
The funeral was held at Long Pine
Monday and the body shipped to West
ern, Nebraska, for burial.
Harold Kieth of Long Pine, who
was umpire of the game and who saw
the accident, which occurred in open
field, said, “the injury could have hap
pened to the best trained football
player in the country. It was not
dirty football, neither was it the
Upringview player’s or Hill’s fault. It
was an accident pure and simple.”
Out of respect for the deceased boy j
both Springview and Long Pine have
cancelled the remainder of the season’s
We wish to thank the good people
of O’Neill for their kind assistance and
sympathy during the sickness and
death of our wife and mother.
W .W. Abbott and children.
Line Trouble!
The wires connecting your teler.' ^ne with other cities and
towns must cross miles and miles o erritory where they are
exposed to all kinds of hazards.
The limb of a tree may fall across a wire and the line become
“noisy.” A pile of burning brush may take the “temper”
out of wires and cause them to break.
An insulator may be broken by a boy shooting at birds.
A piece of wire may be thrown across the telephone circuits, or
a wet kite string may fall upon them. These cause a “short
circuit,” making it difficult to hear over the lines until the
obstruction is removed.
Constantly the wire chiefs at each end of the
circuits watch the lines and dispatch repairmen
to the scehe of trouble.
Northwestern Company
The Literary and Art Department
of the Woman’s Club met at the school
, a c Wednesday afternoon. Follow
ing is the program rendered:
Leader . Anna Donohoe
Pronunciation Drill Ic'd by Anna Coyne
Book Review—“If Winter Comes”
. Minnie Ccwperthwaitc
Discussion .M. Martina Dishner
Art . Sistine Madonna (Raphael)
Helen O’Donnell.
Statement of the ownership, manage
ment, circulativii, etc., required by
the Act of Congress of August 24,
1912, of The Frontier, published
weekly at O’Neill, Nebraska, for
October 1, 1922 .
St ’( of Nebraska, C unty of Ho’t, ss.
Before me, a Notary Public in and
for the state and county aforesaid, per
sonally appeared W. C. Templeton,
who b. ’ving been duly sworn according
to law, deposes and says that he is the
Editor of The Frontier and
that the following is, to the best of
his knowledge and belief, a true state
ment of the ownership, management,
etc., of the aforesaid (publication for
the date shown in the above caption,
required by the 7ct of August 24.
1912, embodied in section 443, Postal
Laws and Regulations, to-wit:
That the names and addresses of
the publisher, edito", managing editor,
and business managers are:
Publisher, D. H. Cronin, Omaha,Neb.
Editor, W. C. Templeton, 0’Ne:,l, Neb.
Managing Editor, W. C. Templeton,
O’Neill, Nebraska.
Business Manager, W. C. Templeton,
O’Neill, Nebraska.
That the owner is D. II. Cronin,
Omaha, Nebraska.
That there are no stock, bond or
mortgage holders other than himself.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this 18th day of October, 1922.
(Seal) C. P. HANCOCK,
Notary Public.
My commission expires April 20, 1928.
We wish to thank our good neigh
bors and friends for their kindness
during the death of our beloved
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hansen
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Hansen
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. James Davidson
and family.
The Christinas Gift Problem
Remember your friends
this year with Photographs.
It is a gift that will be treas
ured and all your friends
will be equally favored.
O’Neill, Nebraska.
It’s too much to try to work every
day against a constant, dull backache,
er sudden darting pain in the small of
the back. Be rid of it. Try Doan’s Kid
ney Pills. Your neighbors recommend
them. Ask your neighbor.
Mrs. Minnie Bowen, O’Neill, says:
“I had backache and a heavy dull pain
in my kidneys that seemed to wear me
all out. I couldn’t get much rest at
night and it was all I could do to keep
at my work. There was a severe pain
in the back of my head and through
my shou'drers. My kidneys were weak,
and caused annoyance, but Doan’s Kid
ney Pills relieved me completely.”
The above statement was given June
20, 1916, and on June 14, 1920, Mrs.
Bowen added: “I still think Doan’s
Kidney Pills *are a good kidney
remedy. It has been a long time since
I have had need of a kidney remedy.”
60c, at all dealers. Foster-Milburn
Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
The Frontier, only $2.00 per year.
The boys and girls of the Loyal
Temperance Legion will give a pro
gram at the M. E. church Friday even
ing November 17, at 7:30 o’clock. This
program will consist of two parts. The
first part will show some of the work
the children have been doing the past
two months.
The second part will be a class of
girls who will sing for a silver medal.
These girls are members of the L. T.
L. Admission will be ten and twenty
We wish to express our sincere ap
preciation to those who so kindly as
sisted us during our late bereavement,
the sickness and death of our husband
and father.
Mrs. A. F. Sauser and family.
Would be delighted with the fine
toned piano we can sell you. Small
weekly payments. Guaranteed
quality. Ask us for particulars.
A. Hospe Co., Omaha, Nebr.
Clearing Sale At
F it zsimmonMillinery
While They Last. Cash Only.
Poultry Wanted
We want your poul
try and will pay the
highest market price
Zimmerman & Son
O’Neill, Nebraska