The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 18, 1919, Image 11

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Twas Dramatic Entry He Made
at Head of Troops—Proclaims
Union With Italy—"Lunatic”
Says IMitti.
*’** London, Sept. 16.—Detail* of Gabrielle
II Annunzio's arrival at Fiume, and his
dramatic meeting with General Pitta
luga, who was commanding the city,
are given in a dispatch from the Daily
Chronicle’s correspondent at Milan.
"Thus you will ruin Italy?" asked
iPittuiuga in the dialogue that ensued
(between the two men.
"Rather you will ruin Italy,” the
poet replied "if you oppose Fiume’s
(destiny and support, an infamous pol-i
Tito general: “Then, what do you
The poet: “A free entry into Fiume.”
The general: ‘I must obey orders.”
The poet: ”1 understand you would
fire upon your brethren? Fire first
upon me.” (D'Annunzio bared his
The general, emotionally: “t am hap
py to meet you, brave soldier and grand
poet. With you l cry 'vive Fiume.’ ”
Then .11 the soldiers joined in cry
ing “vive Pittaluga.”
D’Annunzio then entered the city
atnid great rejoicings, the correspon
dent writes.
Geneva, Sept. 16.—Gabrielle D'An
m - - n'.iKio. supported by the forces of Gen
eral Ardete, which accompanied him
into i’iuino has proclaimed a union of
Fiume with Italy, according to advices
received by the Serbian press bureau
here from Belgrade.
Fiume was plunged into anarchy, the
advices declared, when the brigade of
Italian troops which previously had
evacuated the city returned without
officers, ejected the' local authorities
and arrested the Italian General Pit
ta lurga.
The British ami French troops in
Fiume, the message says, barricaded
themselves within their quarters ex
pecting to bo attacked, while the
crowds in the city tore down the allied
flags. t
. Tiie Serbian authorities, it is added,
still remain in the suburb of Susak,
which is isolated.
Paris, Kept. 16.—Importance is at
tached by newspapers to today’s meet
ing of the supreme council of the peace
conference which wdl be attended by
Premier Lloyd George and Foreign
Minister Tittoni, of Italy. Because of >
recent events, it is stated, the pouncil i
may defer final examination of the
Bulgarian treaty.
Gem i al Badoglio, deputy chief of the
Italian army, which has been given
bread powers to meet the situation
which has arisen in Fiume, incident to
the entry of the city by Captain Ga
briele D’Annunzio at the head of a large
force of irregular troops, has arrived at
Fiume, accompanied by General Anios
si according to advices received here.
Remoe, Sept. 16.—General Badoglio,
deputy chief of staff of the Italian
army, has been armed widj full powers
to tope with the situation at Flume
since Captain Gabriel D’Annunzio, led
forces, variously estimated to nupiber ■
from i.IOO to 12,000 men, into that city
last week.
According to latest advices, Captain I
D'Annunzio,Is still in Flume. Detach- j
merits ,;fttit)ffrom the- sixth army corps i
to disarm Captain D’Annunzio's men ;
refused to obey orders. This, accord- ;
N ing to Premier Nitti, was "sedition,” '
the premier adding that he was “de- !
termined to act in a manner that would |
avoid grave conflicts.”
Reinforcements for Captain D'An
nunzios forces are said to be marching
on Fiume. General Ferrari, commend
ing (he Italian forces on the armistice
line, has been ordered to prevent the
forces from joining Captain D'Annun
■Signor Nitti expr^sed strong dejjre- 1
cation of what ho termed the mis
guided deed of D’Annunzio, because, he
said, it would propagate the belief,
abroad of the violent imperialistic I
spirit of tiie Italian people and result
in Italian aspirations in the Adriatic j
being met with strong opposition. “No ,
worse service could be rendered to tho
cause we are defending and have de- !
fended,” ho said. 1
"Persons advocating these acts j
against France and the United States,
Witi out whose aid Italy cannot re
ceover Adriatic territory are lunatics
aud traitors,” Premier Nitti declared.
_ - mItaly is 114 longer in a position to tol
erate a policy of adventure without
being brought into a state of anacrliy.”
Tho offenders at Piurrie will bo pros
iv ted, Nitti announced.
Reports Claims Cost
The Paris correspondent .of the Idea!
