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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 26, 1922)
Dodge Brothers BUSINE5S SEDAN Exceptional interest has been aroused by the practical arrangement of the interior. The entire rear compartment furnishings— Seat, seat cushions, back cushions, seat frame, foot rest, carpet and all—can be re moved from the car in a few moments. • The front seat is then tilted forward, giving a gross clearance of twenty-two inches through the rear doors. In this way, a space of sixty-four cubic feet in the rear compartment is made available for loading. When the rear seat fixtures are back in place, the interior is complete and attrac tive in appearance. Its convertability is not apparent to the eye. Business men, farmers, salesmen, campers, tourists and everyone who has occasion, at times, to cany bulky articles or luggage, will readily appreciate the great utility of this construction. ARTHUR G. WYANT O'NEILL, NEBRASKA Patent! Pending -% WHY SUFFER SO? Why suffer from a bad back, from sharp, shooting twinges, headache, diz ziness and distressing urinary ills? O’Neill people recommend Doan’s Kid ney Pills. Ask your neighbor. Could you ask for stronger proof of merit? Mrs. E. Conklin, O'Neill, says: “I had been bothered with disordered kidneys for a long time. My kidneys caused me a great deal of annoyance by their disordered condition and I had water sacs under my eyes. I could get no rest at night and was tired out most of the time. I used Doan’s Kid ney Pills and could see a change for the better from the very beginning. About six boxes of Doan’s cured me and I have not had any return of the trouble. I am glad to recommend this remedy from the splendid cure I re ceived from its use. Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t siniply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mrs. Conklin had. Foster-Milburn Oo.. Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. PAID LOCALS. I FARM LOANS—R. H. PARKER.37tf WANTED 100 HEAD OF CATLE TO winter. Enquire at this office. 21-2p I CAN LOAN $25,000.00 TO $50( 000.00 on good Farms and Rancher,. See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Neb. 21-tf FOR SALE—TEAM, WAGON AND harness, at a bargain. Inquire at Bazelman Lumber Company. lS-tf EAT AT “THE SUBWAY ” 7-tf. TRY OUR HARD ROLLS. FRESH every day.—McMillan &Markey.7-tf I HAVE A CAR OF HORSES THAT I want pastured.—Peter Reifers, O’Neill, Nebraska. 18-tf WANTED FARM LOAN APPLICA tions at 6% and 7 per cent includ ing commission.—L. G. Gillespie, O’Neill, Nebr. 20-2 TRY OUR HARD ROLLS. FRESH every day.—McMillan &Markey.7-tf IF YOU NEED THE OLD LOAN ON your farm renewed for another 5 or 10 years, or if you need a larger loan I can make it for you.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 21-tf } Please Bring Your Telephone Bill If your telephone bill stub always accom panies payment, whether sent by mail or paid at the office, it saves time and enables us to be sure credit is properly given. We handle a great many accounts each day and a little time saved here and there enables us to do more work and serve our customers better. We shall appreciate it greatly if your bill stub •hrays comes with your remittance, whether paid ia person or by check. • - V Northwestern Company WANTED — 5,000 BU. SNAPPED corn at Center Camp Ranch. Phone No. 13F130. 21-2p LOST—AUTO LICENSE PLATE NO. 40—1986 Neb., with tail lamp and bracket. Finder please leave at this office. 21-2 FOR RENT—OFFICE BUILDING south of Grand Cafe. Inquire of Mrs. W. T. Evans. 21-2p 21-2 MRS. FRED CHASE, Sec. LOST—BETWEEN STEIN FARM and Phoenix postoffice, one 34x4% Fisk tire and rim, creased tread. Re ward.—O’Neill Gas and Oil Co., 20-2p THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating under the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Avail your self of this PROTECTION. 8-tf BUY FRESH BREAD AT THE uaxery. KODAK FINISHING DEVELOP ing any size roll 10c; Pack, 26c; Post Cards, 6c; $Vix5%, 2%x4%, 3*4x4%, 6c; 2%x3%, 2%x4%, 4c; 1 <4x2%, Sc - W. B. GRAVES. 80-tf BUY FRESH BREAD AT THE Bakery. 7-tf FINE FARM TO RENT—COMPRIS ing 240 acres, 40 rods from the round house in O’Neill, Neb. See Judge Carlon. 20-tf FOR SALE — RESIDENCE PROP erty consisting of a seven-room house and four lots. Inquire at this office. 17-tf FOR SALE—MY RESIDENCE AND 18 lots in O’Neill. 8-room house, modem; barn, chicken house and other outbuildings. Will rent furnished if not sold soon.—Wm. Fallon. 