- .v THE NAVAJO PATCH Repairs tires, tubes, rubber boots, hot water bottles and all rubber goods. Sold under a positive guarantee to sat isfy, or money refunded. (42-43-44-46) B. W. HYATT, DEALER & AGENT, O’Neill, Neb., At Palace Pool Hall. M. O’MALLEY HIGH CLASS INTERIOR DECORATOR Designs Made and Sketches Submit ted for any Room. Phone or Write. Phone 105, Gordon, Nebr. (34-3mp) DR. H. MARGARET FROST Osteopathic Physician Naylor Block O’Neill, Nebr. All Diseases Treated Phone 262 DR. O. K. TICKLER Veterinarian PHONE I DAY 108 I NIGHT O’Neill, : : : : : Nebraska THE O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY Compiles Abstracts of Title THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. (Ehe 5ai?itary )j)Ueat Market We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Home Rendered Lard. Wm. Simpson Naylor Block. Phone 160 Frank Campbell Real Estate Agency Collections Attended To. Insurance written in Best Companies List your farms or houses with me tc sell. Justice of the Peace Companies I Represent: Hartford Fire, Assets ....$40,878,401.31 Ins. Co. North America $23,770,663.00 American Eagle.$2,886,852.00 The strongest is as cheap as th« weakest companies. O’Neill, Nebraska DR. Ji P. ©ILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given To DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES J. D. CRONIN Attorney - At - Law Office: Nebraska State Bank Building -Phone 57 O’NEILL. :: :: NEBR. _o__ W. F. FINLEY, M. D Phone: Office 28, Residence 276. O’Neill, : : : Nebraska FRED L. BARCLAY STUART, NEB. Makes Long or Short Time Loans ot Improved Farms and Ranches. If you are in need of a loan drop him a line and he will call and see you DR. L. A. CARTER Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. E. T. Wilson. Glasses Correctly Fitted. Office and Residence, Naylor Block Phone 72. O’NEILL :j :t NEBRASKA HaamoBd Abstract Compaq} Title Abstractors ^Office in First National Bank Building J'"1111... PAID LOCALS. Paid announcements will ap pear under this head. If you have anything to sell or wish to buy tell the people of it in this column. Ten cents per line first in sertion, subsequent insertions five cents per line each week. FARM LOANS—R. H. PARKER.37tf WE SELL MERIT BREAD.—AB bott’s Variety Store. 41-tf BARRED ROCK EGGS, $5.00 per 100.—J. Stein, Meek, Neb. 43-4p SAY—LET RITTS HANG YOUR Paper. 25 Years Experience. 41-8 LOST—GREEN, JADE EAR RING. Return to this office for reward.45tf YELLOW SEED CORN FOR SALE.— Fred GrandorfF, O’Neill, Neb. 43-3p FOR SALE — SEVERAL DUROC Boars, $20 each.-—Wm. Oswald. 34— WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON Plate Glass Insurance.—John L. Quig. 14-tf FOR SALE—WHITEFACE BULL, weight 1500.—John T. O’Mallev, O’Neill, Neb. 45-tf.' MONEY READY FOR FARM Loans. Low Rates of Interest.— Joel Parker, 35-tf FARM FOR RENT—760 ACRES, IM proved. For further information inquire of Peter Reifer. 37-tf FORD CAR, 1920, FOR SALE OR will trade on house and lot or for vacant lots.—R. H. Parker. 45-3 I HAVE A LOT OF PURITAN flour anda car of good white shorts that I will sell cheap.—Con Keys.45-1 FULL LINE OF BEST VARIETIES Nursery Stock. Catalogue upon re quest.—Ainsworth (Neb.) Nurseries. , 41-43-45 FOR SALE—160 ACRES HAY LAND A Real Bargain. Must sell for cash. —Address, P. O. Box 82, Wetmore, Colo. 43-6p LOST—LADY’S BROWN, LEATHER Gauntlet Glove. Finder please leave at this office and receive re ward. 44-2 FOR SALE OR WILL TRADE FOR Stock—4-Room House, close in. In cluding lot and small barn.—J. W. Hickey. 44-tf. LOST—ARMY BLANKET NORTH west of O’Neill April 8. Finder please return it to this office and re ceive reward. 45-2p FOR RENT—FIVE ROOMS IN MY House and a portion of my garden plot, and fruit trees.—Mrs. G. W. Jones, O’Neill. 45-lp FOR SALE—TITAN 10-20 TRACTOR P. & O. 3-bottom plow, stubble and breaker bottoms. Price $650.—A. L. Roberts, O’Neill, Neb. 45-2p LUST — A SilErJr’SK.lN - LINED coat, betweent O’Neill and Mineola, — A. H. Aim. Finder leave at this office and receive reward. 45-2p I O YEARS EXPERIENCE IN K0 II dak finishing. Developing any size roll, 15c; Pack, 25c; Post Cards, 6c; Prints, 6c.—W. B. Graves. 50tf LOST—NURSE’S HOUSE PIN IN scribed “Mercy Hospital, Cedar Rapids, Iowa.” Owner’s name on back. Finder please return to this office. 