NEBRASKA CULVERT AND MFG. CO. AUSTIN-WESTERN ROAD MACHINERY ARMCO CULVERTS Everything In Road Machinery Western Representative L. C PETERS O’Neill :: Nebraska % ■/ ' ~ George M. Harrington ATTORNEY-AT-LAW PHONE 11. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA. Vi DR. L. A. CARTER 5®Physician and Surgeons (Successor to Dr. E. T. Wilson.) Glasses Correctly Fitted. / Office and Residence, Naylor Block -Phone 72 O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA Manwond Abstract CoBCpaift —Title Abstractors— Office in First National Bank Building J. D. CRONIN Attorney - At - Law Office: Nebraska State Bank Building --—Phone 57 O’NEILL :: :: NEBR. FRED L. BARCLAY 8TUART, NEB. Makes Long or Short Time Loans On Improved Farms and Ranches. If you are in need of a loan drop him a line and he will call and see you. THE O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY —Compiles— “Abstracts of Title” THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. (L'ne 5ai?itapy )J)ileat Market We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Home Rendered Lard. START A SAVINGS ACCOUNT with the NORFOLK BUILDING & LOAN WHY? Because we make your loans and build your homes. START TO-DAY Norfolk Building & Loan Ass’n John L. Quig, Agent DR. J. P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given To DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES DR. O. K. TICKLER ^Veterinarians PHONE I DAY 108 | NIGHT O’Neill,.Nebraska Hides'Furs Trappers: We want your furs and are always in the market to buy them even when other dealers are not buying. No matter what kind of skins, we can surely satisfy you. Raccoon, mink, rats, beaver, mar ten, fisher and fox are our speciali ties. Country Dealers:—Your entire lots are solicited and you are as sured otf prompt cash returns. If remittance is not satisfactory, your furs will be returned to you express prepaid. Large dealers’ lots bought by wire. Write for full particulars and Price List Also handlers of Horse Hides, Cattle Hides and Tallow. WESTERN HIDE AND FUR CO., 4312 Camden Avenue, Omaha, Neb. PAID LOCALS. Paid announcements will ap pear under this head. If you have anything to sell o eish to buy tell thb people of it ir> this column. I'en cents per line first in .ertion, subsequent insertions live cents per line each week. i ARM LOANS—R H. PARKER.37tf FOR RENT-THREE ROOMS AND oath.—Scott voiding. 35-tf EXPRESSION LESSONS, 50c PER lesson.—Marjory Bryan. 17-2 FOR RFN'i ROOMS WITH OR without board.—Mrs. Dyson. 43-tf SWEET CREAM FOR SALE—C. F. McKenna farm,—Phone 11F12. 3-4 MILLET SEED FOR SALE,, $1.00 per bushel. —L. A. Out, O’Neill, Phone 6F3. 4-2 money ready for farm oans. Low Rates of Interest.— ...el Parker, 35-tf FOR SALE—BED AND DRESSER, in first-class condition. Inquire of Mrs. Edwin O’Connell. 2-2p I CAN SELL YOUR RESIDENCE property in O’Neill if it is close in. R. H. Parker, O’Neill. 45-tf I WANT ABOUT 100 LARGE large ranch loans from $25,000 to $100,000 each.—John L. Quig. 47-tf TWO SECOND HAND CARS TO trade for corn at 50c per bushel or for shoats. Inquire at this office. 46-tf FOR SALE—A GOOD BARN WITH large hay-loft, with a quantity of loose lumber and wire fencing thrown in. Inquire at this office. 47-tf I AM PREPARED TO MAKE SOME $25,000.0 lo $50,000.00 loans on Farms and Ranches. See R. H. Parker, O'Neill Nebraska. 1-tf. FOR SAi i - a RENT—MY RESI dence iriv erty four blocks west of Beh hotel. Will be vacant June 1st— Mrs. W. H. Bedford, Page, Nob. 49-tf THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating under the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Avail your self of this PROTECTION. 