The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 28, 1922, Image 8
NEBRASKA CULVERT AND MFG. CO. AUSTIN-WESTERN ROAD * MACHINERY ARMCO CULVERTS Everything In Road Machinery Western Representative L. C PETERS O’Neill :: Nebraska % i DR. L. A. CARTER ^Physician and Surgeons Glasses Correctly Fitted. Office and Residence, Naylor Block -Phone 72 O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA J. D. CRONIN Attorney - At - Law Office: Nebraska State Bank Building -Phone 67 O’NEILL :: :: NEBR. THE O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY —Compiles— “Abstracts of Title” THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. (Lhe Sanitary Market We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Home Rendered Lard. OR. J. P< ©ILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given To DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES __ < DR. O. K. TICKLER t s Veterinarians PHONE | DAY 108 | NIGHT O’Neill, -.Nebraska W, F. FINLEY, M. D Phone: Office 28, Residence 276. O’Neill Nebraska FIRST METHODIST CHURCH. Sunday Morning Service, 10:80 a. m., Sunday School, 11:30 a. m.. Young People's Service 6:30 p. m., Evening Service, 7:30 p. m. Midweek Services: Tuesday, 7:80 a. m.; Young People’s Prayer Ser vice Wednesday 7:80 p. m., Regular Prayer Meeting, Thursday, 7.80 p. m. Morning Choir Saturday, 7:30 p. m. Rev. J. A. Hutchins, Pastor. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Sunday morning service 10:80 a. m., Sunday School 11:80 a. m„ Christian Endeavor 6:80 p. m., Evening Service 7:30 p. m. Midweek Service, Wednesday 8:00 p. m.; Choir Rehersal 9:00 p. m. Choir Rehearsal Saturday, 8 p. m. Rev. George Longstaff, Pastor. CHURCH DIRECTORY. S. PAUL’S CHURCH EPISCOPAL Second Sunday of each month Holy Communion at 8:80 a. m. Vespers pers and sermon 7:30 p. m. Fourth Sunday vespers and sermon 7:80 p. m. Rev. W. A. Render, Pastor. O’NEILL CONCERT BAND. Meets for practice every Monday night at American Legion hall at 8.00 o’click p. m. Also Friday at 8. Jess G. Mills, President; Elmer E. Davey, Librarian, E. D. Henry, Sec retary-Treasurer. ' Jess G. Mills, Leader. BTJ’ATRICK’SCHURCH CATHOLIC Sunday Services: First Mass 8 a. m., Second Mass 9 a. m., High Mass at 10.86 a. m.* Vespers 7:30 p. m. Daily Mass 8 a. m. Catechetical Instruction for First Communicants 3 p. m. Tuesdays and Thursdays. Confession, Saturday from 3 p. n>. to 6 p. m. and from 7 p. m. to 9:30 p. m. Children’s Confession, First Thursday every month at 1:30 p. m. Very Rev. M. F. Cassidy, Pastor. STOCK-SHIPPERS Plenty of cars—put you on Omaha market 4:46 A.M. no unloading. “BURLINGTON” PAID LOCALS. Paid announcements will ap. pear under this head. If you have anything to sell .1 *i»h to buy tell the people of it in this column. Ten cents per line first in action, subsequent insertions live cents per line each week. EAT AT “THE SUBWAY.” 7-tf. FARM LOANS—R H. PARKER.37tf FOR SALE—ONE 1000 CHICK , Colony Brooder. Ed. Davidson. 17tf TRY OUR HARD ROLLS. FRESH every day.—McMillan &Markey.7-tf FOR SALE—TEAM, WAGON AND harness, at a bargain. Inquire at Bazelman Lumber Company. 13-tf EAT AT “THE SUBWAY.” 7-tf. FOR SALE—NEW WHITE SEW ing machine, $35. Call at Laundry. 16-2. TRY OUR HARD ROLLS. FRESH every day.—McMillan A Markey .7-tf I AM PREPARED TO MAKE SOME $26,000.'’' io $60,000.00 loans on Farms and Ranches. See R. H. Parker, '■"'Meill Nebraska. 1-tf. THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating under the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Avail your self of this PROTECTION. 