45-1 RYAN’S SHOE HOSPITAL MAKES a specialty of fine hand-sewed work for ladies and gentlemen. Mr. Jo seph Cosgrove, an expert shoe maker is in charge. 35-tf THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating under the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State oi Nebraska. Avail your self of this PROTECTION. 8-tf FOR RENT—CATTLE AND HAT ranch !)60 acres, 11 miles to O’Neill, 220 acres meadow , balance pasture, Good big set buildings. Cheap rent.— See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Neb. 43-3 PASTURE—I WILL TAKE TWEN ty-five horses for pasture at $3 per heath Plenty of grass, shade and run ning water. Mammoth Jack for servicfe if desired.—W. J. Malloy, Em met, Neb. 45-4p FOR RENT—720 ACRES; 130 IN cultivation; 320 pasture, well water ed; 270 acres fine meadow land; all good buildings. Will rent on fair terms to right man.—G. W. Parham, O’Neill, Neb. 38-tf I WILL MANAGE YOUR PURE Bred Stock a&ie. Ail breeders of Registered and Pure Bred Stock in terested in having a sale write for terms to—John L. Quig, Manager of Registered and Pure Bred Stock Sales. 14-tf. MEMBERS OF THE FARMERS Union of Holt County: I have the exclusive agency for an all steel farm gate, from factory to farmer. This gate will last a life time and is guar anteed. Call and get prices.—John L. Quig, O’Neill. 44-tf. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Twenty-five dollars fine for any one caught tearing down fences or tres passing on the Shoemaker pastures. 26-tf BERT SHOEMAKER. CHAMBERS RAILROAD HEARING ON AT OMAHA Hearing of the application of the residents of Chambers and vicinity, be fore the; interstate commerce com mission, to compel the extension oi the Burlington railroad from Erickson to Chambers is on at Omaha this week. High officials of the road are resisting the application, on the ground that the extension never would be re munerative. They also contend that they intend to build a connecting line between O’Neill and Thedford which practiclly will serve much of the same territory. As an evidence of good faith in this latter contention survey ors have been ordered to go over the route from O’Neill to Thedford and cars for thm already have been en gaged from O’Neill garage meu. The Chambers hearing is the first of its kijud ever to be held. If the Chambers line is ordered built railroad men say that it will be the beginning of an era of extensive railroad extensions with the government financing the projects. MORE LOCAL MATTERS. Harvey Shaw of Atkinson, Neb.,has filed suit in federal court at Norfolk against Fred A. Haase and Charles W. Haase asking $20,000 which he claims is due him from the defendants fol lowing an exchange of hardware stock for Minnesota land. James McPharlin and Ed. O’Donnell, leaders in the “Exterminate The Crow” movement, killed a dozen crows and destroyed more than a hundred eggs on a crow hunt Sunday. The week previous they got nine crows. Plans now are being considered for concerted action against the crotws in all sections of Holt county from now until the first of May, this being the nesting season and the one in which they are easiest destroyed. Those interested in the extermina tion of the crow, a bird destroyer and a carrier of disease, are notified that Sunday has been designated "as crow hunt day. Each is requested to shoulder his trusy fowling piece and sally forth on that day. This is the nesting season for crows and they easily are approached and killed on the nest. The nests also should be destroyed. A concerted action Sunday and for a few Sundays following will mean the ban ishment of the crow from Holt county. Inman Leader, April 7.—The seven ty-fifth anniversary of the birth of Mrs. David Goree was celebrated last Sunday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Dewitt Derby southwest of In man, by the children and grandchil dren. Mrs. Goree is one of Inman’s oldest settlers and the occasion of the gathering was another of those de lightful ones marked by the presence of three generations. Those present from a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Harry Norton and Mr. and Mrs. Samp bell. of Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Clausen of O’Neill. Inman Leader, April 7: A com munity club has been organized by the women of Inman. The first meeting was held at the home of Mrs. A. N. Butler March 22. The following offi cers of the new club have been elected: Mrs. Harry Harte, president; Mrs. Ifarvy Renner, vice president; Mrs. Leon Tompkins, secretary and treas urer. The purpose of the club is for community betterment along all lines. It was decided to meet once a month, or. the third Tuesday of each month. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Jay Butler, April 19. MRS. ANDREW GALLAGHER. Word was received Wednesday an nouncing the death of Mrs. Andrew Gallagher at Laurel, Nebraska. The body will be brought to O’Neill this evening and the funeral will be held Friday morning from St. Patrick’s church. SUPERVISORS' PROCEEDINGS. (Continued from page five.) Hanford Produce Co. 1.88 A f 1*? n’plfwtlr rtAnn nn mAfmri ItnnvH adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, Clerk. O’Neill, March 31, 1921, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but Hub bard. Meeting called to order by chairman. On motion the following claims were allowed in sum stated: Robt. N. Hart, claim for $25; allowed in sum of . $ 7.50 Dr. L. J. Douglas, claim for $66.50 allowed in sum of . 50.00 S, :ocl Dist| No. 18, claim for .9.00, allowed in sum of.... 35.00 Joe Bruder, claim for $23.50, allowed in sum of . 20.00 On separate motion the following claims were allowed on General fund: L S. Butler, soldiers relief 50.00 W. N. Coats, printing . 38.44 W. N. Coats, printing. 3.00 W. N. Coats, printing . 3.00 T. J. Coyne, salary last quarter 1920 . 150.00 Remington Typewriter Co., 2 Coupon books . 25.00 Farmers Union Store, Atkinson, Mdse, for Kent Rakes .... 36.85 Mrs. W. K. Slaymaker, exp. attending death of Mrs. Ina Emery .,. 150.00 W. F. Finley, M. D., treatment Hunt child . 20.00 Dr. L. J. Douglas, Med. services Mrs. Rakes . 9.50 II. F. Mullen, Duster Co. Atty. office . 1.50 E J. Kilmurry, hearse for Mrs. Emery . 12.00 Margaret L. Donohoe, election v claim . 4.20 A. V. Virgin, plumbing . 144.33 Geo. Herzog, assessor’s services . 5.25 Ben J. Grady, groceries C. W. Clark family ....I. 70.20 Farmers’ Union Elevator Co. for Chas. Reynolds . 7.66 John S. Martfeld, election claim 12.00 Hanford Produce Co., lights .... 29.42 D. H. Cronin, printing . 204.90 Remington Typewriter Co., typewriter . 105.00 F C. Watson, Keys for n it_ 1 r a Weekes & Snyder, rent office Bldg, of Co. Agl. 30.00 W. N. Coats, printing tax list ....19.33 On motion the following claims were allowed on the Bridge fund: Caleb Phillips . $ 3,00 L. A. Ott . 12.00 C. N. Biglow . 29.00 Fred Vitt . 4.00 J. L. Crawford . 12.00 Ralph McElvain . 5.60 Berry Radcliff . 21.00 O’Neill, Jan. 17, 1921. To the Honorable Board of Supervi sors : Gentlemen: In the matter of the claim for tax in the attached notice John Warner was but 19 years old at the time this tax was levied and was working for me and I personally know that he had no assessable poperty. Therefore, I ask you to remit the above named tax, $4.03. ZEB WARNER. Subscribed and snvorn before me this 17t.h day of January, 1921. E. F. PORTER, County Clerk. Orr motion prayer of petitioner was granted and clerk ordered to cancel the tax. On motion the following claims were allowed on the Road Dragging fund: Lonnie Osborn . s 26.26 Geo. W. Baird . 9.75 Mervin Butler. 8.0.0 Jrmes Petr . 21.00 (Continued next week.) Local Manager Wanted Unusual Opportunity for Right man. A large brokerage firm doing a suc cessful business with well-rated con cerns throughout the country, wants a capable man at once to develop and handle their local business. The opportunity is an unusual one because of the possibilities offered for substantial earnings in a highly re spectable business which will steadily increase as it becomes more firmly es tablished locally. The position requires a man poss essing executive and sales ability with business experience and having com mercial banking connections, although no investment is necessary. He may devote only a portion of his time to the business at first if desired, though we prefer a man Who is able and wil ling to give the business his entire time and best efforts. The local branch should pay from $2,500 to $10,000 the first year, ac cording to population and the ability of the manager ,as the commodity which we handle is a staple, always in demand, and which our large buying facilities permit us to sell at less than average market prices. Owing to the demand, we must fill this position at once. Send your ap plication to Guarantee Coal Mining Co., Como Bldg., Chicago, 111., but do not write unless you can satisfy us as to honesty, reputation and business ability. 