8-tf KODAK FINISHING DEVELOP ing any size roll 10c; Pack, 25c; Post Cards, 6c; 314x514, 2%x4%, 314x414, 6c: 214x314, 214x414, 4c; 1 %x214, 2c -- W. B. GRAVES. 30-tf I WANT TO TRADE 160 ACRES OF gocd hay land about 5 miles south west of O’Neill, for horses, mules, mares, stallions, an automobile or whatever yo-- hi ve to trade—John L. Quig. 50-tf KAlAtbMAIN tAl'ABLt U* i,Awn ing on merchants, to headquarter in O’Neiil man with car preferred. Referc.'i'' required. Central States Secret. Service Bureau, Dept. D., Lincoln Nebraska. 52-7 I NOW HAVE MONEY TO LOAN ■in farms and ranches. Do you need n'.if loan renewed, or do you need i argor loan. Let me figure with you an Farm and Ranch loans.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 18-tf INCUBATORS SET FOR ANY one. Eggs furnished to me, 10c per chick. Eggs furnished by me, 15c per chick. Will set any kind of eggs. Order ahead. First ordered, first served.—Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hansen, Agee, Nebraska. 48-tf P’OR SALE—BEAUTIFUL THREE piece living room suite, in cane and solid brown mahogany,—loose cush ions, pillows and bolster upholstered in blue and taupe velour.—all like new, priced for quick sale.—E. A. Storz, Stuart, Nebr. 3-1 FOR SALE. My house located by library. Good location. Strictly modern. 3-2 HAROLD ZIMMERMAN. SUPERVISORS’ PROCEEDINGS. (Continued from last week.) O’Neill, Neb., May 26, 192279 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but Skid more and Watson. Board called to order by chairman. On motion the following claims were rejected: Dr. E. B. Bradley, . $48.00 Harper Drug Co. 13.35 The following claims were audited and upon separate motion allowed on the General fund: Harry Bowen May salary .. $110.00 C. C. Bergstrom, May salary 96.83 Holt Co. Farm Bureau, May expenses . 230.80 Winnie Shaughnesy, May sal. 80.00 Grace Joyce, May salary . 80.00 Berthe Weyenth, May salary 80.00 Loretta Sullivan, May salary 70.00 B. T. Winchell, May salary . . 104.17 Sarah Harte, May salary . 75.00 Margaret L. Donohoe, May sal. 80.00 Opal Ashley, May salary .. 80.00 Harry Bowen, freight . 4.84 Lewis Chapman, April and May expenses . 20.06 E. F. Porter, freight and Experss . 4.85 Anna Donohoe, stamps and expense . 25.05 Peter W. Duffy, expenses _ 60.57 E. F. Porter, May salary . 166.66 Anna Donohoe, May salary . 158.33 Peter W. Duffy, May salary . 150.00 Gib McCreath, March, April and May salary . 312.00 John C. Gallagher, water service . 11.00 II. H. Nichols, Vaporine. 4.50 Latsch Bros., clips . 1.59 O'Neill Transfer Co., freight .50 Dr. O. K. Tickler, trip to Wabs, etc. 18.00 Hill yard Chemical Oo., towels 21.00 George H. Pace, driving surveyor . 12.50 L. G. Gillespie, insurance policies . 221.75 J. D. Cronin, insanity hearing 3.00 Hanford Produce Co., lights, attorney’s office . 1.88 Hanford Produce Co., lights, Court house . 30.22 Seth Noble, coal .;>. 150.00 Donald Gallagher, trip to Chambers, Glampe case ... 8.00 F. C. Gatz, bed and room, O. D. Hudson . 10.00 Dr. N. P. McKee, care Mrs. Osborne . 28.00 J. T. Barnum, groceries Osborne children . 16.85 B. Earner Merc. Co., groceries for Mrs. Searles .. 40.00 mmmmmmmrmmm m ■■■ mu ■ib, vtmmmavwmmunmammmmnmMmmmm Chas. H. Randall OF RANDOLPH ____ A T> USINESS MAN „ , -■*1 D for GOVERNOR Republican Primaries, July 18, 1922 =-Started at 24 with empty hands and pair of overalls. =Became successful banker, then large farm manager. ““Knows problems of farms and business. ““Influential member of Nebraska state senate. =Stands for reduced taxation, law enforcement and efficient state government. ■“Deserves your vote and influence. READ RANDALL’S RECORD IT’S AN OPEN BOOK Ben J. Grady, groceries Wyant, Springer and Neal . Warner & Sorts, hardware, etc. 6.99 Nellie Bea, care Bridget Loftus . 