Frontier. VOLUME XL. I lHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHlii' v I iiiiMiiiiimiimi'iniiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiimiMimiiiiimiii O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1919. NO. 14. Copyright 1919 Hart SchaSaer &Maxx I What’s Stylish fo * Fall? ) JUST about one year ago, the stylish thing with young men was “olive drab;” the “Navy blue;” a drive at “Fritz;” a shot at a “sub. Now “the boys” are back in civil life; they want all the good style they can get; we have it U for them in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; here’s information about the newest ideas for fall. Belted suits are here in new designs and variations. Yokes, plaits, slanting, vertical and cres cent pockets are all lively touches. Double-breasted suits are favorites too; in one-.two- and three button models; some with belts; some without belts. Coats are a little longer, waists are a little higher; natural shoulders, higher and wider lapels, giving the wirey, deep-lunged, athletic look that young men want. Now about price and quality; all clothes cost good money; you’d better be sure to get quality equal to the price. You can get it here in Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes; all-wool, careful tailoring; guaranteed to satisfy—money back if they don’t I !F>. T. HVEc3VtSLrL\ls, O’KTeill 1 ^ ==5 Tih-e Home of G-oocL 2v£eroIb.a,n.d-Ise