DR.H.MARGARET FROST Osteopathic Physician Naylor Block O’Neill, Neb. All Diseases Treated Telephone :: :: 262 DR. 0. K. TICKLER ^Veterinarian^ PHONE | DAY 108 | NIGfHT O’Neill,.Nebraska THE O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY —Compiles— “Abstracts of Title” THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. (Ene 5ai?itary )j)/leat Market We have 9 full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Home Rendered Lard. Wm. Simpson Naylor Block. Phone 150 Frank Campbell Real Estate Agency Collections Attended To. Insurance written in Best Companies. , List your farms or houses with me ! to sell. , Justice of the Peace Companies I Represent— Hartford Fire, Assets ....$40,878,401.31 1 Ins. Co. North America $23,770,663.00 1 American Eagle.$2,886,852.00 i The strongest is as cheap as the weakest companies. O’Neill Nebraska OR. J. P. GILLIGAM Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given To DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES J. D. CRONIN Attorney - At - Law Office: Nebraska State Bank Building -Phone 57 O’NEILL :: :: NEBR. W. F. FINLEY, JYl. I). Phone: Office 28, Residence 276. O’Neill Nebraska FRED L. BARCLAY STUART, NEB. Makes Long or Short Time Loans On Improved Forms and Ranches. If you are in need of a loan drop him a line and he will call and see you. DR. L. A. CARTER ^Physician and Surgeons (Successor to Dr. E. T. Wilson.) Glasses Correctly Fitted: Office and Residence, Naylor Block -Phone 72 O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA llftutaiottd Abstract CoA^a^ —Title Abstractors— Office in First National Bank Building H! : I ; 3 . PAID LOCALS. Paid announcements will ap pear under this head. If you have anything to sell or wish to buy tell the people of it in this column. Ten cents per line first in sertion, subsequent insertions five cents per line each week. FARM LOANS—R. H. PARKER.37tf ITALIAN BEES FOR SALE—W. T. Hayes, Atkinson, Neb. 2-9p WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON Plate Glass Insurance.—John L. Quig. 14-tf HUY GOOCHES' QUALITY BREAD, 16-oz. loaf 9c.—Abbott’s Variety Store. 4-tf MONEY READY FOR FARM Loans. Low Rates of Interest.— loel Parker, 35-tf WANTED—TO BUY A WELL BRO ken bird dog. Pointer or setter. Write Watson Hay Co., Inman, Ne braska. G-lp FOR SALE CHEAP IF TAKEN AT at once, a Columbia Grafonala and ifty records.—Enquire at Mrs. Walter Stein’s. 6-2p. FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR Stock—4-Room House, close in. In duding lot and small barn.—J. W. dickey. / 44-tf. 1 EARS OF EXPERIENCE IN KO dak finishing. Developing any size oil, 10c; Pack, 25; Post Cards, 6c; Prints, 5c.—W. B. Graves. 50tf RYAN’S SHOE HOSPITAL MAKES a speoialty of fine hand-sewed work 'or ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Jo seph Coqgrove, an expert shoe maker, s in charge. 35-tf FOR SALE—AT RIGHT PRICES: I mowing machine good as new, 1 4 nch tire wagon with double box, 1 3 nch tire wagon with loose hay rack. —H. J. McKenna. 6-2 FOR RENT,*— 200 ACRES HAY land, 10 miles north of O’Neill; also SO acres 2 miles from O’Neill; also mve other hay land.—R. H. Parker, 3’Neill, Nebraska. 4-3 niE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating mder the Depositors Guaranty Fund if the State of Nebraska. Avail your ielf of this PROTECTION. 8-tf FOR SALE—FOUR 2-YEAR OLDS and 3 yearling Hereford bulls, 3 yearling and 1 two-year old Short lorn bulls, all registered and good as *rows. Priced to sell. All to be seen it the ranch.—L. W. Arnold. 40-tf LOST—ON THE ROAD BETWEEN O’Neill and Stuart, on Wednesday, ruly 13, one Firestone 30x3% non ikid tire, on rim, enclosed in black md white tire cover. Finder please •eturn to this office and receive re ward. 6-lp [ WILL MANAGE YOUR PURE Bred Stock sale. All breeders of Registered and Pure Bred Stock in terested in having a sale write for terms to—John L. Quig, Manager of Registered and Pure Bred Stock Sales. 14-tf. MEMBERS OF THE FARMERS Union of Holt County: I have the jxclusive agency for an all steel farm ?ate, from factory to farmer. This ’ate will last a life time and is guar anteed. Call and get prices.—-John L, Quig, O’Neill. 44-tf. SPRING CHICKENS—We will sell spring chickens all day week day. >xcept Saturday, on Saturday after C n the evening. On account of our big Saturday business we do not have .ime to sell poultry until evening. We are open until 9 on Saturday..