21-tf ESTRAY NOTICE—PICKED UP AT place 7% miles northeast of O’Neill, one brockle-faced steer branded Y.O Bar on right hip. Owner may have same by paying for keep and tnis ad. —Ray Zimmerman. 21-4p FOUND—IN ROAD 16 MILES EAST and 4 miles north of Page, one 33x4% spare auto tire with rim. Owner may have same by calling at this office, proving property and pay ing for this notice. 19-2f. EAT AT “THE SUBWAY." 7-tf. WANTED TO RENT—FARMS AND Ranches by eastern Nebraska ten ants. If you have a farm or ranch to rent write me at once giving full de tails, location and terms.—G. A. Bry ant, Atkinson, Neb. 21-1 TAKEN UP. At my place on the old Helmick place five miles south of Opportunity, about September 20th, one coming yearling heifer. Owner may have same by proving property and paying for keep and advertising. J8-5 T. A. CASSELL. $10.00 REWARD I will pay $10.00 reward for infor mation leading to the recovery of three black and one red and black whiteface calves which strayed from my place September 30th. R. M. BURTWHISTLE, Bliss, Nebraska. 18-4 Phone 13-7 Savidge line. O'NEILL HIGH MEETS DEFEAT OE SEASON The local boys lost to Verdigre High last Friday by a score of 23 to 0. This was the first defeat of the season; and also the last, let us hope. The game played at Verdigris, commenced at 3 o’clock. The O’Neill boys went on the field confident that the outcome would be in their favor. The early moments of the game were excitiijg ones. How ever, after a hard struggle, the op fponents made their first down. From then on, to the end of the contest, the confidence of the local boys decreased; they lost hope, and with it, the game. The O’Neill .players were shown every consideration after the game. In the evening they were tendeder a banquet by their opponents. SCHOOL NOTES. The girls are busy practicing basket ball under the direction of Miss Ros coff and Mrs. Dishner. They are ex pecting to have a snappy team and are already scheduling games. The Normal training class has been giving the standardized tests to tjhe lower grades during the past week. Joe Beha gladly consented to ex plain a foot-ball game to the H. S., as a number of them did not understand it. As a result we are expecting a larger crowd of students at the next game which will be held here on TVi day. In an Eigth grade spelling match last Friday Fred Saunto spelled down the class; Dolly Springer going down second last. In a memory word drill, in the Eighth grade Florence Clevish wrote from memory and spelled correctly twentytwo of twenty four words. The Eighth grade have completed their collection of leaves having forty three varieties. These make a very attractive wall decoration. This being “Better Speech Week” the Eighth grade are striving to im prove their English. Florence Roseler was absent Tues day on account of sickness. Bernard Speake visited the Sixth grade Friday. The girls of the “Busy Bee Club” re ceived their first sewing lesson from the State Department Tuesday. Laura Hough, of the Fifth grade, had the best letter to send to the Junior club members of Otoe county. The Fifth grade had a True and False test in reading. The Sixth grade had a Xes and No test in reading. Sidney Wilkinson was absent Mon day and Tuesday on account of illness. The Fourth grade public school music class has learned the names of the lines and spaces, can sing the scale both ways. Have been singing in the key of C the past four weeks. This week they have taken up the study of the key of G. On Wednesdays and Fridays they have note singing with the Fifth and Sixth grades. The Fourth grade public scoool music class has learned the names of the lines and spaces, can sing the scale both ways. Have been singing in the key of C the past four weeks. This week they have taken up the study of the key of G. On Wednes day and Friday they have singing with the Fifth and Sixth grades. Marguerite Smith has been visiting the Third grade this week. Margaret Evans as been absent on account of sickness. The First grade is working on the I Progressive Method in Reading. Lynn Peterson enrolled in the First grade Wednesday. FOR SALE. A few registered Duroc spring boars. Large and good type. 20-tf F. H. LANCASTER, Owner. I - ATTENTION VOTERS OF HOLT COUNTY _ I have lived in Holt county all my life, have taught in the rural schools ■ for four years, in the grades and high school for eight years. I hold a Professional Life Certificate from the State of Nebraska. I have served one term as your county super | intendent and