The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 05, 1922, Image 10

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Editor and Business Manager.
On the SOn-Mce It wootn appear «oreen
stars possess great literary ability, Judg
ing from their syndicated outgivings,
says Raymond G. Carroll, In the Phil
adelphia. Public Ledg'-r. II© says: I
happen to know the "From Hollywood
to Paris." In which Douglas Fairbanks
and his wife, Mary Plekford. alternated
as chroniclers, really was written-, by a
New York new paper man. who Is about
to launch the Polo Negri serial.”
Mrs. Carrie Chapman Catt, suffrage
leader and organizer of the Dengue of
Women Voters will leave October 7 for
Europe and South America She will go
first to Rome to arrange for the conven
tion next May of the International Wom
an Suffrage Alliance, of which she la
president, and will then lecture In
France, Poland, Germany and Belgium
and other central European countries.
All the olomnity of a funeral for a
human being attended the burial of Mil
waukee’s dog comedienne, Lady Belle, In
the dog cemetery at Wauwatosa, recent
ly. She was a thoroughbred English fox
terrier. She had the distinction of be
ing the first dog to have a motion pic
ture career, having appeared with
Francis X. Bushman and Beverly Bayne,
and also had traveled In vaudeville,
laitly Belle belonged to Mr. and Mrs.
James Cochrane.
David S. Jones, jnek-of all-trades and
77 years old. has broken nil Greenwich
Village records at self-service. He rDes
at daybreak every morning, makes his
own bed. does his own cooking, mends
his boots, grows potatoes on shelves
above ground, grows his own tobacco In
bis backyard, shaves himself, cuts his
own linlr. paints his own portrait,
moulds his own bust, makes his furni
ture, solders, mends and makes his rook
ing pots and pans, makes his own soap,
write* his own songs and sings thorn.
Construction of the Children's Hospital
at Dallas, Tex., by the Dallas Btirtne lifts
started. The buildings will cost $200,0<l0
and cover two blocks. Total value of
Iiallas building permits this year Is $14.
COO.OO0, $.1,000,000 ahead of the same per
iod last year.
Applicants for. admission to Harvard
fills year will be asked to Rtate whether
”«ny change has been made slnre their
birth In their names or the names of
their fathers.” This and other queries
Is said to he a result of u movement to
limit enrollment at the university.
An Italian Investigator declares peo
ple have never been so well fed as at
present. He has analyzed descriptions
In old writings of hundred-course ban
quets of the middle ages. Such dinners
were given only In years of plenty and
he finds undoubted exaggeration.
More than 300 business and industrial
firms In Great Britain publish their own
house magazine filled with details of
pension and welfare schemes and the
social, athletic and other activities of
the workers.
A branch of the Mexican Medical as
sociation w'ill celebrate the 100th anni
versary of the birth of Louis Pasteugk
the French scientist, by awarding prizes*
to local physicians foe the best papers
on local dlsrnses.
A crowd of f>00 witnessed a fist fight
between two women for the Jove of a
man. The contestants staged Uiclr bout
at Rochester, N. V. The man was one of
the witnesses and said he would throw
his affections to the winner.
Berlin Tagchlatt suys that In order to
meet the shortage In currency the out
put of bank notes will bo gradually
Increased so as to reach 7,fN>O.<i00,<K)0
marks dally on October 15. The present
output Is 3,000,000.000 a day.
Princess Beatrice and the Ouchess of
Albany recently visited a bell foundry at
Croydon to hear a recital on a carillon
of !3 bells which will be the first erected
In Canada, and one of the largest sets
hitherto put In place anywhere.
An automobile stolen three years ago
was found by Kansas City police. The
owners were notified. "We don't need It
now,” said a feminine voice at the other
end of the wire. "Wo have a new one.”
A church organ was chopped and
burned at Henderson, Ky., following
several months' wrangle In the congrega
tion over Its being Installed. A woman
member Is sntd to have destroyed It.
A mairlage license 107 years old is In
possession of Mrs. .1. B. Jones, of Rock
Island, III. It announces the marriage
of her grandparents. Novemlicr 28, 1815
in what Is now Sangamon county, Illi
A St. Louts woman recently was
granted her ninth divorce. She began
her matrimonial career at 14. She was
twice married to her lust husband.
Working at great heights Is said to be
so beneficial to the nervous system of
the climbers thut. barring accidents, the
span of life of the average steeplejack
ts about 80 years.
