The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 05, 1922, Image 11

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    You Can Get Back
Your Grip on
Persons suffering from stomach
trouble and who are under weight
find an ever-ready friend in Tanlae.
This celebrated medicine 1ms ended
Indigestion and Increased the weight
for thousands of people everywhere.
Mrs. O. D. Flaherty, 1905 Grace St.,
Lynchburg, Va., says:
“My sou’s health was fully restored
by Tanlae and he actually gaineu
twenty pounds In weight. After every
meal lie suffered terribly from severe
pains, palpitation and shortness of
breath, and had awful headaches. He
was terribly nervous, too. He Is
working now every day and Is In as
good health as he ever was.”
Under nourishment Is the cause of
most cases of under weight. Tanlae
enables the stomach to extract the
healthy nutriment from the food,
builds up the whole body and in
creases the weight to normal. Mil
lions of people have testified to its
great benefits. Get a bottle today
at any good druggist.—Advertisement.
Apatite is on the free list, brother
A young man who pi acticed medicine
in Pennsylvania b famous and
•was called in Consultation in many
towns and citie3 because of hia suc
cess in the treatment oi disease. This
was Pr. Pierce, who finally made ur;
his mind to place some of his medi- *
cines before the public, and moving to j
Buffalo, N.Y., put up what he called
his "Favorite Prescription,” and placed I
it with the druggists in every state. ;
Dr.Pierce’s Favorite Prescription haa i
Jong been recognized as a tonic for
diseases peculiar to womankind. After
suffering pain, feeling nervous, dizzy,
weak and dragged - down - by weak
nesses of her sex—a woman is quickly
restored to health by its use. Thou
sands of women testify that Dr. Pierce's i
Favorite Perscription, has entirely I
eradicated their distressing ailments.
More recently that wonderful dis
covery of Dr. Pierce’s, called An-uric
(for kidneys and backaejhe), has been j
successfully used by many thousands 1
who write Dr. Pierce of the benelits j
received — that their backache, rheu- j
matismj and other symptoms of uric
acid deposits in joints or muscles have
been completely conquered by its use.
Send 10c to Dr. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y.,
for trial pkg. of any of his remedies, or
write for free medical advice.
Auburntown, Tenn., 6-22-22.
Stearns Electric Paste Co.,
Dear Sirs: Mr. Robert T. Donnell of
Auburntown, Tenn., came in our store
. the other day and wanted something to
kill rats, so I wold him a box Stearns
Rat Paste. And he pu,t so trie paste on
six biscuits that night and tho next morn
ing he found fifty-four big rarts. AnA the
second night he put out fowr more bis
cuits with paste on them, and the second
morning he found seventeen more “rats,
making a total of sqpfenty-one rats in
two nights, and there were lots more
that he did not And.
This is some mg rat tale, but, never
theless, it is sW. Just thought would
write t<* let you know that your rat paste
Is good.
Buy a 35c Box Today
Enough to KiN SO to 100 Rats or Mica
Don’t waste time trying to kill these pests
wit hpowders.ltciuidsand other ex perl mental
preparations. Heady for Vse—Better Thnn
Traps. Drug and General Stores sell
Paradoxical but True.
“The hiiawn anatomy is a wonder
ful hit of mechanism,” observed an
apprentice. “Yes,” agreed the fore
man, "I patted Charles on the hack
and made his head swell.”
Sure Relief
25$ and 75$ Packages, Everywhere
No matter what happens, keep 01;
hoping and trying. Despair is tin
height of folly.
The trouble with tilings that art
not good for us is that they always
seem so good to us.
More people have the gift of speech
than the gift of silence.
Look to Your Eyes \
Bcau^ful E'jes, like fine ,
Teeth, are the result cf Constant I
Care. 1 he daily use of Murine
tnclces Eyes Clear and Radiant.
Enjoyable. Harmless. Sold and
Recommended by All Druggists.
Protest Regarded by U. S.
Government Officials as the
First Active Support to the
Kemalist Government.
Universal Service.
Washington, Oct. 3.—The protest
of the Russian government against
the allied blockade of the Dardanelles
seriously complicates the Near East
situation, in the opinion of high gov
ernment officials.