8-tf BUY FRESH BREAD AT THE Bakery. 7-tf KODAK FINISHING. DEVELOP ing any size roll 10c; Pack, 26c; Post Cards, 6c; 3%x6%, 2%x4%, 814x4%, 6c: 2%x3%, 2%x4%, 4c; l%x2%, 3c—W. B. GRAVES. 80-tf BUY FRESH BREAD AT THE Bakery. 7-tf I NOW HAVE MONEY TO LOAN on farms and ranches. Do you need your loan renewed, or do you need a larger loan. Let me figure with you on Farm and Ranch loans.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 18-tf FOR SALE — RESIDENCE PROP erty consisting of a seven-room house and four lots. Inquire at this office. 17-tf I HAVE JUST RETURNED FROM the Yellov,'Stone Park and am now prepared to make farm and ranch loans of any size. If you need your loan renewed or need a larger loan, 8lease call at my office.—R. H. Parker, ’Neill, Nebraska. 15-tf CATTLE TO WINTER. ~ Would like to hear from parties de siring to winter 100 head of cattle. State conditions of shelter, feed, water and price per head Iper month. Prefer vicinity of Chambers. Address Box H, O’Neill. 16-2p JUST GOT OVER A COLD? Look out for kidney troubles and backache. Colds overtax the kidneys and often leave them weak. For weak kidneys—well, read what an O’Neill man says: C. P. Maben, says: “Catching a cold sometimes put my kidneys in a weakened condition and the secretions passed frequently and were highly colored. It was through the advice of a neighbor that I first tried Doan’s and which I got at Reardon Bros.’ Drug Store. Three boxes corrected this trouble and I have not been bothered since. I can certainly recommend Doan’s from the lasting cure they made for me and I believe them to be the best remedy one can use for kid ney trouble.” Price 60c, at all dealers. Don’t sim/ply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr, Maben had. Foster-Mi'.burn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. (Continued from page five.) SUPERVISORS’ PROCEEDINGS. School District No. 46 Special Building Tax 2 mills. School District No. 173 Special Building Tax 2 mills. School District No. 233 Special Building Tax 2 mills. School District No. 126 Special Building Tax 2 mills. (Anntelope. Minutes of Board of Equalization of June 13, 14, 16, 16, 20, 21, 22, 28, 29, July 1, 6, and 26, and August 31, 1922, read and approved. At 12 o’clock noon, on motion board .... Dance K. C. Theatre WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, AND FRIDAY SEPT 27-28-29 BEST MUSIC of fecjualiiation .adjoillned. W. X. YES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O'Neill, Neb., Sept. 11, 1622, 10 a. ftl. Board met at call of the clerk. All members present. Callel to order by chairman. Mr. Chairman: We, your committee appointed by the chairman to meet with a committee from Boyd County Board and Ddpt. Public Works at the Red Bird bridge on Sept. 8th, beg leave to report as follows: We found that about one fourth mile above the bridge it was not pro tected and we came to the conclusion that there was another unit of jetty needed there. Also at two other points farther down the units were too far apart and ordered two more units placed there, and in order to protect the bridge it was decided to throw brush against the first unit above bridge in order to start it filling as soon as possible. JOHN SULLIVAN. L. C. McKIM. On motion the report of committee was adopted. At 12 o’clock noon on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Sdpt. 11, 1922, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment* All members present. Called to order by chairman. The following election claims were audited and on separate motion al lowed on the General fund: T. S. Roche . $ 8.30 J. R. Russell . 