Frontier. .O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1920. ■*** It is well to set apart a day in the year as a time for rememberance; a day when we can think of PatJi®tism, heroism andsacrffice, j j and fearless unquestioning devotion to duty; when we can remember, pay tribute to and decorate the graves of the brave men of t s u ry who gave their lives for the cause of humanity and for the world’s peace. The struggle is now ended and the people of this country are united as one people, one country and one flag. 1 longer for the cause; it celebrates the courage of the people of thi^ountry; a courage that made itself felt and ^ is in tones on every battle field over which the Stars and Stripes waved. We may formally decorate their graves or not the true patnotism is m the hearts of the men, women and children who now share the heritage of freedom, that the sacrifice and devotion to duty that these men who have gone before have left them. Today this nation is facing the reconstruction pefiod; a period in which business of all lines will be put upon a permanent business basis, one that will redound to the credit of the people of this nation, the greatest in the world. , In the selling of clothing we have always done our best to conserve the resources of our customers, financial and otherwise, by selling !{ them the best clothing that it was possible to purchase, and selling it to them at a smaller ma/gm of profit than is usually take the clothing business. For this reason they have always been able to procure better values here for the money than.they have been abie^W secure in any clothing store in this state. We are still following the same standard that we have followed since w *■ > " is furnishing greater values for the money than can be found in any other store. The World War caused great disturbance in the woolen market, the dye stuffs market, etc. Prices have be™ weavers, manufacturers of clothing and sellers of textiles, have considered it wise to send notices ofwarning to the effect dyes ^ uncertain and cannot be guaranteed; that all wool fabrics are difficult to obtain, and other similar t g . . , ,, merchandise’ as in past, absolutely all wool; our colors will be, as in the past absolutely fast and as in the past, at prices that are to the advantage of our patrons. We have our usual supply of goods to meet your requirements as promptly and as full as ever, and they are made by that popular and reliable firm Hart Schaffner & Marx. ■ _^__________ FOR MEN AND YOUNG MEN A fine variety of fine Worsteds, in regular and fancy weaves at.-. $45 to $85.00 Blue Serges in fancy and regular weaves.... $50 to $100 Young Men’s in fancy weave, all colors, English model, belted, with Novelty pockets, lined or half lined at ..... $55.00 to $85.00 BOYS’ CLOTHES Boys’ 2-piece Knee pants, with all the new Novelties, in boys’ clothing, at. $12.50 to $20.00 SHOES The P. J. McManus hand-made shoe is the equal of any shoe manufactured, in quality of material, style and workmanship, from. $12.50 to $18.50 GLOVES Sixteen button silk gloves, double tip fingers, all shades, White, Sand, Puttee and Black —. $2.00 Kid Gloves, White, Black, Grey, Tan, two button $3.50 WASH FABRICS Crepes and Voiles, all combinations of colors at.. $16.50 to $35.00 LADIES’ SHOES The Ultra, fit for a Queen, 16 eyelet lace boot, Niggar Brown and Black, at . $15, $16.50 and $18.50 Colonial Pump, all Patent, at ... $12.50 Colonial Pump, all kid, at . $13.50 White Canvas Shoes at . $6.50 and $7.50 LADIES’ DRESSES You will find in my Ready to Wear Department Ladies’ Dresses of the very latest ideas. I have a very large selection. Taffetas from . $27.50 to $75.00 Georgettes, from .-.--- $40.00 to $90.00 Combination of Satin and Georgette, from $50 to $125.00 BLOUSES A beautiful line of Georgette Blouses, short sleeves, braid trimming, at.. $28.50 to $35.00 Georgette, decorated with yarn trimming $15 to $25.00 Georgette, decorated with beads, beautiful designs, at ..$15.00 to $30.00 LADIES’ TAILOR SUITS The Palmer Garments are always the best; we have them in the New Cloths and up-to-the-minute m colors, and make, at . $35.00 to $125.00 SPORT SUITS We are also showing a few sport suits, of a tricolette blouse, Crepe du Chine skirt, accordion pleated, decorated with beads and yarn trimming ...$80.00 to $90.00 UNDERWEAR Men’9 short sleeve, ankle length, union suits $2.50 to $3 Men’s long sleeve, ankle length, union suits $2.50 to $3 Low neck, short sleeves, ankle length, at.$2.50 Low neck, short sleeves,,B. V. D. -.$2.00 Ladies’ Union Suits, low neck, short sleeves, ankle length, at ..-.-.—• ?2-00 Ladies’ strap shoulder, knee length, at .—.$2.50 HOSIERY Black silk hose.*-$2.35, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00 Ladies’ Silk Boots, in Black Brown and Grey at.... $4.00 White silk hose, at .-. $1.25, $1.50 Taupe silk hose, at..—.-...-.—• ?3.0fl Lisle thread hose. Black, White and Brown, at.90c MISSES AND CHILDREN’S HOSE Fine Lisle, prices range according to size, .._... 65c, 75c, and 90c