The Frontier Published by Dennis H. Cronin One Year. $2.0i Six Months.. $1.0 Three Months _ $0.6' Entered at the post office at O’Neil] Nebraska, as second-class matter. TO OUR READERS. The publisher of The Frontier will feel under lasting obligation to our readers if they will pay all arrearages and extend their ' subscriptions another year. The amount owing us by each reader is small, but as we have nearly 1600 subscribers the aggregate amount makes a good sized total and if rll our readers would pay their back subscriptions and a year in advance it would enable us to enjoy a very happy New Year. WOULD CHANGE FORM OF COUNTY GOVERNMEN1 Taxpayers of Holt couny will at tempt at the elections next year to d< away with township organizations ir the county, to abolish the supervisor system and to place the county undei the commissionership plan of govern ment with three county commission ers in charge. This was decided upor at a taxpayers meeting at the courl house Wednesday afternoon well at tended by taxpayers from various parts of the county. -The meeting also decided to request the countj board to reduce its estimates foi county expenses for next year, and a committee was appointed to attend the January meeting of the board when the estimates are made. S. O. Camp bell presided as temporary chairman of Wednesday’s meeting. Later Mr Campbell was made permanent hcair man of the organization perfected and John Roberton secretary. The fol lowing committe was appointed tc proceed with the circulation of peti tions for changing the county form oi government: S. J. Weekes of O’Neill, Charles Kirkland of Atkinson and Ferd Cullen of Page. J. D. Beck oi Cleveland township, H. M. Uttley oi O’Neill and Charles Kirkland of Page were named as the committee to con fer with the county board on reduct ion of the county estimates. COUNTY WILL HAVE A RED CROSS NURSE Holt county will have a Red Cross nurse. Decision to employ a nursi was arrived at by the Holt