4.80 Frank Allen .4.80 T. J. Donohoe . 6.60 Willis Barker . 6.60 Geo. Dahlstrom . 4.60 A. W. Good. 4.50 D. B. Perkins . 8.60 C. R. Munson . 4.20 Janies D. Beck . 10.70 Glee Grimes . 6.10 Ezra W. Cooke . 3.90 Chas. Grimes. 3.90 Themas E. Newhouse . 4.05 Geo. Smith . 4.05 John R. Liska . 21.40 Wm. Bosworth . - 6.15 Mrs. A. P. Munroe . 5.40 C. W. Moss. 570 Frank J. Brady .,.. 5.70 Jos. Mlinar .„..L. 5.10 A. W. Andrus. 5.10 Jas. R. Matousek . 9.70 Alex Wertz . 6.00 Aug. H. Smith . 9.60 John Welsh . 6.75 Wm. Cuddy . 6.75 Rex Beckwith . 6.75 School Dist. No. 35 . 6.00 Menney Motor Co. 3.00 Ferdinand Siebert . 9.20 Chas. H. Diehl . 5.10 Mrs. Geo. A. Miles . 4.05 Ray Cunningham .... 4.60 Chas. E. Bowen . 6.40 John D. Pruss . 6.60 C. B. Dyer . 9.40 Edward S. Early . 6.60 Henry Wood . 4.50 L. L. Beezley . 4.50 A. Chenoweth . 4.20 C. R. Pettijohn. 4.20 Allyn, Calvin . 4.20 Emogene Baker . 3.90 T. J. Osborne . 3.90 Frank Porter . 8.10 J. A. O. Woods . 4.05 W. B. Cooper . 4.05 Benard Gardzelewski . 5.40 Louis W. Barthel . 5.40 Frank Skrdla . 9.70 A. W. Miller . g.70 Chas. N. Gonderinger . 5.70 E. R. Young . 5.10 Theo Kubart . 5.10 D. F. Murphy . 6.00 Harvey L. Cullen . 6.00 'has. E. Berger . 6.00 E. Cole . 12.75 fV. R. Tenborg . 6.75 Wm. G. Beha . 10.00 'lora G. Wise . 3.60 Anthony O’Donnell . 5.10 Albert (Sletfrns . 9-10 Fred Barnes . 5.10 A. L. Rouse . 4.05 Mrs. J. H. Meredith . 4.05 R. H. Mills . 4.05 Anna L. O’Donnell . 4.20 E. H. Rouse .;... 6.00 Geo. R. Sanders . 6.00 Edward Larson . 9.90 Elsworth Wi'therwax 6.00 Leon Mellor* . 6.00 Geo. H. Post . 6.00 W. A. Friend . 15.10 Adam 'Yohe . 6.00 H. A. Tower . 5.40 L. C. Genung . 5.40 A. D. Havens . 5.40 W. A. Wheeler . 5.40 R. F. Griffin . 9.50 H. E. Runda . 5.70 Louis Reimer . 5.70 Chas. Brachman <..... 4,80 Harry Ressel . 8.30 J. S. Hoffman . 4.80 N. B. Coover .1. 3.90 A. B. McClure . 3.90 N. G. Miller . 4.20 M. O. Howard . 7.70 H. Armstijong . 4,50 C. N. Bigelow . 4.50 Leonard Mott . 4.50 Thos. S. Mains . 9.50 Charlie Prussa . 6.00 A. F. Pacha . 11.25 Frank ICamifteJl . 3.00 W. Oman James . 6.00 Ray C. Aldridge . 6.00 H. S. White . 5.70 F. C. Watson . 5.70 Hattie Pierce . 6.70 Hilda M. Bowen . 4.50 A. W. Miller . 5.00 C. P. Hancock . 15.00 J. W. Hickey . 9.00 Clayton Messner . 14.00 D. N. Murphy . 9.00 Frank Campbell . 3.60 Lottie Hammond . 3.60 Geo. Bay . 5.60 R. J. Marsh . 3.60 Helen Wilcox . 3.60 L. W. Berry . 4.80 W. R. Shaw . 4.80 C. G. Moss . 13.00 S. A. Hiatt . 6.00 Q. W. Baker . 6.00 August Wabs . 5.70 Roy Nilson . 5.70 John J. Hynes . 5.70 Carl Lambert . 5.70 Julius Thondel . 6.70 L. B.Haneman . 3.60 Wm. Beck . 3.60 A. E. Spittler. 3.60 John C. Miller . 5.40 Joe Thramer . 5.40 W. S. Goree . 3.60 C. M. Fowler . 3.60 C. F. Keyes. 6.60 Harden Anspach . 3.60 Henry Vequist . 9.40 Joe Brown 6.40 John W. Hiber .. 4.06 H. W. Tomlinson ....i 4.20 Ralph Millard ....; 6.20 A. G. Rouse ...... 6.00 M. J. Lydon ........ 6.00 Jos Schollmeysr . 6.00 J. Lenhoff . 6.00 John A. Carson .. 11.00 Louis M. Reed . 6.00 Glenn McClurg . 6.00 Chas. Shane . 6.40 J. W. Fullerton . 9.40 A. J. Frost . 6.40 A. T. Hart . 6.40 G. C. Funk. 6.40 G. C. Hohmann . 6.70 J. M. Hunter . 5.70 M. J. Golden . 6.70 Peter James . 4.80 Grover Shaw . 4.80 J. T. Walker . 3.90 Alen Haynes . 3.90 J. I. Gray .,.. 3.90 II. H. Kightlinger . 4.20 J. C. Flannigan . 4.50 Wm. Gill . 4.50 John C. Kaup . 4.60 D. A. Criss . 