The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 14, 1921, Image 5

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    w arner & Sons
of O’Neill, say:
Users are proud of
their De Lavals
THERE are more than 2300,000
users of De Laval Cream Separators,
snd practically all display the sign of
separator satisfaction. These little signs
reading “We use the De Laval
Cream Separator” are nailed on fences
and barns and other prominent placet all
over the world.
Each sign is a personal recommenda
tion of the owner. Each sign indicates
the pride with which the owner regards
“*■' his De Laval.
The most progressive and most pros
perous farmers in neady even dairying
section own De Lavals. They know
the De Laval skims closer, tuna easier
and lasts longer than any other separator;
and that it may be depended upon to
put more money in the bank.
The De Laval is particularly wti
liked, by women. It turns easier than
other separators; is mote easily rlotacd,
and doe* it* work in less time.
Caaa la awl tar it 1mm
tka supariariir o» tfca Da lank,
■ " ===., , - ,;,gg
Sooner or later you will buy a
De Laval
—■——■ i
O’Neill, Neb., Mar. 29, 1921, 10 a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present but Hub
bard. Meeting called to order by
The following construction compa
nies submitted bids for bridge work
in the county for 1921: Western
Bridge & Construction Co., Standard
Bridge Co., arid Pioneer Construction
Co. Same were opened and after due
consideration, on motion the bid of the
Western Bridge and Construction Co.
was accepted.
At 12 o’clock, noon, on motion board
adjourned until 1 o’clock p ,m.
W. T. HAYES, Chairman.
E. F. PORTER, Clerk.
O’Neill, Mar. 29, 1921, 1 p. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present but Hub
bard. Meeting called to order by
Board devoted the afternoon to dis
cussing the matter of the Whiting
Bridge with a delegation from that
_ locality.
At 5 o’clock p. m., on motion board
adjourned until March 30, 1921, at 9
o’clock a. m.
W. T. HAYES, Chairman.
E. F. PORTER, Clerk.
O’Neill, Mar. 30, 1921 ,9 a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members! present but Hub
bard. Board called to order by chair
A before the Honorable Board of SSuper
^■visors of Holt County, Nebraska.
m. In the Matter of the application of A.
D. Havens, Guardian of the Person
and Estate of Adda Spence, an in
competent person for license to sell
real estate.
Petition for approval of proposed sale
of incompetent person’s real estate.
To the County Board of Supervisors
of Holt County, Nebraska.
A. D. Havens, Gfuardian of Adda
Spence, an Incompetent person re
spectfully represents to your Honor
able Body and states: That Adda
Spence is an incompetent person over
the age of seventy years; that she is
now and has been for many years a
resident of the city of Atkinson, Holt
County, Nebraska, that she is greatly
enfeebled by age and sickness and is
an incompetent person incapable oi
performing any labor or of taking
care of. herself in any proper manner,
That on July 22, 1920, petitionei
was duly appointed Guardian of the
person and estate of the said Adda
. t ———*—— .—I
Special Bargains For
Last Day Of .
‘•Rainbow Sale”
_jmmg——«s——a——B—BWW' <■ MB
Saturday, April 16th
BOILERS . . $1.38
BOILERS —. $1.19
1 _
.... ~ •
- I
I- ' - • . ■ ■ ■ ■ . . =® . •' .
V 1 " ■ r —.
Justice of the Peace— b
Wm. Evans, Pleasantview township. c
Joseph Hendricks, Sand Creek .
C. M. Stewart, Antelope twp. d
Township Assessor—
W. B. Cooper, Chambers twp. s
A. W. Good, McClure twp. e
A. R. Wertz, Willowdale. S
Township Clerk— F
I. J. Kinsman, Golden twp. t
Anthony O’Donnell, Pleasantview. E
Road Overseer— F
Aaron Boshart, Dis. 25, Shields. L
John Bouska, Dis. 30, Green Valley. C
J. W. Bailey, Dis. 18 ,Emmet. A
John Duncan, Dis. 51, Chambers. Ii
Rudolf F'unk, Dis. 15, Deloit, I.
Floyd Fairbanks, Dis. —, Cleveland. F
George Grim, Dis. 17, Conley. C
Veitor Howarth, Dis. 08, Swan. F
C. C. Jones, Dis. 70, Chambers.
Herb Jansen, Dis. 48. Shields. F
William Jutte, Dis. 38, Shamrock. j;
L. E. Simmons, Dis. 5, Steel Creek.
George Wadsworth, Dis. 43, Willow
dale twp.
At 12 o’clock noon, on motion board ,
adjourned until 1 ’clock p. m.