— Farm Bureau Shipping Association. (First publication June 23.) (W. J. Hammond, Attorney.) LEGAL NOTICE. Patrick Fahy, The unknown heirs, levisees, legatees and personal repre >cntatives of and all other persons in :erested in the estate of Patrick Fahy, leceased, Orin James Ellis, the un (nown heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of and all ither persons interested in the estate >f Orin James Ellis, deceased, James Norton, W. H. Livingston, M. D. Long, the unknown heirs, devisees, egatees and personal representatives if and all other persons interested in -he estate of Michael D. Long, de based, and Lots 7 and 8 in Block 35 n the original Town of O’Neill, in ETolt County, Nebraska, and all per sons claiming any interest of r.ny kind n said real estate or any part thereof, lcfendants will take notice that on rune 18, 1921, II. P. Hertford, plain tiff, 'filed a petition in District Court if Holt County, Nebraska, against you the object and prayer of which are to secure a decree of Court quieting in plaintiff the title to and right of pos session of the real estate above de scribed; and adjudging plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple thereof; and iecreeing that you have no title to, >r interest in said premises; and ra I'oving the clouds cast upon plaintiff’s iitle to said premises by reason of S'our claims to some title fo or interest n said premises and forever enjoining .'ou from asserting any Title to or uteres t in said premises adverse to plaintiff. You are required to an swer said petition on or before Aug ist 1, 1921. H. P. HERIFORD, _ 3-4Plaintiff. (First publication June 23.) (W. J. Hammond, Attorney.) LEGAL NOTICE. William R. Barnwell, The unknown leirs, devisees, legatees and personal epresentatives of and all other per ;ons interested in the estate of John )’Neill, deceased; the unknown heirs, Ivisees, legatees and personal repre sentatives of and all other persons in erseted in the estate of Annie E. jowe, deceased, and Lots l(i, 17, 18, md 19 in Block “D” in O Neill & Hag irty’s Addition to O’Neill, Nebraska, ind all persons claiming any interest sf any kind in said real estate or any iart thereof, defendants,will take notice hat on June 18, 1921, A. L. Masters ilaintiff filed a petition in District -ourt of Holt County, Nebraska, igainst you the object and prayer of vhich is to quiet and confirm in plain .iff the titla to the real estate above described; and to have you decreed to have no right, title or interest in said real estate; to remove the clouds cast upon plaintiff’s title to said premises by rea*on of your claim to some right, title or interest therein; and to for ever enjoin you and each of you from asserting any title, right or interest in said premises adverse to plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 1st day of August, 1921. A. L. MASTERS, 3-4' Plaintiff. (First publication June 23.) NOTICE. State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss. To Whom It May Concern: The Commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the northwest corner of the NE(4 of Section 2, Town ship 32, Range 16 West in Holt County, running thence South 150 rods; thence South-westerly South and Southeasterly to a point near the north west corner of the SW14 of Section 25, Township 32, Range 16, has reported in favor of the establishment thereof as hereafter described, to-wit: Commencing at the northwest cor ner of the NE14 of Section 2, Town ship 32, North Range 16 west, the renter line of road to run as follows: Thence South on quarter section line 37.50 chains, thence South 78 degrees 35 minutes, West 24.00 chains, thence South 38 degrees 20 minutes West 30.00 chains to a point on the quarter section line 33.00 chains south of the northwest corner of the NE& of Section 10, Township 32, Range 16 West; thence South through the center of Sections 10, 15 and 22 to the southwest corner of the SE% of Sec tion 22, 207 chains; thence East on the section line 120.00 chains to the north east corner of Section 26, Township 32, Range 16 and there terminate. Also that part of Road No. 184 com mencing at the northeast corner of the NWti of Section t, Township 32, Range 16 and running east one-half mile, thence South two miles be vacated as requested by petitioners, and all objections thereto or claims for lamages must be filed in the County Clerk’s office on or before noon of the 10th day of September, A. D. 1921, or such road will be changed without reference thereto. (Seal) E. F. PORTER, 3-4 County Clerk. By T. D. HANLEY, Deputy. (First publication April 30.) (J. D. Cronin, Attorney.) NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL. Estate No. 1436. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, June 25, 1921. In the matter of the estate of Honora Cronin, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that petition lias been filed in said Court for the probate of a written instrument pur porting to be the last will and -testa ment of Honora Cronin, Deceased, and for the appointment of Dennis H. Cro nin, as executor thereof; that July 20, 1921, at 10 o’clock A. M., has been set for hearing said petition and proving said instrument in said Court when all persons concerned may appear and :ontest the probate thereof. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 4-3 County Judge. (First publi&tion April 30. (Thomas Carlon, Attorney.) IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the Matter of the Estate of Peter Johnson Lansworth, Deceased: Notice to all persons interested in said estate is hereby given that, John Arthur Lansworth and Annh Pauline Lansworth executor and executrix, of said estate will meet the creditors of said estate at the County Court room in the city of O’Neill in said County, on the 28th day of July, 1921, and on the 29th day of October at the hour of 10 A. M., for the purpose of hearing, adjustment and allowance of claims against said estate. All persons having claims or de mands against said estate must file the same in said Court on or before the 29th day of October, 1921, or said claims will be forever barred. Dated this 24th day of June, 1921. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 4-4 County Judge. (First publication June 30.) LEGAL NOTICE. Cody Simonson a minor, Melvin Simonson a minor and M. M. Simon son as guardian of the persons and sstates of Cody Simonson and Melvin Simonson, minors defendants will take notice that on the 13th day of June, A. D. 1921, Minnie M. Simonson plaintiff filed her petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebras ka; the object and prayer of which is to secure a decree of Court decree ing and determining that the plaintiff »nd the defendants Cody Simonson und Melvin Simonson, minors are each the owners of an undivided one-third interest and title in and to the follow ing described real estate situated in he Couny of Holt, and State of Ne braska, to-wit: The east half of the southwest quarter of section thirty hree (33), northwest quarter of sec tion thirty-four (34), west half of the southwest quarter of section thirty four (34), northwest quarter of sec- , tion thirty-five (35), all in township hirty-one (31) north, range eleven ' (11), west of the 6th P. M., as tenants c common and for partition of said described real estate among the joint bwners thereof, and that if the same ■annot be partitioned without depre- . dating the value of the interest of the ' >wners in and to said premises; that •aid premises be sold in the manner . provided by law, and the proceeds de- , 'ived from the sale thereof be par- ' itioned, distributed and divided among said parties according to their inter ests after the payment of the costs , >f this proceedings. You are required to answer said pe ;ition on or before the 8th day of Aug- ' ist, A. D. 1921. Dated this 27th day of June, A. D. 1921. J. A. DONOHQE, 4-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. (First publication April 30.) legal Notice. ro Paul Schroeder, Non-Resident De fendant: ! You are hereby notified that on the I j !9th day of June, 1921, N. D. Hansen,1! as plaintiff, commenced an actiomun the District Court of Holt County, Nt biaska, against you as defendant, im pleaded with Bazelman Lumber Com pany, et al. as defendants, the object and purpose of said action being to foreclose a certain Chattel Mortgage given by you to the plaintiff on the 16th day of July, 1920, on the follow ing described personal property, to wit: One Master Junior 1% Ton Truck, Factory No. 5116, Motor No. 7169, together with body complete. One Maxwell Model 25 Touring Car, Serial No. 279519, one-third of fifty acres of com grown in the year 1920 or what is known as the Carl Schroeder farm situated in Holt County, Nebraska, and to recover the possession of all of said property from you and all other defendants in said action. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 8th day of August, 1921. Dated this 30th day of June, 1921. N. D. HANSEN, Plaintiff. George M. Harrington, Clifford B. Scott, 4- 4 Plaintiff’s Attorneys. (First publication July 7.) NOTICE. To all persons interested in the Estate of John Guthrie Watson, sometimes known and described as John G. Watson, Deceased, both creditors and heirs: You are hereby notified that on the 5th day of July, 1921, A. E. Spittler filed his petition in the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, in which he alleges that John Guthrie Watson, sometimes known and described as John G. Watson, died intestate on the 20th day of July 1902; that at the time of his death, he was a resident of Cook County; Illinois, and the owner of the fee simple title to the following described real estate situated in Holt County, Nebraska, to-wit: The North west Quarter of Section 10, in Town ship 27, North, Range 9, West of the Sixth Principal Meridian; that he left surviving him, as his sole and only< heirs at law, the following persons, to-wit: George Watson, a brother; James Graham Watson, who was sometimes known and described as James G. Watson, a brother; Helen Watson, a sister; Claude R. Watson, a brother; Guthrie Frederick Watson, who was sometimes known and de scribed as Guthrie F. Watson, a brother; Gilbert Graham Watson, who was sometimes known and described as Graham Gilbert Watson, a brother; that more than two years have elapsed since the death of the said John Guthrie Watson, and no application has been made to any County Court in this State for the appointment of an administrator of his estate; that the petitioner is now the owner of the fee simple title to said real property, hav ing acquired the same tnrough mesne conveyance from the heirs of the said John Guthrie Watson, Deceased; that there are no debts, claims or demands existing against the estate of the said John Guthrie Watson, deceased. The prayer of said petition is for a decree of said Court, finding and determining the time of the death of the said John Guthrie Watson, his heirs at law with their relationship to him, the right of succession to the real propery above described, that all debts, claims and demands against said estate be barred, and for such other and further relief as the statute may permit. Said petition has been set for hear ing in said Court on the 6th day of August, 1921, at one o’clock in the afternoon, when you and each of you are required to appear, and show cause, if any you have, why the prayer of said petition should not be granted. Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 5th day of July, 1921. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 5- 3 County Judge. (First publication July 14.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT OF GUARDIANSHIP. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 12, 1921. In the matter of the Guardianship of John J. Davis, Incompetent. All persons interested in said guard ianship are hereby notified that the Guardian of said estate has filed in said court his final report and a peti tion for final settlement and distribu tion of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard August 5, 1921, at 10 o’clock, A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the iistribution of said estate. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, G-3 County Judge. (First publication July 14.) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received at the iffice of the State Department of Pub ic Woiks, 4th Floor Brownell Block, it Lincoln, Nebraska, until 5;00 rclock P. M-, on July 28, 1921, for constructing Wood Guard Rail and in cidental work on the Atkinson-Bart ett Project No. 132-A, Federal Aid itoad. Bids will be opened in the Depart nent of Public Works, 4th Floor Brownell Block on or near the hour of ):00 o’clock A. M., on the 29th day of luly, 1921. County Boards are hereby •equested to be present or represented. 3idders are invited to be present. The approximate quantities are: 128 Lin. feet Wood Guard Rail. Certified check for 5 per cent of the imount of the bid will be required with each and every bid received. Plans and specifications for the vork may be seen and information md proposal forms secured at the >ffice of the county clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, or at the office of the State department of Public Works at Lin :oln, Nebraska. ** The State and County reserves the •ight to waive all technicalities and ■eject any or all bids. 6-3 E. F. PORTER, County Clerk Holt County. 