The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 28, 1922, Image 5
Jon don’t have to coax hid and liith .Hoiks’ to eat Keiiogds Q,ni Flakes Just as soon as you serve ^ Kellogg’s you’ll note fussy and :acled appetites getting mighty a t-harp; you’ll find big bowls being h- handed back for “just a few more f Kellogg’s, mother — they’re wonderful!” And, that’ll make you glad, for Kellogg’s Corn Flakes are a great speed-start for the day’s doings! They make for health and happy digestions! Kellogg’s are never leathery or tough, but always joy ously crisp! Kellogg’s—the original Corn Flakes—will be a revelation to your taste if you have been eating imitations! For your own enjoy ment, do this:—compare the big, sunny-brown Kellogg’s Corn Flakes with other “corn flakes.” Eat some of Kellogg’s—then try the imitations! You’ll realize then why Kellogg’s Corn Flakes are the largest and fastest selling cereal in the whole world! , ... Do more than ask for “corn iMbol BMy flakes.’ ’ Insist upon KELLOGG’S d°a\\Zra°%acyk- *;Tlake,s in ,the RED and ages of Kellogg's GREEN package! My, but it’s uT-ofc! eaJtui worthwhile! m diMstfr •WCORN VLAKEfl Alio makers of KELLOGG’S' (CRUMBLES and KELLOGG'S BRAN, cooked and krambled TAKEN UP. , At my place in Emmet, about Aug ust 24, 1922, two hogs. Owner can have same by proving property and paying expenses for keep and this notice. 14-5 G. D. JANZING. VOTE FOR Judge W.H.Westover Candidate for Associate Justice Of Supreme Court From Sixth Supreme Court Judicial District Non-Political Ballot “A Just Judgeff PEACHES! $2.60 per bushel. I have a car of Extra Fancy Elberta Freestone on Northwestern tracks from Grand Val ley, Colorado. 17-1 T. F. LITTLE. RUMMAGE SALE. The Woman’s Club will hold a Rum mage Sale on October 13th and 14th in the old Biglin building. All mem bers will be solicited but any dona tion will be appreciated. Caffeteria lunch will be served both days. WELL, GOOD PEOPLE, I AM BACK to sell good flour, wholesale and re tail and won’t be undersold either by unions or single handed.—Con Keys, O’Neill. 17-2 I WILL BUY ANY OF THEM fence jumping cattle if you are tired of them.—Con Keys. 17-2 The Frontier, only $2.00 per year. ADVERTISIiCC iiATES:, Display advert's >n Pages 4, 6 nd 8 are charged for on a basis of ’6 cents an inch (one column wide) er week; on Page 1 the charge is t cents an inch per week. Iiocal ad 't rtisements, 10 cents per line first ssertion, subsequent insertions 5 ;ents per line. Every subscription is regarded as an open account. The names of sub scribers will be instantly removed from our mailing list at expiration of time paid for, if publisher shall be notified; otherwise the subscription remains in force at the designated subscription price. Every subscriber must understand- that these conditions are made a part of the contract be tween publisher e>„‘ . .bscriber. EVERY candy in this smart orange-and-gold Wonder-box is one that everybody likes. All the "second choices” have been left out. Delicious, fresh nuts, creams, fruits, cara mels, marshmallows, etc., dipped in rich brown chocolate. Take "her” a box today. C. E. Stout, “The