The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 22, 1922, Image 3

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Oyspepsla Entirely Overcame and Sha
Eat*, Sleeps and Feels Better
Than in Years, Says Boston
“I have actually gained eight pounds
In two weeks’ time and am now eating
better, sleeping better and feeling bet
ter than I have In three or four years,”
said Sirs. Celesta Fell, 32 Prince street,
Boston. Mass., recently, in telling of
the great benefits she has derived from
the use of TanlacT \
“Sly stomach was in such a bad fix
before I took Tanlac that I did not
dare eat much of anything, for If I dirt
I would have so much pain and dis
tress from indigestion that I felt like
I was going to die. I was so run down
and weak from lack of nourishment
that I could not do my housework.
“I was so nervous I couldn't keep
still during the day nor sleep at night.
I can see now If It had not been for
Tanlac I would have hnd to give up
entirely. I am now feeling strong and
healthy and all the credit belongs to
Tanlac Is sold by all good druggists.
The Simpler Lire.
Infuriated Suburban (to neighbor)—
Well, I’m warning yon! You keep youri
dashed Infernal bees out of mj garden
or, by thunder, I’ll—J'll shoot them!"
—From Life.
Woman Relied Upon Lydia
E. Pinkhanv s Vegetable
£uujjuiiOy xvtuiaaa.— a i>ega.n usm^
Lydia E. Pinkhum’s medicines years ago
when I was a girl.
For several years 1
had severe pains at
menstrual periods,
making me very
weak and interfering
with my regular du
ties. I tried several
remedies without ob
taining relief. I was
induced to try Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound by
friends and it re
stored me to normal health. 1 often
have occasion and do recommend your
% Vegetable Compound to my friends who
have troubles similar to my own. You
may use these facts as a testimonial. ’ ’—
Eva Aldkich, 218 Union St., Emporia,
There are many women who first used
our Vegetable Compound during their
girlhood days. They found it a valuable
help during trying periods. In later
Sears they use it whenever they feel
lose annoying symptoms which women
often have.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com
pound is a woman’s medicine. It is pre
pared carefully from the best quality of
medicinal plants, whose properties are
especially adapted tocorrect the troubles
women nave.
A man is as old as his organs; he
can be as vigorous and healthy at
70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in
performing their functions. Keep
your vital organs healthy with
The world’s standard remedy for kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles since
1696; corrects disorders; stimulates vital
organs. All druggists, three sizes.
Leek for the name Cold Medal on every boa
and accept no imitation
Soap Ought to Help.
The discovery of n hike, rich in car
Inmate of soda. In the neighborhood of
Kuluuidn, Siberia, has been announced.
The lake is located in a very fertile re
gion, and active steps are being taken
to exploit the discovery, says the Sci
entific American, and erect a soap fac
tory in tlie immediate vicinity of tli"
Sure Relief
Hot water
Sure Relief
254 and 754 Packages, Everywhere
[ 1
Ramoses Danftraff-StopsHft’rFaliloa
Restores Color and
Bsssty to Gray and Faded Hah
Me. and $1.00 at ftnunrists.
Hiseox Chrm. W k a Patchogue, M.
HINDERCORN3 Remoras Coras. CU
jouses. etc., stops all pain, ‘nnurt-s comfort to tet
fret, makes walking easv. 15c. by matt or at l>rug
jislst Hiseox Cfeemlcal Works, » atefeocrue, N. T.
% —■—.
j In 7wo Wars on Honeymoon j
*!***—»*---....y~*..W4.I..,«.W,M> ...I ,,,
MW.F H.ShaiV&Spf #rrt.
-£—•—■ ■■ ' : -
Mr. and Mrs. F. R. Smart have reached San Francisco in safety after
having been caught in two wars on their three months' honeymoon. The
first time they were under fire was in Egypt, when British Tommies clash
ed with an Egyptian uprising. The second was in Peking, where they were
caught between the advancing armies of General Chang and General Wu
" i iib 111 ib ii ii i mill niiwi luiiiniiimmi «■ n i—im i iii mu i
Latest Returns Show Election
Of 29 Free Staters and 20
ghan Is Defeated.
Universal Service.
