The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 26, 1921, Image 7

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How Miserable This Woman Was
Until She Took Lydia E. Pink
ham’s Vegetable Compound
Toomsboro, Ga.—“I suffered terribly
with backache and headache all the ti me,
was so weak and ner
vous I didn’t know
whattodo, and could
not do my work. My
trouble was deficient
and irregular peri
ods. I read in the
papers what Lydia
E. Pinkham’s Vege
table Compound had
done for others and
decided to give it a
trial. I got good
results from; its use
so that I am now able to do my work.
I recommend your Vegetable Compound
to my friends who have troubles similar
to mine and you may use these facts
as a testimonial.”—Mrs. C.F. Phillips,
Toomsboro, Ga.
Weak, nervous women make unhappy
homes, their condition irritates both
husband and children. It has been
said that nine-tenths of the nervous
prostration, nervous desnondency, “the
blues, ” irritability and backache arise
from some displacement or derange
ment of a woman’s system. Mrs. Phil
lips’ letter clearly snows that no other
remedy is so successful in overcoming
this condition as Lydia E. Pinkham’s
Vegetable Compound.
Tennis and Golf Goods
Fishing Tackle Camping Outfits
Aak for Gatalogs
Olson Sporting Goods Co.
315-317 4th St., Sioux City, In.
f ♦
♦ TODAY. ♦
♦ ♦
By Arthur Brisbane. i
Gorky, the Russian, says 5.000 of the
most intelligent men in Russia, scien
tists, artists, philosophers, are actually
dying of hunger. That doesn't say much
for the government that Gorky sup
ports. it manage; to feed its soldiers.
Germany, ap^rently, will yield to the
demands of the allies and undertake
to pay 532,000.000 000 in gold. Financiers
seem to think she is able to pay, or
that she will in some way escape the
payment, for the value of German cur
rency goes up on this news. Wdr is
expensive. If the Germans must pay
$32,000,000,000 for having enjoyed five
years of war, how expensive would such
a war be to the United States? We
barely got into the war. and we spent
about $50,000,000,0000 just simply get
ting ready.
A mother. In Monday’s news, was ill
and worried. Her son, a nervous child,
j 1 years old. worried because his mother
was ill. He had not been told why his
mother was so depressed. He kissed
her goodbv. went to hi3 room and
hanged himself. Two hours later the
mother gave birth to her 11th child.
\Vondering how she could take care of
it had caused her to worry. This little
story from the news will interest thos*
.that advocate birth control.
A judge has said that he would not
allow anybody to become a citizen if
lacking in average knowledge. One test
question was: “What is the difference
between a king and a president?” Of
course, the candidate is not expected to
give the real answer, which is, “a king
Is a man in Europe who imagines that
he rules the country and does not. The
president Is the head of a people that
thinks it rules itself but does not.”
You know ttie story of Frankenstein.
Mrs. Shelley wrote it., A man created
his Frankenstein monster, powerful and
cold. Then the monster chased him all
over creation. That’s how the allies
feel about Poland. They created that
fine country; now it has a standing
army of 600,000 men, and the allies are
wondering what they are going to do
about that Frankenstein.
Freeing the Cables.
From the St. Louis Post Dispatch.
As an outgrowth of the controversy of
the Wilson administration with the
Western Union Telegraph Co., over the
landing of a cable at Miami, Fla., to
connect at Barbadoes with a British
cable running to Brazilian ports, Con
gress is considering legislation to define
the powers of the government beyond
question in the future.
President Wilson forbade the landing
of the Miami connection primarily be
cause of dissatisfaction with the British
cable monopoly in Brazilian ports,
which runs until 1933. During a period
of 60 years, with one exception, the ex
ecutive has assumed to license and con
trol such landings as a part of the Im
plied powers of the president. The ex
ception was in Cleveland’s administra
tion, when Secretary Olney held firmly
go home and wash the supper dishes.
Legal procedure as It is observed in a
world where plaintiff, defendant, urors,
witnesses and attorneys have no affairs
of importance to attend to is too slow
for the movies. Here is the way a wit
ness is examined In a real court:
State to the jury, if you please, where
you live. I live at 3812 Blank street.
