jXmmwmt t mi hi in ■ ■■ ■■ » i mnmmmm ! THE ENCHANTED BARN copyright 1918. t»> J. B. Upplficott Co. 1 B Outside laborers were busy building up a terrace, where a witle cement-floor piazza with foundations and low stone walls •was to run across the entire front. Another chimney was rising from 4.he region of the kitchen. A white enamel sink with a wide drain-shelf attached appeared next, with sigus of a butler's pan try /between kitchen and dining room. A delightful set of china cdose.t doors with little diamond panes that matched the windows was put in one corner of the din ing room, and some bookcases with sliii.ng doors began to de velop along the walls of the Jiv ing room. Down in the basement A man was fitting stationary tubs for a laundry, and gut J?Oth the jirsOioer and“slteond bath ropms were being made. If the place hadn’t been so big, the workmen would have got in one another’s way. Closets big and little were liping put in, and parts of a hand some staircase were lying about, luntil you wouldn’t know the place at all. Every evening the old servant and .the neighbor next door, who used to rent the .old barn before he built his own nwrew one, came together to look over what had been accomplished . /during the day, and to discourst v. vrpnp !Jii* worl