J The best husbands are often blind to < !> the fading of their wives. ^ Love sees beauty in a wife long after |> the neighbors are saying, “How old j I and haggard Mrs. Brown looks.” ♦ ^ For every ounce of unnecessary work < w or worry a wife has there is a toll of [j strength and beauty exacted. The family washing was once a |i necessity for women. Now it is a % waste of money, time and strength. The modern laundry way is cheaper, better and easier. Take away the burden of the family ']) washing from your wife. Get it out of the house and off her mind. For her it is always a burden. For us it ^ it is simple; ' M O'Neill Sanitary Laundry Pftgress and Satisfaction Streets f| The Same Old Phone No. 32 at The Same Old Place with The Same Old Quality fl>nd The Same Old Service i * Setlb. DbTolole Successor to 0. O. Snyder G-eoig'e S. A.gnes, Mngr. Bn—— . -- i • ..... ............. ..f said estate. (Seal) C. J. MALONE, 18-3 County Judge. (First publication Oct. 14.) NOTICE TO DELINQUENTS. Notice is hereby given that the Rentals on the lease contracts to the 'ollowing described school lands in dolt County, Nebraska, as set oppo iite the name of the holder thereof, ire delinquent, and if the amount vhich is due is not paid within sixty lays from the date of this notice, said ontracts will be declared forfeited by he Board of Educational Lands and runds and said forfeiture will be entered of record in the manner pro dded by law: * , .-r--——— - 'A.. ---- Stirring Up a Dangerous Animal i ~ fa .