4.60 Frank Lemunyan . 6.00 Philip K<Jpp . 6,00 Joe Mliner Jr . 6.00 S. M. Aldridge . 6.00 Joseph T. Smith . 6.00 Sophus Peterson . 11.25 C. A. Ott . 6.70 P. E. Fisher . 11.00 John Horiskey . 4.50 City of Atkinson . 3.00 W. S. Miller . 5.00 J. J. Stilson .;. 5.00 C. F. McKenna . 9.00 W. H. Shaughnesy . 9.00 T. J. Coyne . 360 Fred C. Gatz . 3.60 Elizabeth G/fady ... 3<60 M. J. Enright . 3.60 Margaret L. Donohoe . 3.60 John W. Hiber . 20.00 P. J. Kennedy . 4.80 L. C. Baxter . 4.80 Duane Sammons . 16.00 Warren Gilman . 6.00 G. S. Withers . 6.00 M. W. Spry . 10.50 Wm. Dureke . 5.70 E. Workman . 5.70 P. J. Lydon . 5.70 W. L. Modcalf .'.. 10.20 Art Snyder . 3.60 H. R. Porter . 8.60 Otto Lorens . 11.40 Mike Rotherham . 5.40 Wm. Kallhoff . 5.40 Chas. Crosser . 3.60 J. H. Butler . 3.60 F. M. Coleman . 3.60 Elmer Crosser . 3.69 John Alfs . 5.40 Floyd Johnson . 5.40 D. J. Cronin . 5.40 Frank P. Snyder. 5.40 Geo. W. Henderson . 5.40 Peter Greeley . 5.10 Henry Gottschalk . 5.10 W. S. Kirkland . 10.00 Bruno Jacobs . 5.10 Mrs. B. B. Thomas . 5.10 F. J. Dobravolny . 11.90 Gilbert Whipple . 5.70 F. E. Boettcher . 5.70 John Haake . 6.10 Geo. Herzog . 5.10 J. J. Stilson . 5.10 W. S. Miller . 5.10 Roy Woods . 5.10 Wiilfield Hayne . f.40 Claud V. Hamilton . 6.10 P. A. Grass . 6.40 Sam Anderson . 5.10 Clyde O' Nilson .. 6.10 Sadie Derickson . 6.10 Wm. Pickering . 10.60 Ruby Emerson . 6.10 Chas. P. Buckman ....:. 5.70 J. B. Jrnas ....'.. 5.70 H. J. /iienhart . 5.10 Fred Emrer . 9.50 Adelbert Fauquier . 5.10 T. J. Wilbem . 5.10 S. P. Simar . 9.10 Florence McCafferty . 4.50 The following claims Were audited and on separate motion allowed on General Fund: Atkinson Graphic, Publica tions ...$ 99.24 Lewis Chapman, Aug. Ex^>. acc. r. 71.79 Holt Co. Agri. Ass’n, one-half App’n for Fairs . 1,000.00 Mr. Chairman: I move you that the publication of the Delinquent Real Estate Tax List for the year 1921 be awarded to the Frontier, of O’Neill, /Nebraska, )ht one*-half the legal rate, and that the County Clerk be and is hereby directed to so notify the County Treasurer. L. C. McKIM. H. U. HUBBARD. On same being put to vote by the chairman, it was declared carried. On motion the claim of T. R. Coop er for driving Supervisors was allow ed in the sum of $10.50 4 o’clock P. M. on motion board adjourned until Sept. 26, 1922, at 10 o’clock A. M. unless called sooner by tliG clerk W. T. HAYES, E. F. PORTER, Chairman Clerk. (First publication S«Jpt. 7.) NOTICE OF HEARING. Estate No. of Michael Cole man, Deceased, in the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. The State of Nebraska, to all per sons interested in said estate, creditors and heirs take notice, that Claus Stor johann has filed petition alleging that Michael Coleman died intestate in Holt County, Nebraska, on or about May 19, 1892, being a resident and in habitant of Holt County, Nebraska, and the owner of the following de scribed real estate, to-wit: An equity by way of Government Filing upon the Northwest Quarter of'Section Twenty in Township Thirty-two North of Range Twelve West of 6th P. M., Viz: An Act to Encourage the growth of timber on the western prairie lands., leaving as his sole and only heirs at law the following named persons, to wit: Alice Coleman his widow, William Coleman a son, age now about 54 years, Thomas Cbleman a son, age now about 51 years, Mamie Hull Nee Coleman, age now about 43 years, Al bert Colemar. a son, age r.ow about 41 years, Katie Payton Nee Coleman a daughter, age now about 38 years and Ernest