LIFE WAS ft MISERY TO HER Says this Woman Until Re* tiered by Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound. Carrollton, Ky.—“I suffered almost two years with female weakness. I * could not walk any distance, ride or take any exercise at all without resting. If I swept the flpor or did any kind of work it would bring my sickness on. I was weak and lang uid. had no energy, ,and life was a misery to me. I was under the care of a good _physician for sev eral months and tried other remedies. I had read of Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound and decided to try it. After taking twelve bottles I found myself much improved and I took six more I have never had any more trouble in that respect since. I have done all1 kinds of work and at present am an attendant at a State Hospital end am-feeling fine. I have recom mended your Vegetable Compound to dozens of my friends and shall always recommend it.’’-.Lillian Tuarp, 824 S. Cth St., Carrollton, Ky. If you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advice given free of charge. Money back Tvltbout question if HUNT’S SALVE fails In the treatment of ITCH, ECZEMA, RING WORM,'TETTER or other Itching ekin diseases. Price 75c at druggists, or direct from A. B. Richards Medicine Co., Sherman, Tei. Where clln'.ate is delightful, land is rich ar^ fertile, and prices ere reasonable. We have a large lifting of cholca Walnut, Prune, Ap l ‘e. ijherry and Berry plantings, also general farm properties. PEARCY BROS. Oretron lildpr. Salem, Oregon Let Cuticura Be Your Beauty Doctor Son, 25c, Otufcnent 25 and 50c, Talcum 25c. Even Were New Suit6 Not $40. Sir Oliver Lodge snys that dying is like discarding an old suit of clothe?, To some of .ns doing the latter is al most as hard as dying, truly.—Bos ton Transcript. - Never judge a woman’s looks by lier nppcarangB. ~~am T ■ _ 1—&■ . w nwu Ti.i.i _ a ■ m nmmmmmm Frantic WithPaln A Physical Wreck From Kidney Trouble, But DOAN’S I Made Her Well. “Kidney trouble made a complete wreck of me,” says Mrs. Wm. Harvey^ 6‘21 N. Eighth St„ Grants Pass, Ore. “X was so despondent and miserable it seemed I had nothing left to live for. Death would have been a welcome re lief. For six months I was in bed and nexer expected to leave it alive.*! was too weak to move without the help of my nurse and so i nervous I screamed 1 when she touched I me. My back and head hurt like a throbbing tooth ache. I had awful dizzy spells, my cye sight failed, my hands and feet felt d„„,* dead. I was . pain- * “ T racked all ovfer. The kidney secretions 1 looked like thick, black coffee and \ burned terribly. They almost stopped : passing and then my feet bloated like bags of water. I was frantic with pain, and thought I would lose my reason. I “I had lost aH faith in medicine and ; iried DoaiCs' Kidney Pills only be : cause a dear friend asked me. Right i from the start I began to feel better. Doan’s cured me.” Sworn to before me, A. H. PARSONS, Net ary Public. Get Doan** at Any Store, 60c a Box DOAN’S "VfJLV FOSTER-MILBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. V. j * .■■ 1 "9 Every Woman Knows that clean, snow-white clothes arc a constant source of pleasure. Red Cross Ball Blue if used each week pre serve* the clothes and makes them look like new. Try it and tee for yourself. All good grocers sell it; 5 cents a pack age. | 6'C-L'X CITY PTQ. CO., NO. 19-1920. TALLEST PERSON IN THE WORLD NINE FEET FIVE INCHES HIGH John Van Albert and two men of normal height. John van AlberJ, of Amsterdam, Holland, nineteen-year-old youth, who recently arrived in New York, is the tallest person in the world. He is nine feet five inches tall and his arms, legs and body are in normal proportion with his height. ♦444444444444444444 4; TO REALIZE DESIRES. 4 4 ♦ 4 From the Nautilus. 4 4 Don't let any one or any con- 4 4 ditions persuade you that you 4 4 haven't the ability to match your 4 4 longing. Wrapped up in every 4 4 human being there are energies 4 4 which, it molded, concentrated, 4 4 and given proper direction, will 4 4 develop his highest ideal. 4 4 Our longings are creative prin- 4 4 ciples, prophecies, indicative of 4 4 potencies equal to the task of ac- 4 4 tual achievement. These latent 4 4 potencies are not given to mock 4 4 us. There are no sealed orders 4 4 wrapped within the brain without 4 4 accompanying ability to execute 4 4 them. 4 tlf you hold fast to your ideal 4 you will discover within you—un- 4 4 developed, it may be. but always 4 4 there—strength to break the 4. ' 4 tei*g that bind~y8'u. power U>~tri- 4 -4 umph over the environment 4 4 which hampers you. 4 ^4444444^4444444444 Hay £6ver—Causes—Cures. "iXam subject to yearly attacks of h*H? fever," A. B. writes. "What can I to prevent them?” Every year it becomes easier to an swer questions similar to this. Hay fever is of two types—that which comes In the spring and the regular August autumn kind. As a rule spring hay fever is due to grass pollen, while that of the August-autumn type is due in the main to ragweed. A sufferer can discover which pollen causes his trouble by having skin tests made. The pollen vaccines prepared for making these tests are put out by the drug manufacturing concerns, and any physician can get therft. The method of testing is so simple that any physi cian can carry it out. The time to make these tests is now, months in advance of the hay fever sea son. In fact, it is already rather late to begin a campaign to ward off spring hay fever this spring. Having established which pollens are responsible, the next step Is to test to see how sensitive tho patient Is. Testa are made with pollen extracts diluted as little as 1 to 100, with other dilutions of 1 to 100,000, and with still other dilu tions in between. Having determined the smallest dose which will cause a reaction fealment to decrease sensitiveness Is begun. The treatment consists In getting the patient used to this pollen by Injecting him hy podermically with very small doses of It—doses too small to cause any reac tion. If time is pressing the Injections should be given at four day intervals. If there Is plenty of time the interval Bhould be one week. The amount in jected should be increased slightly each week. After mar.y treatments the pa tient becomes so accustomed to pol lens that he no longer reacts to them. If a case comer? on at the hay fever season and has the typical symptoms of hay fever It cAn usually he presumed that the case is one of hay fever and the only testing (hat need be done is for sensitiveness to pollen. The number of hay fever sufferers who chase the climate cure runs into the thousands, the amount of money they spend annually Into the millions. TV?a rtnlir ppnnAp hflaln fnr tho nolooHrtn susceptibility to ordinary air bacteria. J-r » t- ■ Shoes 30 Cents Pair. From the New York Sun. Men's shoes, showy fashionable shoes, for $1.20 a pair, and a good pair of women's shoes for 30 cents; a good cloak for a man or woman for $1.80, and $3 for one of extra fine material, cut by a fashionable tailor. Twelve and one-half cents for a meal for three children, and two and one-half cents for a meal for an old man. These are some of the prices paid In ancient Athens about the time of De mosthenes, 350 years before Christ. They are given in "Studies in History, Econ omy of Athens,” by George Bancroft, the American historian. He tells us that the whole expense of building was in considerable. The price of houses varied^, from $45 to $1,800, according t