Special Cable Dispatch.
London, June 19 (10 p. m.)—Re
ports from the Irish elections, up to
this hour indicate that the free state
lead may be increased over early fore
casts. Returns now show the election
of 29 free staters *Md 20 republicans,
these figures including all unopposed
coalition pane* eondidates.
De Valera will Monday issue a man
ifesto against the new constitution,
and is expected to emphasize the re
publican objections to the document.
Universal Service .Correspondent.
Special Cable^Dispatch.
Dublin, June 19.—Results of the i
election in Cork are bf lived to sound
the death knell of the hopes of repub
licans scoring heavily at the polls.
The complete defeat of Lord Mayor
O’Callaghan amazed the De Valor
Returns From Cork.
Returns from Cork, which is re
garded as the hot bed of extreme re
publicanism are:
R. Day, labor candidate, 6.836.
Alderman William Roach, pro
treaty candidate, 6,147.
J. J. Walsh, pro-treaty candidate,
Mary MacSwiney, anti-treaty can
didate, 6,066.
Professor Beamish, independent,
Frank Daly, 3,043.
O'Callaghan. 1,807.
The first four candidates have been
declared elected to the Dai) Eireann.
As Mr. Day favors the treaty the sis
ter of the martyred, lord mayor is the
only anti-treaty member returned in
It is said here Sunday that the re
publicans would have made no show
ing at all had not Michael Collins
agreed to form a coalition govern
Republicans Lose Two Seats.
The republicans have now lost two
seats to the free staters. The labor
party is over-joyed, declaring that
it will win at least four seats in Dub
lin. Organizer Foran of the labor
party said that he regretted that la
bor was not represented by more can
didates. He continued:
“The next election will result in a j
labor government.''
De Valera is expected to make a ;
statement Monday launching a heavy j
broadsidie against the constitution.
Everybody is convinced that De- j
Valer's pact with <kollins is now j
dead and that a coalition govern
ment is unlikely.
Washington, June 19.—Dr. Carlos
Manuel de Cespedes, envoy extraor
dnary and minister plenipotentiary
from Cuba to the United States, left
here Sunday morning for Havana to (
assume his new duties as secretary
of state in the government of his '
country. It was announced at the le- j
gatlon that he would return to Wash- !
ington in about a week and that it j
was not expected his successor would j
be named until then.
Universal Service.
Chicago, June 19.—Earl Paulson
and Alfred Puff were rescued from
Izike Michigan on Sunday. Their ca
noe turned turtle during a equal). ,
They slung to the boat for two hours !
and were near exhaustion when res
cued by Emil Slock with a rowboat.
Each Haa HI* Own.
From the Chicago Daily Js «>,
It may be difficult to find a rr.olutlon
for our troubles, but It Is safe k say it
doesn't lie In telling them.
But New Element, Women
Voters, Has Politicians
Guessing In U. S. Sena
torial Campaign.
Universal Service.
Augusta, Me., .June 19. — Although
the general impression prevails tha»
United States Senator Frederick Hals,
of Portland, will be renominated it
the republican primaries Monday, yet
a new element has set all the politi
cians guessing--the women voters,
who for the first time will participate
in a state-wide primffty. Leading re
publicans do not know what women
will do. Some people say that a num
ber of women will vote against Hale
because he is not married. On the
other hand, Hale's friends say that
such an idea is preposterous.
Senator Hale has two opponents,
former Congressman Frank K. Guern
sey, of Dover, and former State Sen
ator Howard Davies of Yarmouth.
Congressman Guernsey has been cam
paigning for nine months and has re
leased the argument that one of the
United States senators from Maine
should come from the northern or
eastern section, as both Senators
Hale and Fernarld, are residents of
the western part of the state. Guern
sey has also been attacking Senator
Hale because the latter voted to seat
Senator Newberry, of Michigan.
Davies Uses Bachelor Argument.
