The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 05, 1922, Image 3

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    One Good Merchant
in Every Town
can establish a profitable and permanent
•hoe business on limited capital through the
RctailersRcser veSystem |
Men’s,Women’s* Boys’ Shoes
This new plan of distribution^
has boon arranged for your
benefit, and through it
Profits Are Guaranteed *
W. L. Douglas shoes are the
world's best-known trade
marked shoes. High quality, t
honest workmanship coupled!
with iow prices and latest'
styles make easy sales and'
quick turn-over of your small investment, Pre
paid express and freight, 10 cents per pair allow
ance west of tiie Mississippi, and Kuided 24 hour
shipping service help increase profits and mnke
large investments unnecessary. Write now for
catalog ami full information. If there is no
Douglas dealer in your town you maybe awarded
to handle this groat iiati Ynally advertised product.
Any dealer whosellg shoes can increase his profits
by adding W. L. Douglas shoes to bis line.
RFMPMRFR that $6.GOO,OOOhas been spent In
l\Lt!r.%LiiTlDL<&\ advertising W.D.Douglas show.
No other shoes can equal \V. i.. Douglas in quick
sales, because people cull f<»r them. The results of
this Advertising nnd 46 years of honest shoemak
Ing means sales and profits for you.
Write todav. The first application will bive first wsssrftriliw.
W.LDOUGLAS SHOE CO., 10 Spark Street. Brockton. Mass.
Aalc your Dealer for W.LJ)ougUfi shoe*.
Baby Carriages & Furniture
Ask Your Local Dealer
Write Now For
32-Page Illustrated
1 HO’tM I
The Lloyd Manufacturing Company
( Hey wood- Wakefield Co.)
Dept. E
Menominee, Michigan (17)
I which gives a
delicious flavor
Tf W • Fff** # 4% You nerd Q-Baft
Hair Thin ? SHSLi*
hair—it vitalizes
the roots and stops hair falling out — fills bald
•pots rapidly. Try it! At all good druggists, 75j.
Or direct from HESSIC-ELUS, Ckeabto. Mcmsbis. Teas.
Some .Similarity.
Ilowitt—“Tlie devil never takes a va
cation.” Jewett—“And Cupid always
wears ids working clothes.”
Each package of “Diamond Dyes” con
tains directions so simple that any woman
can dye or tint faded, shabby skirts,
dresses, waists, coats, sweaters, stock
ings, hangings, draperies, everything like
new. Buy “Diamond Dyes”—no other
kind—then perfect home dyeing is guaran
teed, even if you have never dyed nefore.
Tell your druggist whether the material
you wish to dye is wool or silk, or whether
it is linen, cotton, or ntixrd goods. Dia
mond Dyes never streak, spot, fade, or
run. So easy to use.-*-Advertisement.
Those who don’t like “authority”
are most apt to use it.
Don’t Forget Cuticura Talcum
When adding to your toilet requisites.
An exquisite face, skin, baby and dust
ing powder and perfume, rendering
other perfumes superfluous. You may
rely on it because one of the Cuticura
Trio (Soap, Ointment and Talcum).
25c each everywhere.—Advertisement
Better buy than borrow.
Is Backache Crippling You?
Is that dull, nagging backache mak
ing it hard for you to get around? Arc
you lame, sore and tortured with
sharp, rheumatic pains? It’s time,
then, you gave some attention to your
kidneys! A persistent backache is
often Nature’s first signal of kidney
weakness. You may have headaches,
dizziness and annoying bladder irregu
larities, too. Kidney troubles, if treat
ed early, are usually easily corrected,
ltegin now with Doan's Kidney Pills.
Doan's have helped thousands ami
should help you. Ask your neighbor!
A South Dakota Case
j. jlv rcugers, re
tired farmer, la
rZelle St.. Sturgis, 9,
D., Bays: “My back
ached constantly so
I couldn't sleep.
Mornings I was bo
lame I couldn’t
bend to put on my
shoes. If I eat
still for awhile it
was difficult for me
to get up. My Kidneys acted too
often at night ami X had to get up
three or four times t.' pass the secre
tions. I used Doan's Kidney Pills and
they relieved the backaches and reg
ulated my kidneys."