W. T. HAVES, Chairman. p
E. F. PORTER, Clerk. \
O’Neill, March 30, 1921, 1 p. m. r
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present but Hub
bard. Meeting called to order by chair- a
man. E
Board spent the afternoon listening E
to a delegation from Stuart concern- V
ing State and Federal Aid roads. E1
On, motion the following resolution F
was passed: F
Mr. Chairman: I move you that the S
County board ask State Engineer C
Johnson, the Department of Public P
Roads and the Federal Government to P
appropriate the sums named herein to _
be used on the projects stated, viz:
For project No. 139 Ewing South
7 mi. and 2 mi. east. $20,000
For project No. 168 Stuart east
and west ... $25,000
For project No. 132A Atkinson
— South, (to include bridge) $65,000
For project O’Neill-Chambers $20,000
Apy previous passed resolutions or
actions of this Board in conflict here
with are hereby reqealed.
Motion carried.
O’Neill, March 31, 1921, 9 a. m.
Board met pursuant to adjourn
ment. All members present but Hub
tad. Meeting called to order by Ja
lairman. W
Board devoted the forenoon to au- A.
iting claims, n A,
On separate motion the following Jo
alary claims were allowed on Gen- C.
:al fund: *
urah Hart . $ 80.00 „'
eter Duffy . 150.00 <-c
. F. Porter . 160.66 —
lja McCullough . 90.00
arry Bowen . 110.00 A
oretta Sullivan . 70.00
pal Ashley . 80.00
nna Donohoe . 158.33
la Chapman . 50.00
ewis Chapman, 1st Qr. 1921 325.00
. H. Lancaster . 255.00
. C. Bergstrom . 83.33
. F. Porter, clerk county board
1st quarter ...,...,. 100.00
. F. Porter, for envelopes . 46.70
. F. Porter, stamps as fees
1st quarter . 36.20
. F. Porter, expenses, etc. .. 27.07
. C. Bergstrom, expenses 63.75
a H. Moss, expenses . 46.70
eter W. Duffyf expenses . 46.14
eter W. Duffy, expenses . 64.79
nna d>onohoe, expenses . 28.13
ewis Chapman, expenses . 1.60
On motion the following claims were
lowed on road fund:
enzel Snyder ... $ 86.00
arl Wiseman .■.. 18.00
rm.*Hershiser. . 100.00
. C. Watson . 135.36
red Lowery . 22.80
Drd Garage Co. 58.00
:andard Oil Co. 59.42
. W. Hagensick . 5.30
aul Koeppen . 45.75
aul Koeppen . 22.50
MEG. CO. i
Everything In Read Machinery
Western Representative
i mm ..
s. Stewart. 4.00 d
. H. Biddlecome .». Uj.OO d
B. McKay . 19.50 ]
NaGunn . 2.60 i
hn W. Abbott . 100.75 t
W. Porter. 100.25 ]
B. Hubbard . 115.56 ]
e Butler. 66.95
... " 1."■ »J .. .
i. B. McKay. 8.00
l. B. MKay. 24.00 '
W. Ullrich . 100.00 »
!. B. Patterson . 15.00
Vallace Ream. 4.00
'red Lowery. 25.00
V. S. Sparks . 15.40
(Continued on page eight)
Closing (h t
John Brennan Bankrupt Stock
of General Merchandise at One
Half Price.
We will offer for sale the entire
Stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, Cloth
ing and Menfs Hats at 50 per j
cent of regular price.
Groceries at reduced price
while they last.
Sale now on.
Lindquist & Hanson
Musics Perfect
II 9
6 *Jhe Phoat&^ruph with a Soul*
The New Edison is like the perfect mirror
that reflects form and feature, true to every
line and subtlety of coloring, It gives you
an exact Re-Creation of the singing or play
ing of the living artist or artists.
Mr. Edison spent 7 years of his time and 3
millions of his dollars to develop the perfect
realism of the New Edison. He has proved
this perfect realism by comparing the New
Edison with living artists 5,000 times before
more than 5 million people. The New Edison
is positively the only phonograph which can
sustain this test.
. We have, for you, a proof on offset paper of the
famous Franklin Booth etching of Mr. Edison,
as he looks today. Size 12x19 inches. Bears no
advertising matter; suitable for framing. Just
fill out the ballot,—and bring or mail it to us.
Warner (&. Sons
(Bring or mail thU ballot)
Mr. Edison has just made a
list of hla 25 favorite tunes.
What other well-known
American's favorite tunes
would you like to know?
Write his or her name here
Your name—- j
Address_ , _. ... ....
This ballot entitles you free g
to any or all of the items listed
below. Check which you want:
Q KrartkUn Booth Portrait of
0 What Edison Likes in Music
□ Edison and Music (Illus
trated Booklet)*
□ What Diu Edison Do Dur