Former Senator Davies has bitterly
attacked Senator Hale on the stump,
declaring In speeches that people of
Maine should not vote for the re-nom
Ination of Senator Halo because he is
a bachelor. It is supposed tiiat Dav-*1
ies has the backing In part at least of
the union people of that part of the
On the other hand, friends of Sena
tor Hale say that since his election six
years ago, he has Deen an "errand
boy” In Washington for the people of
Maine; that he lias been on the Job
all the time, and that the longer a
senator stays in Washington the
more valuable will he he to his con
"1 have been busy in Washington
looking after the affairs of the people
of Maine and have left my campaign
in the hands of my friends, who seem
to be confident of the -result,” said
Senator llale Sunday night.
Halo Defends His Record.
“I was elected to the Senate six
years ago and during all that time I
do not think anyone will say that 1
have not looked after the interest of
my state and my constituents.
"While I understand that the issue
of loyalty has been raised by one of
my opponents, I have never considered
that I was senator for one part of
Maine any more than for unother
Terre Haute, Ind., June 19 U. P.)—
Authorities Saturday arrested 74
union miners in Vigo county on bench
warrants charging rioting. Warrants
were sworn out by mine operators of
Clay county following disorders at
mines when union strikers attempted
to force non-union men to quit work.
Universal Service.
Washington, June 19.—The bureau
of mines is planning to uso radio
phones to speed up mine rescues and
safety work.
High power broadcasting towers at
the bureaus experiment stations in
Pittsburgh and Sait laike City will re
i etve news of an accident in a flash
and will broadcast it to specially
pqulpped cars maintained in all parts
of the eoiintry.
neither Opium, Morpnroe n»
Ahelpful Remedy for
Constipation and Dlarrhoe*
and Feverishncss and
1 Exact Copy of Wrapper.
- —.'1, , .. '■ ■1 " ■%
^ i i ih^i
i 1
Care of Baby.
That Baby should have a bed of its own all are agreed. Tet it
is more reasonable for an infant to sleep with grown-ups than to use
a man’s medicine In an attempt to regulate the delicate organism of
that same infant. Either practice is to be shunned. Neither would
be tolerated by specialists in children’s diseases. j
Your Physician will tell you that Baby’s medicine must be
prepared with even greater care than Baby’s food. ->
A Baby’s stomach when in good health is too often disarranged
by improper food. Could you for a moment, then, think of giving
to your ailing child anything but a medicine especially prepared
for Infants and Children ? Don’t be deceived.
Make a mental note of this:—It is important, Mothers, that j
you should remember that to function well, the digestive organs of
jour Baby must receive special care. No Baby is so abnormal that /
the desired results may be had from the use of medicines primarily
prepared for grown-ups.
®'ves Charming New Shade to Old Lingerie
V 6II IS PUTNAM FADELESS DYES—dyes or tints as you wish
ftAIQV Cl V If II1 CDPLACED anywheub
--— ALL FLIES. Neat,
I clesvn.omamental.eon
vcnient, cheap Lost*
all season. ilat'.o of
metnl. can’t spill or
tip over; will not soil
or injure anything.
Guaranteed effective.
Sold by dealers, or
__ prepaid, S1.2T>.
SAROLD 8UMERS, 160 Do Kalb Avo., Brooklyn, N. Y.
kb | B 9 to replace old,
New Hairgsi
Tonic — Don’t get bald, get Q-Ban today—It’*
much more pleasant. At all good druggists, 75c,
or direct from HESSIG * ELLIS, Chcirutt, Mtutpbi*, Tcua.
No Whiskers.
Teddy, age four, was not particular
ly fond of her sister's frequent caller,
In spite of the many efforts on his
part to make friends with her.
“Muvver,” she sold wearily one Sun
day evening, "please make that kid do
“Why, dear!” exclaimed mother, "he
Isn't a kid; lie's a man,”
"Well,", Teddy said, surprised, "he
hasn’t dot any fiskers!"
An Unjust Accusation.
Mrs. Knngg—1 Just know you're
going out to spend the evening with
iome other woman.
Her Husband — How foolish you
talk ! I’m going out to get relief from
>ne woranu. Think I’d spend my pre
:lous moments of freedom with an
il her?
Marks of Care.
Ethel—“Her face shows marks of
pure." Clara—"Yes; she isn’t very
clever at making up!"
Better Still.
Turner—“Theory raises a man's
.topes.” Brookes—“But practice raises
ais wages."—I.ondon Answers.
