The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 22, 1921, Image 3

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— ciNirFini!’;
-Heinrich Intimates ‘Yes’ After
Examining Suite but Doctor
Pound No Injury—Minta
Wants Women on Jury.
—-e- ' San Francisco. Sept. 20.—Prof.
E. O. Heinrich, criminologist of
the University of California, who
at the request of District Attorney
Orady, made an examination Fri
day and Saturday of the suite oc
cupied by Arbuckle at the St.
Francis hotel, said Tuesday that
tie had found enough to make him
feel that Arbuckle should not be
exonerated. Heinrich did not
examine the garments of Virginia
Rappe, but said he would later.
Following orders from Brady,
Heinrich refuted to divulge t(ie
nature of his findings, but inti
mated that he had found evidence
«f positive value in the room and
that he had taken it to his Ber
keley laboratory to work upon.
San Francisco, Sept. 20. — Search
for a new woman witness, Edna C.
<3rant, a nurse who attended Virginia
Rappe, Monday became the outstand
ing development in the case of Roscoe
"Fatty" Arbuckle, accused of mur
dering the attractive picture actress.
Information that the prosecution
and defense alike attach the greatest
degree of importance to Information
Miss Grant is believed to hold in re
gard to the medical treatment of the
unfortunate girl, came as no small
surprise in view of the previously re
iterated statement that all important
witnesses have been found and ques
Why Did 8he Quit?
Miss Grant, It Is known, attended
Virginia Rappe for a time at the out
set, then quit the case abruptly.
The authorities want to know why.
So does the defense.
While rumors and whisperings
are seldom worth the repeating,
it is perhaps desirable in this re
gard to record the rumor that has
been persistent of late to the ef
fect that Virginia Rappe’s death
was due, not to Arbuckle's actions
directly, but to a fault in the med
ical treatment of the case.
Dr. Arthur Beardslee, house physi
cian 'of the St. Francis hotel, Monday
was hurrying from remote Mono
county <to San Francisco to answ’er
eiuestions which the district attor
ey’s office is burning to ask.
These questions bear upon the med
ical care accorded to the suffering
District Attorney Brady will ask
for a full investigation of the reported
remark of one woman witness:
Bribery is Insinuation.
“There’s going to be money in this
case, and I am going- to get soma
of it."
, _ Dr. Beardslee, when found in
Bridgeport, on his hunting trip,
told the county sheriff:
“I know little of the case. The
girl appeared to be suffering from
#bo much high life. I found no
trace of injury in treating her.”
The entire trial may hinge up
on the point whether Miss Rappe's
internal rupture was caused by
the Arbuckle incident, by natural
causes complicated by disease
and intoxication or by medical
Tuesday night the federal grand
Jury meets to hear Investigator
Robert II. McCormack’s evidence of
what he alleges to be a state-wide
liquor conspiracy.
Arbuckle's attorneys issued a state
ment which they secured from Mrs. .
Jtoseoe Arbuckle in her own writ
ing, pleading for fairness to her hus
Monday, finally, Captain of Detec
tives Duncan E. Matheson issued or
ders that the meeting between "Fat
ty” and his wife should not take
place until after Mrs. Arbuckle had
been thoroughly questioned.
Mints Pleads for Fairness.
Mrs. Arbuckle appeared to be un
der a considerable strain. All the
way across the continent, according
to passengers, Mrs. Aldora Durfee,
stated her daughter was ill.
Her plea for fairness to Arbuckle,
contained a desire that women serve
on the jury.
Chicago, Sept. 20. — Warrants for
the arrest of H. E. Byram, president
of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul
Tailroad, and three other officials of
the line were issued today by County
Judge Reighelmer, charging them with
refusing to give employes their statu
tory two hours’ off on election day to
permit them to vote.
In addition to the president the
other defendants are Burton Hansen,
general counsel; L,. K. Silcooks, gen
eral superintendent of motive power,
and George T. Martin, assistant gen
eral superintendent of motive power.
The warrants charge that on June
«, when the county judicial election
■was held, John E. Turner, a machinist,
was denied his request for two hours’
off to vote, and that when he took
the time off without permission, his
pay was deducted in violation of the
-state law. ^ _
Different Methods.
' From the Boston Transcript.
Elsie—My mamma got a nice present
yesterday an’ she frew her arms atround
papa's neck. What does your mamma
do when she gets a nice present?
Eddie—She tells daddy she’ll forgive
him, but he mustn't stay out late again.
2-**“- -
JTrom the Chicago Herald and Examiner
"I’m not pleased with your school re
port, Bobby," said the father, with
solemn look.
“I told the teacher you wouldn’t be,
bpt she was too stubborn to change It,
die old pelican!"
♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦
The establishment of a Memorial
hospital at Rochester, Minn., where
sick and injured veterans of the world
war could be treated by the Mayo
brothers and other nationally known
phyisicians, is under consideration by
the Minnesota department of ths
American Legion. It is estimated that
such a hospital would cost $250,000.
Arrangements are under way for
running a special train to carry mem
bers of the Minnesota department to
the national convention at Kansas
City, October 31 and November 1 and
Tony Puglesa was drafted and sent
overseas. One day, because oMhis
awkwardness, his lieutenant asked
him what he did before he Joined the
army. "I play-a da music and da
monk, he collected da mon,” replied
Puglesa," And what became of your
n>onkey?” the lieutenant asked-. “Oh,
dey make a lieutenant out of him,”
replied the buck.
Members of the C. W. Elstad Post
of the American Legion at Ipswich,
S. D., recently put in 600 feet of gut
ter and curbing and graveled 300 feet
of street In an endeavor to “dress up”
their home town.
The New Hampshire department or
the American Legion in the state con
vention adopted a resolution calling
upon the government to spare no ex
pense or pains to obtain the return
of Grover Cleveland Bergdoll to this
country for punishment.
The American Legion at Scranton,
la., has begun legal action to compel
the board of education of that city to
recognize the soldiers’ preference law
in the appointment of a bas driver
for the consolidated school district
Dan Steck, new commander of the
Iowa department of the American Le
gion, has been elected chairman of
Iowa delegation to the national con
vention at Kansas City. Frank F.
Miles, editor of the Iowa Legionaire, is
secretary of the delegation.
A questionaire asking citizens of
Worthington, Minn., te name the most
pressing need of the town resulted in
the answer that a club house for the
American Legion and national guard
members was needed most.
"Thirty kilometers to Osakis" is the
slogan adopted by the Ozakis post of
the American Legion to advertise the
Armistice day celebration to he held
at OsaklsL.
"The American Legion is simply
your sons and daughters of the world
war organized to perpetuate In our
government that spirit of unselfish
ness which characterized America’s
attitude In the great war,” declared
Dr. Arthur A. VanDyke, department
commander in Minnesota in a recent
The alleged mistreatment of mi
gratory workers, inclpdi'.ng ex-service
men, who are compelled on account
of the unemployment situation to
"bum” their way from pldce to place,
has been made the subject of a pro
test by the American Legion and city
officials of Sidney, Neb. It is charged
that young men passing through the
city have been unlawfully beaten by
county authorities and special agents
for railroads.
Billets for ex-service men wrho at
tend the land drawing at Powell,
Wyo., September 20, will be provided
by the Powell post of the American
Indian members of the American
Legion wearing the full regalia of
their tribes will attend the national
convention of the American Legion
at Kansas City next month. More
than 100 Indians from the reserva
tions of South Dakota, Montana and
Oklahoma have been derogated to at
tend the convention.
The Rainier-Noble post of the
American Legion, Washington, has
announced plans for the erection of a
12-story club building.
The "Jollies of 1921," a theatrical
production staged by the Dubuque
post of the American Legion, will be
presented in a number of Iowa cities
under the auspices of local legion
While watching a fireworks pro
duction, "Siege of the Dardanelles,"
at the Indiana State fair, Ben Wel
kins, world war veteran, collapsed
from shell shock and for five hours
underwent treatment at a nearby field
hospital. He is a federal apiary in
Efforts to insert the time honored
adjective before the “short and ugly
word” describing Ambassador Har
vey’s statement of why America en
tered the war threw the North Caro
lina convention of the American Le
gion into a fiery debate. The resolu
tion adopted merely termed the am
bassador’s exposition as “a lie.”
The official song of the Interna
tional Aero congress to be held in
Omaha this fall will be “His Last
Flight," dedicated to S. Rankin Drew,
first American actor to die in the
world war. Drew was killed In aerial
combat. The song was written by
members of S. Rankin post, the
American Legion, composed of actor
and writer war veterans of New York
Men who accepted officers commis
sions for the world war only and who
were wounded or disabled should be
retired with pension the same as are
officers of the regular army, tho
American Legion's national legislative
committee declared last week in pray
ing Secretary of War Weeks to ex
tend the privilege to them. The se
lective service law and an opinion of
the army's advocate general were
cited as justifying the claim.
To Withdraw Independence j
Demand if Ireland Is Granted '
Full Dominion Status, Hint
To Lloyd George.
London, Sept. 19.—Continu
ing his rapid exchange of tele
grams with Lloyd George, De
Valera Monday night declared
the readiness of the Sinn Fein to
enter into an unconditional con
This confirms Universal Serv
ice’s exclusive disclosure that the
Dail is prepared to authorize its
delegates to go to the parley
without insisting upon the pre
liminary recognition of Irish
Monday night’s message is an
intimation to Lloyd George, that
ha on his part is expected not to
insist upon Ireland's retention
within the empire as a condition
to the conference.
