The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 05, 1921, Image 4

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    The Frontier
Published by Dennis H. Cronin
One Year-- $2.00
Six Months_-$1.00
Three Months _ $0.50
Entered at the post office' at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as second-class matter.
Display ad^ rtising on Pages 4, 6
and 8 are chi ged fo# on a basis of
25 cents an u h UnaKofauan width)
per week; on Page 1 the charge is
40 cents an in i per week. Local ad
vertisements, 0 cents per line first
insertion, su equent insertions 6
cents per line.
Every subs! iptioao* regarded as
an open accoi t. The natn^s of -sub
scribers will e insantUy .Ttftoaoyed
from our mail ig list at expiration of
time paid foi if publisher shall he
notified; othe rise the subscription
remains in f< ce at the designated
subscription i ice. Every subscriber
must understf d that these conditions
are made a i rt of the contract be
tween publish and subscribe}.
It isn’t necc ry to stay home oft“ac
eount of the b >ics (when there is Any
thing going « at the K. C. tbimre.
Just bring the i aloMj ahfPtunf fflem1
over to Manaf r Martin Cronin. Tues
day evening t the K. C. ball a baby
was left asleep in the gallery while its
parents went tA _allPPar TKa
woke up rather' peeved at being left
alone but soornWftS ' lulled '.'Jtd1 sleep
again with a lullaby crooned in
Manager Croniflls bOSTdroon.iTls' 1;
■rd itaoh ih ■ r •(•••;/<
Burlington ’arid' -fiheat Northern
engineers and./surveyors .are work
going over thelirie of the proposed
Burlington extension frpm O’Neil] to
Thedford, which wl] 1 nook up Min
neaoplis direct with- Denver and the
west by way of O’Neill, fhe survey
ing party of Burlington ,men ha,s been
at work on the proposed route,/(work
ing this way fro^p .Thedford. They
were joined last weejc by engineering
officials of the.(Grefit Northern from
Minneapolis, w^d'eame ,U> p'NejllovcE
the Burlington‘!ftriOhe;n went fs^Bas
sett on the Northwestern, 'driving
from there south to join the surveying
party near Ak-Sar-Ben in southern
Rock county. .The new. road, if built,
will cross the Calah&s riven south of
Duff and southiweatiof Ak-Sar-Bbh in
Rock county. ‘oTb© route .HriHsB#Ta*
near as possibUTan air lino ©fic -from
O’Neill to Thddfard; •Scoff xe
A continuoif^^open’‘season-son all
game fish except ■ trdut, pike';and
perch is provided for in the new game
laws enacted by the recent session, pf
the legislature,..^,;F.ullg»ring are,, tgp
provisions of fhf fievv game laws: (.
The new fis^sanfl, gimie Jaw,yH. JR.
399, is a volumpious bill , 3J|t i,^ in fact
a revision of jino, 9ft t,be pres
ent game law$ jwito’mfHiy J^lditigns.
thereto. Thl% defines'the duties
of the departnieatjof.FPr‘cWi9rft m re
gard to conpervuttafer phopagutiojj,
disribution, introausfipn ajja^ regtorb;
tion of game^jwflg;
fish. The act impjuges rp? tge ijflpart
ment of agriculture, the en
forcing the law and of recovering
fines and penalties for violation. Mahy
changes are tng#«*4g*'theyJ',0pen /Rea
son” dates, thBt%fttMint‘fOTf-fee8'.«nd
permits and tne lWPol and*peiv
J'R/.T KMllil to ■■J’HKI* (I )
jLC’ ifj'iltit Htii&iit ikiii
Eight Day Sale!
io oat» i'jy jit saijyefy ,•$
.'jHitggMw wijiwljtin dj;,-.
5 Gallon 7K
Sugar, 11 Poundw^-ww>w**-?-*4 ^ftA
for .ulv<
Summer Sausigp, QC —
per pound JOE.4vb
Picnic Qft
per pound ffl._.... „ fcUb
Bacon, ffi ii~* iotl
per pound -HJj. 4.
Oak Hill Saiiiuk, 1 Qn
per can ...jga..«..,m IDG
Electric SoapSj V * «fkC M
per bar UUC
P. and G. Win Naptha AC.
Soap, 3 bailor .. . ZOC
Swift’s Quick*Tfepth«.'S©apr AC.
3 bars for . :t„ ... 4uG
Ivory Soap, "I AC.