48.0C John Sullivan, services as supervisor .10.5C L. C. McKim, services as supervisor . 57.4C J. V. Johnson, services as supervisor . 73.2C The following claims were auditec and on separate motion allowed or State Highway fund: A. L. Smith, labor . $ 17.5C Geo. Vanavery, labor . 34.0C Geo. Clyde, labor . 34.0C Ed. Sparks, labor . 4.8C Atkinson Oil Co., oil, etc. . 152.7E O’Neill Gas and Oil Co., oil, etc. 38.2E Shaffer Oil & Ref. Co., oil, etc. 188.7E E. Davis, labor . 8.4C J. D. Adams & Co., repairs .... 9.48 S. G. Adams Stamp and Stencil Co., plates . .If S. G. Adams Stamp and Stencil Co., plates . '.IE John Bond, grader, salary .... 100.Of L. W. Ullrich, engineer tractor, salary . HO.Of James Davidson, repairs, etc. 11.49 H. W. Eppenbaugh, labor on truck . 11.59 A. B. McKay, dragging, etc... 90.0C Edwin Welke, dragging, etc. 15.6C Edwin Welke, dragging, etc. .. 35.7C Edwin Welke, repairing highway . 33.6f A. B. McKay, dragging, etc. 18.4( O. A. Wiseman, labor . 27.3d A. B. McKay, dragging etc. 18.9f J. C. Stein, labor . 22.3C C. R. Larson, haying, etc. 23.2C C. R. Larson, clearing highway 8.4C C. R. Larson, maintaining highway . 93.0C John Race, maintaining highway . 4.8f Henry Bausch, draging, etc... 4.65 W. G. Beha, garage rent . 30.00 Fred H. Swingley, garage rent 30.00 Mrs. F. C. Gatz, stove for garage . 10.00 Hanford Prodce Co., garage lights . 1.88 Wm. Hershiser, patrolman salary . 100.00 oe Young, patrolman salary lOO.Ot . . L. McDonald, patrolman salary . 100.00 Dean A. Streeter, truck driver 4 days . 16.00 J. J. Thomas, repairs for tractor . 156.47 P. J. McManus Hdw. Co., hardware, etc. . 7.70 P. J. McManus, Hdw. Co., hardware, etc. 16.70 Emil Sniggs, repairs, etc. 10.00 Nye Schneider Jenks Co., repairs for Fresno. 4.90 C. E. Bogue, repairs, etc. 19.55 Standard Oil Co., oil, grease and gas: 3.19 Standard Oil Co., oil, grease and gas . 3.41 Standard Oil Co., oil, grease and gas . 8.55 Stapdard Oil Co., oil, grease and gas . 4.55 Standard Oil Co., oil, grease and gas . 1.14 Standard Oil Co., oil, grease and gas . 1.14 Standard Oil Co., oil, grease and „ gas . 3.41 Standard Oil Co., oil, grease and gas . 4.55 Standard Oil Co., oil, grease and gas . 22.89 At 12 o’clock noon, on motion board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. W. T. HAYES. Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., May 25, 1922, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but Wat son. Board called order by chair man. The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed on the County Road fund: Perry Barnes . $ 8.25 Rome Wesh . 21.60 Chas. W. Davis . 8A0 Sam Dibble . 82.80 Sam Dibble . 12.00 M. Schifferns . 3'60 Ray Northrop . 22.80 P. West . 24^00 P. West . 44.10 Clyde Wilcox . l’4C Hal Dise . 23JC Hal Hise . 61.00 Mr. Chairman: I move you that the County Board approve the Blue Pole road from Ewing to the inter section with State and Federal aid road No. 49 5 miles north of Inman as per plat now on file in the clerk’s office. L. E. SKIDMORE. H. U. HUBBARD. Same being put to vote by chair man it was declared carried. Motion made and seconded thaf chairman appoint a committee of one to go to Lincoln and be present at the letting of the contract of State anc Federal Aid roads in Holt County now advertised. Same carried. Chairman appointed L. E. Skidmort as said committee. The following road dragging claims were audited and on separate motior allowed on road dragging fund: Thomas Sullivan . $ 12.35 Jim Stewart . 