Monday night’s telegram from
the Irish leader is by far the most
important of the latest series in
asmuch as it represents a real
advance towards peace on the
part of the Irish leaders, who now
expect Lloyd George to display
an equally conciliatory spirit.
All the president of Ireland asks
is that Ireland’s present claims to
independence shall stand unpre
judiced unless the conference re
sults in the offer and acceptance
of full dominion status.
Dublin, Sept. 20.—The Sinn Fein
cabinet Monday night sent the fol
lowing message to Premier Lloyd
George at Gareloch, Scotland:
We have not thought at any time of
asking you to accept any conditions
which would establish a precedent be
fore the conference. We would have
thought it as unreasonable to expect you
as a preliminary to recognize the Irish
republic formally or Informally as that
you should expect us formally or In
formally to surrender our national po
Gives Cause of Dispute.
It is precisely because neither side ac
cepts the position of the other that there
Is a dispute at all. A treaty of accom
modation and association properly con
ducted between the peoples of these two
islands and between Ireland and the
group of states In the British common
wealth would, we believe, forever en
able the two nations to settle down in
peace, each pursuing Individual devel
opment and contributing Its own civili
zation, working together In free and
frlendl}' co-operation and agreeing in
common affairs.
To negotiate Eucn a treaty the re
spective representatives of the two na
tions must meet. If you seek to Im
pose preliminary conditions which we
regard as Involving surrender of our
whole position, we cannot meet. Your
last telegram makes clear that the mis
understanding Is likely to Increase, not
Tired of Correspondence.
The cause of peace Is more likely to
be retarded than advanced by the pres
ent correspondence. We request you
therefore to state whether your letter
of September 7 Is intended as a demand
for surrender on our part or an Invita
tion to a conference free on both sides
and without prejudice should an agree
ment net be reached.
If you mean the latter, we readily con
firm cur acceptance of the Invitation
and our appointed representatives will
meet y.ur government’s representatives
at any time In the future you designate.
(Signed) Eamonn De Valera,
De Valera Is Crafty.
De Valera's message Is considered
from ail standpoints a masterpiece.
With one stroke he throws the re
sponsibility of any failure to meet In
conference upon the British premier.
He shows a willingness right off to
join the conference, but there Is
nothing in the letter which shows he
would refuse to join the British com
(jn the contrary, there Is a direct
hint in all three of his last communi
cations that there can be rapprooh
ment between Ireland and the British
No Discussion After Reading.
The letter Is in contrast to the
assumption that the Dali Eireann Is
weakening on Its being recognized as
a sovereign state.
De Valera entered the Majislon
House Monday with the letter and
immediately addressed his cabinet,
‘‘Gentlemen, do you agree to this?”
He then proceeded to read them his
letter. There was no discussion and
the meeting lasted a bare half hour.
Chicago, Sept. 20.—Charges that
railroads were attempting to force
their employes to strike were made
today by B. M. Jewell, head of the
railroad department of the American
Federation of Labor.
William Barnes, he who got tho
short end of the famous Koosevelt
Barnes libel suit and whilom repub
lican boss of New York state, ex
presses himself as considerably sur
prised at the report that he has re
signed as leader of the Albany coun
ty republicans, averring that he
never held the position. He wants
to know how the report was started.
Somebody ought to tell him.
• ___________
When debates are held at a school
house, the subjects discussed are
called the “program.” But when dip
lomats meet to debate, the program
Is called “agenda." Tho diplomats
“get by" with a lot of doings merely
by using unfamiliar and Imposing
New York city haa a burglar proof bed.
If you awaken at night and think some
body's there, put your hand under th«
pillow and push a button, and the Hoot
! under the bid is flooded with light.
Small Girl Enjoyed It and Was Not at
All Backward In Telling
"Sister” Is six, nnd her delight Is
Indianapolis. Last summer Ola took
her when she went to see Stuart
Walker’s “Peg o’ My Heart.” Sister
squirmed nnd wiggled and whispered
that “this isn’t a real show” until
Ola declared “never aguln.”
But shortly afterward she nnd her
husband had to take “Sister” along
when they went to see the premiere
of “Abe Martin” ut English’s. First,
they cautioned her:
“For goodness’ sake, be still."
Imagtne their surprise, amusement
and also embarrassment when after a
lively ensemble, “Sister,” who had
been shrieking In glee, clapped her
hands, and while the whole audience
turned to see, shrilled:
"Oh, Ola, this Is a real show 'cause
It’s got pretty girls nnd they sing
and dance.”—Indianapolis News.
: it* ; -
Name “Bayer” on Genuine!
