- .■■■■ — - ■ . ■ - . It will be a source of satisfaction to | # you to know that every operation in our plant is scientifically correct. Every I fabric is treated according to its re quirements. Our water is soft and M pure, our machinery modern. Your |) garments are handled with knowledge, II intelligence and care. Your continued 1 jjj patronage is deeply appreciated. jjv I O^Neill Sanitary Laundry it 1 Progress and Satisfaction Streets I The Same Old Phone No. 32 at The Same Old Place with r ; The Same Old Quality i and The Same Old Service Setlb. IhTdole Successor to O. O. Snyder Greorg'e S_ Agnes, Mngr. C.W. Howard )A uctioneer ‘ Live Stock and General Farm Sales. I] Wire or Write Me y for Date at my ex- 1 pense. Phone, 257 O’Neill : Nebraska | FLOUR, SALT AND COAL FLOUR, SHORTS, BRAN AND SHORTS SALT—BLOCKS, BARRELS AND SACKS TANKAGE BINDING TWINE—CRICKET PROOF AUTO TIRES AND TUBES Farmers Onion Elevator Hugh Coyne. Manager (First publication Nov. 18.) (W. J. Hammond, Attorney.) NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT. Estate No. 347. In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, November 12, 1920. In the matter of the Estate of Frank F. Oviatt, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the ad ministrator of said estate has filed in said court his final report and a peti tion for final settlement and distribu tion of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard December 3, 1920, at 10 o’clock a. m. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concerning said final report and the • distribution of said estate. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 24-3 County Judge. I PAID LOCALS. | Paid announcements will ap- I pear under this head. If you have anything to sell H or wish to buy tell the people of I it in this column. Ten cents per line first in- | section, subsequent insertions H five cents per line each week. | FARM LOANS—R. H. PARKER.37tf EAT, BE MERRY, GROW FAT Meals at O’Neill Cafe. 21-4p FORI) CAR FOR SALE—IN GOOD condition. See Judge Carlon. 20-tf. EXTRACTED HONEY FOR SALE. R. T. Frederick, Randolph, Neb.19-18 It’s a cinch to figure why You should know why Camels are so unusual, so refreshing, so satisfying. First, quality—second, Camels expert blend of choice Turkish and choice Domestic tobaccos which you'll certainly prefer to either kind smoked straight 1 Camels blend makes possible that wonderful mellow mildness—yet all the desirable body is there I And, Camels never tire your taste! You’ll appreciate Camels freedom from any unpleasant cigaretty after taste or unpleasant cigaretty odor ! For your own satisfaction compare Camels puff by puff with any ciga rette in the world at any price ! Camels are sold everywhere in scientifically sealed packages of20 ciga rettes for 20 cents; or ten packages ( 200 cigarettes) in a glassine* \ pa per-covered carton. Wo strongly recommend this carton for the home or office supply or when you travel R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winston-Salem, N. C. Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10 REPORT OF CONDITION OF TheO’NeillNationalBank AT O’NEILL, In the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on November 16, 1920. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts, including rediscounts . $542,567.05 Overdrafts, unsecured, . 509.99 U. S. Government securities owned: Deposited to secure circulation (U. S. bonds par value)....$50,000.00 Owned and unpledged . 14,550.00 Total U. S. Government securities . 64,550.00 Other bonds, securities, etc. Securities, other than U. S. bonds (not including stocks), owned and unpledged . 26,961.97 Total bonds, securities, etc., other than U. S.>. 26,961.97 Stc k of Federal Reserve Bank (50 per cent of sub s piion) . 3,000.00 Va i. ( f banking house, owned and unincumbered. 2,860.00 . Equity in banking house . _ 2,860.00 Fu; ni .ure and fixtures . 1,800.00 Lav i'ul reserve with Federal Reserve Bank. 29,000.00 Cash in vault and net amounts due from national banks.. 59,215.93 Net amounts due from banks, bankers, and trust com panies in the United States (other than included in items 11, 12, or 13) . 4,517.29 Checks on other banks in the same city or town as re porting bank (other than Item 15) . 990.00 Total of Items 12, 13, 14, 15, and 16 . 64,723.22 Checks on banks located outside of city or town of re porting bank and other cash items ... 605.80 Redemption fund with U. S. Treasurer and due from U. S. Treasurer . 2,500.00 Total . $739,078.03 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in ... $ 50,000.00 Surplus fund .i. 50,000.00 Undivided profits .$68,315.79 Less current expenses, interest, and taxes paid 12,055.99 56,259.80 Circulating notes outstanding . 49,700.00 Net amounts due to national banks . 5,618.97 Net amounts due to banks, bankers, and trust companies in the United States and foreign countries (other than included in Items 28 or 29) . 18,826.96 Totals of Items 28, 29, 30, 31, and 32 . 24,445.93 Demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve (deposits payable within 30 days): Individual deposits subject to check . 235,608.19 Certificates of deposit due in less than 30 days (other than for money borrowed) . 93,015.81 Total of demand deposits (other than bank deposits) subject to Reserve, Items 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, and 38....328,624.00 Time deposits subject to Reserve (payable after 30 days, or subject to 30 days or more notice, and postal savings): " Certificates of deposit (other than for money borrowed) 180,048.30 Total . $739,078.03 *0f the total loans and discounts shown above, the amount on which in terest and discount was charged at rates in excess of those permitted by law (Sec. 6197. Rev. Stat.), exclusive of notes upon which total charge not to ex ceed 60 cents was made) was None. The number of such loans was None. State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss: I, C. P. Hancock, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. C. P. HANCOCK, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to befoi’e me this 22d day of November, 1920. JULIUS D. CRONIN, Notary Public. My Commission expires August 14, 1925. Correct—Attest: S. J. Weekes, J. P. Gilligan, H. P. Dowling, Directors. This Bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders. WANTED—A GIRT. BY MRS. WM. Harte, O’Neill, Neb. 25-1 WE CAN SAVE YOU MONEY ON Plate Glass Insurance.—John L. Quig. * 14-tf MONEY READY FOR FARM Loans. Low Rates of Interest.— Joel Parker, 35-tf CAR AT A SACRIFICE—5 PAS senger touring, complete and almost new, $575.—E. II. Whelan. 21-tf. SECOND HAND GOODS BOUGHT and sold.—Peter Reifer, second door south of the Frontier office. 22-tf I O YEARS EXPERIENCE IN KO II dak finishing. Developing any size roll, 16c; Pack, 25c; Post Cards, Cc; Prints, 6c.—W. B. Graves. 50tf FOR SALE—A GENTLE DRIVING Horse.—Mrs. Frank Buzzell, Phone 348, O’Neill. 25-1 WANTED—A SMALL FAMILY IN Omaha wants girl for general housework. No laundry work. Good wages. Call Walnut 31, O’Neill, Nebraska. 22-4p THE NEBRASKA STATE BANK IS the only bank in O’Neill operating under the Depositors Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Avail your self of this PROTECTION. 8-tf FOR SALE — FURNITURE, MA jestic range, piano, armchairs, rockers, tables and chairs, beds, and all household furniture at a sacrifice, as we are leaving the city.—Mrs. E. H. Whelan. 24— FOUND—AT THE HIRSCH PLACE northeast of O’Neill, about two months ago, gold roasry and beads. Owner may have same by calling at this office, proving property and pay ing for this ad. 22-tf FOR RENT—800 ACRES SIOUX County, Neb.; all clay soil, 3 miles from good railroad town; good soft water; improved. Will rent cheap to party that can give good references.— A. C. Goltz, Laurel, Neb. 23-4 I WILL MANAGE YOUR PURE Bred Stock sale. All breeders of Registered and Pure Bred Stock in terested in having a sale write for terms to—John L. Quig, Manager of Registered and Pure Bred Stock Sales. 14-tf. MEMBERS OF THE FARMERS Union of Holt County: I have.the exclusive agency for an all steel farm gate, from factory to farmer. This gate will last a life time and is guar anteed. Call and get prices.—-John L. Quig, O’Neill. 44-tf. FOR RENT—MY CEMENT HOUSE west of Beha Hotel; all modern. Also will sell or trade 120 acres of land in South Dakota; Also one section in Montana, 200 acres under cultivation; frame house and place all fenced.— Peter Reifers, O’Neill. 22-tf LOST—BETWEEN O’NEILL AND my ranch, on Saturday, Nov. 6, a black hand bag, containing clothing; ing; clothing is marked with the ini tials “G. W.” Finder please leave at my ranch or The Frontier office.— George Wrede, Agee. 24-2p FOR RENT—486 ACRES DAWES County, Neb.; 240 acres good heavy soil; improved; 7 miles from railroad town. 160 acres Fall River County, South Dakota; good soil; all valley land; creek and a good spring; 12% feet to water; improved.—A. C. Goltz. Laurel, Nebraska. 23-4 MEN WANTED TO SELL GRO CERIES. SELLING EXPERIENCE NOT NECESSARY—One of World’s largest Grocers, (capital over $1,000, 000.00) wants ambitious men in your locality to sell direct to consumer nationally known brands of an exten sive line of groceries, paints, roofing, lubricating oils, stock foods, etc. No capital required. Write today. State age and occupation.—John Sexton & Co., 352 W. Illinois St., Chicago, 111. 14 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Twenty-five dollars fine for any one caught tearing down fences or tres passing on the .Shoemaker pastures. 25-tf bert Shoemaker. He Was En-Light-Ened. Science and Investigation Maga zine: During a flood a few years ago the river reached the power plant about 3 a. m., cutting off the power. The operator in the telephone ex change called the wire /chief, who started to the office in his flivver, and found his lights out. Before reaching the office he was stopped by a police officer, who asked him why he had no lights. Doing a little thinking, he told the officer: “Of course, my lights are out, the juice is out all over town.” The officer studied a minute and said: “By golly that’s so, go ahead.” Pretty Strong Hint. Birmingham Age-Herald: “What did the bride’s father do for the hap py couple?” HO bought their railroad tickets.” “Ah!” “But the happy pair didn’t discover I until after they got on the train that their tiekes read only one way.” Production. Washington Star: “You have been putting up some buildings,” remarked the visitor from the city. “Yes,” replied Farmer Corntossel. “Is that a new born over yonder?” “No. That’s a moving picture the ater and just beyond is a dance pa vilion. I’ve about decided that the great secret of modem farming is making it pleasant for the help, re gardless of expenses.” Burrough’s Adding Machine MICHAEL J. McCLOUD Local Representative Headquarters O’Neill. Phone 348 Adding, Bookkeeping and Calculating Machines. Frank Campbell Real Estate Agency Collections Attended To. Insurance written in Best Companies List your farms or houses with me to sell. Justice of the Peace Companies I Represent: Hartford Fire, Assets ....$40,878,401.31 Ins. Co. North America $23,770,663.00 American Eagle . $2,886,852.00 The strongest is as cheap as the weakest companies. O’Neill, Nebraska J. P GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special Attention Given To DISEASES OF THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES J. D. CRONIN Attorney - At - Law Office: Nebraska State Bank Building -Phone B7 O’NEILL. :: :: NEBR." W. F. FINLEY, M. D Office over Reardon Drug Store Phone: Office 28, Residence 276. •* Compleet Modern Xray Equipment ^ O’Neill, : : : Nebraska FRED L. BARCLAY STUART, NEB. Makes Long or Short Time Loans oa Improved Farms and Ranches. If you are in need of a loan drop him a line and he will call and see you. DR. L. A. CARTER Physician and Surgeon Successor to Dr. E. T. Wilson. Glasses Correctly Fitted. Office and Residence, Naylor Block. Phone 72. O’NEILL :: :: NEBRASKA Abitr&Ct Cont&atKft / Title Abstractors Office in First National Bank Building The Zayjtatsg )j)Jteat Market We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Home Rendered Lard. Wm. Simpson Naylor Block. Phone 160 DR.H,MARGARETFROST Osteopathic Physician Naylor Block O’Neill, Nebr. All Diseases Treated Phone 262 DR. O. K. TICKLER Veterinarian PHONE | DAY 108 | NIGHT O’Neill, : : : : : Nebraska THE O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY Compiles Abstracts of Title THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY.