Supervisors' Proceedings, O’Neill, Neb., June 2. 1919, 10 a. m. Board met. No quorum. FI. F. PORTFjR, County Clerk. O’Neill, Neb.. June 2, 1919, 1 p. m. Board met. Roll called and all members present but Rotherham. Board called to order by Chairman. On separate motion, the following official bonds were approved: Road Overseer— S. A. Schotman, .District No. 31. J. H. Hurtel District No. 34 R. G. Benjamin . District No. 53 John H. Eunney . District No. 7 Joseph Thromer . District No. 55 F. O. Kellogg . District No. 67 C. A. Grass Treasurer, Iowa Township The following claims were audited and on separate motion allowed: L. W. Bergstrom, care Mrs. Pierce’s two children . $ 24.00 Peter W. Duffy, Misc. Exp. 23.61 Anna Donohoe, express, stamps, etc. . 42.26 E. F. Porter, stamps, etc. 21.00 Peter W, Duffy, May salary.. 150.00 F. H. Lancaster, May salary, and expenses . 150.00 Lottie McNichols, May salary 65.00 Harry Bowen, May salary . 100.00 Anna Donohoe, May salary.... 116.66 Margaret L. Donohoe, May work in assessor office . 70.00 Opal Ashley, May salary. 35.00 E. F. Porter, May salary . 137.50 L. W. Bergstrom, May salary 83.33 Elja McCullough, May Salary 70.00 Mr. Chairman: I move that the petition of Minnie Soole for Mother’s Pension at $10.00 per month be allow ed as directed by the County Court and that the Clerk be instructed to is sue a warrant for same on the general fund. J. V. JOHNSON, JOHN SULLIVAN. Motion carried. State of Nebraska, Pierce County, ss. I, Peter Nissen being first duly sworn, depose and say that on the 10th day of April, 1919, I paid taxes for the year 1918 on the following property, viz: NWti of 35-29-9 and should have paid on NW14 of 5-29-9 in Holt County, Nebraska. Paid in error. The affiant prays that your honor able body order and direct the county treasurer of Holt county, Nebraska, to refund to affiant the sum of $33.60 being the amount paid in error for taxes of said year as shov#4l by the county treasurer’s receipts hereto at tached. PETER NISSEN For Nissen Brothers. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before me thjs 24th day of May, 1919. (Seal) C. R. CHRISTIANSEN, Notary Public. My commission expires Feb. 14, 1925. Mr. Chairman: I move that the petition of Peter Nissen for a refund of $33.60 paid in error as taxes, be granted and the Clerk be instructed to issue a Refund Warrant for the same. J. V. JOHNSON, JOHN SULLIVAN. Motion carried. At 5 o’clock p. m., on motion board adjourned until June 3, 1919, at 9 o’clock a. m. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, County Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., June 3, 1919, 9 a. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present but noinernam. Called to order by Chairman. Board devoted the forenoon to auditing claaims, and on separate motion the following claims were al lowed on General fund: Lewis Chapman, May expenses $43.17 Nebraska Telephone Co., phone calls, exchange, etc. 42.19 Nebraska Telephone Co., phone calls, exchange, etc. 30.80 Nebraska Telephone Co., phone calls, exchange, etc., . 8.50 Frank Howard, road expenses, etc. 13.25 Andrew Schmidt, work for county . 51.65 Woidneck & Anderson, driving overseer . 12.00 Elizabeth O’Mally, fees local registrar . 16.75 Elizabeth O’Malley, fees local registrar . 11.00 Elizabeth O’Malley, fees local registrar . 11.00 Mayfield & Masters, county hauling . 10.85 L. G. Gillespie, for insurance policies . lS.72 L. G. Gillespie, for insurance policies ... 34.20 Harry Jordan, Alfalfa and lock 5.00 P. J. McManus, Hdw., etc. 38.75 The following Holt County Regis trars : Philip Keating . $8.76 H. W. Hubbard. 5.50 A. D. Palmer . 4.00 A. H. Briggs . 1.7E J. W. Rhodes. 4.8( ' Wm. P. Webber . 5( Philip J. Keating... 9.2E H. M. Hubbard . 3.5( W. H. Briggs. 4.0( J. W. Rhodes. 6.51 H. D. Palmer . 4.51 Dr. J. W. Bennie . 1.01 W. H. Briggs . 3.01 Philip J. Keating. 5.21 J. W. Rhodes ... 4.21 »| I Mill* ■. n»n» > ) > # Wm Vanderbeek ........ 20,0 I Watson Hay Co. .. 34.4 Chas. Brachman . 12.0 J. L. Derickson . 7.6 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. 85.0 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. 85.0 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. 85.0 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. 42.6 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. 212.1 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. 42.5 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. 85.0 Nebr. Culvert & Mfg. Co. 42.5 And on separate motion the fol lowing claims were allowed o General fund: McGinnis Creamery & Produce To. $39.6: Vestal Chemical Co. 45.0' Vestal Chemical Co. 23.51 At 12 o’clock, noon, board adjournei until 1 o’clock p. m. W. T. HAYES, Chairman. E. F. PORTER, County Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., June 4, 1919, 1 p. m. Board met pursuant to adjourn ment. All members present bu Rotherham. Called to order by Chairman. Mr. Chairman: I respectfully movi that the County Treasurer be and tha he hereby is instructed to transfer al unused funds available, into th< General fund. J. V. JOHNSON, H. U. HUBBARD. Motion carried. Mr. Chairman: Whereas, the num ber of the Range was omitted on i road petition from Conley Township our action on the same being shown or Page 345 of Supervisor’s Record, anc the omission is to us known to b« Range 14 West, I move that this (Continued on page seven.) I A Big Help | |j| Operate the small machines |l p| a-bouj: the farm by || I DELCO LIGHT i LZ will supply ample power at MI lifl an exceedingly low cost. Ml HI Runs the grind stone, churn, ij ! Ill separator, washing machine II H for practically nothing. Al |l| so supplies the entire farm sj III with brilliant electric light. II lllj A child can run it and it j|| pays for itself in a short