The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 05, 1922, Image 4
rHEFrontier l>. H. CRONIN, Publisher. ‘V. C. TEMPLETON. Editor and Business Manager. One Year.. $2.00 Six Months ..- $1.00 Three Months —. $0.60 Entered at the post office at O’Neill, Nebraska, as second-class matter. ADVERTISE: V ;i A.TES; Display advertb 1:7 >n Pages 4, 6 md 8 are charged for on a basis of ,r> cents an inch (one column wide) er week; on Page 1 the charge is cents an inch per week. Local ad ze rtisemenls, 10 cents jier line first nsertion, subsequent insertions 6 .ents per line. Every subscription is regarded as sn open account. The names of sub rcribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of time paid for, if publisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscription price. Every subscriber must understand that these conditions are made a part of the contract be tween publisher »»,, . .1'scriber. Republican Candidates Governor—Charles H. Randall, Ran dolph. Lieutenant Governor—Fred G. John son, Hastings. Secretary of State—Crawford Ken nedy, Lincoln. Auditor—Geo. W. Marsh, Lincoln. Commissioner Public Lands and Buildings—Dan Swanson, Fremont. State Treasurer—Charles D. Robin son, Red Cloud. Attorney General—O. S. Spillman, Pierce. ”ailway Commissioner—Charles A. Randall, Newman Grove. United States senator—R. R. How ell, Omaha. Congress fith Dist. (Reg. term)— Robert G. Simmons, Scottsbluff. Congress fith Dist. (to fill vacancy) —A. R. Humphrey, Broken Bow. State Senator—Brantley E. Sturde vant. State Representative—Donald Gal lagher. County Clerk—E. F. Porter. County Treasurer—W. E. Conklin. County Sheriff—Robert N. Brittell. County Attorney—Julius D. Cronin. County Surveyor—M. F. Norton. Sup. 1st Dist.—C. F. Englehaupt. Sup. 3rd Dis.—Andrew Schmidt. Sup. 5th Dist.—C. E. Farrier Sup. fith Dis.—C. B Nellis. Sup. 7th Dis.—C. E. Havens The Party of Achievement It is but a few short years since the then campaign manager of Senator Hitchcock brutally told a delegation of women who called to request the senator’s support of equal suffrage, that he considered the enfranchising of the negro a mistake and that he al30 was opposed to woman suffrage. -o Everry citizen of Holt county, prac tically, and at least every head of a family, this week will receive a copv of the local democratic organ, which is getting out a “special” edition. Said citizen need not be afraid to take the |)aper out of the mail box. By so do ing he does not pledge himself as a subscriber to the sheet. The copy he receives is paid for and by accepting it he neither incure or imples a finan cial obligation on his part. The paper is already paid for. Several other is sues may be sent out before election. They also will be paid for. The postal regulations regarding the distribution of sanfple copies of newspapers is very strict as to the number that may be issued. Solicitors of advertising for the special edition have asserted to merchants in asking for advertising that a copy of the edition would go to each taxpayer in the county. This of course means that the advertisers, either political or business, are going to pay the special postal rate demand ed for a “special” edition. Somebody is paying for it. There will be thous ands of such editions throughout the country betwteen now and election. There is no reason why every voter in the country cannot read a democratic newspaper or two or three of them, without 'paying for the privilege. He or she will not have to take the paper after election. Backed by Wall street, the banking interests of the country, the liquor interests and the big corporations seeking to prevent the investigation of war profiteering scandals, with their millions and bill ions, the democratic party may con duct a propaganda campaign in an at tempt to hoodwink the voter, but it is not going to get very far with the thinking individual. As long as there is plenty of money around we ho^ie the Holt county workers get their share. Every democratic precinct is entitled to his share just as much as in the man in the richly furnished office in the large center of population. Our democratic friends are urging the cancellation of the debt of the al lies to this government. The House of Morgan also is advocating the same thing. It should be borne in mind that the proposed cancellation does not in clude the cancellation of the indemni ties exacted by the allies from the Ger mans. Neither does it contemplate the cancellation of the bonded debt owed by the allies to the big bankers of this country. The plan does not propose to cancel the billions of dollars of liberty bonds which this government required its citizens to buy and which now are almost entirely held by «the big