Flirting Is unknown among Korean
girls; Indeed, an unmarried girl In that
country is so disgraced by even speak
ing to a male not of her own family, that
she often kills herself rather than en
dure the shame.
The "barber shop date" has made Its
ai>i>earance In Colorado. Bobbed hair Is
the eause. It's no unusual occurrence
for a man to treat his lady fair to a
"hob” while he reclines on the next
chair to be shaved, massaged and sham
A remakahle feat of modern surgery
was performed recently by a London
physician when a man whose breathing
and heart beat had censed for more than
un hour was restored to life.
Soldiering, once Japan's most populai
profession, has fallen from high estate.
Alleged poor treatment of men maimed
In war. Inadequate pensions and so
called "foolish training" are reasons.
A new form of Insanity bus become
known In Vienna. It Is "deadly mania."
It Is caused by illusions of gigantic
famine aud unheard of prices, with the
fear of the patient he will die of hun
AH ships of the Nippon Yusen Kulsha,
the big Japanese shipping concern
whose vessels ply In the trade routes of
the v*orld, rre operating at reduced
speed to conserve fuel.
New Jersey peach growers rebelled
against the I cent u basket on their
peaches when marketed through middle
men. They set up roadside markets, and
sold to autoista, clearing from 25 to 60
cents a basket.
A miniature theater will he Included
In Charlie Chaplin's new $100,000 home In
Los Angeles.
As Illustrating the diversity of races
under the Stars and Stripes, the follow
ing Incident is of Interest: A flag—one of
many thousands—whs being made at a
mill and the owners had the curiosity
to find out through what hands It
passed, from the clipping of the wool
from the sheep's back until It was ready
to be given to the breeze. They found
that the flag was made of wool from
American sheep, and had been sorted by
un American, carded by an Italian, sr. m
by a Swede, warped by a German,
dressed by an Kngllslinian. drawn In by
a Scotchman, woven by a Belgian, super
vised by a Frenchman, Inspected by an
Armenian scoured by an Albanian, dyed
by a Turh, and examined by au Irish
Nebraska Board to Try to
Straighten Out Tangle of
Orders and Court
IAicoln. Neb., Oct. 2 (Special).—
The state railway commission has
fixed October 23rd as the date when
It will stauf itr Investigation on stock
rates. The original structure was
voluntarily put in by tho rC'droadp,
but there have been statu laws, state
corrtmission orders, interstate com
mission orders, court decisions and
orders by the director general
when the government was in charge,
so that thero arc many maladjust
ments and much discrimination as be
tween points within the state and
The commission will summon all
♦ he railroads and will Invite all ship
pers and growers who desire to come.
The Interstate commerce commission
has already taken evidence with res
pect to the effect of Interest rates
upon Interstate markets, such as Sioux
City, St. Joseph and Kansas City, and
tills Investigation will dovetail with
that. The oliject Is to rear a new rate
structure that will eliminate prefer
ences and discriminations that all ad
mit now exist.
Lincoln, Neb., Oet.„ 2 (Speolul).—
W. J. Byran will devote three of the
eight days he has set aside to cam
paign In Nebraska to speaking in the
Third congressional district, where
his old lieutenant, Kdger Howard, is
the democratic nominee. Mr. Bryan
begins his tour of Nebraska Monday
morning, October 9th, speaking at
Ceresco and Wahoo in the Fourth dis
Monday's date Indulge speeches at
Fremont, Hooper, Scribner and West
Point. Tuesday he will speak at
Stanton, Wnyne, Laurel, Coleridge
and Hartlngton, and Wednesday at
Newcastle, Ponca, Jackson, Emerson,
Pender and Oakland.
Thursday nnd Friday he spends in
the First, district, while Saturday will
he in the Fourth and Fifth districts.
Mason City, la., Oct. 2.—Judge J.
W. Kint/.ingcr of the 19th judicial dis
trict, nominated for re-election by the
democratic party, has announced his
withdrawal from the race. ''Inade
quate salary," was the reason given.
He. Will leave the bench January 1
to practice law with Hugh Stuart,
former county attorney. The judge
has served on the bench in Dubuque
county for 12 years.
{house still survives.;
■ • ———a—M—» l Win • «
I [Colomf lv E ao^. 1
Although the Wilson administra
tion is a thing of the past, one unof
ficial member of it. is still active. Col.