Nazionafo, reports to liis paper that
notwithstanding Foreign Minister Tit- I
ioni’s v’orts, Italy's fight for her Adri- '
ulic claim has been lost. He says
that under tho last project submitted |
to the peace conference neither Flume,
Kara nor Zeebenico will tie Italian. He
added that President Wilson might
even vdo those concessions made to
Italy in tho settlement proposed.
Borne of the inhabitants of Flume
have .joined GabrieHe D’Annunzio's
forces, according to dispatches received
here today. It is also reported that
Italian sailors left the ships on which
they were stationed, -swam ashore and
offered lhcir services to D’Annunzio.
Jn some instances, it is . stated, the
agitators have pulled down British'and
French Dags.
Washington, Sept. 16.—The state de
part nu’nt today received official die- J
patches from Consul KebliiiKer at Fi
umr, telling of the advance of Ga
ta'iftlle D’Annunzio and ais Italian
troops on tho city.
Fiume shops are cloned, it was said, |
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 4 444 4444*4
•4 --— . 4
♦ Indianapolis, Ind, Sept.' 16.— ♦
*4 One soldier. Oliver Kager, 19. ie ♦
4 dead, and Are others are in the -4
4 hospital at Fort Benjamin 4
♦ Harrison, as a result of drink- 4
■4- in*: poison, which ks said they 4
4 mistook wr whisky. Tht” men 4
■4 were .pris^nprs. * *' 4
♦ ♦ 4- 4-'+ ♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦44-4*
both in protest "of th* conditions th'‘re
and in fear of damage when the Ital
ian troop* reach the city. No damage
hue been done so far.
-. » --
Heavy Property Damage Re
ported In Wake oi Hurricane
—Wire Communica
tions Cut.
Houston. Tex., Sept. 16.—One man is
known to have been drowned, property
damage Is expected to run into hun
dreds of thousands of dollars, rail and
wire traffic Is interrupted, and ships
held in Texas gulf ports as results of
a recurrence of the tropical storm
which struck the Texas coast from Gal
veston to Brownsville yesterday.
Loss probably is heaviest in the dis
trict between Corpus Chrlsti and
Brownsville. The worst of the storm
was believed over early today.
The storm extended far inland. Wind
reaqhed a velocity of 60 miles an hour.
Port Aransas, 35 miles from Corpus
Christi. on the upper end of Mustang
Island, was completely demolished by
the hurricane Sunday, according to »
wireless message picked up here to
day which read:
“Port Aranas completely demol
ished by hurricane, customs office and
all records lost."
The message is the first direct word
from what is believed to have been
the center of the tropical disturbance
which swept inland from the Gulf of
Mexico Sunday between Corpus Christi
and Brownsville.
Port Aransas has a population of
approximately 600 persons and is in
a more exposed location than Corpus
Christi, where 15,000 live.
Brownsville, Tex., Sept. 16, via Army
Radio.—Brownsville suffered no ma
ternal damage from the high winds
that accompanied the tropical hurri
cane that touched the Texas coast early
Sunday. The hurricane apparently did
not hit the lower coast country.
The rainfall here was 4:75 inches.
There have been no trains into Browns
ville from the north since Sunday noon.
Efforts are being made to communicate
with Raymondville in Cameron county,
where it is feared the winds were the
— 4—
Dallas, Tex., Sept. 10.—Efforts were
renewed today to restore wire com
munication with Brownsville and Cor
pus Christi. Tex., two points believed
to have received the brunt of the tropi
cal hurricane that yesterday swept in
land along the lower Texas coast and
then moved into Mexico, where, weath
er bureau officials believe, it will spend
its fury In the Mexican mountains.
From Brownsville, the army radio
station was able to flash last night a
brief dispatch that the worts of the
storm in that vicinity had passed. No
mention of loss of life in that locality
was made. The last direct report from.
Corpus Christi, received late yesterday
afternoon, said that the wind had at
tained a velocity of 50 miles atj hour
and that weather btjreuu officials ad
mitted' the situation was serious.
Numerous coast cities visited by the
storm, including Galveston, early today
reported heavy property damage, but
no fatalities.
Havana, Sept. 16.—Wireless signals
from the Spanish steamer Valhenerafl
which is six flays overdue, wore re
ceived by tho. United States wireless
station at Key West last night. The
location and condition of the ship,
which has been riding out the terrific
tropical hurricane which lias raged over
the gulf of Mexico and adjacent waters
since-September 9, were not given, ac
cording to reports reaching this city.
