DR. H, MARGARET FROST Osteopathic Physician Naylor Block O’Neill, Nebr. All Diseases Treated ' Phone 262 DR. 0. K. TICKLER Veterinarian PHONE | DAY 108 I NIGHT O’Neill, : : : : : Nebraska THE O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY Compiles Abstracts of Title THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OP ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. (EhE Baijitapy )J}/leat Market We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Home Rendered Lard. * • Wm. Simpson Naylor Block. Phone 150 Frank Campbell Real Estate Agency Collections Attended To. Insurance written in Best Companies List your farms or houses with me to sell. t Justice of the Peace Companies I Represent: Hartford Fire, Assets ....$40,878,401.31 Ins. Co. North America $23,770,663.00 American Eagle . $2,886,852.00 Thu strongest is as cheap as the weakest companies. * 0’NeiU, Nebraska DR. J. P- GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given To DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES J. D. CRONIN Attorney - At - Law Office: Nebraska State Bank Building -Phone 57 O’NEILL. :: :: NEBR. W, F. FINLEY, M. t>. Phone: Office 28, Residence 276. O’Neill, : : : Nebraska FRED L. BARCLAY 8TUART, NEB. Makes Long or Short Time Loans os Improved Farms and Ranches. If you are in need of a loan drop him a line and he will call and see you DR. L. A. CARTER 4 Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. E. T. Wilson. Glasses Correctly Fitted. Office and Residence, Naylor Block. Phone 72. O'NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA la^ond Abstract Co^at) Title Abstractors Office in First National Bank Buildinj NEBRASKA CULVERT AND MFG. CO. AUSTIN-WESTERN ROAD MACHINERY ARMCO CULVERTS Everything In Road Machinery Western Representative L. C. PETERS, O’NEILL. NEB. tmm—mmam—mmm gfvmmmmm... PAID LOCALS. Paid announcements will ap pear under this head. If you have anything to sell or wish to buy tell the people of it in this column. Ten cents per line first in sertion, subsequent insertions five cents per line each week. FARM LOANS—R. II. PARKER.37ti ITALIAN BEES FOR SALE—W. T, Hayefy Atkinson, Neb. 2-9p WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON Plate Glass Insurance.—John L, Quig. 14-tf MONEY READY FOR FARM Loans. Low Rates of Interest.— Joel Parker, 35-tf FOR SALE—REGISTERED ABER deen Angus bull, one year old.—Har ry Ressel, Chambers, Nebr. 4-1 FOR SALE—GOOD REGISTERED Short Horn Roan Durham.—J. C. Addison, Opportunity, Nebr. 3-3 FOR SALE—NEW DEERING SELF binder. Only has cut 50 acres. Priced right.—Smith Merrill. 3-2 FOR SALE—NUMBER ONE GOOD milch cow, will be fresh in a few days.—Frank Barrett, O’Neill. 2-2 FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR Stock—4-Room House, close in. In cluding lot and small barn.—J. W. Hickey. 44-tf. FOR SALE—A REGISTERED HAM pshire boar, Cherokee and Tipton strain.—Write or see C. E. Griffith, Agee, Nebraska. 1-3 1 O YEARS EXPERIENCE IN KO I L dak finishing. Developing any size roll, 15c; Pack, 26c; Post Cards, 6c; Prints, 6c.—W. B. Graves. 50tf RYAN’S SHOE HOSPITAL MAKES a specialty of fine hand-sewed work for ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Jo seph Cosgrove, an expert shoe maker, is in charge. 35-tf THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating under the Depositors Guaranty F'und of the State of Nebraska. Avail your self of this PROTECTION. 8-tf FOR SALE—FOUR 2-YEAR OLDS and 3 yearling Hereford bulls, S yearling and 1 two-year old Short horn bulls, all registered and good as grows. Priced to sell. All to be seen at the ranch.—L. W. Arnold. 40-tf I WILL MANAGE YOUR PURE Bred Stock sale. All breeders oi Registered and Pure Bred Stock in terested in having a sale write foi terms to—John L. Quig, Manager oi Registered and Pure Bred Stock Sales.’ 14-tf. MEMBERS OF THE FARMERS Union of Holt County: I have th< exclusive agency for an all steel farm gate, from factory to fanner. This gate will last a life time and is guar anteed. Call and get prices.—John L. Quig, O’Neill. 44-tf. I HAVE FOR SALE, RENT OB trade all of the lands and town lots and other properties of the late Mich ael Lyons. These properties and lands arc to be sold on terms to suit pur chaser. If you are interestd call or —John L. Quig, O’Neill, Neb. 62-4 (First publication June 9.) NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estate No. 1426. In the County Court of Holt County Nebraska, June 2, 1921. In the Matter of the Estate of Johr Kee, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate arc hereby notified that the time limiter for presenting claims against saic estate is October 7, 1921, and for the payment of debts is June 2, 1922, ant that on July 7, 1921,, and on Octobei 8, 1921, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day I will be at the County Court Roon in said County to receive, examine hear, allow, or adjust all claims anc objections duly filed. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 1-4 County Judge. (First publication June 23.) NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR AD MINISTRATION. Estate No. 1435. In the County Court of Holt County Nebraska, June 17, 1921. In the Matter of the Estate of Julia Irene Dodge, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all per sons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Couri for the appointment of W. K. Hodg kin as Administrator of said estate and will be heard July 14, 1921, at 1C o’clock A. M., at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 3-3 County Judge. (First publication June 23.) (W. J. Hammond, Attorney.) LEGAL NOTICE. Patrick Fahy, The unknown heirs devisees, legatees and personal repre sentatives of and all other persons in terested in the estate of Patrick Fahy deceased, Orin James Ellis, the un known heirs, devisees, legatees anc personal representatives of and al ether persons interested in the estate of Orin James Ellis, deceased, Jamei Norton, W. H. Livingston, M. D Long, the unknown heirs, devisees legatees and personal representatives of and all other persons interested ii the estate of Michael D. Long, de ceased, and Lots 7 and 8 in Block 31 in the original Town o'f O’Neill, ii Holt County, Nebraska, and all per sons claiming any interest of any kin< in said real estate or any part thereof defendants will take notice that oi June 18, 1921, H. P. HerLford, plain tiff, filed a petition in District Cour of Holt County, Nebraska, against yoi the object and prayer of which are t< secure a decree of Court quieting ii plaintiff the title to and right of pos session of the real estate above de scribed; and adjudging plaintiff to b the owner in fee simple thereof; am decreeing that you have no title to or interest in said premises; and re moving the clouds cast upon plaintiff’ title to said premises by reason o your claims to some title to or interes in said premises and forever enjoinini you from asserting any title to o interest in said premises adverse t plaintiff. You, are required to an swer said petition on or before Aug ust 1, 1921. H. P. HERIFORD, 3-4 Plaintiff. » (First publication June 23.) (W. J. Hammond, Attorney.) LEGAL NOTICE. William R. Barnwell, The unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and personal representatives of and all other per sons interested in the estate of John O’Neill, deceased; the unknown heirs, dvisces, legatees and personal repre sentatives of and all other persons in teracted in the estate of Annie E. Lowe, deceased, and Lots 16, 17, 18, and 19 in Block “D” in O Neill & Hag erty’s Addition to O’NeilH Nebraska, and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any port thereof, defendants,will take notice that on June 18, 1921, A. L. Masters plaintiff filed a petition in District, Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm in plain tiff the title to the real estate above described; and to have you decreed to have no right, title or interest in said real estate; to remove the clouds cast upon 'plaintiff’s title to said premises by reason of your claim to some right, title or interest therein; and to for ever enjoin you and each of you from asserting any title, right or interest in said premises adverse to plaintiff. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 1st day of August, 1921. A. L. MASTERS, 3-4 Plaintiff. / ta: 4. ui: — t no \ NOTICE. State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss. To Whom It May Concern: The Commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at the northwest corner of the NE14 of Section 2, Town ship 32, Range 16 West in Holt County, running thence South 160 rods; thence South-westerly South and Southeasterly to a point near the north west corner of the SW14 of Section 25, Township 32, Range 16, has reported in favor of the establishment thereof as hereafter described, to-wit: Commencing at the northwest cor ner of the NE!4 of Section 2, Town ship 32, North Range 16 west, the center line of road to run as follows: Thence South on quarter section line 37.50 chains, thence South 78 minutes 35 degrees, West 24.00 chains, thence South 38 degrees 20 minutes West 90.00 chains to a point on the quarter section line 33.00 chains south of the northwest corner of the NE *4 of Section 10, Township 32, Range 16 West; thence South through the center of Sections 10, 15 and 22 to the southwest corner of the SE'/i of Sec tion 22, 207 chains; thence East oj^the section line 120.00 chains to the north east comer of Section 26, Township 32, Range 16 and there terminate. Also that part of Road No. 184 com mencing at the northeast corner of the NW!4 of Section 2, Township 32, Range 16 and running east one-half mile, thence South two miles be vacated as requested by petitioners, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the County Clerk’s office on or before noon of the 10th day of September, A. D. 1921, or such road will be changed without reference thereto. (Seal) E. F. PORTER, 3-4 County Clerk. By T. D. HANLEY, Deputy. SUPERVISORS’ PROCEEDINGS. (Concluded from last week, others. On motion same was granted. To the Honorable Board of Supervi se: : Y. the voters of Conley Township, do petition the Board.pf Supervisors for an (18) Eighteen foot bridge be tween Sections 2 and Section 11 in Range 12, all of Conley Township of Holt County. To this end we pray. Signed by George Herzog and 10 others. On motion same