That is your home? Yes, sir. You live
there' do you? Yes, sir. How long have
you lived there? About 12 years. About
12 years? Yes, sir. Now you have staled
I believe, that you are in the grocery
business? Yes, sir. Where Is your place
of business? My store it at J08 West
Blank street. You run a grocery store
there, do you? Yes, sir. Now you
stated than on the afternoon of Feb
' ruary 18 you had gone to attend a
funeral. Yes, sir. Your brother's fun
eral, I believe you stated. My brother
inlaw. Oh, your brotherinlaw. Yes,
sir. Your brotherinlaw was dead was
he? Yes, sir. Then you were not at
your grocery store on the afternoon in
question? No, sir.
It is obvious that this xate of pro
gress will not serve for the movies.
Canned Books for Sale.
From the Cleveland Plain Dealer.
About everything from tinned beef
and toothpicks to motor trucks, ocean
transports and cities has been offered
at public sale by the army or navy in
the course of liquidating surplus stocks
accumulated for war. Now the secre
tary of the navy is preparing to dispose
of 40,000 books. Who wants to buy
40.000 books?
It is announced that the books will
be disposed of at nominal cost. If the
right kind of organization can be
formed for distribution an excellent op
portunity Is offered to lovers of books.
However, it is suggested that the gov
ernment itself should undertake to dis
tribute these volumes. Government
sales through the postoffice of certain
kinds of foods was successful. The
same method, it Is argued w’ould work
equally well in the sale of the navy *
40.000 superfluous books.
Earl of IHinto Carries
M.ontreal Bride Into
New Home in England
She Admitted !t.
Tennyson tit i! Browning should
have been present Die other after
noon. They would have found what
tb<;y themselves strove to lie.
it woman In one of the government
departments has been writing verse
lor about n year, having suddenly
Ndml out that she has some aptitude
along that line.
In showing her work, some one ex
pressed surprise that she was writing
"1 didn't know you wrote poetry,"
'no said.
The woman smiled sweetly:
“Oh, I write perfect poetry," she
said.—Washington Star.
Catarrh Is a local disease greatly influ
enced by constitutional conditions.
l’onlc and Blood Purifier. By cleansing
he blood and bjllding up the System.
normal conditions and allows Nature to
lo its work.
All Druggists. Circulars free
F. i. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio.
Paint Clothes Wire.
(live the new wire clothesline two
7011 ts of while enamel. It "ill make
it wear longer and keep it from get
ing rusty.
' —n i ii iei 111 —i— !■!■ — tmmm rm i irwinf-m -
Help That Bad Back!
Why be miserable with a “bail back?”
It's time you found out what is wrong!
Kidney weakness often causes much
suffering from backcehe, lameness,
rheumatic paino, headaches, dizziness
end kidney irregularities. Neglected,
it may leait to dropsy, gravel or Bright’s <
disease, t>ut if taken in time it is usu- I
ally easily corrected by using Boon's I
Kidney Pills. Doan's have help*--! I
ibousaniia. Ask your neighbor/ I
A South Dakota Case ,
Mrs. W. C. Hick
man. 809 W. Dart- !
mouth St., Vermillion, “
S. D.. says: "in the
last attack of backache
1 hud, there was a
steady, dull aelie In
•the email of my back
whiih kert me feeling
irritable and all out of J (
sorts. My hldteyi\
acted Irregularly. T yj
was nervous and all Pile
worn out. I felt bet-*
ter In a few days"
after taking Duan'r,
Kidney Pills and one
bog cured mo and I
b ave never been
troubled since.”
Get Doen's at Any Store, 60c a Bos
■mmoimhu : . .
l/nr&fiAl A j§WOlf9ERFVL FACE ULEACM. ItomnvM
H UftaEyaSII ft T«r>, Ltvor Swot*. PmipUus, et*’. Ds «Vr.- r
ft IIC 111 If Lit SiW ?**-’■ ►«*. Dr.C H. hERFV
ItllblllVkn COMPANY. ki?5 Mlchi**n Avo„ CMcturo
BMBOvnDaaaraff-S tops Bair Fall log
Restore* Color and
Beauty to Gray and Faded Hail
| fOc. acd$1.00at Drntnrists.
__'Hfaeox Chcm. W ks. Patchogue, If. T.
HINDERCORNS Removes Corns, Cal.