Package of genuine Bayer Tablets of
Isplrln. Then you will be following
Ihe directions and dosage worked out
oy physicians during 21 years, and
proved safe by millions. Take no
ihances with substitutes. If you see
the Bayer Cross on tablets, you can
take them without fear for Colds,
Headache, Neuralgia, Rheumatism,
Earache, Toothache, Lumbago and
for Pain. Handy tin boxes of twelve
tablets cost few cents. Druggists also
sell larger packages. Aspirin is the
trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of
Monoacetlcacidester of Salicyllcacid,—
Areas of New York and Logdon.
The total area of the five boroughs
of New York and of the incorporated
city is 314.75 square miles. Tho nrea
of the so-called Greater Lotulon, com
prising the registration county of
I.ondon and the “outer ring,” is about
693 square miles. The population of
London Is 6,726,753; of New York 5,
- ■ ■ ■ "" ■ ■ = 1
A cold is an acute ca
tarrh which can easily be
come chronic. A great u
many diseases may be trac- «
ed to a catarrhal condition »
of the mucous membranes (I
lining the organs or parts, (j
Just a few doses taken In time have saved thousands from serious (|(
sickness. For fifty years Pe-ru na has been the popular family flit
medicine for coijghs, colds, catarrh, Itomach and bowel disorders
and all diseases of catarrhal origin. iBl
Tablet* or Liquid Sold Everywhere
Accurate Market Reports Gladly Furnished Free
Little Sister’s Interest.
Little Jennie gazed long and
thoughtfully at the young man who
was calling on her grown-up sister
“May I climb up on your knee, Mr.,
Greene?" she Inquired at last.
“Yes, of course, dear!” smiled the
young man, who wanted to make a
hit with the family. “Want to pull
my hair—eh?”
“No; I want to see If I can find
that word," replied the little glTl.
“What word?” asked the visitor, In
“I heard Maude say this morning
that If a man ever had the word
‘Idiot’ written all over his face, that
man was you!”—Stray Stories.
Press Work.
She—"Can you give me a proof of
your love?” He (kissing her)—“Well,
there's an Imprint of It.”
To step Into another man’s shoes Is
generally easier than It Is to walk In
Willing to Accommodate.
“I see by the papers," said the con
rlct to the warden, "that the prison
s greatly overcrowded."
“Yes,” replied the warden.
"Well,” said the convict, “1 was
lust going to say that If you’ve got a
customer that really wants my cell
['ll pack up apd go so ns to matte
room for him.”
Cutlcura for Pimply Faces.
ro remove ptmplos and blackhead*
smear them with Cutlcura Ointment.
Wash off In five minutes with Cutl
cura Soap and hot water. Once clear
keep your skin clear by using them for
dally toilet purposes. Don’t fall to In
clude Cutlcura Talcum. Advertisement
Doesn't Mean Anything.
Creditor—Is Mr. Perkins home?
Maid—No. sir.
Creditor—But I see hts hat and
coat hanging on the hall tree.
Maid—That doesn’t mean anything—
my dress is hanging on the clothes
line In the yard, but Pm not there.
Or would you prefer walls that radiate E=3
cheer and hospitality, modernize your E3
home and conduce to health, happi- E5
ness and fAe pride of living ? H
We know what your answer will be and to secure these satisfying results you have only to use e|
jyyba$tixi£ I
Instead of Wallpaper, Paint or Kalsomine H
1 11 ai-L.-aj_U/olln ES
Alabastine is a dry powder packed in five
pound packages in white and a variety of
beautiful colors ready to use by mixing with
pure cold water, with full directions on
every package.
Alabastine has been on the market for forty
years, is a household word in every civilized
country in the world. If unable to secure
the services of a painter or decorator you
can apply Alabastine yourself.
Important to Know
To secure Alabastine results you must get
Alabastine; it is necessary to see that the
package has the word “Alabastine” and the
cross and circle printed in red.
When employing the services of jv painter
ask him to bring the Alabastine in unbroken
packages and mixed on the job. This he will
be glad to do to convince you that he is
giving you what you desire and pay for.
4. llUOHJVHiV v » —— - - — — - -
Have you had the experience after going to
considerable expense to paint your walls, on
the theory that they would be washable the
same as your woodwork, of finding that after
washing them they were grimy, streaked and
unsatisfactory? Have you hesitated at the
expense of again repainting them?
If the paint is solid on the wall and not
scaling, go over it with a coat of Alabastine
and be pleasantly surprised as to effects pro
duced and saving effected. Alabastine may
even be used over old soiled wallpaper that
is firm on the wall not printed in aniline
dyes or with raised figures.
You Can Always Get Alabastine
There is hardly a town where Alabastine is
not carried in stock by dealers who carry
paints. If you do not find it and are offered
something else claimed to be just as good,
write us and we will tell you how to easily
secure Alabastine.
Sample card of tints furnished by dealers or write to us direct.
The Alabastine Company, Grand Rapids, Mich.
i_: i