The vessel is believed to be within 50
miles of the Florida coast.
The Valbanera arrived off Morro
Castle September 9, but because of the
tempest was unable to enter port.
There were 300 passengers on board
the vessel.
Conservatives Among Miners
' igain Control and Effect
Settlement of Strike.
Tonahah. Nev., Sept. 16.—Gold and
Silver mines of Tonahah and Divide
reopened today, after having been
closed several weeks by a strike.
An agreement which was advocated
by Joseph Lord, federal mediator, was
adopted by a 6 to l vote m a reforen
dumebv the miners. The conservative
group of miners regained complete
The agreement is a compromise
whereby all men return to work at the
old scale, with recognition of emjpmit
lees of miners. The operators agreed
to establish a commissary store to sell
food and clothing at cost.
At the end of 60 dtiys u conference
will be held to consider the results and
to form other plans to reduce the cost
of living.
Washington. Sept. 16.—Great I’.ritaln
has removed the embargo on American
cotton. The American consul general
in London today so reported to the
state department.
Speaks to Portland Crowd To
night—Big Preparations
Made For the Johnson-Borah
Meeting at Des Moines. (
Portland, Ore.. Sept. 16.—President
Wilson, stumping the nation in behalf
of. the peace treaty raUllcatlon. arrived
in Portland at 9 a. m. today to make
one speech and spend the rest of the
day motoring and resting.
The president had a noisy reception
here, ;e began before his special train
pulled into the station. Every crossing
had an applauding crowd and at. sev
eral places people were strung along
the tracks, holdng their hats in their
Wilson’s train stopped four hours
during the night so it would not reach
Portland before 9 a. m. The original
time of arrival was 5 o’clock, hut this
was set back four hours so the presi
dent would have a chance to sleep
’ longer ar.a eat his breakfast without
doing it in the presence of crowds look
I ing in the windows of his car.
President Wilson was greeted by
state and city officials when he left his
special train at little after 9 o’clock.
The president and Mrs. Wilson rodo
through streets lined with cheering
people and the pregidentall party was
taken on a trip over the Columb.a high
President Wilson was expected later
to open officiality the Multnomah coun
ty fair and manufacturers’ and land
products show With a brief address.
At 1 o'clock a luncheon was to be
served, at which ?00 places were re
served. During the afternoon the pres
ident desired to rest preparatory to
making Ills only formal address in Ore
gon at the municipal audotiriiun at 6
o'clock tonight. After this address th
presidential party will leave for San
Bid Him Godspeed.
Wilson's departure from Seattle last
night was marked by a demonstration
in which cheering people lined- the
streets along several blocks of the
route from the hotel to the railway
station. The president stood up in his
car (luring a portion of tho ride, flour
ishing his hat in a characteristic gest
ure, Jn response.
The president, when be enters Cal
ifornia. is expected to get some more
■ information with regard "to the’ jjroject
| ed strike protest against life imprison
ment for Thomas J. Mooney, labor
leader, convicted of implication in the
preparedness parade bomb explosion in
San Francisco, 1911'
Hears Labor Loaders.
James A. Duncan and other Seattle
labor leaders informed the president of
their version of the conditions leading
up to the projected strike, and told him
It was understood that unrest would
make it difficult to avoid it.
Wilson broke his long established
rule of transacting no business on Sun
day in order to hear those men. and it
was learned he had taken under con
sideration the information they gave
Radicals Active.
Local police officers today reported
a group of men Saturday night stood
outside the arena while the president
was speaking inside, pounded on the
doors and cried “we want Justice” along
with cries of “we want in” and “we
want Wilson."
During President Wilson’s visit to
Seattle, local radicals walked the streets
wearing badges reading “release polit
ical. prisoners."
President and Mrs. Wilson Sunday
attended services at the First Presby
terian church, of which an oUl Prince
ton cldssmate of the president, Dr. M.
A. Matthews, is pastor. The president
was cheered by the congregation when
he entered the church.
Admiral Rodman, stafT officers and
ship commanders of the Pacific lleet
called upon the president Sunday aft
ernoon to pay their respects. The pres
ident complimented them on the preci
sion with which the fleet review went
off Saturday.