{oases, etc., stops all pain, ensures comfort to tha
eet, makes walkfag easy. 16a. by mall or at Drug*
glsta Blscox Chemical Works, Patefcogu*. K. T. „
^jafor this beautiful Gold Filled Ring
_ with fine sparkling imitation
^mm/7M gem, any color you wish. Send
M fifty cents with your name and
address and a ring exactly like
JWjF Illustration will be sent prepaid.
If not satisfied return it in three
days and ;your money will be re
funded. Send measurement of
finger and be sure to state color of stone
wanted Colley, P.O. Box 249, Providence, R.I.
Not to Be Deceived.
Mr. Newricli (examining curio)—
^ “Two thousand years old? You can’t
kid me! Why, it’s only 1921 now!”—
The Passing Show (London).
An interesting pastime is to test the
purchasing power of H dollar by see
ing “bow it will go.”
Stearns’ Electric Paste
Also SURE DEATH to Waterbugs, Ants, Rats
and Mice. These pest3 are tho greatest carriers of
disease and RIU8T BE KILLED. They destroy
both food and property.
Directions In 16 languages in every box.
Ready for use—two sires 86c and 81.50.
V. 8. Government buy* It. .
naiQV Cl V VIII CD placed anywhere
venient, cheap. Lasts
all season. Made of
metal, can't spill or
tip over; will not soil
or injure anything.
Guaranteed effective.
8old by dealers, or
prepaid, $1.25.
BAROLD SOMERS, 160 Do Kalb Ave., Brooklyn. N. Y.
If you are troubled with pains or
aches; feel tired; have headache,
indigestion, insomnia; painful pas
sage of urine, you will find relief in
The world’s standard remeay .or kidney,
liver, bladder and uric acid troubles and
National Remedy of Holland since 1696.
Three sizes, all druggists.
Look for the name Cold Medal on every box
and accept no imitation
Mrs. Hicks Relieved
By Four Eatonics
"I have taken four Eatonic tablets
and they relieved me of sour stomach.
I recommend it to everybody,” says
Mrs. G. P. Hicks.
If stomach is not digesting your
, food; if you have sourness, bloating,
•ea—?0od repeating, indigestion or acid
stomach, Eatonic will remove the
cause by taking up and carrying out
the acidity and gases, bringing quick
relief and healthy digestion. Why suf
fer stomach trouble? Why not keep
your digestion normal and enjoy good
health? An Eatonic taken after each
fmeal will prevent discomfort and pain.
Make the test today and see how
quickly this wonderful remedy acts.
It comes In handy tablet form. Carry
It with you. A big box costs only a
trifle with your druggist's guarantee.
SIOUX CITY PTG. CO., NO. 22 -1921.
When Capita! Goes Hungry.
From the New York World.
“Capital never goes cold and hungry,"
say's Vice President Eastty of the
Brotherhood of Railway and Steamship
Clerks, Freight-Handlers and Station
Employes. “Capital is never out of a
job unless It wants to be.’’ The state
ment Is good rhetoric but not so much
can be said of its economic soundness.
Capital Is sometimes out of a job in
voluntarily when a mill shuts down or
a mine peters out. It may even go cojd
and hungry when an industrial company
passes its dividends or a street railroad
goes into a receiver’s hands.
Capital of course, is less likely than
labor to feel the immediate pinch of a
sudden reversal. It usually has mure
fat to subsist on. But in a general
sense both are subject to the same econ
omical conditions. When labor is at
work capital is at work, and when
either suspends operations the other
suffers and it becomes a question of
endurance as between the strike fund
of the one and the bank account of
the other. The stockholder whose divi
dends are cut off is in the seine boat
with the employe whose pay envelope
Is empty. How long either tan keep
from going cold and hungry depends
o nthe size of the rainy day fund.
The bulk of capital is not in tho form
of swollen private fortunes but in small
Individual Investments the income from
which Is as necessary to the support of
the investor as his wages are to the
workman. .Their interests are identical;
It is essential to the support of both
that the mills should be kept going
and the trains running.
Several native African girls are In
T-ondon to study dressmaking. They
say the*glrls In Africa w’ho wl*!i to be
gowned fashionably have to wait too
long for consignments of wearing ap
parel from Europe.
The company which i jsures most of
the radium in the Uni ed States says
that the precious metal is vanishing
rapidly. At least one lot has disap
peared each day for the past 10 days.