3 bars for.>..B .... 43C
Choice Cream IS PA AC
Flour at .S $ZidU
Snow Flake fife CO Oft1
Flour at . j..;,. $ZidU
White Syrup, 7ft -
per gallon.$g ... I Ub
Dark Syrup, Oft
per gallon . UUC
Six Boxes Matches 30c
7 Pounds Special Bulk fifi ft ft
Coffee for.i ... I iUU
Fancy Head Rice, Cft —
6 pounds for . J;. UUC
Velvet Smoking Tobacco Cl ft ft
7 cans for.yl iUU
Prince Albert Smoking fe-. Cl ft ft
Tobacco, 7 cents for .. y I iUU
6 Pkgs. Camel Cigarett g . $1.00
King Brand sg Cl Cft
Overalls for . y I iUU
Eldorado Blue Work IS 70a
Shirts . I 3C
Checked Ginghams, gf 101a
per yard . . I 4 2 C
Unbleached Muslin, jp 10ip
per yard . | L 2 C
j Crash Tbwling |lr
; per yard
Dark Percal
; 36 in. wide, per yard
altios. The “open son Son” on tight?
pike and pike perch is April 1 toOK i
tcber 31 next ensuing. Open seaso* onj
all other fish thq whole year round.
There is a size limit on all game fish.
The limit ranges from six inches to
twelve inches. It is unlawful for any
person to oatch in one day an excess
of twenty-five fish or have in pos
session at any one time an excess of
fifty game fish. The penalty is $15.
The open season for prairie chickens
■extends from October 1 to Noyember
1, inclusive. The penalty for viola
tiemis $50. It is unlawful for,*ny one
to imve in fijp aoM&ssion jt /(nv, .one.
time an excess of fifty game Bird*.
The fine for violating this provision
of the act is $100- The open season
for ducks and wild geese is from Sep
tember 16 to December 34*.
^^Every person over six,teen years of
’£■§ must have a lfeenseMo hufht, fish
trap. ''This ]>fwisiofr'*‘ftppHeS ft)
women as well as men.
The open seashh for squirrels is
from 'September 10 to October 31, hut
owners or tenants may “protect their
property”! aS'ltb# -WH diplomatically
says. Ten i» * the daily /limit; atid
twenty ‘ii imfhtyer Sto
■foh oiuO /'find •• i
■’ r'f V? -!-*7 I i'lr
,o’s wsac^si
eke* gars | JUo fish
__ rad *luring*u2 entfife yea?.
Catfish of legal size taken from the
Missouri river may be sold under per
mit issued by the department of ag
Dealers must be able to prove that
fish sold were taken from the Misouri
river or shipped in from without "the
state. Seining in .the I&iascwri. river
is permitted Upon giving 'of a $200
bond -and payment of -a ,license fee
graded in pStiordahce with the size of
the. sppe. jjOnly the department of
^•Phiufefnay seine streams within
the state. '%
Minnows jpay be taken or sold only
for use as miit.
There is ipp open season on doves,
auail, woodjl'ducks or eider ducks.
.'...The depdjfUnent is authorized to
depltize persons to sell licenses to
hum; fish «il trap and a fee of ten
cents on ea j license issued in excess
of the licen s fee may he collected.
Bird dog lare- not allowed to run
loose in ga ip bird fields between
April 1 andjieptember 1.
The oper Reason for trapping fur
bearing an: tals is from November 1
— 1 ' 1 ...
- --*" ; ' ’,-'f " ’’ ^ " ■ :; , ■ •»<>■!
■. . ' i ! i"'1 '< i)-Ji ill - >! , Kl •, LjftW !•'. >
K. of C. Theatre
One Night Only
Wednesday, May 11
The Girl Show Beautiful
.. p, I U«. i'
Eva Novak
Musical Comedy ]Revue
Headed by Eva Novak-herself- and
a bevy of pretty girls. Carrying
their own orchestra
; **Chic” Classy Costumes *
Dancers Supreme
12—People*—12 Mostly Girls
. —.—i----— __
Music Furnished bv Show Orchestra
i^DOVIii j4uiOSJa Uli 3IK. . B i>
IliiliiHIIMSr mil igmmm nil I
{ ‘ " ‘ . I • , • ■ • • i 1 H- !!
Y iA6i uo rmi * i iv ■ >«
WHETHER you male butter your- (
self or sell buttes4«t to a creamery,
the value of your cream depeods largely
oo the kind ot butler it will make,
Ill is easy to prove that De Laval
cream makes belter butter. Every first
prize awarded at the Convention of'the
National Buttermokers* Association since
it was started twenty-eight yean ago,
has gone to butter made by De Laval
II users, or from gathered cream largely
H De Laval-separated! - u . :
The De Laval Separator n more aaiw
| rtary; its bowl runs at lower speed and
H delivers the butter-fat globules unbroken.
H : It is used in practically all' of the world's
* ! creameries, becauteit gives not only more
cream but better cream as welL And
the (act that the Da Laval raw at lewet
speed adds yean to its file.
L*l u d««onatrMa to you whf
Um D« Laval i. Ot* WorU'l
Siudvd Cnm Suanlof
■ *
r-| ^ ’ •• I :Ui'.