Waterloo, la.. Sept. 15.—Senator W,
E. Borah, "Who, with Senator Hiram
Johnson, is trailing President Wilson in
an effort to counteract wiiatever favor
able impression the president may make
in his trip over tl)e nation in behalf of
tlie League of Nations covenant has
been unexpectedly summoned back to
Washington by Senator Lodge, chair
man of the foreign relations committee.
Information to that effect was received
here today from Cedar Fails, where
Senator Borah spoke last night.
Refuse to Employ Workers Who
Walked Out at Noon Satur
day to Enforce the
^4-Hour Week.
New York, Sept. 1.—Eight thousand
shipyard workers, j\ ho ‘automatically"
established the 44-hour week schedule
Saturday by <iuitting at noon, found
themselves without jobs when they re
ported for work today in Brooklyn,
Staten Island and New Jersey yards.
Employers declared the men had
"automatically resigned" by their ac
tion Saturday and announced all strik
ers would be paid off thb>, afternoon.
The trouble aroHe when the'shlpyard I
workers demanded the 44-hour wet kin
week with Saturday afternoon off
Their demands refused by shipyard
owners, the men declared a strike for
every Saturday afternoon.
Owners announce they are filling the
| vacant plater a ith other workmen. The
| unions started picketing today and
(called a meeting to decide further ac
t.ou against strike breakers. ,
How'# This ?
"W# offer - for any case of catarrh
that car-ict t? erred by HAUL’? i
en Intern;:' -/ and acts through the Blood ,
on tho Mucous surfaces of ihc System. 1
Sold by druggists for over forty year*. I
Price Tie. Testimonial* free
F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo. Ohio.
The Body and the Emotions.
.Tin? oflhinl pessimist of a small
Western city, who had wrestled with
chronic dyspepsia for years, stood In
front of Hit post oltiee As (he noon
(Whistles sounded.
‘JTWiHve o'eMck. eh?” he sttid. half
to an tiqiuhintunce. ••Well, I'm going
home to dinner. If dinner ain't toady.
I'm going to raise hell; and If it is
ready. I alii't going to eat a bite.'*—
(Ivitnilinti—r-Wliul (lid you tliink of
ch'U'i'li tbis* morning?
Kid- I didn’t like the organ very
Granting -Why not. dour?
Kid—Localise (Iieiv wasn’t any mon
key with it. t
The C ticura Toilet Trio
Having cjei. i .'d your skin keep It clear
by making Cntlenra your every-day
toilet preparations. The soap to cleanse
and purify, t he Olntntent to soothe and
heal, the Talcum to powder and per
fume. No toilet table Is complete
without th"m. 2oc everywhere.—Adw
Old Bridge Stood for Centuries.
The new London bridge was opened
oh Aiigna 1, 1 SMI. This replaced the
celebrated old bridge, built more (linn
eight centuries before. It bad IK. solid
stone piers, with bulky stone arches
and was covered from end to end with
buildings. On the “Tailor’s gate." fit
one end. Hie beads of traitors were
shown. It was removed on account of
Its obstruction to navigation.
The Responsible Element.
“What’s the trouble?” asked the
musical comedy manager.
“All the principals of (he company
Imve gone on strike."
“How about the chorus and the cos
“They’re willing to work."
“'Then why trouble me? Go ahead
and give (he show.”
“O Happy Pay” sang the laundress
as she hung the snowy wash on the
line. It was a “happy day” because
she used Red Cross Ball Blue.
The only way you can have fun
willi some people Is to make them
i i. —■■ ■ ■■ — I-., -1,1 ■■■■■ •m.HAmki'mmirrmUr tonkr+MMimfM ■
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5c a package
during the war
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For over 200 years GOLD MEDAL
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GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil is inclosed
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Do not wait until old age or disease
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be of GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil
Capsules. Money refunded if they do
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number to ask for the original imported
GOLD MED AX. brand. In sealed pack
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Helps to eradicate dandruff.
For Restoring Color and
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ERCORNS Reraores C.irai, Cat*
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gista Hlsoos Chemical Works, i’atohogua, JW. Y.
Kodak Finishing
Expert work. Prompt return. Special
mail order department. We paj
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Tha Robert Dempster Co., Box 1138, Omaia, Nel
SIOUX CITY PTG. CO.. NO. 38-1919.
. , I
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Lucky Strike pack
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