Rexall Store” yv. UM ■■»■■■■! ■ HU »tl»—!» Royal Theatre . “Home of Good Pictures” - FRIDAY Big Special—Wesley Berry and Helen Jerome Eddy in “COUNTY FAIR” AND O’NEILL’S OWN MOVIE - SATURDAY - Eugene Moore in “PROPHETS PARADISE” 2 Reel Comedy FREE SHOW 3 O’CLOCK FOR ALL OUT OF TOWN PEOPLE -SUNDAY & MONDAY Lois Wilson and Conrad Nagel in “WHAT EVERY WOMAN KNOWS” 2-Reel Semon Comedy “FALL GUY" -TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY Lionel Barrymore in “JIM, THE PENMAN” Tuesday—Hurricane Hutch Wednesday—Comedy - THURSDAY & FRIDAY - James Cooper’s “LAST OF THE MORJCAN’S” THE HOUSE BURNS ON THE FRANK RAIN FARM The residence on the old Frank Bain place, one mile east of the fair ground, was burned to the ground at noon last Friday. Fire was first discovered in the shed or summer kitchen in which an oil stove was used, but which had not been lighted since the* day ^be fore. The flames spread rabidly and the entire house was soon in ruins. The place is owned by W. C. Hunter.of Carson, Iowa, and was occupied by Levi Hull and family. Some of the furniture was saved. NOTICE. We will hold a rdpublicfin caucus in Willowdale township, Tuesday, Octo ber 3rd, at 2 p. m., to nominate town ship officers. MRS. AUG. H. SMITH, Committee Woman. SUPERVISORS’ PROCEEDINGS. W. H. Briggs, Board of Health 3.60 Wm. W. Noyes, Board cf Health 2.50 Elizabeth O'Malley, Board of Health . 9.25 M. C. Palmer, Board of Health 3.25 J. W. Rhodes, Board of Health 4.50 Dr. J. W. Bennie, Board of Health . .25 H. E. McGintie, Board of Health . 75 Mrs. A. B. Wallace, Board of Health .50 Mdss, Ira H., expenses . 8.00 C. P. Hancock, water service 19.00 E. T. Thompson, witness D. C. 6.50 O’Neill Transfer Co., hauling 7.35 Holt Co. Farm Bureau, Aug. expenses . 251.09 Nellie Beha, Board Loftus and Luther . 77.00 Harry Kopp Lbr. Co., for Mrs. Roxie Searls . 28.42 D. M. Armstrong, fees St. vs. Cotterell . 5.00 South Fork Fair Ass’n, Ap propriation 1922 ... 1000.00 N. W. Bell Tel. Co., service and tolls . 60.46 J. W. Gill, exam. Glampe body 5.00 Dr. W. J. Douglas, ac. Mrs. Osborne . 10.00 J. T. Bauman, groc. Osborne children ..._. 24.00 E. F. Porter, for revised statutes . 150.00 O. F. Biglin, matting . 12.00 R. E. Gallagher, exp. first half 1922 . 221.21 E. F. Porter, exp. to Lincoln, etc. 24.58 E. F. Porter, stamps as fees 10.00 Ralph Mills, labor treas. vault . 5.10 Arthur J. Hammond, labor treas. vault . 9.60 Farmers Union Store, Atkinson, ac. Kreiger children . 6.85 Farmers Union Store, Atkinson, ac. Kruger children . 11.20 Sam Kelly, labor treas. vault.. 5.40 Lineatime Mfg. Co., Line-a-timc . 14.00 Lewis Chapman, cash advanced Munshowers . 75.00 Frank Campbell, court costs.. 21.25 Hiber, John W., work, in Assessor’s office . 105.40 Farmers Union Store, Atkinson, ac. Kreiger children . 15.25 Elmer Hagansick, labor 2 men 2,60 Jess G. Mills, labor treas. vault . 19.80 J. D. Cronin, insanity hearing 3.00 J. D. Cnonin, insanity hearing 6.00 Hanford Produce Co., court house and Atty. lights . 31.94 Hanford Produce Co., court house and Atty. lights . 27.69 Dr. J. P. Gilligan, insanity hearing . 8.00 Dr. J. P. Gilligan, insanity hearing . 