E. M. House is shown leaving the
home of Premier Lloyd* George, in
London, after breakfasting with the
English statesman.
Galva, la., Oct. 2. (Special).—
American Legion Day nt Galva was
a success form sunrise to sunset. The
ball game, Galva vs. Shaller was de
cided in favor of Galva 3 to 2. Hon.t
Clyde Herring of Des Moines address
ed a large circle in the evening. The
Lc&ion is uhvud about $500 nbeve
expenses as a result of the celebra
New York, Oct. 2 tIT. p.)—“Paid ir
full" was marked today on a society
woman's taxi bill when she got angry
because two coflectors hounded her.
Kor spite she delivered a keg con
taining 42.000 pennies at the com
pany's office.
Omaha, Neb., Oct. 1. (Special).—
Creighton defeated Dakota Wesleyan.
7 to 0, in the opening game of the
football season here Saturday. The
lone touchdown was made in the sec
ond quarter on a perfect forward
pass. Lane, quarterback, kicked goal.
The Dakotans fought hard through
out and made several good gains
through Creighton's line In the closing
Engraved Inscription Leads
Nebraska Hunter to Believe
He Killed One Marked
for Test.
Agee, Neb., Sept. 30 (Special).—
While hunting .near Blackbird, Neb.,
William Harvey killed a blue winged
teal durk with metal bands on its
legs. *'h<;se bands had the following
Inscriptions: "Biol-102—“Surv-208.”
it Is believed by hunters that this is
a marklrm made on migratory birds
by the federal government and that
the arrivul of this duck in Nebraska
waters marks the first of the northern
duck visitors. The hunting for do
mestic ducks has eruV'd and hunters
ate awaiting the flight of the northern
birds which usuttily come through Ne
braska before the first cold waves.
—f -
Nebraska City, Neb., Sept. 30.—•
Harry I). Hendricks, a lineman em
ployed by the Nebraska City Water
and Light Company, was elec trocuted
while working on the company's
power lines Into the village of Otoe
which Is being connected with the
local plant.
Henrlcks came In contact with the
live wire while attempting to make a
connection at the top of a pole.
A fellow worker nearby heard the
hiss of the wire and noticed Hen
dricks hanging from the pole by his
Bafety belt. He was lowered to the
ground and artificial respiration prac
ticed for some time. He had been
employed by the company for several
months. His parents reside at Jack
" —4—
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 80.—J. E. Haxt,
head of the state le]>artment of trade
and commerce, announces the failure
of the State hank of Geering. The
bank has been ordered closed and Its
affairs now are in the hands of the
state banking examiners.
Inability to collect on loans Is given
as the cause of the failure. Officers
of the dosed bank are Lloyd Denslow,
president; O. W. Gardner, vice presi
dent and C. A. Henatsh. cashier.
Des Moines, la., Sopt. 30 (IT. P.)—
Lucio Abruzzese, 30, Des Moines Ital
ian found! slain near here late Thurs
day, was seriously wounded when an
unknown fellow countryman attacked
him six months ago, it was revealed
Since that time Abruzzese, fearing
death, had carried two .45 automatic
pistols strapped In sholder holsters,
under his coat.
After the attack occurred, Abruz
zeso staggered home to get a revolver
and returned to the scene. He fired
several shots at his alleged assailants.
Abruzzese was arrested andi fined for
discharging firearms In city limits.
Oakland Bee Grower Had Lost
Heavily Through Foul
Brood Route—Has
Large Swarms.
Oakland.—“Foul brood can do a
vast amount of damage in an apiary
In a very short time,” says Simon
Lear, Oakland apiarist, who has suc
ceeded In ridding his colonies of this
disease following advice he received
three years ago from an Ames spe
cialist who came to Pottawattamie
county, to do some special work with
John n. Allison, then county agent
for West Pottawattamie county.
“1 discovered foul brood in my
hives,” said Mr. I^ear in a recent con
versation, “and I heard that t tie
Ames specialist was coming to give
some instructions in bee keeping. I
went to Council Bluffs and visited a
diseased apiary with him and Mr. Al
lison and saw them give the shaking
treatment for foul brood. 1 was the
only beekeeper present, and I asked
them all manner of questions, and
the5r always Iqul a satisfactory answer
for me. Then I came home and went
after my own apiary to get rid of
foul brood."