The protest is regarded as the first
active support of the Russians to
their allies, the Angora, or Kemalist,
government. Under this treaty Rus
sia undertakes to assist Turkey In
any defensive or offensive undertak
ing. It is stated frankly that if Rus
sia goes further than a-protest it wi*
upset everything that has been done
to arrange a peace conference.
Even then, should Kemai Pasha not
be satisfied, it was pointed out, ho
may appeal to his Russian ally and
reopen the whole situation.
The Russian note declares that the
so-called "freedom of (he straits," as
administered by the allies, bottles up
all of the commercial interests of
Russia end all of the states border
ing on the Black Stea.
Russia's right to protest is based
on treaties entered into with Turkey
in 1856, a treaty to which the present
allies were parties, to keep the Dar
danelles open. Russia and Turkey
made a special treaty several years
later by which either could keep a
small naval force in the Black Sea.
Universal Service.
Constantinople, Oct 3.—The mili
tary conference begins at Mudanla
Tuesday at 11 o’clock. The allies hope
to secure the attendance of one of the
Greek generals.
The reason that the Turks will be
represented by Ismet Pasha, com
mander in chief of the western front,
is because tylustapha Kemai Pasha is
detained at Angora. Kemai hopes,
however, to arrive at Mudania later.
Well informed nationalists hero
state that the question of Mesul will
bulk large in the later negotiations,
as it is known that large French and
American concerns have their eyes on
the oil regions, and many wires are
being pulled.
Isadora Duncan and
Her Poetic Husband
Are Admitted to U. S.
Universal Service.
New York. Oct. 3.—The first thing
Isadora Duncan did Monday night
was to go through some weird semi
primitive gyrations while hundreds
looked on in amazement.
Her young Russian husband, Ser
gius Escenine, an "imaginative poet,"
recited in his native tongue an es
say which, Ills interpreter said,
“With all the rich looking people
here, one should not have much
trouble in selling verse."
For it seems as though Sergius,
like his wife, is a disciple of the free
thought school and has no idea of
lolling in luxury while his wife terp
sichores to triumph and dollars. He
believes a husband should earn his
own living and a wife her's.
The famous dancer and her hus
band were admitted to the United
States late Monday after being forced
to spend tlio night on the liner Paris,
on which they came from Europe.
No one seems to know exactly why
they were detained. Isadora said
"I guess we were held up because
of my classical dancing."
Sergius, smiling, exuded numerous
and sundry unintelligible syllables,
which gave the impression that he
approved of what his wife said. He
is evidently well trained.
The board of inquiry at Ellis Island
before which the couple appeared
voted unanimously in admitting them
after a hearing lasting two hours.
-. ♦ . --
Lincoln, Neb., Oct. 3 (Special).—
Almost endless litigation is forecast
by the Nebraska Hotel Company,
which filed suit for $875,000 damages
gainst the bonds of the stockholders
who obtained the appointment of W.
E. JBarkely as receiver of the Nebras
ka Hotel and its sister company the
Nebraska Building and Investment
Co., field anainended position Monday
afternoon, raising the damages de
manded from $875,000 to $1,080,000.
The hotel company itemizes several
large sums which it asserts it has lost
by the sale by receiver Barkeley of
control of the hotels to E. C. Eppley
Mr. Eppley is in possession of the
hotel properties.
LOS ANGELES—Jose Ramirez,
who in 1852 published the first news
paper in Los Angeles—El Clamor
Publico—died at his home here Sun
day at the age of S3.
Smyrna. Oct. 2 (A. P.)—Another
fir.e in the residential quarter of
Smyrna Sunday destroyed 25 build
ings. It is reported that several
Armenians fearing they would be
blamed for the fire, threw themselves
into the fames.
—-. ___
Railway Improvements.
From Illinois Central Magazine.
The 5:15 fan off the track the other
night, an’ everybody got a joltin’ up.
One of the pleasant features of the acci
dfrit was that it loosened all the win
<V-vs in tky passenger coaches so that
they can f>e raised with ease.
fEx-3sCsu'-*“«'^''2/vl fvelw/ Jjjf
iVineAKf 3i^«ri«uw/
' I. // \
Despite opposition of his family and the royalist party in Germany,
ex-Kaiser Wilhelm, shown in his la test photograph, with his shaggy
white beard, is to be married in No vember to Princess Hermine von
Sclioenaich-Carolath, daughter of the Prince of Reims and widow of a
German cavalry officer. She is the m other of three children, though only
85 years of age, while the kaiser is n early twice her age.
