" The Frontier. # . _■ - VOLUME XLI. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1922. NO. 33. f EVERYTHING | j For Sunday Dinner | Everything In Season f^CashPai^Foi^gg^^^J Special Canned Fruits ' 30c Per Can 3 For 85c l 30c IN TRADE FOR BUTTER | Ben Grady, Grocer | ^""‘^^PHOWES68|l26jj LOCAL MATTERS. How about that $1,000. John? Did you ask for that $1,000 John? Yes or no. Earl Feezer oif Lusk, Wyoming, is _ visiting Holt county friends. James Weaverling of E\ving, has gone to California to spend the winter. A seven and a half pound son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bogan Monday, January 16, at Burlington, Iowa. T. H. Davis of Atkinson, had a load of hogs on the Omaha market last week . George Timlin of Hubbard, visited with O’Neill relatives Saturday and Sunday. Postmaster Garry Benson of Ewing, returned last week from a visit at Boulder. Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Mullen left this, Thursday, morning for a ten days visit at Omaha. John Vondenburg of Rushville, is visiting Holt county friends. Anton Batenhorst of Stuart, had two cars of fat cattle on the Omaha mar ket last week. Ira Moss spent Sunday with rela tives at Atkinson, returning to O’Neill Monday morning. Miss Ruth Bennett of Golden town ship, has gone to Denver for an ex tended visit with relatives. Mrs. D. G. Roll, an early settler of southeastern Holt county, died recently at Oelrichs, South Dakota. Mi's. Steven Merwen of Elk Creek, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. N. G. Miller of Page, last week. Walter Kloepper of Shields town ship, was on the Omaha market with a load of fat steers last week. L. D. Montgomery of Golden town ship, attended the Farmers Union meetings at Omaha last week. The regular monthly dance of the Eight to Twelve club was held at the K. C. hall Wednesday evening. Mrs. George Frost of Grundy Cen ter, Iowa, is visiting her son, A. J. Frost and family, of Atkinson. D. A. Williams of Atkinson, left last week for Wessington Springs, S. D., where he will enter college. Mrs. Robert Mains of Stuart, un derwent an operation for appendicitis at an Omaha hospital last week. County Supervisor J. Victor John son and Arch McKathnie had a load of hogs on the Omaha market last week. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Vandersnick of Ewing, are the parents of a brand new baby daughter, which arrived last week. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Morris of Ew ing, are rejoicing over the arrival of a baby daughter at their home recently Miss Anna Clark of Omaha, arrived Thursday of last week to be the guest of her sister, Mrs. M. R. Sullivan for a short time. George Agnes was offering bar gains in mixed coal Tuesday after noon. The sale only lasted a short time however. Mrs. Edlward Campbell was hostess to the Martez club Monday evening. Miss Helen Harrington won the hon ors at auction. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kobarg of Stu art, left last week to spend the winter in California in the interest of Mi. Kobarg’s health. Some of the golf bugs were out Mon day afternoon, and it immediately be gan to grow colder Tuesday and to storm Wednesday. •" Mrs. James Brown and Mrs. Allen Barber entertained at dinner and cards at the residence of the former Friday, evening of last w'eek. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Linvillo of Atkinson, have removed, to Cody, Ne braska, near which place Mr. Linville i has leased a large ranch. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Richardson of Atkinson, have removed to Amelia, where Mr. Richardson will have charge of the city schools. Mrs. P. J. O’Donnell entertained at a dinner party followed by cards Tues day evening. Honors at auction were won by Mrs. James Brown. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Biglin were host and hostess to the Foursome Club Sunday evening. They incidentally carried off the high honors at cards. S. J. Weekes, James F. O’Donnell and Bernard Hynes went down to Omaha Tuesday to attend the meet ings of bankers being held there this week. The movement of grain and live stock, which revived materially imme diately after the small freight rate re duction the first of the year continues heavy. In the large movement of Holt county cattle to market the last few weeks, four loads to the Omaha market by C. Thompson of Amelia last week is noted. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Hunter, who recently purchased the Lancaster resi dence property in the west part of town, moved into their new homo Tuesday. John M. Flannigan, now of Omaha, spent a portion of last week at his former home in Stuart, and at other Holt county points looking after busi ness affairs. Ben Farner, leading merchant of Stuart, left last week for Chicago on a spripg buying trip, after which he will go on to Washington for a month’s visit. Mrs. D. L. Jouvenat of Atkinson, was a passenger on the Northwestern passenger train wrecked near Wahoo several weeks ago, receiving several severe bruises. The Western Bridge and Construct company has begun the erection of the bridge over a new channel of the Elk horn east of Atkinson on the Atkinson federal aid road. The ice harvest this year, an un usual one, is about completed at all points in the county. The ice aver ages twelve and fifteen inches in thickness and is exceptionally clear. The following officers of the Page I. O. O. F. were installed by Deputy Grand Master Porter of Chambers Monday evening of last week: J. E. Smith, N. G.; Ross Taylor, V. G.; Alva To-wnsend, Secretary; George F. Hun ter, Treasurer; R. A. Snell, Trustee. Cash ” E^s Santos Coffee Fresh Ground 25c Pound 30c IN TRADE PAID FOR COUNTRY BUTTER. Oranges, per doz., 30c J. C. Horiskey we sell Skimmers the highest prode Macaroni fl^NplII NpH Spaghetti, Egg Noodles am y |f Gllll llOUl I other Macaroni Products 7 1 Janies Brennan, John Carr, Joe Mc Nichols and fat Coyne were the O’Neill delegates at the big demo cratic feed and gabfest down at the Hotel Fontanelle at Omaha Saturday . evening. Cards have been received announc ing the birth to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Francis’Regan of Omaha, on Decem ber 30, of a son. Mrs. Regan is a daughter of Thomas Donlin and Grandpa Donlin is bearing his honors as modestly as possible. Residents of Block 18 tendered a surprise party to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lancaster at their residence Saturday evening. The evening was spent at cards. Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster moved Monday to their new home, the Smith Merrill ranch, which Mr. Lancaster recently purchased for a blooded stock and dairy farm. Orchard News, Jan. 13: John Old and daughter, Miss Dollie, have moved from O’Neill and are living on Roy Hunter’s place caring for the stock while Mr. and Mrs. Hunter are in South Dakota, where the former has a contract of building roads, iderablesb Butte Gazette, Jan. 12: The pass ing of Butte lodge I. O. O. F. was com pleted yesterday, when J. W. Long, on behalf of the grand lodge of Nebras ka, took up the charter and paraphe nalia of the order and shipped it to headquarters. The lodge, which was one of the oldest organizations in town and once very prosperous, struck the rocks when the old hall burned, and was never able to get on its feet again. Ainsworth Democrat, Jan. 13: Judge Dickson held district court here last Friday. The day was mostly taken up with the Roberta vs*. F. H. Bitney di vorce case. A decree of divorce was granted the plaintiff and the custody of the child, and defendant must pay for its keep. The plaintiff to report to the court at regular intervals. A number of equity cases were also set tled. Inman Leader, Jan. 12: The Inman Implement and Hardlware Co., com menced the erection of a temporary quarters on the lot south of Inman State Bank Wednesday. The tempor ary building will be 20x30. This build ing will house a part of their hardware stock until the new structure will be erected on the site where the old hardware burned down. We under stand that the owner of the lots, Mrs. Ella Riley, will as soon as the weather conditions permit, erect a now buitl- j ing 70x70 feet with a double front. - HI Having leased the Scott Building and expecting to occupy same February 1st, we will Hi offer our entire stock of Furniture, Rugs and Linoleum at p'l '