When foul brood first appeared In
his apiary, Mr. Lear had more than
half a hundred colonies. Before he
could arrest the disease the apiary
had dwindled to six stands. Now he
has built up to 18 very strong healthy
colonies again, and the Increase in
numbers would be more rapid, if Mr.
Lear were not so much in favor of
stronger swarms and fewer hives.
Bees seldom swarm in the Lear
aptary for he tries to control tht-m.
Success In beekeeping does not de
pend entirely upon the number of
colonies In (he bee lot, but mostly on
the strength of the individual hives,
Mr. Lear explains. He alms for comb
honey production alone. When he
desires new queens, he procures them
from Alabama through F. B. Pad
dock, head of tke department at
The Other Way Rounds
From the Boston Transcript.
"I want to get a divorce from my hus
"On what ground ?' asked the lawyer,
"Was lie crasy at the time of your
“Oh, dear, no; I was.”
A Good Sign.
From Punch. Ixmdon.
Small Boy (on arrival at country cot
tage)—Mummy. where is the bath
Mother—There isn't any bathroom.
Small Pc.y—Good! This is going to be
a real holiday.
Nebraska Compensation Com
missioner Goes to Supreme
Court to Settle Question
That Bothers.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 28 (Special.)—
State Compensation Commissioner
Kennedy has intervened in supreme
court in a controversy between Jack
Frost, injured Lincoln worker, and
a compensation insurance company.
He wants the court to determine
whether he has the power to order
an injured person to submit to an
operation and to deny compensallim
unt'l compliance is had. He also
desires to know, If a person is par
tially permanently disabled In both
legs whether the percentages shall
apply to each kg or to both taken to
gether. i
The district court said an injured
worker- Could not be compelled to go
under the surgeon's knife, and gave
him what amounts to $9 a week
pension for life. He is now but 32.
Mr. Kennedy contends th^t sound
public policy will not justify such re
fusal merely to get a long time pen
sion when a relatively simple opera
tion will restore him to usefulness,
and that in law and morals lin in
jured man should be required to use
all available reasonable means to un
burden society from his support.
Lincoln, Neb., Sept. 28 (Special.)—
Sheriff Ira Miller, of Lancaster
county has been named by the dis
trict court as receiver for the string
of hotels purchased by Eugene C.
Eppley, of Sioux City, for $1,000,000
a year ago under a receivership that
the supreme court knocked out. The
attorneys for the companies in whose
names the property stood made no
appearance. The law'yers a?P un
alib to agree among themselves just
what the legal status of Mr. Eppley
is at present. He paid or contracted
to pay his $1,000,000 and has been In
charge, and no provision has been
made to repay him. Part of the
money paid was used to pay off
mortgage interest and delinquent
taxes. The attorneys for the com
panies insist he Is a trespasser and
liable for all the damage a trespasser
may do.
Omaha, Neb., Sept. 28.—Prohibi
tion is among the issues confronting
the American people, R. B. Howell, of
Omaha, republican candidate for
Pnited States senator, declared yes
terday in campaign speeches at
Trenton, Paliside and other Nebraska
Mr. Howell, who has announced
himself as opposed to any modifica
tion of the Volstead act told his
audiences that if they were for pro
hibition they should “keep one eye
open while you sleep or you will
find liquor with you ngain.’’
Mr. Howell's democratic opponent.
Senator G. M. Hitchcock, who re
cently declared that prohibition was
no longer an issue and that he would
not vote for any change in the Vol
stead act, talked on economic issues
at Red Cloud yesterdayr, asserting
that a deflation policy of republican
leaders h%d brought suffering to the
agricultural section of the state.
4444-*- + -F4444444*444-£
A aaaaaa^aaaaaaaaaaa
f Hi»5- I-C Ta.t:u.xru »nu.
This photograph shows Mrs. I. C.
Tatum, who was kidnaped from her
home a few miles from Fort Worth.
Tex., by a hand of unmasked women,
who asserted they were members of
a secret society, andj was whipped on
the change that she had mistreated
her 14-year-old daughter. Mrs. Tatum
denied the charges of the women that
she had taught her daughter immor
ality. It is declared the women are
mt mbers of an auxiliary of the Ku
Klux Klau
Knowledge Is a comfortable and
necessary retreat and shelter for us
In an advanced age; and If we do not
plant It when young, it will give us
no shade when we grow old.—Ches
Artie Small Wui arre~.tnd an’
fined t’day for drivin’ a mot r vehicle
while tryin' t' flirt.