3.00 Fred Benjamin . 26.60 W. T. McElvain 32.90 R. H. Lienhart . 20.52 Edward Jansen . 3.00 E. Gibson . 15.55 Harry Jordan . 12.75 Walter Jutote . 29.00 W. C. Vrooman . 35.00 John J. Funk . 10.10 J. A. Jarman . 9.42 L. A. Whiting . 9.10 L. A. Whiting . 4.00 D. E. Alder . 27.15 Jas. D. Beck .. 9.20 John Vandersnick . 15.00 Arch Densberger . 8.00 Halsey Hull . 16.25 Halsey Hull . 16.25 John B. Honeywell . 6.40 John A. Hayne . 3.80 Ray E. Medcalf .. 9.25 A. A. Tasler . 77.25 Claude Liermann . 10.00 Henry Bausch . 8.25 Henry Bausch .13.00 On motion clerk was instructed to draw a warrant for $500.00 on Soldier’s Relief fund in favor of L. S. Butler. At 4 o’clock p. m., board adjourned until next regular meeting unless sooner called by the clerk. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. « FINE ARTS QUARTETTE. Talented Four at Chautauqua. The Fine Arts Quartette consisting of Misses: Forney, Ross, Mahan and Hartley is one of the most delightful musical programs of the entire week at Chautauqua. This is not only a I vocal quartet, although the vocal work is exceptionally fine in every way. Miss Mildred Mahan is a splendid reader while Miss Genevieve Ross is violinist-pianist in addition to being a very excellent soprano. The Fine Arts Quartet program is one of unique arrangement and wide variety, giving every opportunity to these talented young women. * The B No. 3 Iowa 2-Wheeled SWEEP \ HAY w \ RAKE N* Yhhwwwvy \ "««» otcci, cvin. mgn, with 4-in. face, put on back tooth head, and split bolts through the wide end of the teeth. Made with , Hinged Backing Tongue. All weight off horses’ necks. Movable seat. Our Iowa Winrower and Buncher attaches to any make of mower without boring a hole. Our Tongue Truck for a dump spring tooth rake is the latest truck on the market. It prevents the tongue pounding the team. Our catalog fully explains our full line and our 4-wheeled Foot Guide Sweeps. Write at once for it. HAY TOOL MANUFACTURING CO. N. H. McCALL, Manager and Treasurer 1600-1602 First Ave. Council Bluffs, Iowa (First publcation June 15.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Estate No. 1401. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 10, 1922. In the matter of the Estate of Oscar O. Snyder, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the adminis trator of said estate has filed in said court his final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution W. F. FINLEY, M. I). Phone: Office 28, Residence 276. O’Neill Nebraska Do you want a FARM OR RANCH LOAN We are in a position I again to handle some good farm or ranch i loans. Come in. JOHN L. QUIG, O’Neill, Neb. 38-13 of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard July 6, 1922, at 10 o’clock A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the distribution if said estate (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 2-3 County Judge. First Publication June 8, 1922. LEGAL NOTICE. (W. J. Hammond, Attorney.) Roberta D. Bitney, formerly Roberta !