was granted. Mr. Chairman: 1 would respectfully move that all bids received on project 132 A and 139-D be rejected and checks returned to proper parties. J. V. JOHNSON. F. C. WATSON. Motion carried. Honorable Board of Supervisors, Holt County, Nebraska. Gentlemen: Whereas, An act of the recent Legislature, being House Roll No. 127 entitled, “A Bill for an Act to amend Sections 6450 and 6300 of the Revised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913, and Section 7154 of the Re vised Statutes of Nebraska for 1913 as amended by Chapter 128 of the Sessioh Laws of Nebraska for 1915, relating to the rate of county tax levies and Section 13 of Chapter 221, Session Laws of Nebraska, for 1919, and to repeal said original sections and to declare an emergency,” makes provision for an annual levy upon the taxable property of the county not ex ceeding one mill for the purpose of paying indebtedness existing at the adoption of the new constitution, and; Whereas, Constitutional Limitations has not provided adequate revenues for various funds thereby causing serious deficits, therefore, Be It Resolved, That the Chairman Appoint a committee to retermine the exact amount of indebtedness existing against all of the various funds of Hoi County as provided. Signed, L. E. SKIDMORE. L. C. McKIM. 1 Same was adopted. Chairman appointed as committee, J. V. Johnson, John Sullivan and L. E. 1 Skidmore. : At 5 o’clock p. m., on motion board 1 adjourned until June 3, 1921, at 9 1 o’clock a. m. 1 W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. ; O’Neill, Neb., June 3, 1921, 9 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjoum 1 ment. All lgembers present but 1 Watson. Called to order by chairman. Mr. Chairman: I move that the [ surveyor be sent out to Scott precinct : to survey between Sections 16-17, 1 Township 31-10. > L. C. McKIM. H. U. HUBBARD, ! Motion carried. At 12 o’clock noon, on motion board " adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. \ O’Neill, Neb., June 3, 1921, 1 p. in. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but Wat son. Called to order by chairman. On motion the annual report of Peter W. Duffy, County Sheriff, was approved. At 4 o’clock p. m., on motion board adjourned to the call of the clerk. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. PLEASANT VIEW NEWS. The Page ball team met the Redbird team on the Redbird diamohd last Sunday and carried home the honors' of the game. Score 6 to 2 in favor of Page. Mrs. A. Soukup went to Omaha last week to consult a specialist in regard to her recent illness. Mr. and Mrs. A. Crumley, Mr. and Mrs. E. Streeter, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Murray and daughter, Winifred, spent Sunday at the Jv C. Perkins’ h*me. The dance that was to be given at the Page opera house Saturday even ing has been postponed. The Odd Fellows will occupy the hall that even ing. Mrs. Elmer Reddie, who has been visiting at the Soukup home, returned to her home at Wood Lake, Nebr. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Grass autoed to Norfolk Sunday. NEBRASKA PRIESTS ASK IRISH RECOGNITION Omaha World-Herald, June 21.—A resolution, appealing to congress for recognition of the Irish republic and pledging their influence to obtain boy cott of English insurance and Epglish made goods, was passed by a meeting of priests of the diocese of Omaha fol lowing the close of their annual re treat. Archbishop Harty and more than 200 priests, representing twenty three counties of the state, attended. The Rev. P. J. Judge was chairman and the Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan, secre tary. The resolutions: “Whereas, for the third time since the. close of the world war, an election for representatives was held in Ireland under hostile British supervision; and “Whereas, at that election, by an 80 per cent majority, the Irish people gave their indorsement for tl.e third time to the Irish republic, thereby re pudiating) the rifle ofi the1 Vo rein g British government; and “Whereas, we went into the late war for the principle of national self- de termination; therefore, be it “Resolved, that we call upon our representatives in congress to use their influence to get our national government to officially recognize the Irish republic; and be it further “Resolved, that we, priests of the diocese of Omaha, pledge ourselves to increase the membership of the Ameri can Association for the Recognition of the Irish Republic in our respective communities, in accordance with the wishes and instructions of the national convention of the association held in Chicago last April; and, be it further “Resolved, that we use our influence to induce our people to purchase American insuiance and American made goods and to boyaott English in surance and English-made goods; and, be it further “Resolved, that we use our influence with the national council of the Knights of Columbus to take a posi tive stand in the interests of justice and civilization and bring their influ ence to bear to obtain official recogni tion of the Irish republic from the government of the United States; and, that we indorse and approve the re quest made to the national council by the annual