Coleman a son, age now about 35 yoars. That all of said heirs were minors at the time of the death of the said Michael Coleman excepting the widow That all of said heirs have long since gained their majority and praying for a— - -._ a decree bailing claims; that said decedent died intestate; that no "ap plication for administration has been made and the estate of said decedent has not been administered in the State of Nebraska, and that the heirs at law of said decedent as herein set forth shall be decreed to be the owners in fee simple of the above described real estate, which has been set for hearing on the 9th day of October, A. D., 1922, at 10 o’clock A. M. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 6th day of September, A. D., 1922. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 14-4 County Judge. * (First publication Sept. 21.) NOTICE. State of Nebraska, County of Holt, SS. To Whom it may Concern: The Commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at Ancarr Post Office on Section 28, Township 33, N. Range 12 West, in Holt County, run ning thence by the most practical route along the Niobrara river to the Whiting Bridge in Section 30, Town ship 33, North Range 11 West, has reported in favor of establishing road as follows, to-wit: Commencing at the Southwest cor ner of Section 35, Township 33, North Range 12 West, and running thence North on Hie section line 55.00 chains, thence North 25 degrees 40 minutes East 37.56 chains; thence North 89 degrees 40 minutes East 7.44 chains; thence South 73 degrees 50 minutes East 7.43 chains; Thence South 30 de grees 10 minutes East 4.37 chains; thence South 87 degrees 18 minutes East 14.50 chains; thence South 76 de grees 30 minutes East 4.46 chains; thence North 71 degrees 35 minutes East 9.12 chains; thence North 89 de grees 25 minutes East 6.49 chains; thence South 75 degrees 40 minutes East 4.00 chains; thence South 56 de grees 42 minutes 2.84 chains; thence South 69 degrees 30 minutes East 3.10 chains; thence South 81 degrees 8 minutes East 4.13 chains; thence South 79 degrees 50 minutes East 4.80 chains thence North 78 degrees 5 min utes East 5.90 chains; thence North 86 degrees 15 min. East 4.00 chains; thence North 82 degrees No. minutes East 4.39 chains; thence North 82 de grees 20 minutes East 2.95 chains; thence North 70 degrees 20 minutes East 9.47 chains; thence North 66 de grees 25 minutes East 3.59 chains; thence North 57 degrees 25 minutes East 3.15 chains; thence North 66 de grees 10 minutes East 9.77 chains; thence North 60 degrees 7 minutes East 8.37 chains; thence North 62 degrees 42 minutes East 3.42 chains; thence North 85 de grees 40 minutes East 14.21 chains; thence North 72 degrees 50 minutes East 41.94 chains to a point 29.00 chains North of the one-fourth sec tion comer on the south line of Sec tion 30, Township 33, Rahge 11, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the County Clerk’s office on or before noon of the second day of December, A. D., 1922, or such road will -be established without reference thereto. E. F. PORTER, 16-5 County Clerk. . .ome Sweet I' ' ft 1 ■ I ome! Memory rouses at the mere mention of that !| ' magic word—HOME. f| And where there’s a home, there’s a Home Town. || And where there’s a home town, there’s a || Town Paper, which prints all the news of II Home Sweet Home. jjj Have it sent to you, no matter where your |f present home may be. Keep in touch with II your old friends and their doings. ' Subscribe For Your Home Town Paper— I