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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1922)
SUPERVISORS’ PROCEEDINGS. O'Neill, Neb., Sept. 26, 1922, 10 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment. Ail members present. Called to order by chairman. To the Honorable County Board of Holt County, Nebraska: WE, the undersigned, being the owners of the land adjacent to the pro posed road, hereby petition your hon orable body to grant and establish a public road, described as follows, to wit: Commencing at tne ivnox comity line at southeast corner of the NE’,4 of Section 1, thence west about 150 rods all on the south side of % section line (40 feet) thence north about 80 rods, thence angling northwest and west to a point west of bridge about 25 rods and ending on section line (Township) between Township 31 and 32 Range 9, said road to be 40 feet wide (Following old trail.) If the road be established as above described we relinquish and waive all claims for damages excctpt for the amount set opposite our names, which sum we agree to accept in full satis faction for all damages to our respect ive lands as follows: B. B. Thomas, NE14 1-31-9, except a runway 8x8x18 for stock in B. B. Thomas’ pasture. A. F. Treinies . NEti 12-31-9 Mrs. Louise Treinies .... NEt4 12-31-9 C. L. Marsten . NEti 1-31-9 WE, the undersigned, are interested in the establishment of said road and reside within five miles of the said proposed road and we have each given the location of our land and residence our respective names in section, town and range: L. V. Scnreier, NWt4 0-37-8, Knox Co. Chas. Mlady, ... SE(4 3-31-9, Holt Co. Eva Mets . NE(4 3-13-9 R. S. Taylor . NW'4 10-31-9 Sam Derickson . .. NE(4 NW(4 10-31-9 Harry McConnel.NWt4 33-32-9 II. V. Roscnkrans . SW*4'4-32-9 E. J. Beeney . SWt4 33-32-9 Sadie Huber . NW% 33-32-9 Win. Pickering.— — — V/m. Crawford ... SW«4 34-32-9 Lloyd Phelps.— — — The State of Nebraska, Holt County, SS: Personally appeared before me, E. F. Porter, a County Clerk in and for said County and State, duly commis s >ned and qualified, E. J. Beeney who biing first duly sworn according to law, deposes and says that he is per si tially acquainted with the parties whose names appear on the within pe t; ion and that each of them reside within five miles of the within proposed road and are legal petitioners for the same. E. J. BEENEY. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 26th day of September, 1922. E. F. PORTER, County Clerk. By B. T. WINCHELL, Deputy. (County Clerk, Holt County, Nebras ka, Seal.) Filed September 26, 1922. E. F. PORTER, County Clerk. Mr. Chairman: The above petition 1 ing a consent road with the except i.m of a runway for cattle I move you that the petition be granted with the understanding that the county furnish the material for a runway and the townsi-ip put same in place, and that the surveyor bo instructed to survey and plat road. L. C. McKIM. II. U. HUBBARD. On being put to vote by chairman, it was declared carried. The whole board being present, also C orge K. Leonard, of the Department of Public Works being present, the fol lowing bids for bridge construction were opened: Monarch Engineering Co., The Beaty Contracting Co., the Western Bridge and Construction Co., and The Elkhart Bridge and Iron Co. The bids from Elkhart Bridge and Iron Co. and Monarch Engineering Co. and Western Bridge and Construction Co. were tabulated. At 12 o’clock noon, on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. W. T HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill. Neb., Sept. 26, 1922, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjournment. All members of the county board and Geo. K. Leonard of the Department of Public Works were present. Meeting called to order by chairman. Con tinued tabulating bids for bridges after the bids were tabulated and com pared. Upon due consideration it was decided that the Western Bridge and Construction Co. bid was the lowest. And lipon motion of Watson, second ed _ by Hubbard that the Western Bridge and Construction Co. be awarded the contract being put to vote by the chairman, the vote was as fol lows: ALL members of the board: Aye—Geo. K. Leonard, Aye. Motion was declared carried by the chairman and contract let to Western Bridge and Construction Co. Mr. S. V. Pock appeared before the board asking for a change in road pe titioned. by S. B. Strang and others. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors: Gentlemen: Now comes Joe J. Ul rich and deposes and says that he was assessed Poll tax in both Fairview and Francis Precincts in 1921. That he sent the money to pay his taxes and did not. discover the error until later. Therefore I pray your Honorable body to grant me a refund of $2.50 from Francis Township and further afliant sayeth not. JOE .1. ULLRICH. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of September, A. I)., 1922 (SEAL) E. F. PORTER, County Clerk. On motion prayer of petition was granted and clerk instructed to draw refund warrant accordingly. Omaha, Sept. 22, 1922. To the Honorable County Board of Supervisors, Holt County, Nebr.: Gentlemen: For a number of years past the County Clerk has through er ror, considered said property, namely Pioneer Town Site Company’s Second Addition to the cown of Stuart, Holt County, Nebraska, as being within the Corporate limits of Stuart, Nebraska. The Town Authorities of Stuart arc now extending its limits to include said addition. Therefore said Addition has not been within corporate limits of Stuart and City Taxes extended on the property in this addition were extend ed in error, and therefore a void and illegal tax. The Pioneer Town Site Comlpany owner of the following lots hereby petitioned your Honorable Body for rebate of taxes for the years 1916 to 1921 inclusive, as per the en closed statement. Total amount $132.21 on the following described property: Outlots Q and R—Sec. 1-30-16. Lots 1 to 12 incl. Blk. 29. All Blk. 28. Lots 1 to .... incl. Blk. 30. Lots 9 to 12,Blk. 30. Lots 1 to 4, Blk. 31. Lots 7 to 12, Blk. 31. Lots 1 to 12, Blk. 32. I/ots 1 to 12, Blk. 33. Lots 1-2-3, Blk. 34. Lots 10-11-12, Blk. 34. Lots 1-2-3, 7 to 12, Blk. 36. All of Blk. 37. Blk. 38 for 1916, 1917 and 1918. Sold at thta time. Blk. 39 and 40 for years 191. and 1917. Blk. 35 for years 1916, 1917 and 1918. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY, By II. L. Whitney, Omaha, Nebraska. On motion same was denied. O’Neill, Neb., Aug. 8, 1922. To the Honorable Board of Supervi sors of Holt County, Nebraska: Now comes your petitioner, Clem Olberding of Stuart, Nebraska, and deposes and says that he paid the taxes on the NE!4 of the SE% of Section 30, Township 33, Range 15, in Holt County, Nebraska, and that said Forty acres was for the years 1920 and 1921 assessed as One Hundred Sixty Acres. He there says that he is entitled to a refund of $51.40. That being the amount of tax on three forties that paid tax on and did not own. Of this amount $27.38 is for the 1920 tax and $24.02 for 1921. The 1921 tax is included in Tax Sale No. 10,756 and is included in Redemption No. 2553 -paid on Aug. 8, 1922. The number of the 1920 Tax Receipt is 5908 as shown by the records of the County Treasurer. CLEM OLDERDING, Petitioner. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me E. F. Porter, County of Holt County, Nebraska, this 8th day of August, 1922. (Seal) E. F. PORTER, County Clerk. On motion same was granted. At 5 o’clock p. m., on motion boar adjourned until September 27, 1922, a 9 o’clock a. m. W. T. HAYES, Chirman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Sept. 27, 1922, 9 a. m. Board met pursuant |o Adjourn ment. All members present. Called to order by chairman. To the Honorable Board of Supervi sors, Holt County. Gentlemen: In compliance with the action of the County Board on Aug. 29th, in appointing me as committee of one to view W^NEVi EVjNW'4 Section 35, and EMiSW!4 and WM> SE'i, Section 2(5, all in 32-12 with the /purpose of ascertaining whether the assessment as stated in affidavit of as sessor was too high, I would recom ment that the valuation on said land be placed at $6,000 instead of $8,365 and that the clerk Vie instructed to write a refund warrant to Mr. Damero in ac cordance. W. T. HAYES. On motion same was adopted and clerk instructed to write refund war rant. The following claims were audited and on separate motion were allowed on the General fund: Holt County Farm Bureau, Sept, expenses . $289.70 Loretta Sullivan, Sept salary 80.00 Grace Joyce, Sept, salary 80.00 Berthe Weyenth, Sept salary 80.00 Winnie Shaughnesy, Sept. sal. 80.00 Ofpal Ashley, Sept, salary . 80.00 Margaret L. Donohoe, Sept. sal. 80.00 B. T. Winchell, Sept salary .... 104.17 Anna Donohoe, Sept, salary. .. 