Get Doan’* at Any Store, 6Cc a Box
DOAN’S *•;;»***
ERA IN 0. S.
Bankers Express Optimism at
Meeting in New York and
Lay Plans for Assisting the
Farmer Financially.
Universal Serlvop.
New York, Oct. 3.- -A new era of
financial prosperity tor tht* United
States was forecast, plans for as
siting farmers were laid, and an op
timistic view of Conditions in Eur
ope was expressed nt the opening
Monday of the 4»lti annual conven
tion of the American Hankers Asso
Eugene Meyer, jr., managing di
dector war corporation and probable
candidate for governorship of the fed
eral reserve hoard, delivered one of
the principal addresses, saying:
"The acute phases of the agricul
tural crisis of 1920-21 now are passed.
The aftermath in the form of a bur
den on the farmers, and stockmen
still remains, and gome thousands of
banking institutions still are in an
extended condition. But probably' at
no time in our history has there been
so rapid and extensive Improvement
in our economic condition as during
the past 18 months.”
Oppose “Chain”* Banking.”
Mr. Meyer pointed out that the cri
sis emphasized one outstanding fact
•—-the need for more gradual market
ing of agricultural products with
longer terms financing to correspond
with this slower process.
Europe's financial troubles, it was
expressed by the majority of the
9,000 delegates present, will he met
through stabilization.
Various phases of the European
situation were relegated into the
background by the drive of smaller
banks to prevent again . allowing
branch banking. The contention on
one side was that such a system of
national "chain” banking would result
in the money being held by Wall
street and allied controllers.
Big Forgery Exhibit.
The other side, as voiced by per
sons close to the big hanking inter
ests, represented that branch bank
ing would prove financially and eco
tiomically advantageous to the nation.
One of the features of the conven
tion is the exhibit dealing with for
geries and ' counterfeit money at
which it was stated that $50,000,000 in
losses was paid out in check forgeries
last year by surety companies. Checks
raised, from a few dollars to many
thousands, signatures cleverly copied
and other ingenious practices of for
gery are presented in a striking man
ner together with the announcement
that a forged check is passed every
three and a half minutes of the bank
ing day.
Here is what some of the delegates
bad to say:
Thomas B. McAdams, Richmond,
Va.,—“Fundamentally, America is in
a sound financial position and can
look forwa.^ to increasing prosperity,
provided carelessness and selfishness
are not allowed to undermine the
stability of our citizenship.”
j. A. House, Cleveland—-“I feel
much aesured as to business pros
pects during the coming year. 1 have
come to the conclusion that the Eur
opean problem is the world’s problem
and that the United States can no
longer withhold its influence without
suffering more by it's exclusion than
by its participation.”
J. W. Hoopes, Dallas, Texas—“My
territory covers a very large portion
of the cotton producing area of Texas
and while the crops are in general
spotted, the prevailing prices have
keen very satisfactory, enabling the
merchants and interior banks to li
quidate freely.”
Unaware That Landing- Gear
Is Off Machine, Flyer Is
Nearly Crushed.
Universal Service.
Mt. Clemens. Mich., Oct. 3.—Un
aware that the wheels of the landing
gear of his airplane had dropped off,
Capt. Bert E. Skeei made a landing
Monday and was nearly crushed to
d< ath In the wreckage.
For half an hour Captain Skeei
flew over Selfridge field, unable to in
terpret the desperate signal attempts
of the spectators below, seeking to
warn him of his plight. Extra landing
wheels were hauled out of a hangar
and dangled in the air from another
plane in an effort to transmit the
message that almost certain death
awaited his usual landing.
As he swooped down for the final
landing ambulances and fire trucks
raced across the field to where his
plane hit the earth in a great cloud
of dust. Captain Skeei, suffering
from severe injuries about the head,
was lifted from the wreckage. Phy
sicians held out hope for his recovery.
Captian Skeei, whose heme is in
Cleveland, Ohio was to pi’ot one of
the army entries in the Pulitzer race
October 12-14. He is recognized us
one of the ablest pilots of the 34th
squadron of the first pursuit group.
Fremont, Neb., Oct. 3 (Special).—
John Livingston, G2 years old, pioneer
railroad man of thus oity, was fatally
injured Monday while switching in
the local yards, when pinned between
two box cars on the Northwestern
Possible Explanations.