Recent losses airiount to $40,000.
The annual convention of the I. W.
W. in Chicago found itself composed
of only 35 delegates. “It’s hardly worth
while holding a convention.” said Chair
man Roy Brown. “Nearly all our beat
people are In jail or under cover.”
The Earl of Mlnto, who was married in Montreal, Canada, recently to
Miss Marion Cook, of Montreal, took his wife to his ancestral home in
England and followed out the old custom which decrees that a bride
groom must carry his bride over the threshold of her new home. The
custom is said to be a relic of the runaway marriages of olden times. The
photo shows Eord Minto carrying the new Kady Mlnto into the house.
Jethro—Original Efficiency
Scriptural Suggestion Some Executives Have Overlooked, j
Frank W. Taylor, jr., in Circulation.
The Book of Exodus is the story of the Israelites on their
journey through the wilderness under the guidance of Moses.
Jethro was the fatherinlaw of that competent man.
History sets forth how well and to what purpose Moses dis
charged the obligation of leadership, but obscured in the narrative
of that undertaking—one of the vital features of the .story, if you
please—is the splendid philosophy of Jethro as expounded to his
soninlaw and turned to practical account by him to serve as a per
ennial guide-post for men who travel the road to progress.
Jethro remained in Egypt when the children of Israel departed
on their experiment in self-determination. In the course of time,
however, he too traversed the wilderness and arrived in the camp
of the wanderers.
There is, in the course of human events, tha psychological
moment, That was the moment Jethro arrived 1
Wearied with the weight of people’s woes, cast down with the
perpetual problems of their days and nights, law-givers frequently
go to pieces, and, as the gentle Jethro perceived his kinsman en
gaged in the daily task of judging the multitude of their trans
gressions, he discovered that an enterprise undertaken in faith and
hope was about to become an object of charity.
Then what happened? Read it, beginning with the 13th verse
of the 18th chapter of Exodus:
And it came to pass on the morrow that Moses^sat to judge the people;
and the people stood by Moses from morning unto the evening.
And when Moses’ fatherinlaw saw all that he did to the people, he said,
"What is this thing that thous doest to the people? Why sit test thsu thy
self alone, and all the people stand by thee from morning unto even?"
And Moses said unto his fatherinlaw, "Because the people come unto
me to enquire of God.
"When they have a matter they come unto me; and Judge between
one and another, and I do make tUem know the statutes of God and His
And Moses’ fatherinlaw said unto him, “The thing that thou doest is not
“Thou wilt surely wear away, both thous and this people that is with
thee; for this thing is too heavy for thee; thou art not able to perform it
thyself alone.
"Hearken now unto my voice. 1 will give thee counsel and God shall
be with thee.
"Thou shalt provide, out of all the people, able men to be rulers of
thousands, and rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties and rulers of tens.
"And let them judge the people at all seasons; and it shall be that every
great matter they shall bring unto thee, but every small^matter they shall
judge; so shall it be easier for thyself and they shall bear the burden with
“If thou shalt do this thing, then thou shalt be able to endure and all
this people shall also go to their place in peace.”
So Moses hearkened to the voice of his fatherinlaw and did all that lie
had said.
And Moses chose able men out of all Isreal, and made them heads over
rhe people, rulers of thousands, rulers of hundreds, rulers of fifties and rulers
of tens.
And they judged (he people at all seasons; the HARD causes they
brought unto Moses, but every small matter they judged themselves.”
The modern Moses, engulfed in the problems of his own par
ticular organization, leads his workers through the maze of the
day's affairs. He carries the load to the breaking point. He be
lieves tlmt the only way properly to get things done is to do most of
them himself. He does not entrust the multitude of minor problems
to competent assistants, thereby denying to them the right to de
velop and progress.
He knows that that day whose low descending sun sees not the
major portion of the work by his own performance done is wasted.
Someone had better begin playing Jethro to his Moses!
Supreme Court Rulings.
From tlie New York World.
In dealing with the Volstead prohibi
tion enforC' ment law the supreme court
of the United Ctates read the word
“concurrent” out of the constitution. In
dealing with a recent question of free
speech it upheld the authority of con
gross to empower the postmaster gen
eral to exclude permanently and arbi
trarily from the second-class privileges
any publication whore political and eco
nomic doctrines he regarded as inimical
to the present order of government. In
dealing with the issue of money in poli
tics and the systematic debauching of a
senatorial primary the court finds that
congress exceeded its constitutional
power when it undertook to limit a
candidate's expenditures.