158 Stands For Law and Order and Clean Government m • m mu hi Worthy of Your Support REMEMBER 0. S. Spillman Pierce, Nebr. REPUBLICAN NOMINEE for Attorney General Pledges minimum expense in conduct of office consistent with effective law enforco ment and public welfare. Will dispose of pending prosecutions as rapidly as possible, consistent with thorough and efficient trial of same. Will prevent duplication in department and retain on'^y such c npetent assistants as necessary. In prime of life. <jratlua!c Nebraska University School, experienced law yer. Experienced prosecutor. Former County Attorney. Member of Constitu tional C* ven lie i j . y 11 * ;rvice man asking this position. vwjHgnR; Delco-Light Price Reductions Now in Effect YOU can now buy the most popular electric plant ever built, Delco-Light Model 866, for less than two years ago* Similar reductions have been made in other styles and sizes of Delco-Light. / At these low 1917 prices, you can now install Delco-Light for less than at any time within the past five years* And you can buy it on easy payments if desired. See the local Delco-Light dealer for the new price and terms on the Delco Light plant best fitted to your needs. Made and Quaranteed By DELCO-LIGHT COMPANY, Dayton, Ohio Subsidiary of Qeneral Motors Corporation L. J. BROWN, Stuart, Nebraska DEALER E. F. Porter, Sept, salary . 166.66 Gib McCreath, Sept, salary. 117.00 Harry Bowen, Sept, salary. 110.00 Peter W. Duffy, Sept salary and expenses . 190.00 C. Bergstrom, Sept, salary t nl expenses . 253.83 i cv/is Chapman, Qur. salary 326.00 I'cler W. Duffy, expenses . 43.85 E. F. Porter, expenses . 5.25 E. F. Porter, expenses. 12.48 Gib McCreath, expenses . 4.85 Nellie Beha, ac. Annie Loftis 54.00 Reardon Bros., ac. Springer and Ink. 33.65 Board spent the balance of the fore noon in auditing printing claims. At 12 o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until 7 o’clock p. m. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Sept. 27, 7 p. m. Board met ^pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Called to order by chairman. The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed on the State Highway fund: Hanford Produce Co., lights aria lviase. August .. $ is.yo Shaffer Oil & Ref. Co., gas and oil .. 83.99 O'Neill Gas & Oil Co., gas and oil . 91.61 Albert Lemmer, Jr., labor on truck . 69.00 J. C. Stein, dragging hi-way 39.35 Wm. Davidson, cleaning hi-way .j. 14.75 H. C. Cole, labor. 22.95 D. L. Peterson, labor 22.95 Ed Welke, hauling gravel, etc. 27.00 C. B. Larson, hauling gravel, etc 36.00 John Bond, hauling bridge timbers _,.. 20.00 John Bond, Sept, salary . 100.00 Geo. Clyde, maintaining federal road . 100.00 L; W. Ullrich, Sept, salary. 110.00 Wm. Beha, garage rent . 30.00 L. W. Ullrich, Sept, expense .... 1.85 C. L. Best Tractor Co., tractor repairs. 119.78 Warner & Sons, Hdwe. 3.95 Russell Grader Mfg. Co., grader blades*. 13.35 At 9 o’clock p. m., on motion board adjourned until Sept. 28, 1922, at 9 o’clock p. m. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER. Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Sept. 28, 1922, 9 a. m. Board met 'pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but Skid ; more. Called to order by chairman. Chambers Township board appear ed before the board in the matter of making a ditch to straighten the South Fork south of Keller church. Mr. Chairman: In the matter of the ditch on north side NEti 8-26-12 thence about 300 yarls across NWti Section 9-26-16 to the creek to straighten the South Fork it being understood that parties owning the land upon which said ditch is made agree to waive all damages. I move you that the county pay $200.00 toward said ditch and if this amount does not complete the ditch Cambers township agrees to complete same and pay any balance over $200 for said work. J. V. JOHNSON. H. U. HUBBARD. : Upon same being put to vote by ! chairman same was declared carried. Delegation from Paddock Township appeared before the board in the mat ter of a bridge one-hlf mile east of Meek postoffice. At 12 o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Sept. 28, 1922, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present. Called to order by chairman. To the Hon. County Board: Gentlemen: I respectfully ask your honorable body to instruct the county clerk to correct the tax lists of 1914 to date on the N% 21-29-15 as to the school tax which amornt is $195.88. This land has been assessed in scoool district No. 143 from 1914 to date and same should have been