45-lp FOR SALE—FOUR 2-YEAR OLDS and 3 yearling Hereford bulls, 3 yearling and 1 two-year old Short horn bulls, all registered and good as grows. Priced to sell. All to be seen at the ranch.—L. W. Arnold. 40-tf (First publication April 14.) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the State Department of Pub lic Works, 4th Floor Brownell Block, at Lincoln, Nebraska, until 5:00 o’clock P. M., on Monday, May 2, 1921, for grading, surfacing, constructing cul verts and incidental work on the Nor folk-Ewing Road in Holt County, Pro ject No. 139-D, Federal Aid Road. The proposal forms covering this sec tion will also cover section B in Madi son and section C in Antelope County. Bids will be opened in the Senate Chamber in the State Capitol on or near the hour of 8:30 o’clock A. M., on the 4th day of May, 1921. County Boards are hereby requested to be present or represented. Bidders are invited to be present. The proposed work consists of con structing 2.0 miles of earth and sand clay road. The approximate quantities are: 12,136 Cu. Yds. Earth Excavation. 16 Cu. Yds. Special Excavation— Class A. 25 Cu. Yds. Special Excavation— .Class B. 9.42 Cu. Yds. Concrete for Head walls. .72 Lin. Ft. 24 inch Concrete Pipe. 1.818 Mi. Sand Clay Surfacing. The length and approximate quan tities subject to change on proposal forms. v^eruiuru ciiecn. iur u cent ui tne amount of the bid will be required with each and every bid received. ' Plans and specifications for the work may be seen, and information and proposal forms secured at tHe of fice of the County Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska, or at the office of the State Department of Public Works at Lin coln, Nebraska. The State and County reserves the right to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bids. E. F. PORTER, County Clerk Holt County. GEO. E. JOHNSON, Secretary, Department of Public Work.45-3 (First publication April 14.) (W. J. Hammond, Attorney.) NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR AD MINISTRATION. Estate No. 1419. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, April 7, 1921. In the matter of the Estate of John Bellar, Deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate th-.t a petition has been filed in said Court for the ap pointment of Elizabeth Bellar as Ad ministratrix of said estate, and will be heard May 2, 1921, at 10 o’clock A. M, at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 45-3 County Judge. First publication April 7.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Hattie A. Pock, Plaintiff vs. Robert J. Gray, Cassie M. Gray, Michael L. Gray, Glen P. Gray, Majorie A. Gray, Michael V. Pock, M. L. Hon: ke, Guardian of Robert J. Gray, Cassia M. Gray, Michael L. Gray, Glen P. Gray, Marjorie A. Gray, De fendants, To the above named plaintiff and the above named defendants and all persons interested: 10 uvivirj 5HU1 bunv hiu undersigned referee, duly appointed, commissioned and qualified as such in the above entitled action in accordance with the order of the district court ot Holt County, Nebraska, will, at the lesidence on the premises to be sold hereinafter described in Holt County, Nebraska, on the 10th day of May, A. D. 1921, at two o’clock in the after noon of said day offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the following described real estate to-wit: The north east quarter of section three, township thirty-three, range fourteen, and the southeast quarter of sqctjqn three, township thirty-three, range fourteen, west of the 6th P. M. all in Holt County, Nebraska- Said lands and premises will be sold sepa rately and for cash. Said sale will re main open for one hour. Witness my hand this 7th day of