, -Mint, r U It •»% 'in tin ifYY.f,
■ .rvt • , -v . -v
■yt Fobnjary Ift; j;
^#L R. 424. act proxies that
wfthin three months' from thefime the
act becomes effective, the state de
partment of agriculture shall examine
and select suitable sites for a state
fish hatchery in Lincoln or Garden
counties; For the expenses connected
with the acquisition of the hatcherj
and necessary buildings and equipment
fp5 .its use during the biennium, the
act provides for. an appropriation out
of the general ■futfd in the sum of
: .. '' ....;
510,000 o/as rrj&h <JBsuch
may be required. '
H. R. 506. A separate l aacted
by the legislature, establishes*^ state ;
fish conservation lake near Peru and
authorizes the department of agri
culture to expend such amount of the ;
fees received from hunting and fishing :
licenses, as shall be required to carry |
• into effect the provisions of the act.
The state department of agriculture is 1
authorized to spend such amount as'is *
necessary .'for the purpose of diking
ho. lake, keeping the supply of water
herein, and for such other purposes
n connection with the object of the act
is shall promote conservation and
iropagation of fish in ihe lake.
S. F. 256. This law establishes an
trea in the state of Nebraska to be
et aside and designated as a state
fame refuge. The purpose is to pro
vide better protection and establish
ireeding places for birds and animals.
U1 that portion rff the state embraced
.. . (Contir ' ‘i
j •vA-'y-' . ’ : ' ; ■:
It was time
' ." I •' ' • ' ' '' ~; •, : : !■. -!. ‘ '
■ j • '• : :-.i ■■■'■ "r. " • • j ;: !•':••• 'v
to wake up, all right
MY BRAIN was busy.
* * •
* * •
, FOR I wasn’t sleepy.
[* * * h i : i i. '
FINALLY I dozed off.
# • • % J i I j | h ; I
THAT I was awake.
* • •
BUT WOKE right up.
* * •
AND FOUND I was asleep.
’**':* f ; »
THEN I got thinking.
* * *
OF A wonderful formula.
* * * i
FOR MAKING cigarettes.
* * #
I PLANNED it all out.
# f • j* 2 j, ' j
SO MUCH Turkish tobacco;
*'.*1*1 i
BLENDED 4U3T so with Burley.
'* * * . • ;i j. ■11 j | i; \
AND OTHER Domestic leaf.
* * *
AND I knew that blend.
.... I
* * • ,
I COULD just see.
• • *
CROWDS OF happy people.
■:y%\; *
• • • ■ V'
ro BUY that cigarette. ,
* * *
* * # *
* * *
\NQ SAYING, “Oh;iBt>y.
* * *
T’S' THE exacts copy.
5P: THAT ‘Satisfy’ blende ,.f
* * * &
VND THEN I, cameiJpHVr,p:..r!7!fi'
\ND SAID to myself; „ :i
* * *
‘THIS TIME you’re dreaming.
# * *
• * ,*
WAKE UP, you darn fool.
* * *
WHY, THAT ‘Satisfy’ blend,
* * *
SIMPLY CAN’T be copied/'
**&>;!&*' '**'%■*«tf.,
rH AT ’ S a fact the “Satis fy
blend” can’t be copied. It’s our
>wn secret—putting those good to
>accos together in a way that gives
mu every last ounce of their fra
grance. You’ll smack your lips over
chesterfields. And remember — you
»n’t get “Satisfy” anywhere else.
m isa
ro £rj
• ■»
?£•.¥ C!
*.«;v/tB .*, -
!•; v/r.' •; ; •
J .
-•- ■ - "■ 1 ' J'i i in i ii
. .....* ... .. '• i i".' : . ' . j—l
.!■ \ .i:. XJ .> t-*Jf 111: fv • 'i
_ l*\.S43iXf ^V4Si? till* ' fo&JvCi .lM lift* t3&&d Hill*;/.'..:
_ ^ Voiles at;» lir;:
the right prices. Come in land look them over and I
secure a new dress for the hot weather. I
| \ ■ ,i Au. . ,t. -v. •%. tir. >•».•> •• ,^'Uj.i .j.>. II, ..
. i 'I ini, i .. mi... . .
■ •"!*■! , ,t..x o i '< . ./m •• ihuU....: Vtr.vx, : i*
| j| I
. .'.vidio) ! WMIW VI*,i; I - -v* —v ■ ■
We have a Splendid Line of Blue Serge Suits fir
Men. These suits are 100 per cent wool, were bought
at the right prlee and will be *g|cf at „ . 1 Ji,.. 1
$37.50 Per Suit s
-.... $ *
S 30 per cent Discount
* 5: $
On all our Ladies Jacket Suits
" i
Buy Your Goods at Your Own Home Town
Anton Toy, * O’Neill.
.. ’ -i