8.00 Dr. J. P. Gilligan, insanity hearing .V.._.. 8.00 Dr. J. P. Gilligan, insanity hearing . 8.00 . L. C. MeKim, Board session ,etc . 64.90 John Sullivan, Board session.. 15.76 W. T. Hayes, Board session.... 113.50 John Sulhvan, Bbard session.. 16.76 At 5 o’clock p. m., on motion board adjourned until 7 o’clock p. m. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E: F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Aug. 31, 1922, 7 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but Wat son and Johnson. Called to order by chairman. Mr. Chairman: I move you that we request the Department of Public Works to have a representative pres ent at the lettihg of brigde contract Sept. 26, 1922. JOHN SULLIVAN. L. E. SKIDMORE. Same carried. The following Road Dragging claims were checked with Drad-mas ter’s rdport and allowed on Dragging fund: W. A. Carson . $ 5.20 Frank Weichmann . 26.00 W. A. Ulry . 9.00 Henry Timmermans . 30.80 Gustav Thondel . ' .80 Gustav Thondel . 1.801 Gustav Thondel . 2.90 Gustav Thondel . 8.90 W. K. Smith. 37.20 Joe Spes . 4.00 Wallace Ream ... 14.80 Ernest Pratt ... 4.00 H. W. Meyer . 66.00 Wm. Jutte . 12.20 Earl J. Hopkins . 12.80 I. R. Harding . 14.63 Harry Graham . 22.10 H. S. Greenslit. 4.00 Carlton Davis . 16.67 Carlton Davis . 17.55 B. H. Bessy . 15.92 T. J. Baxter . 20.40 H. G. Tucker . 13.65 John Boyer . 14.80 L. A. Whiting . 6.80 L. A. Whiting . 7.01 L. A. Whiting. 4.25 Aug. H. Smith . 44.20 Aug. H. Smith . 23.40 W .R. Shaw . 14.40 Everett Shaw . 13.20 I. M. Smith . 9.75 John Rhode . 23.85 C. R. Pettijohn . 28.00 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. 37.60 Walter Jutte . 33.40 P. V. Hickey . 17.55 Kasper Hoerle . 8.40 Chas. N. Gonderinger . 80.60 Bernard Gardzewski . 4.00 Paul W. Funk . 4.25 J. A. Coufal . 18.52 James Chapman . 4.80 W. T. Bosworth . 4.00 Chas. Berger . 6.50 Mr. Chairman: Owing to local con ditions and scarcity of help it would appear that the county will not be able to complete their contract on Proj. No. 132 A in the time specified. I move you that we ask for an exten sion of time to Nov. 15, 1922, from the Department of Public Works. L. E. SKIDMORE. JOHN SULiLIVAN. Same carried. At 9 o’clock p. m., on motion board adjourned until Sdpt. 26, 1922, at 10 o’clock a. m., unless sooner called by the clerk. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk 51 . 7. 7. 52 . 7. 6. 13. 53 . 7. 7. 14. 55 . 6.4 1. 7.4 56 . 7. 1. 8. 57 . 5.6 2. 7.6 68 . 2.6 2.1 4.7 59 . 7. 1.4 8.4 60 . 2. 5. 7. 62 . 6. 3.4 9.4 63 . 7 7. 64 . 6. 1. 7. 65 . 4.3 2.7 7. 67 . 2. 2. 68 .r.. 7. 7. 69 . 1. 1. 70 ..... 2.6 ' 1. 3.5 71 . 7. 2. 9. 72 . 2.7 2.7 73 . 7. 7. 74 . 7. 4. 11. 76 .. 2.8 .5 3.3 77 . 3. 2. 5. 79 . 4. 4. 8. 80 . 1.6 2. 3.6 81 . 9. 2.5 11.5 82 . 7. 1.5 8.5 83 . 7. 2. 9. 84 . 4.5 4. 8.5 86 . 6.5 ' 1.5 7. 87 . 5. 2. 7. 88 . 4. 2. 1.6 7.6 89 . 4 1.7 5.7 90 . 7. 3. 10. 91 . 6. .7 6.7 92 . 5.7 2.3 8. 93 . 7. 7. 14. 94 . 5. 5. 95 . 7. 2. 9. 96 . 7. 1.3 8.3 97 . 3. 7. 10. 98 .. 6.6 6.5 99 . 7. 6.5 12.5 100 . 7. 4.6 11.6 101 . 7. 7. 14. 102 . 5.5 5.5 103 . 6 6. 105 . 7. 7. 107 . 6.3 2.7 9. 108 . 7. 7. 110 . 5.6 .7 3.2 9.5 111 . 