Bootleggers walk in where book
agents fear t’ tread.—Abe Martin.
Regular Grand Jury Scores
Administration of Palmer for |
Disappearance of Whisky
From Federal Storage.
Universal Service.
Washington, Oct. 3.—Disappearance
of large quantities of seized liquors
from the department of justice during
the administration of A. Mitchell Pal
mer as attorney general, was severe
ly condemned by the regular grand
jury of the district of Columbia su
preme court Monday. *
The grand jury declared that while
testimony before it was insufficient
to warrant Indictment of any persons,
it discloses that the liquors in ques
tion had been disposed of by of
ficers and employes of the depart
ment of justice “with the sanction
and approval of those in higher auth
ority at that time,” namely between
April 4, 1918 and September 11, 1920.
"Such conduct on the part of offi
cers, agents and employes of the gov
ernment, especially those of a depart
ment charged with the administration
of justice, is beyond our comprehen
sion and cannot be too severly con
demned,” the grand Jury report de
Examine 28 Witnesses.
The giand jury examined 28 wit
nesses, including employes of the de
partment of justice and bureau of
Investigation and a few private citi
zens. The investigation reveals that
a large number of trunks, suitcases,
boxes, chests and other forms of bag
gage containing liquor in varying
quantities from a pint to several
gallons, had been seized largely at the
Washington union station by agents
of the department of justice and stor
ed in the department of justice build
ing and rented warehouse space.
From time to time quantities of the
stored liquors were removed, princi
pally between July 29 and September
11, 1920, without proper legal pro
cedure. These liquors, the grand Jury
declared, were appropriated by repre
sentatives of the department of jus
tice to their own use and as gifts to
friends, relatives, physicians and hos
pitals. The poorer grades of bootleg
concoctions unfit to drink were de
stroyed. None was sold, the report
Representatives of the- department
of Justice concerned with the seizure,
storage and disposal of the liquors,
the grand Jury declared, were “sig
nally lax in not conforming the seiz
ure of this liquor by proper legal
process, and also by permitting it’s
disposition as herein before set forth."
Attack Started Recently.
The disappearance of stored liquors
from the custody of the department
of justice was made the subject of
attack a few months ago on the floor
of congresss by Representatives
Woodruff and Johnson at the time
they were waging their fight on At
torney General Daugherty. The pres
ent grand jury investigation is said
to have resulted from that expose to
shift responsibility from the present
administration of the department of
justice. Capt. H. L. Scaife, former
investigator of the department of
Justice, who furnished Representa
tives Woodruff and Johnson with
much of their information some time
ago, wrote District Attorney Peyton
Jordan calling his attention to the
liquor disappearances and offering to
furnish him a copy of a report, giving
names and dates, that he had pre
pared and submitted to the depart
ment on the subject.
The present investigation was car
ried on by the grand jury under Dis
trict Attorney Gordon’s direction.
Withdrawal of Japanese
Troops From Siberian Terri
tory Makes This Certain.
Vladivostok, Oct. 3 (A. I’.)—-Com
munists hero predict that soviet
forces will occupy this city by the
middle of October.
This will be facilitated by the Ja
panese commander's reduction of the
neutral zone to Ugolunai station af
ter October 6. Thus the Primoria
government will be left to its own re
sources and the Iteds will be relieved
of their fear of Japanese interven
Soviet troops are concentrating on
the northern frontier ready to move
when the Japanese evacuation is
completed. Whites and Heds have
clashed in a few skirmshes. The
strictest censorship prevails.
Vladivostok is full of refugees from
districts evacuated by the Japanese.
There is anxiety regarding a number
of American marines on the Stborian
mainland opposite Sakielien Island.
General Dietrichs, the White com
mander at Vladivostok, has declared
a blockade against this mainland
from which the Japanese have Just
completed their withdrawal, %
Chicago, Oct. 3.—Within view of
thousands of persons, a Curtis flying
boat dropped into Lake Michigan
harbor here Monday afternoon. The
plane, a new one. was being tested,
two pilots. Ernesto Meriantl and
Richard Pears, being aboard. Neither
was injured in the 1,000 foot drop.
Clinging to the wings of the plane,
the two men were rescued by a tug.