Honest Charles.
“I’m glad I broke off my engagement
with Charles.” said Merry Blue. “He’s
no gentleman."
“Ohi” said her friend. Cherry. “Why.
1 always thought him one. What has
he done?”
“Well, I sent him hack his presents,”
answered Merry. “I sent them all hack,
except the di&mopd ring and a few oth
er things which 1 thought I was really
entitled to, considering the hours of my
time 1 gave him, and I asked him to
return mine.”
“Well,” asked Cherry, “did ha re
“He did not. He not only sent ma
back a box of cigars, :unopened, and
a necktie, which the brute had never
worn, but he also sent five boxes of
face powder, saying that he estimated
that to be about the quantity he had
taken away on his coat during the time
that we were engaged.”
Damages to the amount of $1,000 hang
on the verdict of a Boston court as to
whether or not a dog, killed by an au
tomobile, “exercised due care” in Its
use of the city’s streets.
Ordinary telegraph instruments can be
transformed instantly by a slight ad
justment into wireless receiving and
sending apparatus, according to a state
ment today by Prof. IJppnian, of the
French AVademy of Science.
Such phrases as ”1 see the cat,” and
“the dog runs,'’ in lessons In elementary
grades should be replaced by sentences
similar to "I look right and 1 ;ft when
I cross the street,” according to the
manager of the safety division of the
Milwaukee association of commerce.
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Stuff He Put Away at Ccney Was Too
Much Even for Stomach of
Healthy Boy.
*1 couldn't come to work yester
day,” said Wliltey, the than whomor
of office boys. "I was at Coney the
day before an’ I et too much.”
“Henvpn's Bakes, what did you eat7”
asked the office manager.
“Well,” said Wliltey, “first we had
peanuts, and then we had three hot
dogs apiece and a coupla ice cream
cones. Then we laid some popcorn
and snlt water kisses and red lemon
ade, and then we pushed names on a
pushboard for boxes of candy, and I
won a box, and we et thnt; they was
chocolates, and then we hnd some
snssapurilUi, because just before flint
ye bad some more peanuts, and they
mis kimla dry, and finally we finished
it olT with a banana split. After that
*e didn't have no more money, so we
didn’t eat no more except when a fel
low treated us to a hot fudge sundae
end bought us some more peanuts af
terward.—New York Sun.
Her Discovery.
“Charley, dear," said young Mrs. 1
Torkins, "I didn’t know you were so
fond of children !"
"What makes you think I’m so fond
of them?”
"Every now and then you mention
some one you call Babe Huth with
mob extraordinary affection.”
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That'
Genuine Castoria
' U“>.. ' ^
Thirty Years
- t
Spnrtrman Given Authority for Re
markable Story That Appears in
a London Periodical.
The London "zoo” lishing cat w It let
so .steadfastly refuses to show itself—
except nl meal times—has a rival In
the fishing dog, says London Answers.
A sportsman was on the west const
of 'Madagascar, when lie observed u
dog come out of I lie thick bush in
front of him and trot briskly down to
tbe edge of the sen. When It had got
a little way Into the water it stopped
and remained perfectly still, as a
heron might when fishing at home. Its
glance was never once tuken off the
Suddenly it thrust its head Into an
oncoming wave, and reappeared with a
large lisli in Its mouth. Quickly tak
ing its capture ashore It squatted
down and made a hearty meal. After
a while the lishing operation was re
prated, and it was evident to the wit
ness of the incident that tlie dog made
a regular practice of It.
French Youth Defective.
As a result of tlie luck of oppor
tunity to take physical exercise half
of the youths of Franco are said to tie
physically unfit for military service.
Out of more than 3,000.000 oligiblos.
only lfiTi.000 measured up to the or
dinary physical standards in a recent
examination of the class of 1021,
which will join the colors soon.
Ready to Eat and J
Every Bit Eatable
is.convenient,free from waste,
and. moderate in price.
. Skilled blending and long baking
bring out the full flavor and richly
nourishing Qualities of this careal
food, and make it easy to digest.
" There 's a Reason *
For sale by all grocers