April, A. D. 1921. L. A. WEEKES, 44-5 Sole Referee. W. T. Wills, Attorney. (First publication April 7.) (W. J. Hammond, Attorney.) LEGAL NOTICE. The Dakota Mortgage Loan Corpor ation, Globe Investment Company, George W. Maddon and West Half of East Half Section 19, Township 31 North, Range 11 West 6th Principal Meridian in Holt County, Nebraska, and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof, defendants, will take notice that on April 4, 1921, Ethel Lydon, plaintiff filed a petition and commenced an action in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you the object and prayer of which are to secure a decree of Court adjudging plaintiff to be the owner in fee simple of the real estate above described; and quieting in plaintiff the title to said premises; and adjudging that you have no title to, lien upon or interest in said premises; and remov ing the clouds cast on plaintiff’s title thereto by reason of your claims to some right, title or interest therein; and forever enjoining you and all pei sons claiming under you from assert ing any title to, lien upon or interest in said premises adverse to plaintiff. You are required to answer said peti tion on or before May 16, 1921. ETHYL LYDON, 44-4 Plaintiff. (First publication Mar. 31.) IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA. Wilmet S. Roberts, Plaintiff vs. Char les L. Dodge, Administrator with the will annexed, of the Estate of Hans Nelsen, Deceased; Charles L. Dodge and Lena Dodge, his wife, William L. Dodge, James Nelsen, and Laura Nelsen his wife, Jorgen Hanrek, also known as Jorgen Hanrek Niel sen, and Olive Margrethe Nielsen, his wife, Hans Anderson Olsen, Carl _ Marius Olsen, and Niels Peter Ol sen, sole heirs and legatees of Hans Nelsen, Deceased, Defendants. Summons By Publication. The above mentioned defendants, Charles L. Dodge, Administrator with the will annexed, of the Estate of Ilans Nelsen, deceased, and Charles L. Dodge, and Lena Dodge, his wife, William L. Dodge, Jorgen Hanrek, also known as Jorgen Hanrek Nielsen, and Olive Margrethe Nielsen, his wife, Hans Andersen Olsen, Carl Marius Olsen, and Niels Peter Olsen, as heirs and legatees of the said Hans Nelsen, deceased, will take notice that on the 18th day of March, 1921, the above mentioned plaintiff, filed his petition against each of you, and all the above mentioned defendants in the Dis trict Court of Holt County, Ne braska, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a cer tain mortgage for the sum of $2,000.00 with interest from April 30, 1920, at 6 per cent per annum, given by the srid Hans Nelsen, deceased, and his wife Laura Nelsen, to the said plain tiff, on April 30, 1917, and recorded in the Mortgage records of Holt County, Nebraska, on June 7, 1918, at page 348, of Book 122, and by the terms thereof due on April 30, 1918, upon the following described real estate, situated, in Holt County, Nebraska, to-wit: The North Half of the South east Quarter, and the, Northeast Quar ter, of Section Fifteen (15), Township Thirty-one (31), North of Range Ten (10), West of the 6th P. M., as sur veyed, platted, and recorded. The plaintiff prays for a decree of fore closure and sale to satisfy the amount due on said note and mortgage, and for his costs, and for such other and further orders in the premises, as jistice and equity require. You and each of you are required to ai swer said petition on or before the 9th day of May, 1921. Dated this 31st day of March, 1921 WILMET S. ROBERTS, 43-4 Plaintiff. By J. D. Cronin, His Attorney. (rirst publication March 31.) TREASURY DEPARTMENT Office of Comptroller of the Currency Washington, March 25, 1921. Whereas, by satisfactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear that “The O’Neill National Bank,” in the City of O’Neil] in the County of Holt and State of Ne braska, has complied with all the pro vision? of the Act of Congress “tc enable National Banking Associations to extend their corporate existance and for other purposes,” approved July ,12, 1882; Now, therefore, I, D. R. Crissinger, Comptroller of the Currency, do here by certify that “The O’Neill National Bank” in the City of O’Neill in the County of Holt and State of Nebraska is authorized 'to have succession