3eo. E. Johnson, 6-3 Secretary. (First publication July 14.) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received at the >ffice of the State Department of Pub ic Works, 4th Floor Brownell Block, it Lincoln, Nebraska, until 5:00 I’clock P. M., on July 28, 1921, for constructing Wood Guard Rail and in cidental work on the O’Neill-Butte Project No. 14-A, Federal Aid Road. Bids will be opened in the Depart ment of Public Works, 4th Floor, Brownell Block on or near the hour of 9:00 o’clock A. M., on the 29th day of July, 1921. County Boards are here by requested to be present or repre sented. Bidders are invited to be present. The approximate quantities are: 4726 Lin Feet Wood Guard Rail. Certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid will be required with each and every bid received. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information and proposal forms secured at the office of the County Clerk at O’Neill, Nebras ka, or at the office of the State De pattment of Public Works at Lincoln, Nebraska. The State and County reserve the right to 'waive all technicalities and reject any and all bids. E. F. PORTER, County Clerk Holt County. Geo. E. Johnson, 6-3_Secretary. LET’S STICK TO LIVING. We see it in the papers, you read it every day, how at the railroad cross ing, good lives are thrown away. Just yesterday it happenend, not very far from here, another crossing horror, the saddest of the year. A man with two companions, was driv ing into town: he failed to use his headpiece and the tracks rode down. Just then an engine whistled some 80 rode away, he never looked nor listened, but kept right on his way. The folks who traveled with him just couldn’t do a thing, they knew he should protect them—not sure de struction bring. That car met swift disaster, but sad der to relate, three men were crush ed and mangled—oh, what a wretched fate! The driver of an auto should keep the thought in mind, that when his life he loses, all else is left behind. If you must take such chances, with the life that is your own, be sure there’s no one with you—wait till you’re quite alone. When other folks are with you, de pendent on your care, to take them into danger is terribly unfair. It ought to be no trouble to safely cross the tracks, unless the fellow driving, a bump of caution lacks. So come to quick attention when cross ing place is near—look—listen—be most watchful, then you need never fear. , Flease take this last thought with you and keep it in your head, IF AN ENGINE EVER GETS YOU, YOU’LL BE A LONG TIME DEAD. —E. B. Thomas. ■ Washington Star: “Did the traffic cop arrest you?” “Twice,” replied Mr. Chuggins. “When I couldn’t stop he arrested me for speeding, and when I finally stop ped and couldn’t start, he arrested me for blocking trafic.” LITTLE LECTURES yGIW6ER. JIM v l r The principal trouble with a bonehead is that he never rea lizes his affliction. DON’T be .a bonehead and spend money for new clothes —when you can have that old garment cleaned and pressed and made to look like new .:*?3smm SAVE YOUR CLOTHES By getting them dry cleaned O’Neill Sanitary j Laundry i IIhEHhI k llii. J > 4 | HB The Same Old Phone No. 32 1 at The Same Old Place with - The Same Old Quality and The Same Old Service (SBTH1TO BLL I Successor to 0. 0. Snyder 1 CS-eorg-e S. .^.g-ra-es, 2v£g-r. 1 Spend This Vacation in Rocky Mountain Estes Park Colorado The charm of this place Is not to be catalogued— merely to breathe in the rare air, scented with the rich pine odor, is a healing delight, brings glow to the cheek and sparkle to the eye. Take the family! There, amid the peaceful beauty of its flower crowded valleys and sun-lit peaks, its laughing waterfalls and virgin forests, you can settle down for a few blissful weeks, to do just as fancy dictates —ride, climb, fish, golf, tennis, rest or just loaf to your heart’s content. On your return, stop off and enjoy Colorado’s numerous, varied and inexpensive side trips—to Colorado Springs, Manitou, Colorado Glaciers, Den- ^ ver’s Mountain Farks, Grand Lake, et al. Don’t delay too long the matter of making ar rangements for accommodations and be disappointed. If I can help you, let me know. When you are ready to start the Burlington will take you there. W. C. Roberts. Ticket Agent