4. 1.5 5.5 113 . 6.3 1.4 7.7 115 . 5. 2.4 7.4 116 . 118 . 7. 1. 8. 119 ... 2.5 .6 3.1 120 . 7 4. 6.4 17.4 121 . 7. 7. 122 . 7. 2.7 9.7 123 . 7. 7. 124 . 7. 3.6 10.6 125 . 2.7' .3 3. 127 . 7. 3.6 10.6 128 . 6.2 3.8 10. 129 . 4. 4. 131 . 7. , 2. 9. 132 . 7 2. 9. 134 . 7. 4.6 11.6 135 . 2.3 1. 3.3 136 . 3.8 .8 4.6 137 . 20. 7.8 2.2 30. 138 . 4.7 4.7 141 . 5.2 2.2 7.4 142 . 7. 3.3 10.3 143 . 7. 6. 13. 144 . 6. 6. 145 . 7. 2.5 2.5 12. 146 . 2.7 .6 3.3 147 . 7. 2. 9. 148 . 2. 2. 150 . 7. 2.5 9.5 152 . 6. 3. 9. 155 . 5. 3. .8. 156 .. 6. 6.5 12.5 157 . 4. 1. 5. 158 . 7. 7. 159 . 4. 4. 160 . 7. 4.B 11.5 163... 3.5 1. 4.5 165 ... 4. 4. 168 . 4. 4. 169 . 6. 3.5 9.5 170 . 7. 7. 171 . 7. 7. 172 . 7. 7. 173 . 6. 3.7 9.7 174 . 4. 1.7 5.7 176 . 7. 7. 177 . 5. 5. 178 . 5.5 5.5 180 . 4.3 6.1 9.4 181 . 2.2 .6 2.8 183 . 7. 7. 184 . 7. 6. 13. 187 . 7, 4. 11. 188 . 6. 1. 7. 189 . 7. 5.5 12.5 192 . 7. 3.6 10.6 193 .. 194 ... 1.6 2.2 3.8 196 ... 8.6 3.6 197 . 5.4 3. 8.4 199 .. 7. 7. 202 . 6.8 6.8 203 . 3.5 5.5 9. 205 . 4. 4. 206 . 5.6 1.1 6.7 207 . 1. 1. 298 . 7. 1.4 8.4 Public Sale I will sell at my farm joining O’Neill on the north, commencing at 2 o’clock sharp, on * Thursday, Oct. 5th 4 25 head of Registered Duroc-Jersey Boars. These are big growthy boars of the most popular • breeding lines. In case of bad weather sale will be J held under cover. ■ —_ ___ F. H. Lancaster, Owner I Col. Jas. Moore, Auct. O’Neill National Bank, Clerk. Hi i inrun.... ———— 209 . 4.2 1.3 6.5 210 . .7. 2.5 9.5 211 . 5.7 1.9 7.6 212 . 7. 1.5 8.6 213 . 3. 3. 215 . 5.8 4.5 10.3 216 . 7. 7. 218 . 7. 2. 9. 220 . 7. 7. 222 . 7. 7. 223 . 224 . 5.7 5.7 225 .. 6.4 6.4 226 . 3.7 3.7 227 . 4.7 .8 6.5 228 . 7. 4.3 11.3 229 . 2.2 1. 3.2 231 . 1.7 2. 3.7 232 . 7. 1. 8. 232 . 7. 1. 8. 233 . 7. 1.6 8.6 234 . 235 . 236 . 6. 6. 237 . 6. 1.4 7.4 238 . 7. 1.5 8.5 239 .. 240 . 7. 7. 241 . 7. 7. 242 . 7. 7. 243 .:. 6. 4. 10. 244 . 7. 1.3 8.3 245 . 7. 4. 11. 246 . 247 . 7. 2.4 9.4 248 . 7. 2.4 9.4 249 . 2. 2. 250 . 251 . 7. 1. 8. 2% .:. 2.7 2.7 18% . 7. 3.6 10.6 90% . 2.3 2.3 Garfield 18. 6 8. 14. Anteldpe 126 . 6.5 6.6 O’Neill, Nebr., Aug. 31, 1922, 9 a. m. County Board met pursuant to ad journment. All members present but Watson. Board called to order by chairman. On motion board adjourn ed to the call of the clerk. W. T. HAYES, Chaiuman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., Aug. 31, 1922, 10 a. m. Board of Equalization met at the call of the clerk. All members pres ent but Watson. Board called to or der by chairman. On motion the fol lowing levies were made for Holt County for the year 1922: STATE LEVY 1922: General Fund 2.00 mill on the dollar. Capitol Building Fund .30 mills on the dollar. Total 2.30 mills on the dollar. COUNTY LEVY 1922: Mills on the dollar General Fund . 1.65 County Road . .20 County Bridge. 