'» . _ I _ l 1 -I - u ■ M.r l T rr a a ..... WOMEN! DYE RIGHT! SAY "DIAMOND DYES" 1 t - I Don’t Spoil or Streak Material in a Poor Dye Karl) package of “Diamond Dyes' contains directions so simple that an; woman tan dlnmond-dye a new, rich fadeless color into worn, shabby gar moots, tiraperles, coverings, whethe Brasil May Remove Capital. A remarkable plan flu- the whole sale removal of the capita! of a conn try is being considered in Brazil. 11 has been suggested that Rio de Ja aeiro lie abandoned ns the eapitnl anc to entirely new capital with all th( accompaniments of an entirely neu site established in the state of Gnvnz it Is proposed to make the change ir ♦he course of five or six years. As a rule a man’s sugar-coatec sweetness wears off with the waninj of the honeymoon. wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed . goods. Buy “Diamond Dyes”—no other kind—then perfect results are guaran teed even If you have never dyed be ' fore. Druggist has color card. Outdoor Life. He Is a big game hunter, and was talking of his happy experience In the out of doors. Then the talk drift ed to old friends back in the old home town. • “Whatever became of So-and-So?” one friend asked the hunter. “Oil, hadn’t you heard? He’s in Jail.” “You don’t tell me?" One never knows how foolish some men can act until they break info the father class. Land at *15 to *30 An Acre it which through many yean has yielded from 20 to 48 buaholo or wnen in ino aero—grazing land convenient to good _ grain farms at proportionately low prices. These lands have ~Tjin fiTh Til^i'wff»r>»TT~ every jural convenience; good schools, churches, roads, tele- -^HBPSBSiKSaBjBBlifr phones, etc., close to live towns and good markets. If you want to get back to the farm, or to farm on a larger scale than is possible under your present conditions, Invoatl gata what Western Canada has te offer you. For illustrated literature with mapa and particular* regarding reduced K dfWawgnMUmmBLVKjl railway rates, location of land, etc., apply to Department of lmmigra- Sl tWBHDWHIIWtr£c Hod. Ottawa, Canada, or A. Caok, Drawer M7, Watertawn, S. D.; W. V. Beaastt, Raeas 4, Baa if., Omaha, Ntb„ aad R. A. Garrett, 311 Jacks#* Street, St. Psal, Mian. 1 _ Canadian Government Agents. . P The Sure Way to Test Roofing is on the Roof Some men think that they can tell good roofing by smelling it. Figure it out yourself. How is any man’s nose going to tell him how long roofing will last _ and how much protection from storms, snows and rains it will give. And protection and lasting qualities are what you pay money for. The only sure way to test roofing is on the roof. That is where Certain-teed Roofing has been tested by time—tested for wear— tested for shelter—all over the world. Certain-teed Roofing has never been known to wear out on the roof. It is guaranteed for 5, 10 or 15 years, ac cording to weight. Private Brands and Big Profits Some dealers will try to sell you private brands of roofing, not because they are as good or better than Certain-teed, but' because there is more dealer profit in them. Those profits come out of you. Dealers make a fair profit on Certain teed, but they are limited to a fair profit because so many dealers handle it and everybody knows the price. Don’t take a gambler’s chance on an unknown brand. Buy for known value at a price which is fair to everyone. Any reliable dealer can get Certain-teed for you quickly from a nearby Certain teed warehouse or jobber. He gets it when he wants it and he gets what he wants. He can afford to sell you at a fair price. Certain-teed Products Corporation General Offices, St. Louis Offices and Warehouses in Principal Citiss Beware of the dealer who tells you he has Certain-teed, but tries to sell you a private brand. He probably wants a bigger profit. ; CENSUS RETURNS. ♦ Alameda. Cal., 38,806; Champaign, county, 111., 56,346; CItftor,. N. J., 38. 