>. Hicks, impleaded with F. Herbert Bitney, husband of Roberta D. Bitney, The Kilgore State Bank, a corpora tion, Ray W. Hitchcock, James C. Quigley and John Doe, real and true name unknown, defendants, will take notice that on May 23, 1922, M. D Cameron, plaintiff, filed a petition in District Court of Holt county, Ne braska, against the defendants above named, the object and prayer of which ire to foreclose a mortgage executed and delivered by Roberta D. Bitney and F. Herbert Bitney, wife and hus band, to M. D. Cameron for $500, iated December 27, 1916, and record ed January 2, 1917, in Book 116 of mortgages at page 660 of the records nf Holt county, Nebraska, and con veying Northwest Quarter, Section 8, Township 25, North, Range 16, West Oth Principal Meridian in Holt county, Nebraska. That there is due on said mortgage $625 with interest at 10 per cent- from June 5, 1922. Plain tiff prays that said premises above described be sold to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage. You are required to answer said petition on or before July 17, 1922. M. D. CAMERON, 1-4 Plaintiff. First Publication June 8, 1922. NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR AD MINISTRATION. Estate No. 1596. In the County Court of Holt coun ty, Nebraska, June 5th, 1922. In the Matter of the Estate of John Minahan, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appointment of Miles jh Mina han as Administrator of said estate and will be heard June 30th, 1922, at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Countj Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 1-3 County Judge. Circle Round the This year! Visit the scenes and see the sights you’ve read about. Enjoy a delightful suc cession of summer experiences. See surpris ing New York, amuse yourself at Coney Is land, enjoy yourself at Atlantic City. Take a salt dip in the old Atlantic. Historic charm and quaintness blended with the usual sea-shore attractions invite in Bos ton and along New England’s picturesque shores. Summer days are magical in “The Land of Evangeline”—replete with mystical and natural beauty. In the Berkshire country the charm of lake, picturesque river and inviting countryside are ideally combined. Amid the peace and restfulness of the Adi rondacks are those shrines of the historic past which always carry a strong appeal. The Catskills, “the Land of Rip Van Win kle,” is a great natural playground of the Eastern States. Then, there’s Niagara Falls, the Thousand Islands, the White Mountains, the Green Mountains, our National Capital, the resorts in the Blue Ridge and Allegheny Mountains and a host of other delightful places, large • and small, each with a lure of its own. Round trip excursion-vacation tickets to Eastern resorts are on sale now. Your choice of a broad selection of routes. Long limits and liberal stop-over privileges. It will do you a world of good to get away for a time. You’ll come back with a set of new ideas and a new outlook on life. Decide where and when you want to go; - then, come in and see me. If I haven’t litera ture on the particular region in which you are interested I will get it for you, and make all arrangements for your complete trip. L. E. DOWNEY, Ticket Agent Everywhere West I* c / • fo 1he a jjj B j bend if 'dfgundrq 1|| A WORD ABOUT WASHDAY |f| for the I m JUNE BRIDE Igj No need to worry about the ■frash- d S§ ing when you set up the cozy new | Hi home. Send for us. 1 Kg We wash carefully with the purest 1 fin of white soap, rinse in rain-soft 1 gg water, and finish everything like 1 Kg new—all you need to do is put the g 58 clothes away. | pi The cost is less than you would | jg expect, and you have none of the | 58 muss and bother of washing in your p pi new home. Our methods, too, are g TO E: such as will conserve the life of the || 58 i; v finest linens. HI Pi E: Just phone and we’ll have our rep- 1 TO E resentative call. You’ll find him at- 1 58 E: tentive and courteous. 1 Pf Eli ! No hard, heavy washday work to 1 TO E: wear you out. jjj +8 E: Leisure to keep young and build 1 P? El! a happy home. | TO I' O’Neill Sa.rvita.ry jjjj| jj LaLVin.dry^^||