From London Opinion.
Hubby—Of course, dear, it's only a
rough Idea of mine, but do you think It's
possible that there’s ever such a tt mg as
e printer's error in that cookery manual
of yours?
Fordncy to Introduce New Bill
in House While McCumber
Promises Companion Meas
ure in Senate.
Universal Service.
Washington, Oct. 3.—Renewal of
file fight for a soldier bonus in the
next session of congress was made
certain Monday. Following the an
nouncement of Chairman Fordncy, of
the House ways and means commit
tee, that lie would Introduce a new btll
in the House as soon as congress re
convenes, Senator McCumber, chair
man of the finance commltee stated
Monday that a companion measure
will be introduced in the Senate at
the same time.
Asked ft the New bill will carry a
financing section to overcome the ob
jection on which President Harding's
veto of the previous measure was
based, Senator McCumber said: "That
will have to be worked out."
The senator was doubtful that an
other bonus bill could be put through
both houses during the short session
but the issue can be kept alive by
bringing it up.
High Dignitary From Rome to
Assume Charge of Sioux
Falls Territory—Cere
mony Wednesday.
Sioux Falls, S. IX, Oct 3 (Special).
—Bishop Bernhart J. Mahoney, of
Home, will be formally installed as
Bishop of the Catholic diocese of
Sioux Falls Wednesday morning at
10:30 o’clock at St. Joseph's Cathe
dral. Many high dignitaries in the
Catholic church will lie present for
the installation ceremony.
Bishop Mahoney is expected to nr
rive here Tuesday. He will assume
charge of all the territory east of
Missouri river in Sfouth Dakota.
The installation will be in charge
of Archbishop Austin Dowling, of St.
Paul, Minn., who will arrive Tuesday.
Archbishop J. J. Keane, of Dubuque,
la., atso will attend the ceremony
Among other notables who will be
In Sioux Falls Wednesday for the
cermony will be Bishop Edmond Hee
lan, bishop of the Sioux City diocese.
Federation Says Delayed Ac
tion Encourages Obre
gon’s Enemies.
Washington, Oct. 3.—The executive
committee of the Pan-American fed
eration of labor Monday called upon
the United States government to rec
ognize Mexico on the ground that
delayed action encourages the en
emies of President Obregon to stir up
trouble at the border, such as the
Juarez garrison mutiny last Satur
day. The statement said in part:
“There is no doubt that these so
called revolutionary leaders (Car
rasco and Murguia) are not deriving
the least encouragement from t lie
Mexican people In their rebellious ac
tivities. Their source of encourage
ment is the fact that tlie United
States government still is unaccount
ably withholding it’s official recog
nition of the Mexican government.
"The Mexican people know that the
Obregon government is the one ray
of hope that has emanated from the
darkness of tht* revolutionary period
strong enough to assert itself over
the reactionary forces which have
been constantly plotting for a restor
ation of the old order of tilings.
"San Antonio and El Paso, Texas,
seem to he the rendezvous for these
malcontents who value more their
own petty, unwholesome ambitions
than tin' welfare of their country and
their people. Others are nursing their
impotency and mediocrity in Havana,
while the vitrolie pens of still others
are an insult to the hospitality of
Pan Francisco. ~
"in issuing tiie above statement the
executive committee of the Pan
American Federation of I,abor is
guided by the desire to see Mexico
occupy the place to which she is
rightfully entitled among the family
of American nations."
New York, Oct. 3.—A new linguist
prodigy wftg revealed Monday when
Onofrie Uelisi, two years old.
astounded the guests at a party given
by his parents by speaking five lan
guages. English, German, Russian,
Polish and Italian.
Onofrie, his parents say, has never
had any instructions in any lan
guage except English.
New York, Oct. 3 (A. P.)—A mad
man whose mania for fires caused the
death of seven, early Saturday, is
being sought by the police, acting on
information that an attempt was
made to set the building next door
afire shortly before the apartment
house at 241 West 109th street burst
Into flames. Fear that the supposed
pyromantac may continue to operate
is aroused by the story of Henry Dent,
who discovered a baby carriage ablaze
in the hallway next door to the build
ing which was burned. A moment
afterwards he saw a man come from
the basement.