Following' Through.
Fioni Nas-hvxille Tennessean.
"Hah! Golf Is art eld Man's gam*/"
"I can't i‘ trd it either.”
Mix in Pistol Duel Following
Alleged Assault by Proba
tionary Officer—-Both in
Serious Condition.
Universal Service.
New York. Oct. 2.—Crazed from*
what physicians declare was bad li
quor, Probationary Policeman Thom
as Mahoney, shot and perhaps fatally
wounded Detective Sergeant Donohue*
after being shot himself six times in a.
pistol duel that caused a near panic
among the residents of Fifth Avenue*
and 135th street early Sunday.
Both men are In a serious condition,
in Harlem hospital.
Before Mahoney fell to the pave
ment three uniformed policemen had
rushed to the aid of Donohue anct
leaping into a taxicab, opened fire
on the probationary officer, who con
tinued to fire shots as he lay under
the taxicab. Residents of the neigh
borhood declare that about 30 shots
were discharged, many of them by
residents from windows to attract
Just what events preceded the
shooting detectives were unable to*
learn because of Mahoney’s inability
to make a statement at the hospital.
Young Man Long on Suspect
List Is Being Hunted by
to “Go Limit.’
Universal Service.
New Brunswick, N. J., Oct. 1.—
Two men are the target of a state
wide search in connection with the
slaying of the Rev. Edward W. Kali
an d his choir singer, Mrs. Eleanor"
Mills, it became known Sunday
Concerning this phase of the mys
tery which has baffled authorities*
for 16 days, district attorney Striek
er said:
“This new' situation seems to have
better possibilities than anything*,
else that has come into my office
since the murders were discovered.
It is revealed that Just after the
murders and before the bodies were
found, a young man who has long,
been on the suspect list of the New
Brunswick police left town. He was
accompanied by a man who has been*
arrested and convicted as a holdup
man. The second man is a gunman*
who has long been on police lists as:
a dangerous, reckless criminal, cap
able of any crime.
Captain Welnmann, of the state
constabulary, and a number of other
troopers, have been assigned to in
vestigate clues which are daily com
ing from all over the state. They are
buliding their case from the ground''
up and have instructions from Gov
ernor Edwards to “go the limit” to>
clear up the enigma.
Due to certain legal procedure, the
autopsy on the body of Mr. Half
probably will not take place until tho~
middle of the week. As the result of
strenuous objection on the part of
county officials, no member or rep
resentative of the Hall family wil/’
be present at the autopsy.
Washington, Oct. 2.—English and*
German stock in Chicago showed de
creases in the last census while Pol
ish, Hebrew and Italian materially
gained, thfe department of commerce*
announced Sunday.
The foreign whites of English or'
Celtic extraction, decreased from*
363,142 in 1910 to 357,370 in 1920, or
at tlie rate of 1.6 per cent. In this
class are included Irish, Scotch and.'
During the same period the num
ber of persons of Gorman origin de
clined from 452,228 to 431,340,' a de
crease of 4.6 per cent.
The group representing Polish as*
the mother tongue increased from
228,258 to 318,338, or at the rate of
39.5 per cent.: the Yiddish and He
brew from 110,089 to 159,518, or 44.9*
per cent, and the Italian from 76,492’
to 124,457, or at the rate of 64.9 pei
Persons claiming German as the*
mother tongue still constitute the*
greatest proportions of Chicago’s for- ’
eign white stock, the figures show.
Ranked in numerical importance*
they are:
German, 431,340: English and Cel
tic, 357.370; Polish, 318,338; Yiddish*
and Hebrew, 159.518; Italian, 124,457;
Swedish, 121,386. These mother*
tongues represent 1,512,409, or 77.7'
per cent, of the 1,946,298 persons*
constituting the foreign white stock
of Chicago as enumerated in 1920.
Moralists are condemning Sinclair*
Lewis’ new novel, ‘‘Babbitt,” be
cause of its vivid description of at
visit—and a fruitful one—to a boot
leg Joint. It is feared readers may*
be led to do likewise. If the book is
apt to be such an inspiration why
not give a copy to every prohibition*,
A runaway bull coming from nobody
knows where, went on a rampage in*
southwest Baltimore one evening re
cently, was chased by a crowd, and?
finally dashed into a residence which ho
wrecked inside, and thtn disappeared.