470. increase 14,801, or 123.0 per cent.; Connellsville, Pa., 18,804; New Brighton, Pa., 9.861; Arnold, Pa., 6,120, increase 4.302. or 336.6 per cent.; Wilson, N. C., 10,663. Max ton, W. C.. 1,397; Plymouth. Ind, 4,338; Grand Haven, Mich 7,234; Bessemer. Mich.. 5,482; Klrkwdod, Mo„ 4,422; North Platte. Neb.. 10,466, increase 5,873. or 118.4 per cent.: Tassewgll county, Virginia. 27.840; Cleburne'county. Arkansan. 12.696. 10,000 Soldiers, Infected with Spirit of Kaiserism, Train and Pray for New Revolt. Munster. Germany, May 3. —Here on this former training ground of the kaiser's troops there are encamped today nearly 10.000 soldiers and of ficers, still true to the old regime. With utter scorn for the new gov ernment, these forces are ready for any advance looking to the overthrow of the republic. Though the Blbert government claims It is not paying these troops there is every reason to believe, as a result of an investigation here, that they still are getting substenance and pay from the government coffers. It apparently Is a case of the gov ernment not wishing to finance the troops, but fearing that if they were not paid they would start on looting expeditions with dire results. Von Trotha Controls Troops. The troops encamped here are the famous Ehrhardt marine brigaders, now practically under the control of Admiral von Trotha. a participant in the ill fated Von Kapp revolt. Consolidated with the outfit is a whole regiment of the Baltic troops, some Russian officers and scatter ing detachments of other German units that served in the Baltic cam paign. The Baltic outfits from the Iron division encamped here are being discharged in name only. They are being dismissed on the books and then either enrolled in the marine brigade or sent out to work on the Pommeranian farms temporarily un til occasion arises for their use in a later revolt. In the marine brigade ranks one finds a generous proportion of for mer officers who declare they will die rather than quit. They openly flaunt their defiance in the government’s faee. They declare that President Ebert dares not disarm them. There is every Indication that un less the government takes desperate measures to disarm and disband the Erhardt forces they will be among the first to participate in a move ment to overthrow the government. Both in the Munster camp and . throughout Pommerania generally the men simply scoff at the govern ment and pray for the day when they can once more break loose. The soldiers are kept fit with con stant drilling and their equipment in cludes vast amounts of ammunition, guns of various calibres, armored cars and trains, and rifles in abund ance. HARVEY TO BE TAKEN TO FIND ONE GRAVE “Bluebeard’s” Directions Fail to Locate Spot Where He Buried His Victim. Los Angeles, Cal.. May 3.—-If “Blue beard” Charles N. Harvey's physical condition permits his removal from the county hospital where he is re covering from two attempts at sui cide. he will be taken to Berego val ley to point out the lonely spot in the desert where he buried the body of Nina Lee Deloney, one of the four women he confessed to murdering. Utterly exhausted after toiling all day yesterday in the torrid sun of the desert following an all night au headed by District Attorney Thomas L. Woolwine, today suspended oper ations until they can get a more defi nite location from Harvey of the spot where the woman’s body is buried. Whether Harvey will be able to make the trip is considered doubtful by his physicians. He is in a highly nervous condition as a result of the confession he made Thursday night in which he admitted killing four of the more than 25 women he is al leged to have married. CANNIBALS ATTACK PARTY ON AMIZON Newport, K. I., May 3.