Lardner Again Looks to
Series to Win Fur Coat
New York. Oct. 3.—Although they
have been world serious practally ev
ery yr. for the last 20 yrs. this next
world serious which is supposed to
open up Wed. P. M. at the “Polo
grounds is the most important world
serious in history as far as I and my
family are concerned and even more
important to us than the famous
world serious of 1919 which was win
by the Cincinnati Reds greatly to
their surprise.
Maybe I would better exclaim my
self before going any further. Well
a few (lays previous to the serious of
1919 1 was approached by a young
lady who I soon recognized as my
wife and any way this woman says
would I buy her a fur coat as the win
ter was coming on and we was going
to soend it in Connecticut which is
not genally considered one of the
‘‘Rut don't do it,” she says “unless
you have got the money to spare be
cause of course I can get along with
out it. In fact,’'’ she added bursting
into tears, "I am so used to getting
along without this, that and the other,
thing that maybe it would be best for
you nefl! to buy me that coat after all
as the sight of a luxury of any kind,
might prove my undoing.”
Found a “Sucker” in 1919.
“Listen,” was my reply, “as far as
I am consented you don’t half to
prove your undoing. But listen you
are in a position to know that I can't
spare the money to buy you one stoaf
leave alone enough of the little cod
gers skins to make a coat for a
growed up girl like you. But if I can
get a hold of any body that Is sucker
enough to bet on Cincinnati in this
world serious, why 1 will borrow from
some good pal and cover their bet and
will try and make the bet big enough
so as the winnings will buy you the
hansomest muleskin coat in New Eng
Well friends I found the sucker and
got a hold of enough money to cover
his bet and not only that but give him
odds of C to 5 and that is why we did
not go out much In Greenwich that
winter and not for no lack of invita
tions as certain smart Alex has let
I might also mention nt this junc
tion that they was a similar agree
ment at that serious between Eddie
Collins the capt. of the White Sox and
his Mrs. only of course Eddie did not
make no bet, but If ids team win, why
he would by the madam a personal
sedan whereas if his team lost, why
she would half to walk all winter.
Eucklly the Collinses live in Lans
downe, Pa., where you can’t walk far.
Needs Furs, Even in House.
Well friends l do not know wliat Is
the automobile situation In the Col
lins family at the present writelng as
have not saw them of late hut the
fur coat situation In my family Is
practally the same like It was In 1919
only as I hinted In the opening iwira
graph of this Intimate article, it is a
d-am sight worse.
.' Because This yr. they won’t be no
chance for the little woman to offset
her paucity of outdoor raps by spend
ing the winter in the house. She Is
going to need furs even there.
Therefore as I say this comeing ser
ious is the most important of all as
far as we are consumed for Mother
ain’t the same gal when she Is cold
and after all is said and done what la
home with Mother in her tantrums?
So I and my little ones is hopelng
and praying that the boys on who I
have staked my winters happiness
this yr. will not have no meetings In
no hotel rooms between now arid
Wednesday but will go into the sorl
ous determined to do their best which
I once said was the best anybody
could do and the man who heard me
say it said “You are right Lardner
and if boys do their best., why it looks
to me like as if the serious should
ought to he well over by Sunday night
and the little woman’s new fur coat
delivered to our little home some time
Monday and maybe we will get invi
ted out somewheres that night and
they will be a blizzard.
Central European Powers Near
Financial Collapse, Solons Say
Universal Service Correspondent.
Washington, Oct. 3.—“A deeper
realization of the grave situation in
Europe and the urgent necessity of
something being done quickly to
remedy conditions,” was brought
back to Washington Monday by mem
bers of the congressional delegation
to the inter-parliamentary union
meeting in Vienna.
Senators and representatives in the
party, who visited Germany, France,
Belgium and other countries in Eu
rope, as well as Austria, declared they
found actual danger of European
civilization going to smash.
All the central European powers,
they said, appear to be plunging
headlong to financial and economic
collapse, and when the crash comes
the civilization of that part of the
world may be carried down with It.
Civilization, some of the American
delegates said, ts almost'gone in Aus
tria now.