There isn’t much criticism of the
•pan who always comes hack with
Jour in the flour barrel.
Documents Ironed Out.
Out In Phoenix, Arlz., where they
have flood rains at times, a violent
storm caused water to enter the base
ment of the state capitol and soak
all the valuable records stored there.
An electrical salesman's inspiration
enabled the state to dry out the papers
with virtually no loss. An electric j
Ironing machine was called into play i
and did the trick satisfactorily, al- !
though it took several weeks to restore ;
the great mass of water-damaged
documents.—Detroit Free Press.
After the Spread.
Peterson came home from the ban
quet blissfully unconscious that some
of bis friends had fastened the menu
card on the back of his coat.
“Why, Peter!” said his wife.
“What’s that you have got cn your
"Ah!” said he, removing the card.
“Only a table.-of contents, my dear.”
Shaw’s Latest.
Introducing nn American admiral at
a dinner in London, the Irrepressible
G. 11. S., after telling how pleased he
was to present a representative of the
great American people, added: “We
speak tlie same language, but through
different organs.”—Boston Transcript.
Africa for the Africans.
Propaganda Is being skillfully circu
lated in Africa against the whites.
These activities are said to be centered
in a colony of American negroes. The
blacks want the Durk Continent for
Far Worse.
“There is witchery In moonlight.” ;
“And even more dluboilcul Influences
In moonshine.”
Contentment may make people grow
fat, but fat people are not necessarily
r«~R THE FE r
Sprinkle one or two Allen’s Foot-Ease
powders in the Foot Bath and soak end
rub the feet. It takes the sting out of
Corns and Bunions and smarting, aching
■ret. Then for lasting comfort, shake Al
len's Foot- Ease into your shoes. It take*
the friction from the shoe, rests the feet
and makes walking a delight. Alway* us*
it for dancing parties and to break in new
shoes. Over One Million Five Hundred
Thousand pounds of Powder for the Feet
were used by our Army and Navy during
the war.
He Knows.
Tommy, age five, lias just started to
school and his parents run their house
on a budget plan. The other day hla
mother paid 50 cents to have his um
brella fixed, and that night when his
father was marking up the budget he
said: “ I really don’t know under wliat
heading to put this 50 cents." Tommy
piped up and said: “Well, I think that
it would come under shelte*.’’
-. . 1
Electricity to Force Plant*.
Large electric lamps, 1.000-watt ca
pacity, jire being used in nn Intensive
study of the rute of respiration and
the process of photosynthesis in plants
at the University of Wisconsin. The
plants are allowed to grow under these
powerful lamps In a room cooled to
about 65 degrees Fahrenheit.
_ i
Uncle Eben.
"Don’t he afraid to have a good opin
ion of yourself, son," suid Uncle Eben,
“as long yon’s willin’ to lake de opin
ion serious an’ work hard to deserve
It."—Washington Post.
Coupons are the veal cutlets ot the
golden calf.
Censure, like charity, should begin
at home.
“Watch me,” said
the strong swimmer,
“I’m not afraid” :
So he matched his strength
against the swirl of the rapids,
and laughed at the danger, and
kept repeating the stunt, until—
It was the day the life-savers
had been waiting for—that day
the call for help came.
It’s an easy matter to smile
at coffee warnings when you’re
going strong. i
But a good many strong
swimmers won’t risk the rapids, .
and a good many coffee drinkers
are beginning to think of the
caffeine in coffee.
Coffee can disturb nerves and '
digestion, and often it does.
There’s a safe and satisfying
course for everybody in the j\
selection of a table drink. it
Postum has charm without /
larm. It's the safe drink for
all, and probably, therefore, it’s t
:he better drink for you.
rhousands have found it better,
snd fully satisfying, for them. i
Your grocer has both forms of
Postum: Instant Postum (in tins)
made instantly in the cup by the
additioD of boiling water. Postum
Cereal (in packages of larger bulk,
for those who prefer to make tha drink *
while the meal is being prepared)
made by boiling for fully 20 minutes.
“There’s a Reason” for Postum
Made by Postum Cereal Company, Inc., Battle Creek, Michigan