convention of the Knights of Columbus of Nebraska" in support of the action taken by the Count Creighton council of Creighton, Neb., namely, that said national council “leave no stone unturned in assisting the Irish people to obtain recognition of the Irish republic by our own gov ernment.” , KINDNESS. Indianapolis News: The other even ing a young lawyer took his bulldog ir. his machine when he took his best girl out driving. And as he drove up to her house out jumped his dog and clinched with the dog of the man who lived next door to her home. Then the fight began and it lasted long and was hard. But finally the two dogs were parted and the girl stood fearfully awaiting .the “balling out” she was sure her crusty neighbor would give her best beau. But he did nothing of the sort. He kicked his own dog back into his house and talked affably with the lawyer. The lawyer, too, was surprised. He voiced his wonder. “Well, you certanly are a good scout,” he said. “Most men would have been mad over my dog fighting yours.” “No, sir, I’m a good neighbor,” the old man said, and the girl began to feel more kindly toward him than she had ever felt before. But the next minute her kind feelings departed. For he finished: “I wouldn’t do a mean trick to any of my neighbors like discouraging their daughter’s beaus. I've got two old maid daughters my self just a few years older than the two who live here.” THE NEW TEMPTATION. Birmingham Age-Herald: “How do you manage to sell so many fireless cookers?” “It’s due to my method of ap proach,” said the stsart salesman. I * begin my little talk by saying ‘Madam, I have called to enable you to spend every afternoon at the movies.’ ” _ A FATED DESTINY. Pittsburgh Chronicle-Telegraph:— “ A ugh—waugh—gr-r-r! ” It was the baby, and he had made similar remarks steadily for the last hour. Mr. Newpop’s hair—what was loft of it—stood on end. “Gnow’ ahwb Wombdgou filgaur r-r,” remarked the baby, lustily, while the people living across the way rose — from their beds -and closing the win dows ostentatiously. Mr. Ne.wpop ground his teeth. “To think’,’ he murmured wearily, “that I should have lived to become the father of a train announcer!” incidentalTdiscussion. Washington Star: “Hiram,” said Mrs. Corntossel, “you don’t take as much interest in politics as you did last summer.” “Yes, I do,” replied her husband, “but the new hired man is such a fine talker I’m afraid to say anything that might start him for fear he’ll demand the salary of a lecturer.” I©TMK A.l.M.CO ij j It’s almost as much of a task as the washing itself— picking up after your laundress; sefeing that things are rightly done; fussing over her meals; measuring gj out soap and starch and other supplies. Sf Our Family Laundry Service saves you all this. g We call for your family bundle and attend to all g 1 these details for you. And Promptly, on the dot, we SJ return your clothes, beautifully clean, everything m dried and ready to put away except a few starched g? pieces that you can easily iron. Si It’s a saving service, saving for you and saving for S your clothes. It’s a service you can always depend 2 * upon; and the little ironing which is left for you to B do at home becomes really a pleasure. ■ | We know that you’ll like this modern way of tak- B ing the toil out of wash-day. g ] Try it, today—phone for our driver; we’ll have him § .call for ydur washing. B O'Neill Sanitary Laundry * | Progress and Satisfaction Streets I mrnrn* ' -A GLACIER National Park Jhe Gladdest Spot —the most-talked-of place in America by out-of-doors folk, is a “hikers’ ” and “horsebackers’ ” joyland. - Up there in the Northern Rockies in Northwestern Montana, there are fifteen hundred square miles of breathing room—loafing space; forests, hundreds of sparkling streams which meander through val leys ablaze with wild flowers, and tumble over foaming waterfalls to feed two hundred and fifty mountain lakes of rare beauty. In the “higher-spots” there are eternal, slow-moving glaciers, astride the pageant of carved and tinted peaks. The thrill, the majesty, the bigness of it all is wonderful. To live for a time m this high land is a never-to-be-forgotten experience. You’ll straightway develop an amazing appetite. If you are a fisherman, you’ll enjoy battling with the trout. If you are a hiker, there’s no end of trails to follow to your heart’s . content. If you love to ride, a sturdy little mountain pony will carry you over skyland trails. . Mountain guides—chaps you’ll enjoy getting acquainted with—are there to accompany the timid. Rowboat and launch service, auto-stages on a mountain motor high way, are there for your pleasure and convenience. If you like to “take your hotel with you” and camp, there are scores of ideal spots. The chalets—little hotel villages in the mountains—are picturesque • tarrying-places. Two mammoth mountain inns, where unique indoor campfires crackle on evenings in the “forest lobbies provide accommoda tions of a more elaborate character. The whole scheme of service within Glacier readily lends itself to the out-door idea-^follow the dictates of your fancy, Better plan to go this summer and enjoy a real vacation. W. C. Roberts. Ticket Agent i __