have made an earnest ■ effort to give you efficient and honest service. Being thoroughly familiar with school conditions in this County I am earnestly soliciting your support at the November election in order to . enable me to continue in the work and | complete the plans, I have made for the improvement in education in this county. ANNA DONOHOE. (Political Advertising) TO THE ELECTORS OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Being a Practical Surveyor and hav ing devoted my whole time and atten tion to the 'profession in this locality for years; my past experience and knowledge of matters pertaining to the office will contribute to your bene fit. Therefore, kindly thanking you for your generous and non-partisan I support in the past and desiring to affiliate with you in the future, I here by announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Surveyor and your assistance in my election thereto will be greatly ap preciated. M. F. NORTON. (Political Advertising) FOR STATE SENATOR. John A. Robertson, democratic can didate for state senator from this dis trict was born in Jackson county, In diana, Jan. 22, 1867. Came tx> Holt county in a “prairie schooner” in 1883 Farmer and Stockman. Lives on, own and operates a farm of several hundred acres, has a large family and is very much interested in the educa tional, moral and financial welfare of this state and district. Has taken an active part in the fight for tax reduc tion. Member of House of Represen tatives from Holt county in 1895 and 1897 and of the state senate in 1913, 1915 and 1917. Has never held any other county or state office. Author of the “Mothers Pension” law in Ne braska and supported all progressive legislation when representing this dis 1 Poultry Wanted I want your poul try and will pay the highest market price Zimmerman & Son O’Neill, Nebraska 1 Don’t Forget the BIG COMBINATION SALE and 20 head of registered Here ford cows, heifers and bulls Sat. October 28th at 2:30 at the farm 8 months time on approved security « John L. Quig O’Neill National Bank, Clerk. Manager. trict. He has the experience, the and restriction of immigration, ability and the knowledge of public The gt LaWrence Waterway project. tHct.1^ t0 pr0pe%o{E FoVhIm Government aid in the reclamation 49I4 of arid and semi-arid lands, by irriga (Political Advertising) tion or otherwise when feasible and _ desired by the ^parties immediately BOB SIMMONS FAVORS concerned. The “Farm Bloc” and will work with ^omy in government consistent ill for the interests of the farmer. with progress. The strengthening of Federal agen- Adjusted compensation and govern cies that give credit and financial aid menta aid to the slck> dlsablad and to the farmer unemployed service men of all wars ‘ A Marketing system that will bring “i rA the farmer a larger part of the pro- REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR ceeds paid by the consumer for hiB products. -— Rail extension, the reduction of rail (First pubiication 0ct. 19.) rates, restoring the power of the State NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Railway Commissioner,doingawaywith Estate No. 1529. the minimum rate and requiring the In bba County Court of Holt County, rairoads to compete for business and In the matter of the Estate of Eli serve the public. Bitney, Deceased. Good roads, the development of our CREDITORS of said estate are forest possibilities and the establish- hereby notified that the time limited . for presenting claims against said es ment and maintenance of experiment tate is February 16, 1923, and for the farms in the arid and semi-arid por- payment of debts is September 14, tions of the state. 1923, and that on November 16, 1922 Legislation regulating and limiting ^ ^ each (jay; 1 wni be at the child labor and if necessary a consti- county Court Room in said County to tutional amendment to that end. receive, examine, hear, allow, or ad The maintenance, strengthening and just all claims and objections duly enforcement of laws rendering effec- file(dcounty Court Seal.) tive the 18th Amendment. C. J. MALONE, The collection of the foreign debt 20-4 County Judge. It Is A Fact that we are well equipped to furnish you anything you want in the Grocery Line. Choice Smoked Hams for the balance of the month at 30c per lb. Butter taken in Trade at Market Price Cash Paid for Eggs Headquarters for Gooch’s Best Flour Our Meat Market is well stocked with all the meats of the season. Henry Bay Phone 35 * O’Neill, Nebr.