1.44 Road Dragging . .05 Soldiers’ Relief . .04 County Fairs . .06 Mothers' Pensions . .06 Farm Bureau . .10 Total mills on the dollar.8.50 Total for State and County 6.80 mills on the dollar. LEVIES TOWNS AND VILLAGES 1922: Atkinson general fund 3, lights 1, parks .4, water bonds 2.5, sewer bonds 1.4, Total 8.3. Chambers general fund 2, Total 2.0. Ewing general fund 4, water bonds 2, light bonds 2, Total 8.0. Emmet general fund 5, Total 5.0. Inman general fund 5, Total 5.0. Page general fund 3, water bonds 5, streets and alleys .7, fire .3, Total 9.0. O’Neill general fund 5, water bonds 2.5, sewer bonds .5, Total 8.0. Stuart general fund 3.3, Total 3.3. Atkinson road .7, general .4, Total 1.1. Anteldpe road .6, general .4, Total 1.0. Chambers road 2, bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.8. Cleveland road 2, bridge .3, general .3, Total 2.6. Conley road 2, bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.8. Coleman road 1.2, bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.0. Railroad 2. Deloit road 2, bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.8. Dustin road 2, bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.8. Emmet road 2, bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.8. Ewing road 2, bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.8. Francis general .2, Total 0.2. Fairview road .8, bridge .2, general .2, Total 1.2. Green Valley road 2, bridge .3, gen eral .3, Total 2.6. Goiaen road 1.4, bridge .3, general .3, Total 2.0. Grattan road 1, bridge .2, general .1, Total 1.3. Library .4. Inman road 1, bridge .3, general .3, Total 1.6. Iowa road 1, bridge .3, general .3, Total 1.6. Josie road .6, bridge .2, general .2, j Total 1.0. - -. Lake road 1.6, bridge .3, general .2, Total 2.1. McClure road 2, bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.8. Paddock^road 1.1, bridge .4, general .4. Total 1.9. Pleasantview road .6, bridge .2, gen eral .2, Total 1.0. Rock Falls road 1.6, bridge .4, gen eral .4, Total 2.3. Swan road 2, bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.8. Stuart road 1.7, Total 1.7. Sand Creek road 2, bridge .4, gen eral .4, Total 2.8. Sheridan road 1.2, Bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.0. Shamrock road 1, bridge .2, general .2. Total 1.4. p Shields road 1.1, bridge .4, general .4, Total 1.9. Saratoga judgment 3. Steel Creek road 1.9, bridge .3, gen eral .3, Total 2.5. Scott road 2.0, bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.8. Verdigris road .3, bridge .2, general .2, Total 0.7. Willowdale road 1, bridge .3, gen eral .3, Total 1.6 Wyoming road 2, bridge .4, general .4, Total 2.8. SCHOOL DISTRICT BEVIES 1922: Dist. No. General Bond Free High Total 3 . 7. 1. 8. 1 . 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 . 7. 7 . 2 . 19. 3. 22. 4 . 7. 2. 9. 5 . 2. 1. 3. 7 . 9. 2. . 11. 8 . 6. 1.4 7.4 9 . 3.3 3.7 7. 10 . 6.7 6.7 11 .. 6. 6. 12 .. 5.6 5.5 13 . 7. 7. 14 . 7. 7. 15 . 5. 1. 6. 16 . 7. 2.4 9.4 17 . 5 1.7 6.7 18 . 5. 1. 6. 19 . 6.5 5.6 12. 20 . 7. 1. 8. 21 . 10.6 10.6 22 . 1.5 2. 3.5 23 . 6.4 7.6 1.4 24 . 6. 6. 26 . 7. 7 . 27 .. 6.5 * 6.5 28 29 Z.Z.Z.Z””’.'.'." 14. 4. 18. 30 . 15. 15. 31 . 3.5 1. 4.5 32 . 6.7 6.7 33 . 1 5 1.5 34 . 2. 2. 35 . 4. 1. 5. 36 . 4.3 4.7 9. 37 .. 5. 2.6 7.6 38 . 7. 2. 9. 39 . 6.3 2.1 7.4 40 .?. 7. 3.6 10.6 41 . 2.2 2.2 42 . 4. 4. 44 . 17. 2. 19. 46 . 7. ' 1. 8. 47 . 5.7 1. 6.7 48 . 7. 1.5 8.5 49 . 1. 1. , 50 .. 7. 4.3 11.3 (Continued on last page.)