—An attack by ferocious cannibals of large stature and scantily clad on the party of Dr. A. Hamilton Rice, which is ex ploring the Amazon region, is de scribed in a letter received hero to day from Chester Ober, geographer with the expedition. Dr. Rice and Ober killed two cannibals and the rest fled. Mrs. Rice, formerly Mrs. George D. Widener, of Philadelphia, is with the party. A Word of Advice. Prom the Birmingham Age-Herald. “Mr. Jobbles.” said the head of the firm, “I notice there's a considerable item for meals in your expense ac count.” “Er—l was entertaining customers and prospective buyers, sir." “All right. I’m not complaining, but 1 hope you will bear in mind that we are selling tractors, and no lady of the chorus ever buys a tractor." One Indiana county has sent to France a silk flag for the grave of every boy from ,the county who la buried in France. _ WATER WITH ASPIRIN 'sqHff— ' * ' •"4 Baytr Company, who introduced A»pi rin In 1900, givo proper direction*. Tlie Bayer Company, who Intro duced Aspirin, tell In their cnreful di rections In each package of genuine “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" that to get heat result* one or two glasses of wa ter should be drank after tuklng tab lets. “Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" to be genuine must he marked with the safety “Bayer Cross.” Then yon are getting the genuine, world-famous As pirin, prescribed by physicians for over eighteen years. Kaeh unbroken “Bayer” package contains proper directions for Colds, Headache, Toothache, Earache, Neu ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neuri tis, and Rain generally. Handy tin boxes of twelve tablets cost hut a few cents. Druggists also sell larger “Bayer" packages. Aspirin Is the trade mark of Bayer Manufac ture of Monoacct h-uc'.Uesler of Salicy lic-acid.—Ad\. Geo-y otte and Tricotipe. “Tricot!'. 1 lieur some silly girl is going (o i. arry Algy.” “Yes.” “Isn't It ridiculous?” "Well, I don't know what to sny, Georgette. I'm the girl.”—Louisville Courier-Journal. Sure Relief INDlGgnMj >6 Bell-ans Hot water Sure Relief LL-ANS _ fNPI G E ST I ON WANTED Control in good country bank Address Banker. Box 942. Sioux City, Iowa We Buy and Sell Banks and any other busi ness, large or small. Excellent opportuni ties Interstate Bus. Exch., Sioux City. Iowa. « Lift off Corns! « I !■ I——■» Doesn’t hurt • bit and FraoioM costs only a f«w cants. With your Angers! You ran lift off : nny hard corn, soft corn, or corn be J tween the toes, and the hard skin cal luses from bottom of feet. A tiny bottle of “Freestone" costs little nt nny drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or callous. In stantly It stops hurling, then shortly yon lift that bothersome corn or cal lous right off, root and all, without one hit of pain or soreness, * Truly 1 No humbug'.—Adv. Modern Poetry of Motion. The orchestra softly played “Kiss Me Again.” She gazed Into his eyes Ami breathed a sigh. “Your dancing Is like a poem,” She said. “Yes, yes, go on," he Murmured. “An Amy Lowell poem; The feet Are all mixed up," She answered. —Record. One on the Top Sergeant, Sergeant—Throw your shoulders buck and walk ns straight as an nr row. Nervy Recruit—Pardon, sir, hut ar rows Ay and never walk. The average man thinks he sees the Image of perfection every time he humps up against a mirror. After jraa eat—stays ate PATONIC iTffffwii \mp —see er two tablets—eat tike candy. InsunUjrralieveeHearibonjjBloatied Acid-Stomach EATONIC is the beat remedy, it take* the harmful acid* andgasea right ont °f^errb°<,y 5*^’ 0< *9 wetf. Ten* of thousands wonderfully benefited. Guaranteed to satisfy or money refunded by your own drag gist. Coat a trifle. Please try it I BETTER” * DEAD Life Is a burden when the body Is racked with pain. • Everything worries and the victim become* despondent and downhearted. To bring back the sunshine take GOLD MEDAL The national remedy of Holland for over 200 years; it is an enemy of all pains re aulting from kidney. Brer and uric add troubles. All druggiata. three sizes. Leak for the name CoW Medal a* avaar tax aad accept na imitation >» V r f - i Texas Oil Lenses. $100 buys 10 a. $10 down, $10 mo. Invest with big producers. Bank ref*. Tex-Lou-Mex Syndloate, Wichita Fails. Tsx. “15ULL” Durham cigarettes; you roll them " yourself from genuine “Bull”.. Durham tobacco; fifty from one bag. No machine can even duplicate your “own” rolled from genuine “Bull” Durham tobacco. Good old reliable “Bull”. Always genuine; since 1865 he’*s been everyone’s friend. GENUINE “BulCDurham