banks which purchased them from the original purchasers at enormous discount during the period of deflation brought on by the late democratic al ministration. The taxpayers of this country will continue to be taxed to pay the interest on these bonds and on the bonds which eventually will be issued to refund them when they fall due. The great, great grand children of the youngest infant now living in these United States will be dead and long forgotten before the people of the country cease paying interest on these bonds and the succeeding bonds which will be issued to retire them. The interest on these tax-exempt se curities will continue to be paid to the big money trust, for in a few years no ordinary individual will be the posses sor of a liberty bond. The ordinary individual never will have an oppor tunity to purchase the refunding bonds or certificates of indebtedness. These will be taken in blocks by the big money interests. If the allies are re quired to pay their honest but unse cured debt to this country their pay ments will assist in the retirement of this government’s bonds issued during the war to raise the money to loan the allies. Incidentally the money power of New York absorbed in commissions for acting as purchasing agents of the foreign governments a great share of the money loaned the allies by this government. The rest of it went to manufactures owned by them. sThe little fellow received but very little of it, but under this brotherhood of man scheme proposed by Morgan and our democratic friends the little fellow of this country will pay it all. -o THE COUNTY CANDIDATES. It is with pride and pleasure that The Frontier presents to its many readers the list of republican candi dates for national, state and county office, to be voted upon at the coming general election in November. It is a ticket to be proud of, composed as it is of men whose private and 'public lives are above reproach, men success ful in their various walks,of life, men whose neighbors vouch for them. In a later issue The Frontier will make personal mention of the state and na tional candidates, but it first wants to cull attention, to the candidates on the county ticket. Brantley E. Sturdevant of Atkinson, the candidate for state senator, has served two terms in the house of rep resentatives, where he took a promi nent and progressive part in the de liberations of that body. Careful of the taxpayers money he was ever to bo found representing his constitu ents. One of the longtime residents of Holt county, he needs no introduction to the voters. His election to the senate will be a just recognition of his services to the community. Donald Gallagher, the candidate for state representative, is a native of T1 i • • ahmu n i younj^ attorney at (present serving as deputy county attorney and a young man who did no* hesitate to interrupt a college career when his country called, serving witl distinction in the aviation branch of the service during the great world war. liis election will be a deserved recog nition of the young man in politics and his host of acquaintances in the county can vouch for his ability and integrity. Ed. F. Porter, the county’s present efficient and accommodating county clerk. An old time resident of the south part of the county, Mr. Porter is very widely known and wherever he is known he is liked. He is at pres ent serving his first term as county clerk and his efficient administration of the duties of that important posi tion is in itself the best recommenda tion of why he should be returned to it. It is doubtful if there is a man more generally known to the men and wo men of Holt county than W. E. Conk lin, the republican candidate for county treasurer He has undergone all of the vicissitudes of a pioneer of the early days and if he has an enemy among either the old or new citizens of the county he is yet to be discover ed. Mr. Conklin is the present oblig ing and efficient ddputy county treas urer and the very fact that he is hold ing that position under a democratic chief in itself demonstrates the confi dence and esteem in which he is held by those who know him. Robert N. Brittell, the candidate for sheriff, is pretty busy farming, on his ranch south of O’Neill, just at present, and it may be that he will not have the opportunity to come in personal con tact with each and every voter before election day. However, as the deputy sheriff under former sheriff, Henry Grady, Mr. Brittell demonstrated his fearlessness, his respect for law en forcement and his devotion to duty. He also is an old resident of the county and his friends are numbered only by his acquaintances. No one who knows him knows any thing mean of him. Honest, fearless and faithful he will fill the position to which he aspires with credit not only to himself but to the pedple. Julius D. Cronin, the candidate for county attorney, admitted to the bar in 1916, is a young attorney already accomplished and successful in the practice of his profession and is one of the two ex-service men on the ticket. He volunteered immediately after the entrance of the country into the world war and the .majority of his service which extended until long after the armistice was spent over seas. Born and raised in Holt county he is known to a large number of its citizens, as an upright, celan and courageous young man with the fearless courage of his convictions. He stands for law enforcement. M. F. Norton, veteran, surveyor of Holt county, his filled that important position for many terms, being re elected time after time and each time with a larger majority than before. Mr. Norton is known to practically every man, woman and child in the county and consequently needs no in troduction to them. He is the only regularly nominated candidate for county surveyor. For members of the county board of supervisors the party ^presents the name of C. F. Englehaupt in the First district, Andrew Schmidt in the Third district, C. E. Farrier in the Fifth district, C. B. Nellis in the Sixth dis trict and C. E. Havens in the Seventh district. Each of these men is a resident of the district which he aspires to rep resent. He is well and favorabiy known to all of his neighbors. That these neighbors have seen lit to nomi nate them for these important posi tions is in itself sufficient testimony of their worthiness. GOVERNOR McKELVIE SPEAKS AT FAIR Speaking at the county fair Sep tember 28th, Governor McKelvie said: “The ’rainmaker’ candidate for gov ernor on the democratic ticket says that he will shower tax reductions upon the people of the state, and im mediately points to the repeal of the Code as the means by which he shall accomplish this rsult. “It has already been pointed out that the elimination of the salaries of the Code Secretaries would result in a possible state tax reduction of thirty three thousandths of one per cent. This indeed would be ‘some shower’ but at that, it is as much as might be expected of a ‘rainmaker.’ To go further: If the state house were in be closed entirely and the salaries of all the state employees eliminated, in cluding the Constitutional officers, the Code departments and the Supreme Court, it would result in a possible tax reduction of seven-tenths of one per cent. The utter ridiculousness of a thing of this sort is apparent, and I only cite it as a means of showing that the possible reduction in the state’s salary roll is, after all, a negligible item. The worth-while reductions must come elsewhere. “The reason for increased taxes is not that the payroll of state em ployes is a burdensome item, but it is that during the past four years, the state has been engaged in an exten sive program of improvement and progress, the very large ‘proporf.on of which is accounted for in permanent improvements and capital invest ments: $2,000,000.00 for soldiers’ re lief, over $3,000,000.00 thus far raised for the new state capitol, more than $5,000,000.00 increase for building roads, over $2,000,000.00 increase for the State University, over $2,000, 000.00 increase for penal and charit able institutions, over three-quarters of n million dollars increase for Nor mal Schools, over $300,000.00 for the eradication of bovine tuberculosis, over a quarter of a million dollars increase for Vocational Education, $200,000.00 increase for paving around State In stitutions, and over $140,000.00 for State aid to schools. These items and other minor items for new qnd in creased activities of the State, after making allowances for the discontinu ance of activities that were carried on during the bienniums of 1915-18, in clusive, levies a total increase of nearly sixteen and one-half million dollars. Thus the increase in state taxes for the last four year period is accounted for. “Of course, anyone can understand that there can be a further reduction n taxes, because the major portion c these new and increased activities time either been completed or need not be continued on the same extensive asis, the work already havipg been done, and it is from this source that decreased taxes will come, rpther than from the elimination of a’few em ployes from the state •payroll. The republican party has arleady shown its good faith in this respect by hav ing reduced state taxes one-third for the present year. “It is only fair now that the ‘rain maker’ candidate should point out just exactly where he proposes to ef fect any considerable decrease in taxes, aside from the decrease that would naturally result as above out lined, and he should tell the people about whether he objects to the $2, 000,000.00 that was appropriated for soldiers’ relief, or whether he is op posed to the building of the new capitol, or whether he is opposed to the five thousand miles of good state roads that have been built, or whether he would deprive the young men and young women of the state of the educational advantages thalt are af forded in the University and Normal Schools, or whether he would disre gard the needs of the state's depend ents who are now being taken care of in the penal and charitable institutions, the increased enrollment of which amounts to about 35 ’per cent during the last six years. “When one analyzes the tax question in the light of the actual facts, he is the more impressed that the activities of the ‘rainmaker’ now arc even as they were in the drouth years of '93 and ’94. Waiving aside the truth as though it were of no importance in arriving ati correct conclusions, the ‘rainmaker’ disappears into the hay mow, waves his magic wand and thus makes good his promise that it will rain—somewhere—but the wind still blows, the drouth prevails, and God reigns supreme in His Heaven.” TO THE ELECTORS OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Being a Practical Surveyor and hav ing devoted my whole time and atten tion to the 'profession in this locality for years; my past experience and knowledge of matters pertaining to the office will contribute to your bene fit. Therefore, kindly thanking you for your generous and non-partisan support in the past and desiring to affiliate with you in the future, I here by announce myself a candidate for re-election to the office of County Surveyor and your assistance jn my election thereto will be greatly ap preciated. M. F. NORTON. Mrs. C. E. Ives, of Bridgewater, S. D., who has been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Yantzi for several weeks, returned to her home Monday. SHERIDAN PUTS PARCAUT AWAY1 Homer Sheridan, the middleweight wonder of Sioux City, still retains his title as undefeated champion of the i middle west. Homer disposed of Ralph Parcaut of Spencer, Iowa, the contender for the title, in the fourth round of what was to have been a ten round bout, before a large and en thusiastic crowd of fight fans at the K. C. hall last Thursday night. The affair was under the auspices of the Knights of Columbus athletic club and was one of the finest exhibitions of speed and fistic science witnessed in O’Neill for many years. It was the first time in Sheridan’s several ap pearances here that he really extend ed himself, on none of the previous oc casions had it been necessary for him to do so. At that, the Sioux City man had a lot of stuff he didn’t have to show. A distinguished group of visi tors witnessed the go from ringside seats, among them Governor McKei vie of Nebraska, Mayor James Dahl man and City Commissioner John Hop kins of Omaha, Crawford Kennedy of Lincoln, the next secretary of state, and Pat Stanton of Tilden. The visi tors all pronounced the exhibition one of the best they had ever witnessed and declared Sheridan to be in a class entirely by himself as a boxer and a pugalist. Parcaut, the Spencer man, an athlete of wonderful build and con siderable speed, is no second rater. It is very doubtful if there is another man of his weight in the west, except Sheridan, who can take his measure. Both men weighed in at 161 pounds a few hours before the fight. In the first two rounds Parcaut easily held his own with the man from Sioux City, landing as many and as terrific blows as did his antagonist, but he failed to place them in vital spots. Sheridan worked mostly on the Spen cer man’s midsection, badly disar ranging the latter’s digestive appar atus and in the third round the effects of the terrific and well directed bom bardment began to show. The end came shortly after the opening of the fourth round, the one in which Sheri dan usually puts them away. Parcaut was floored soon after the opening bell but regained his feet before the con clusion of the count. Then Sheridan measured him, as Parcaut’s second tossed a sponge into the ring. The latter proceedure is entirely against the Nebraska boxing regulations, but it made no difference to Parcaut, as he was through, sponge or no sponge. Both victor and vanquished were liberally applauded both during and after the go. The opening number on the pro gram, a six round go between George Gee of Plainview, and Russell Bow den, of O’Neill, furnished much amuse ment for the big crowd. Both men were excellent boxers, but very evi dently were strangers to the profes sional ring and in need of training. However their affair went the full six