But those who went over unpreju
diced in favor of the league of Na
tions came back* more strongly eon
vine*#! than ever thut the path for
the United States to help lies not
through the League. If America's
helping hand can be extended in such
a manner as to be of genuine aid in
solving the problem, some other more
practical form of assistance than
membership in this non-functioning
organization must be found, It was
In the delegation were Senators
Spencer, Ladd, McKinley, Caraway
and Harris, and Representatives
Temple, Burton, Oldfield and Mon
tague. Representative Temple, a
member of the foreign affairs com
mittee, was professor of history and
political science in Washington and
Jefferson college. Pennsylvania, for
15 years before his election to con
gress eight years ago. He passed by
the usual attractions for tourists, that
he might make a special study of con
ditions. He investigated particularly
repeated stories of German prosper
ity. He said he found the feverish
business activity, with all factories
running full blnst, and only 19,000 un
employed in the whole country. Rut,
he declared, it is a superficial activ
ity and there is a “peculiar reason
for it.”
Tokio, oct. 3 (A. I*.) Sixteen per
sons were killed and 34 Injured in a
fire and panic in a motion nicture
theater in Aomori, Province of Mutso,
September 30, according to word re
ceived hero today. Most of the dead
and injured were children. An econ
omy propaganda film was being
shown when the flames burst out.
. ...♦ ■ —
Not On Your Life.
From Life.
She -Shall we make mud pies?
He -N’o mud pies gets ye all dirly an'
first tiling ye know somebody springs a
bath on ye.
Universal Service.
Jersey City, N. J„ Oct. 2.—Miss
I'Mith Lang, beautiful 20-year-»Id Los
Angeles girl, wns reported missing
Monday night by the Y. W. C. A. of
this city. She has not been hoard
from since September 27 when she
leljt the Y. W. C. A., ostensibly to
visit a friend in New York.
Police are attempting to locate
Miss Lang’s relatives in California.
From Life.
Only n very low sort of person would
be nr an enough to refer to the evap
orated milk of human kindness.
after every meal
adds a zest and helps digest.
One five cent package of Wrlgley’s
contains a beneficial after dinner
treat for the whole family.
It gives delight and keeps teeth
white. It’s a satisfying sweet.
Wrigley’s is cleansing, cooling and
soothing to mouth and throat.
Lasts long-costs little—does much.
Wrlgley’s is made clean and comes
to you dean, wholesome and full of
flavor In its wax wrapped package.
Savm (A*
They are good for valuable
premiums ^
■ , * ri HH
WRIGLEY’S P. K. Is the
new sugar-Jacketed gum.
All Wrlgley’s benefits
and an extra treat lor your
"sweet tooth."
for Economical Transportation
f. o. b. Flint, Michigan
cAnnouncing the New
Again Chevrolet Motor Company has emphasized k? admitted
leadership as producer of the World’s Lowest Priced Quality
The new SUPERIOR models —one »f which is here illustrated—
represent the most sensational values in modem, economical
transport a tiorr-ever established.
Quality has been still further improved by more artistic design
and added equipment.
Economy has been still further increased by engineering refine
ments and greatly broadened production and distribution facilities.
Service is ensured by more than 10,000 dealers and service stations
operating on a flat rate basis.
Prices remain the same in spite of added equipment and more
expensive construction, which have greatly increased value.
Some Distinctive
Streamline body design with
high hood; vacuum feed and
rear gasoline tank on all
models;drum type head lamps
with legal lenses. Curtains open
with doors of open models.
All closed models have Fisher
bodies w'ith plate glass
Ternstcdt regulated windows,
straight side cord tires, sun
vls.>r. windshield wiper and
dadi light. Sedanctte is equip
ped with auto trunk on rear.
See these remarkable cars.
Prices f. o. b. Flint,
5 Pass. Touring - 5525
2 Pass. Roadster « 510
5 Pass. Sedan - - 860
f4 Pass. Sedanette - 859
2 Pass. 'Utility
Coupe - - 680
Study the specifications.
Nothing Compares With Chevrolet
Chevrolet Motor Company, Detroit, Michigan
Division of General Motors Corporation
World’# Largest Manu
facturer of Low-Priced
QUALITY Automobile*
There are 10,000 Chevrolet
Dealer* and fervice Stations
Throughout the World
Dealers and Parts Depots Wanted
in all territory not adequately covered