uni The Same Old Phonfc No, 32 at The Same Old Place with The Same Old Quality and The Same Old Service Setlh. InTo"ble Successor to 0. 0. Snyder O-eorg^e S_ Mn^r. I C.W. Howard Auctioneer 1 Live Stock and General Farm Sales, Wire or Write Me for Date at my ex pense. IPhone, Spruce 142. O’Neill : Nebraska tfrmTmTmiffTmiTiTmrirnirruminnTHniMiirnmiiniiTirinirftTTTTfnfriTt'ri'rrnriTntrTTnrTmiTrTirmTnnTTTmrrTTTT. Trrrrrn'rnTnrinrrrmmTrnmlrmTmnmiUTnn5l | Optional Farm Loans; Annual Interest; No Com | missions Deducted; Home Loans; Monthly Payment . C Plan; Building and Loan Stock Earning 8% Interest, 3 Compounded Each Six Months; Insurance of Every Kind -SEE L. G. GILLESPIE, O’Neil!, Nebr. Phone 309 We are Buying Hides and Furs Paying the Best Market Price. Don’t forget to come and see us at Boggs’ Livery Barn. Also Buying Iron, paying good prices. Hides, straight No. 1, 12»/2c; grubby, | 10c poor, $2.00 each. Horse hides according to size. B. W HYATT, O'Neill • - Nebraska The O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY Compiles Abstracts of Title THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF ABSTRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY. PLENTY OF MONEY FOR HOME AND FARM LOANS • v # JortNL. QUi6 I WANTED TO LEASE OR 1 RENT. Hay Land. Give full descrip- j tion and price in first letter. Ad- I dress P. O. Box F, O’Neill, Nebraska. 30tf. I DR. J. P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special attention give to DISEASES OF THE EYE ANL CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES W. K. HODGKIN of Lawyers Office: Nebraska State Bank Building Reference: O’Neill National Bank -Phone 67 O’Neill, :: :: :: Neb. The No. 3 Iowa 2-Wheelec Sweep Hay Rake ^e„p Made wirh Hinged Backing Tongues. All weight htiilt l„--r*®® n®°ke; movable seat. Especiallj with nrH '•■•onable priced .weep, Forcasli fullhlinederwbar Catal°g fU'ly eXPlaiUS °U1 HAY TOOL MANUFACTURING CO. 1602-1604 First Are., Council Blufts, low. Pric0 $23.00 saeh, whilo stock lasts (First publication June 5.) (W. J. Hammond, Attorney.) LEGAL NOTICE. Charles T. Allen, Mary J. Allei his wife, John M. House and Doroth House, his wife, defendants, implead ed with James F. O’Donnell, McLea State Bank, a corporation, and M. G House, defendants, will take notic that on May 2, 1919, Hugh Mail plaintiff, filed a petition in the Distric Court of Holt County, Nebraska against the defendants above name the object and prayer of which are t foreclose a mortgage executed b; Charles T. Allen to M. O. Howard fo the sum of $1,500 dated May 1( 1916, and recorded May 20, 1916, i; Book 117 of mortgages at page 342 o the records of Holt County, Nebraska and conveying Northwest Quarter o Section 21, in Township 29 North, o Range 10 West of the 6th Principa Meridian in Holt County, Nebraska That there is now due upon said mort gage the sum of $1,717 with interes ait 10 per cent from May 1, 1919. Tha plaintiff is the owner and holder o said note and mortgage. You are re quired to answer said petition on o before the 14th day of July, 1919. Dated this 5th day of June, 1919. HUGH MAIR, 52-4 Plaintiff. (First publication June 12.) NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that seale bids will be received at the office o the City Clerk of O’Neill, Nebraska up until noon on July 3, 1919, fo furnishing and installing a pump a the City Pumj) House in O’Neill, