The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 13, 1920, Image 4

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We will not sift the ashes. We will not save the wrappers. We will not wear our old clothes. We will not go
to bed at dark. We will not go to bed at 9. We will nol resole our shoes. We will not do nothing. We are going
to have a good time ftill we die. Then we will tabe the consequences.
15c Bars Trilby Toilet Soap, 3 bars 35c
20 Mule Team Borax Soap Chips,
15c size, 3 for. 35c
Wyandotte Cleaner. Does not make
a scum, 3 25c cans.57c
Oh My—40c Pkg. Golden Rod
Washing Powder.24c
20c Pkgs. Quality Brand
Spagetti, 3 for...47c
70c Can Pears.47c
50c Jars Edelweis Dill Pickles.38c
35c Pkgs. Kellogs Corn Flakes ..23c
20c Pkgs. New Post Toasties.13c
35c New Post Toasties.23c
Here’s a Good One.
4 Oz. Bottles B. & R. Fruit Nectar.
Rasberry Flavor, 1 teaspoonful
to a pint of water, 4 oz. bottles.35c
35c Packages Oatmeal...29c
20c Pkgs. Skinners Spagetti.13c
The foreign countries have been “do
ing without” like the city newspapers
say we can do. That’s the reason they
are willing to pay prices that we will
not, but our turn comes after them.
When we have done without long
enough and the people have to start
buying again, which won’t be long, then
you are going to see prices that will
make your head swim.
if Since people started eating substi
tutes, canned milk, Oleo Margarine,
make believe Karo Syrup, etc., the
doctors of O’Neill have used up two
automobiles each. We either have to
f eat good food or pay'the doctor bills.
35c Bottles Fox River Brand
ji Sweet Mixed Pickles...26c
60c Jars Nell Milligan’s Orange
fj Marmalade ... 43c
The Frontier
Published by Dennis H. Cronin
One Year ..,....$2.00
Six Months__ $1.00
Three Months . $0.60
Entered at the post office at O’Neill,
Nebraska, as second-class matter.
Display advertising on Pages 4, 6
and 8 are charged for on a basis of
20 cents an inch (one column width)
per week; on Page 1 the charge is
$1.00 an inch per month. Local ad
vertisements, 10 cents per line first
insertion, subsequent insertions 6
per line.
Every subscription is regarded as
an open account. The names of sub
scribers will be instantly removed
from our mailing list at expiration of
time paid for, if publisher shall be
notified; otherwise the subscription
remains >n force at the designated
subscription price. Every subscriber
r.ust understand that these conditions
a e made a part of the contract be
*•'. ! en publisher and subscriber.
An expert Nash Motor Car expert
50c Bottles Heinz Beefsteak
Dressing . 25c
25c Pkgs. Kar Eal-Coffee Essence,
Saves two-thirds the coffee.18c
35c Bottles “Durkees” Salid
Dressing and Meat Sauce.19c
30c Dinner Plates.20c
25c Soup Bowls. 15c
20c Pie Plates... 15c
45c Pkgs. Pyramid Soap Powder.34c
25c Cans K. C. Baking Powder.21c
A traveling man told me the only dif
ference in K. C. Baking powder and the
high priced Powders was that the K. C.
was better for the buyer but the sellers
make more on the high priced ones.
Fancy Grade Bulk Rice.15c
I. X. L in 16-oz. Pails of Smoking
Tobacco, $1.25 size, at.79c
Wiggle Stick Blue, per package. 4c
25c Bottles Carters Fountin Pen ink 19c
5 Bars Beat Em All Soap.29c
Large Size Cans Instant Postum.39c
Cocoa in Medium Size Tins. 9c
55c Bottles American Maid
Pineapple Cider...48c
55c Bottles N. W. Brand Cider
Vinegar . 23c
Delicia Brand Corn Beef in 50c tins 38c
Delicia Brand Hamburger Steak
in 25c Tins... 19c
12 Oz. Bottles of Chili Sauce,
65c Sellers. 39c
15c Glass Prepared Mustard. 9c
One 5c Pkg. Wiggle Stick Wax
Does 3 washings, 3—5c.10
We still have good 5c cigars, but they
are going fast. This is the only store in
O’Neill offering you a good 5c cigar. No
we don’t make anything, but what do
you care. There are lots of thing we do
and never make anything.
15c Bars Panmo Soap, 3 for..37c
Look, Queen of Roses, Toilet Soap,
tine. Buy while you have the chance.
Good times don’t last forever.
Peas and Beans in bulk. We have the
garden seed that raises the prize stuff
at 5c per package. The wise men will
plant a garden this year when they
never planted one before.
65c Pkgs. Pancake Flour..48c *
$1.00 Plugs Climax Tobacco._..87c
Navy Beans Should be Eaten
While Spuds are High.10c
Split Peas, per pound...15c
English Walnuts... 37c
Pearled Barley in Bulk...l^Ac
10 Pounds Burbor Santos Coffee... $4.95
A man out in the wind wants good
matches. Nothing disappoints a man
more than when he is sitting on the
bank of a river fishing with a pocket —
full of cigars and a handfull of matches
that wont lite. The only difference is
3c per box. We have both 5c and 8c
Laytons Health Club Baking
Powder, 25 oz. can at...18c
Hu. Co. Brand Tooth Picks,
3-10c packages..22c
25c Cans Dromedary Cocoanut.18c
Scotch Brar 1 Poarled Barley,
25c packages..19c
Buffalo Chop Tea. Guaranteed
Quality. Best tea grown.53c
70c Pkgs. Liptons India Tea...49c
25c Bottles, Fitz Brand,White polish 18c
75c Cans Log Cabin Maple Syrup.64c
Perfection Brand Tea Siftings,
per pound packages.29c
15c Pkgs. Elastic Cold Starch. 11c
20c Pkgs. Argo Gloss Starch.12c
5 Pound Blue Ribbon Brand
Pealed Peaches.. $1.37
3—20c Bars Honest John Soap,3 for 37c
tne great zoc seller...iuc
Essex Peroxide Soap, 25c Bars,
a few left.15c
Air Float Tooth Paste, 15c size at. 9c
The newspapers in the big cities print
what their readers like to read. That
is the reason they print faked up stories
about all the sugar there is, all the po
tatoes there is and that the prices will
soon come down. It is a fine thing to
read if it was true, but by this time most
of the people are opening their eyes and
they are finding out that instead of
down it is up, and higher and higher.
Don’t be caught napping, load up and
keep loaded and the high cost of living
won’t bother you.
The sugar in China won’t help us.
Neither will the wheat in the Darde
nelles and there has never been a bushel
of corn come to O’Neill from the Argen
Mountain Rose Cigar Clippings,
7 ounce packages.......20c
2% Oz. Bags Geo. Washington —.
Tobacco ......... 8c
2% Oz. Bags Red Tag Tobacco. 9c
2i/2 Oz. Bags Union Leader Tobacco 10c
45c Bags Pancake Flour...29c
35c Scrubbing Brushes..19c
Sweet Cuba Fine Cut Tobacco. 8c
25c Pkgs. Shu White..14c
20c Size Jet Oil.......12c
2 Oz. Bags Our Advertizer Tobacco 9c
18c Cans Tuxedo....13c
20c Bars Sapolio. 12c
20c Cans Rex Lye... 11c
20c Pkgs. Lua Washing Powder.12c
I John Brennan, O’Neill, Cash Does It
will be here all Monday, May 17, at s
the old Mellor Garage. Bring in your 1
Nash cars for expert adjustment.— c
Thomas & Wyant, 49-lp d
- j
_ i
There will be a meeting held at the 1
polling place of Rock Falls township, 1
at the Vequist ranch house, May 25, £
1920, from 1 o’clock p. m. to 6 o’clock 1
p. m., for the purpose of remonstrat- *
ing against the exhorbitant raise in *
land assessment. ' '
49-2 j
—1 ■ g
May 18—Pennsylvania direct pri- 1
mary. <
May 18—Vermont direct primary. c
May 19—Wyoming state convention, c
Sheridan. <
May 21—Oregon direct primary. 1
May 25—Texas direct primary. c
May 25—West Virginia direct pri- i
mary. |
- t
- Rinehold Reimers, twelve year old t
on of Mr. and Mrs. John Reimers,
iving one mile west of town, was acci
ently shot in the right arm by his
our year old brother while they were
lunting near the house one day last
The two boys were after a rabbit
inder a wood pile near their chicken
louse. Rinehold put his gun down to
nove some boards and in reaching out
fter them, the little brother in some
pay discharged the gun, the bullet
earing a hole in the flesh of the elder
mother's arm. It is believed the arm
pill have to be amputated.
Last week’s parrot conveyed the
tarfling intelligence that “Barney
lynes was on our streets Wednes
lay.” Mr. Hynes has been a resident
f O’Neill for nearly three months and
onsequently has to use the streets oc
asionally. He has as much right to
■e upon the streets, either for business
r pleasure, as any other citizen. It
s one of the rights accorded him by
he constitution. Thsre is no law in
he land requiring Mr. Hynes to use
nly the alleys when he comes down
own. He may even use the streets in
from of the parrot roost if he so de
sires, without violating any law, but
if the parrot objects and comments
every time Mr. Hynes uses the streets
Mr. Hynes is entirely welcome to use
the streets down in our part of town
and nothing will be said about it.
Scott township this summer will
construct five miles of the most mod
ern and up-to-date highway in Holt
county. The highway will begin at
the section line north of Opportunity
and will extend on due north five
miles to the Scottville church. The
contract for the highway was awarded
to Tom Murphy at a meeting^of the
township board Monday afternoon,
which is a sufficient guarantee that it
will be properly constructed. Mr.
Murphy will begin work on the road
sometime next week. The highway
will be forty-eight feet wide from
ditch line to ditch line and the grade
top width will be twenty-four feet for
the entire distance. Every bridge and
culvert on the new road will be
twenty-four feet wide, eliminating the
possibility of accidents from running
off the grade at culvert and ditch sites
after night. The new highway is the
first portion of a program of road
building contemplated by the town
ship for the next few years. Next
year the road will be extended one
mile north of the Scottville church and
then east to the west line of Steel
Creek township, from which place
later on it will be extended to the Red
bird bridge. The Willowdale township
board has promised to connect the
new grade up with the graded high- ,
way extending four miles south from
Opportunity by building north from ]
Opportunity to the southern terminus
ocf the Scott township road. Grattan ,
township also is extending its graded j
roads to connect up with the Opportu- ,
nity road and a section of roadway
three miles long is all that remains to 1
be graded to connect the road systems ,
of Willowdale, Iowa and Grattan with ,
the Scott road. Iowa township has j
been requested to assist in improving ]
this three mile link. When the new i
road is completed northeast Holt
county will have a highway to O’Neill
and also to Lynch unequalled by any
other highway in Nebraska and a ^
road that will be open and suitable for
the most heavy hauling and for auto c
traffic at all times of the year.
Farmers and stockmen of northeast
3rn Holt county are driving their hogs
:o the O’Neill market to save the high
:ost of transportation, and also to do
iway 'with a considerable percentage
>f the shrink that usually results from
lauling. Joseph Schollmeyer of Scott
ownship Saturday and Sunday drove
ieventy-five twenty-six miles, from
lis stock farm to O'Neill, arriving
lere Sunday evening. The animals
vere allowed to loaf along at the rate
>f about a mile an hour, during driv
ng time, and came through the trip in
excellent condition and with but little
ihrink. Mr. Schollmeyer estimated
hat the expense of hauling the hogs
could have exceeded $125 and that he
could have had an average shrink of
ive pounds to the animal in addition,
le topped the local market at $13.50
londay morning.
Heard in the Library.
Scalper: Chief Mulier—Why don’t
■ou stop talking when I look at you ?
Ever-Cheerful—Lady, I ain’t no