But, If True, This Young Lady Is Very
Evidently Not in the Class of
Modern "Flappers."
A country correspondent of an Indi
ana weekly newspaper, who disclaimed
being either a pessimist or reformer,
recently wrote ns follows: "The other
day a man and bis daughter from near
Danville, Ky.. passed through our town
on their way to a nertrby village. They
expected to he met at the train by a
relative, hut he was late, so they had
to wait for him for four or five hours.
The daughter was n young woman of
seventeen, but si 111 wore her hair in
curls. We were especially impressed
by.the natural girlishness and sweet
modesty of the young woman. She
was refined, too, both in manners and
dress. Her father apologized for her
bnshfulness. There’s nothing else to
say about this lktle incident except
that it is a rare and beautiful thing to
hear a father apologize for the mod
esty of a daughter of seventeen sum
mers."—Indianapolis News.
Important to Mothers
Examine carefully every bottle of
CASTOItlA, that famous old remedy
for infants and children, and see that it
Renrs (lie
Signature of
In Use for Over 30 Years.
Children Cry for Fletcher’s Castoria
Under the Circumstances, There Can
Be Little Doubt Sambo Was Sin
cere in His Supplication.
Representative Christopherson of
South Dakota tells a good story about
a darky who was short of meat at
home and selected his pastor’s smoke
house ns a likely place to get a nice
ham. As he wns leaving with n big
one under his arm the pastor sudden
ly appeared before him and said:
“Why, Sambo, what are you doing in
my smokehouse at this time of night?"
To which the trembling darky re
plied : “Aii suit, All just come in to
pray, sub."
Whereupon the pastor said: “If that
is the purpose of this visit here, then
you just get down and pray.”
Thereupon the darky sank on ids
knees, raised his eyes and hands to
heaven and offered up this prayer:
“Oh, Lord, I pray that you now
promptly dismiss us so that we may
depart in pence.”—Exchange.
Greatest Woman in the World.
Who was or is the greatest woman
in nil history? Two hundred Kansas
teachers answered the question and
with enthusiasm and unanimity the
judges awarded the prize to the one
who made tlds reply:
“The wife of the furrier of moder
ate means who does her own cooking,
washing, ironing, sewing, bringing up
a family of hoys and girls to be use
ful members of society and finds time
for intellectual improvement."
H. C. L.
Howell—“Do you work for n_liv
ing?” I’owell—“I work for it, but 1
don't get it.”
Praise for Hubby.
“There goes u nrtin who Is good to
ids wife.” “That so? Who is lie?”
“My husband.”—London Answers.
“When do you expect your husband
“When I least expect him."—Life.
Children must lie an improvement
on their parents if the world is get
ting better.
One may go to the dentist cheer
fully but not as cheerfully as he
An artist lives everywhere.
Healthy Housewife — Happy Home
Lydia E. Pinkham’a Vegetable Compound Has Helped
Form Many
For the ailing, half-sick housewife
such a union is impossible. Often
times even the slightest form of
housework cannot be accomplished.
Yet the work must be done.
Many women struggle along for
years suffering from some form of
female trouble that make their lives
miserable and their homes far from
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable
Compound has helped thousands of
just such women regain their health
and strength. Just give your thought
to the following letters and remem
ber that the women who wrote these
letters knew how they felt before
taking the Vegetable Compound and
again afterwards. It helped them—
let it 1 ' ou.
Nervous Spells
Horatio, Ark. —“I lmd nervous
spells and awful bad feelings. My
right side and my back hurt me all
the time and I had been going down
in health for six or seven years. For
three years I had not been able to do
my work without help. I weighed
only 95 pounds when my husband’s
mother persuaded me to take Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
Now I heartily recommend it to all
suffering women, as I have gained
weight and health. I can do all my
work, anything I want to do.” Mrs.
Jim Reakick, Horatio, Arkansas.
Reading, Pa.—*‘I was a nervous
wreck and could hardly do my house*
work. 1 always had to have help or X
would never have got it done.