for the peroid specified in its amended articles of association: namely, until close of business on March 25, 1941. In testiony whereof witness my hand and Seal of office this Twenty fifth day of March, 1921. (Seal) D. R. CRISSINGER, 43-4 Comptroller of the Currency. Charter No. 5770. Extension No. 3923. (First publication March 31.) LEGAL NOTICE. All persons interested in the Estate of Pitt L. Purdy, Deceased, both heirs and creditors, will take notice that on March 22, 1921, C. N. Thompson, filed his petition in the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, alleging that Pitt L. Purdy, died intestate in the County of Holt and State of Nebraska on the 28th day of March, 1891, owning an in terest by virtue of a Timber Culture Entry, in the following described real estate situated in the County of Holt and State of Nebraska to wit: N% SE% and S% NEy* of Sec. 35, Town ship 26, North of Range 15 West of 6th P. M., leaving surviving him as his sole and only heirs his Widow Susan Purdy, his S^n, Edward L. Pur dy, his Son, William F. Purdy, his Daughter, Alice M. Benson, his Dau ghter, Ida L. Colburn, and his Dau ghter, Carrie L. White. That peti tioner is the owner of said real estate through mesne conveyances from said heirs. Petitioner prays that said Court render its decree determining and ad judicating the time and the place of the death of the said Pitt L. Purdy and operating as a determination of heirship; that he died intestate and who are the heirs of said Deceased, and their degree of kinship and the right of desent of the real property of which the said Deceased died seized and pos sessed of and for the exclusion of creditors. You are further notified that said petition will be heard at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, on April 23, 1921, at 10 o’clock A. M. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 43-4 County Judge. (First publication April 14.) NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the State Department of Pub lic Works, 4th Floor Brownell Block, at Lincoln, Nebraska, until 6:00 o'clock P. M., on Monday, May 2, 1921, for grading, surfacing, constructing culverts and incidental work on the Atkinson-Bartlett Road in Holt Co., Project 'No. 132-A, Federal Aid Road. Bids will be opened in the Senate Chamber in the State Capitol on or near the hour of 8:00 o’clock A. M., on the 4th day of May, 1921. County Boards are hereby requested to be present or represented. Bidders are invited to be present. The proposed work consists of con structing 6.02 miles of earth and sand clay road. The approximate quantities are: 51,390 Cu. Yds. Earth Excavation. 570 Cu. Yds. Channel Change Ex cavation. 100 Cu. Yds. Special Excavation— Class B. 134 Cu. Yds. Special Excavation— Ciass 23,762 Cu. Yds. Sta. Overhaul. 22,202.63 Cu. Yds. Hauling clay for surfacing. 40,243.7 Cu. Yds. Manipulation of sand clay surfacing. 370 Sq. Yds. Concrete Pavement Average 7 inches thick (Overflow Pvt.) 67.31 Cu. Yds. Reinforced Concrete 1-2-4 mix for Box Culverts. 28.67 Cu. Yds. Reinforced Concrete 1-2-4 mix for Headhvalls. 136 Lin. Ft. Concrete 18 in. pipe. 104 Lin. Ft. Concrete 24 in. pipe. 24 Lin. Ft. Concrete 36 in. pipe. Certified check for 5 per cent of the amount of the bid will be required with each and every bid received. Plans and specifications for the work may be seen and information and proposal forms secured at the office of the County Clerk at O’Neill, Nebraska or at the office of the State Depart ment of Public Works at Lincoln, Ne braska. The State and County reserves the right to waive all technicalities and reject any or all bidu. E. F. PORTER, County Clerk Holt County. GEO. E. JOHNSON, Secretary. Department of Public Works. 46-8 (AUTO LIVERY I EDD. WERTSBAUGH § Sedan and Touring Car Service. ■ Phone 359. O’Neill, Neb. ■ 1 fc J.O.HARGESHEIMER Painting and Paperhanging NO JpB TOO BIG NO JOB TOO SMALL Satisfaction Guaranteed O’NEILL : : NEBRASKA Alfalfa Seed! At Growers Prices. Free Sample. f “Alfalfa John” Franklin, Beaver City, - Nebraska I LUMBER, COAL, PAINT j The Same Old Phone No. 32 at The Same Old Place with The Same Old Quality and — The Same Old Service I SETH 1TOBLE 1 Successor to O. O. Snyder | Greonrgre S. -A.grn.es, 1