rounds and at the conclusion Gee was awarded the decision, which met the awarded the decisoin, which met with the approval of the crowd and also ap parently Mr. Bowden. O’NEILL DEFEATS SPENCER. O’Neill and Spencer grid teams locked horns for the first game of the season at Spencer, September 29th, and O’Neill won to the tune of 20 to 0. This was a hotly contested game in which both teams played goof! foot ball. The game was called at 3 o’clock. Both teams went into the field full of pep and fight and both determined to win the game. O’Neill had the first kick off and at the blow of the whistle both teams charged, each man getting a man. Spencer received the ball and on the third down on trying a pass O’Neill intercepted the ball and car ried it to Spencer’s 10 yard line. This was the largest gain in the first half. There was not much ground covered by either side the rest of that half; the score being 0 to 0. On the kick off in the last half O’Neill received the ball and carried it through for a touch down which was repeated again that quarter. At the end of the third quarter the score stood 13 to 0. In the last quarter O’Neill made their last touch down in the first five minutes of play and the rest of the game was hard scrimmage, Spencer punting every time they got the ball. O’Neill made their touchdowns on passes and on the try for goal. Beha drop kicked two of them. The touch downs were made by Capt. Geo. Stan nard. In the last three minutes of play Ilirsch was put in for Stannard, Stannard for McPhalin, and Hall for Mellor. After this change, when O’Neill punted, a red streak could be seen going down under the ball and when it stopped it generally stopped a man which turned out to be Cyril Hirsch. Referee—Racely of Spencer. Umpire—Hammond of O’Neill. Head Linesman—Richard Morrison. O’Neill Spencer Touch downs . 3 0 Try for Goals . 2 0 20 0 Lineup—O’Neill— Stannard . (C) R. E. Hatch . R. I. Enright . R. G. Bazelman .. C. Harmon . L. G. Ulnrn . L. F. Mellor . L. E Beha . F. B. Faulhaber . F. B. Uhl .;. R. H. CITY OF O’NEILL WINS TWO CASES Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 6.—The city of O’Neill was the victor in supreme court Wednesday in two cases, one against the township boai'd and one against county treasurer Gallagher. The cases involved the right of the city to have the road taxes collected within its borders. The supreme court said the city is entitled to have the cash and have it expended on the city streets and alleys, $10.00 REWARD I will pay $10.00 reward for infor mation leading to the recovery of three black and one red and black whiteface calves which strayed from my >place September 30th. R. M. BURTWHISTLE, Bliss, Nebraska. 18-4 Phone 13-7 Savidge line. DO YOU KNOW that we are well equipped to furnish \ you anything you want in the Grocery Line. Butter taken in Trade at Market Price Cash Paid for Ejjjjs Headquarters for Gooch’s Best Flour Our Meat Market is well stocked with all the meats of the season. Henry Bay Phone 35 O’Neill. Nebr. k._________ To The Depositors NATIONAL BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors lose heavily. Why? Because deposits in National Banks are not guaranteed. STATE BANKS FAIL. When they do depositors are paid in full. Why? Because deposits in State Banks are protected by the Depositors Guarantee Fund of the State of Nebraska. THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK OF O’NEILL is the only Bank in O’Neill which offers you this pro tection. You will protect yourself and please us by depositing your money with us. 5 per cent paid on time deposits. ___ % Nebraska State Bank of O'Neill, Nebraska A new son, weight eleven and three- TOWNSHIP CAUCUS. quarters pounds, arrived to grace the A caucus of the Republican voters home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Temple- of Grattan Township is hereby called ton Wednesday evening. to meet at The Frontier printing office Gene Mavfield is eninvine- a visit in O’Neill, Nebraska, Saturday. Octo Gene Maytield is enjoying a visit ^ 2;00 m for the purpose of from his brother, Earl, of the Sprague plating {„ nomination a township Tire and Rubber company of Omaha, ticket to be voted for at the coming who arrived Tuesday of last week. general election. _ W. T. McELVAIN, The Frontier, only S2.00 per year. Committeeman. Slovenly Financial Habits It is almost impossible to get over slovenly financial habits, don’t ever start them. Be strictly business like in all financial matters and you will have established a sure basis for financial success. • J5he O'Neill Natiorval Bank O’Neill, Nebraska Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $150,000.00. This bank carries no indebted ness of officers or stock holders.