Through the advice of friends I have
been taking Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound for my nerves
nna Lydia E. Pinkham’s Blood Medi
cine for my blood and I am feeling
line and doing my work u!l alone. X
can recommend these medicines to
any one, for they certainly helped
me. 1 suffered for five years and
Lydia E. Pinkham’B medicines pulled
roe through. ” - Mrs. Walter U.
iStoyek, 1218 Mulberry St,Reading,
Recommends the Vegetable
New Orleans, I .a.—“I have found
relief from my troubles by taking
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com*
pound and I praise it wherever 1 go.
I could not do my work as it should
be done for I would sometimes have
to He down because of the pains I had.
A friend induced mo to take your
Vegetable Compound and I Have got
great results from it. I keep housa
and am able to do all my own work.
1 recommend your Vegetable Com*
pound fumy friends whohive troubles
similar to mine.”—Mrs. T. Foeck
i.ku, 1915 N. Derbigny St., New Or
leans, La.
IH Gives New Life to Oid Stockings
I ^aP V Putnam Fadeless Dyes—dyes or tints as you wish
Small Boy's Distress Had a Whole
Lot More Than Mere Sympathy
as a Basis.
A lad In Washington got a Job that
didn’t at all please him—shoveling tin*
snow from the sidewalk In front of
his house. There was a good bit of
ground to cover. After about two
hours’ toil he began to cry.
“What’s the matter, son?” asked a
sympathetic neighbor, as he came up "a
the scene.
“A tramp caiue along and stole the
shovel from the boy next door,” ex
plained the lad between sobs.
“Well, son," continued the neighbor,
“it’s a Hue thing to be sympathetic, but
you mustn’t worry so over other peo
ple’s affairs.”
“It ain't that,” added Hie boy, “I am
crying because la* didn’t steitl my
shovel, too."—Milwaukee Sentinel.
Scientific Exactness.
An instance illustrating the exnct
methods now followed in all branches
of science is furnished by the up
setting of all the results of the geo
detic survey of Algeria bused upon
tiie station of Volrol, which had been
chosen as the point of origin of co
ordinates. It has been found that,
owing to some subterranean pecu
liarity affecting the direction of tin*
plumb-line, there is u strong devia
tion from the vertical at Volrol, and
as a result a new starting point for
the triangulation must be chosen and
new calculations made. The discov
ery was inudi by comparing the as
tronomical latitude of the new ob
servatory about three miles from
Volrol with its geodetic latitude as
calculated from the Volrol data.
A hen-pecked man is the silent part
ner of ids wife’s woes.
A stolid temperament is to be de
sired. It doesn’t worry.
All things move in cycles.
Cuticura Soap
-The Safety Razor
Shaving Soap
v.utlcurH.Soapahi&va* without muf*. Rverywltera 25c
Threat Considered a Favor.
Judkins was always a dissatisfied
member of the staff. Ills complaint
this time lie considered a big one and
lie told ids work mates thift lie would
threaten to leave.
“Wlmt did the boss say about your
threat to leave?” lie was asked on bo*
Ing seen coining from the chief’s room,
"He didn’t lake it as a threat,” re*
plied Judkins, “he thought I was doing
the firm a favor.”—London Tit-Bits.
Appeal to Intellect.
“Why did you introduce vaudeville
in your campaigning tour?”
“My constituents,” replied Senator
Sorghum, “know more about the eco
nomic situation than I do. They are
intelligent people, and 1 approach
them as such. 'The brain needs rest,
I am going to earn their gratitude by
giving them a chance to take their
minds off politics.”
First Question.
“Could you he happy with love In a
"Do we have a car?”
Why sign notes at
the dining table ?
IF your mealtime cup of coffee leads you into
midnight wakefulness and mid-afternoon
drowsiness (as so often happens) why not stop
giving the promise to pay?
Postum comes in two forms: Instant
Postum (in tins) prepared instantly
in the cup by the addition of boiling
water. Postum Cereal (in packages,
for those who prefer to make the
drink while tho meal is being pre
pared) made by boiling fully 20
It is so easy to keep out of debt by turning
to Postum.
Postum is a satisfying, mealtime drink, rich in
flavor and aroma—and with no regretful settle
ments, afterward. *
Why not try Postum instead of coffee today,
and pave the way to better health and happiness?
Postum FOR health "There’s a Reason"
Made by Postum Cereal Co., Inc., Battle Creek, Mich. Sold by All Grocers