assessed in Dist. No. 213 only in so far as the NWV4 of said section is concerned, which was transferred to District No. 143 in 1914 and continued in that dis trict for 3 years, and then reverted back to District No. 213 by reason of sale. And I pray your honorable body to instruct the County Treasurer to transfer, the money, which has been wrongfully paid into the treasury of District No. 143 to District No. 213. ANTON PRUSSA, Director District No. 213. Subscribed and sworn to in my presence this 21st dav of Jan., 1921. E. F. PORTER, County Clerk. On motion' same was granted and clerk instructed to notify the Treas urer accordingly. The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed on the Roard fund: Chambers Twp., setting and pointing posts . $ 12.84 M. Campbell & Son Lbr. Co., lumber, etc. 32.53 Joe Young, Vz mo. sal. Sept... 50.00 E. E. McElvain, gas and oil. . 8.00 N. A. Northrop, drives . G.00 W. N. Coats, printing . 19.72 Warren Gilman, road work near bridges . 12.50 J. V. Johnson, committee work 19.50 L. C. McKim, committee work 43.30 Wm. Hershiser, Sept, salary.. 100.00 J>. B. Mellor, repairs . 14.83 Bill Egger, to drive . 3.20 The following claims vvere audited and on separate motion allowed on the General fund: Anna Donohoe, for Institute fund . 200.00 H. U. Hubbard, board session, etc. . 66.6Q W. T. Hayes, board session, etc 39.50 L. C. McKim, board session, etc. 20.00 J. V. Johnson, boq,rd session.. 34.80 John Sullivan, board session 32.00 F. C. Watson, board session. 66.00 J. P. Gallagher, Mdse. Mrs. Bazelman . 37.72 J. P. Gallagher, Mdse., Chas. Reynolds .,.. 31.18 J. P. Gallagher, Mdse. McMillan family . 14.95 J. P. Gallagher, Mdse, for Court house . 91.45 J. P. Gallagher, Mdse. Mun showers . 6.00! The following claims were audited, and on separate motion allowed on Rridge fund: * Wm. Hough, cement on Dry Creek bridge . $ 30.00 F. J. Dobrovolny, Planking bridge Holt Creek . 3.00 J. V. Johnson, hauling bridge material . 77.00 Dorsey, Nebraska, 5-11-22. To the Supervisors of Holt County. I, Ja nes F. Butterfield, Road over seer of Steel Creek township, Road District No. 5, and Superintendent of Dragging in Dragging District No. 1, locate in Steel Creek township, have personally investigate! the following roads all on section lines, and find that they have been traveled for fif teen years or longer, and that they have never been platted, and in order to keUp a correct record of dragging, I request the said roads to be platted: Between sections 25 and 36; 26 and 35; 27 and 34; 28 and 33; 29 and 32; 19 and 30; 36 and 35; 25 and 26; 24 and 2; 34 and 35; 27 and 26; 22 and 23; 14 and 15; 33 and 34; 28 and 27; 32 and 33; 29 and 28; 31 and 32; 5 and 6; 3 and 4; 7 and 8; 20 and 21; 17 and 16; All in Township 31, Range 9. JAMES F. BUTTERFIELD. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 13th day of May, 1922. (Seal) ‘ E. F. PORTER, County Clerk. Mr. Chairman: In regard to re quest of James F. Butterfield asking that certain roads in Township 31 R. 9, which have been traveled for 15 years or more, be platted, I would re spectfully move that prayer of said request be granted, and the county surveyor be and he hereby is ordered to plat same on the plat book of Holt County. J. V. JOHNSON. L. C. McKIM. On motion same was granted and clerk ordered to instruct the county surveyor to plat same. At 4 o’clock P. M. on motion board adjourned to Oct. 3, 1922, at 10 o’clock a. m. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill Neb., Oct. 3, 1922, 9 a. m. County Board met in regular ses sion. No one present but Sullivan. Adjourned until Oct. 31st, unless soon er called by the clerk. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. DR, O. K. TICKLER eterinarianss? I’HONE | DAY 108 | NIGHT O’Neill,.Nebraska W, F. FINLEY, /H. D Phone: Office 28, Residence 276. O’Neill Nebraska Judge W. H. Westover Respectfully solicits the support of all voters on the separate non-political ballot, for Justice of the Supreme Court, Sixth Judicial Dis trict. Twenty-seven years ex perience on the District Bench. In his prime, physi cally and mentally. En- r dorse d at the primaries by the voters of the ten north ern counties of the District from Holt County to the Wyoming line by a vote of approximated three tc one. Endorsed generally by the newspapers published In all of said counties. If elected will take to the Supreme Bench ripe experience and mature judgment. “A JUST JUDGE”