O’NEILL FRONTIER o. H. CRONIN_’ CrNEU-L, NEBRASKA In official documents sent to oon Cress, Secretary Hughes this week rec ommends rigid restriction of Immlgra tlen. The report nays 606.292 passport vises were granted by American con suls in Europe for 1920. "The director general of police of Human la," the re port adds, Tuu issued an order ex cusing Jews from nfiiitary service and permitting their discharge from the army if they desire to emigrate to America." (n Rumania 1,600 persons are awaiting an opportunity to come to the United Stales; there are 25.0M awaiting accommodations in Poland. In the Russian Caucasus it may tie ac cepted as nearly literally true that every Armenian family which lias **ough money will endeavor to emi grate to America. The great bulk of emigrants to the United States from this district arc highly undesirable, says Mr. Hughes. Scandinavian countries are disapprov ing the steps being taken by the en tente nations to compel Germany to pay the war reparations, lest they, as a re sult. be swamped by German manufac tures to the detriment of their own. Says a prominent Hollander: "Tills Is then the triple curse of the present European situation: Germany will not pay and cannot pay. as much as Wanes must insist upon to escape her own eco nomical destruction. Tho entente Is Justified In demanding indemnity, but cannet for interior reasons accept Ger man goods, the only real means of re payment." Seventy Salvation Army delegates from 16 central states In Chicago last week reported that there was "Plenty of work tor women, but no Jobs for men." “The situation seems to be the remit of changed industrial conditions," saM Oommandcr Peart. "During tits war period thousands of women en tered the industrial field for the first time. Many of them stayed and appar ently are giving such satisfaction that their employers are glad, not only to retain them, but to employe more/' A publicity campaign in Georgia to acquaint the people of the state with alleged peonage conditions Is urged by Governor Doney. The governor pro* vented suggestions designed to Improve relations between the races In Georgia. Among them were compulsory educa tion for both races, formation of two state committees, one white, the other negro, to hold conferences on racial matters; assessment of a fine on each scanty in which there Is a lynching, and laws providing for the governor to re move oounty officials held to have per mitted lynchlngs by negligence. rrootUHy the most Important question to tho world today Is whether man la capable of directing Intelligently the civilisation he has created and organ ised, said Dr. Stewart Faton before the American Philosophical society last week. He also remarked that "bolshe vism, radicalism, and the tendency to thmk In terms of olass distinction are rearttens of Inadequate* afraid of feeing their own personal problems," A blind and deaf girl In Janesville. Wis., called "The Helen Keller of Wis consin." Is able to carry on a conversa tion and to distinguish colors. She tones part In conversation by placing her hand on any part of the head of the person talking. She distinguishes colors by the sense of smell. She has been totally blind loss titan two years, and totally deaf only about seven months. Dutch paper* are Insisting upon the punishment of the man who ruined the photgraphla negatives of the Hohen sollermi taken during tlio ceremony In cident to the removal of the body of the former (unpress. Many people of Dorn suspect Che former emperor’s de tective as the guilty party. Paper Is so soaroe in Russia that a special soviet government institution bos been created to deal with the short age. Thousands of women have bees employed by the government to search In old archives and record officos for clean dieeh uf paper, or piper used only on one side, whioh may be util ised for soviet office correspondence. Work en the largest dirigible ever designed continues at the Philadelphia navy yard, but baa been retarded through lack of appropriations, and those In charge of tho construction of the great craft of the clouds say it probably will be a year before she la completed. Paris restaurant men, who have been holding prices as high as possible In expectation of a rush or American tour ists this summer, have been warned to prepare for trouble If reductions are aot made. Several persons arrested in Budapest recently for whistling, singing or hum ming the "Internationale," were saved from punishment by a psychological ex pert who testified it was done eub-con eelously. Investments and loans of American citisens' exporters, business men, farm ers and of tho United States govern ment In foreign countries now total more than tU.OOO.MO.OOO, official re ports show. mw reuway carnage m wmcn tne German rciireHcata.lt*!:* signed the armistice la. with Marshal Foch'e con sent. to be given a place of boner on the terrace of the Involutes, beside the trophies of the Crimean war. A Massachusetts man by the name ef M'Menhnea Is wearing a new hat, which he won from President Harding on a bet that Mr. Hording would be nominated by the Chicago convention for the prenMency. Disabled ex-service men are avail ing themselves of provisions of the re habilitation taw in greater numbers than was anticipated, the federal board for vocational education has Informed congress. Two native witch doctors have Just been sentenced to prison for 18 months each after they pleaded guilty to a charge ot akealing the body of a Euro pean woman from a grave to make charms, Bays a Johanesberg dispatch. "Carrying coals to Newcastle.” hith erto held as about the most futile thing on earth, has actually been accom plished by a firm of French exporters, because of the miners’ strike. There are *»# more new companies registered in the United Kingdom In 1IW than In 1919. and 1,636 more than Is 1913. Transport and transit com panies exceed all others as a class. A University of Wisconsin lecturer says It was the shape of the German bead that amused the war. The British Museum Is the largest li brary in the world, with J.7B0.009 vol umes and 69,600 manuscripts (1912 fig ure*). New York has noted a decided slump in marriages, beginning with April, which it attributes to economic condi tions. Vancouver firm has received a rush order for brand led chocolates, following the ruling of a Seattle judge that candy havered wtth liquor doe* sot come un der ~VN progtel-*.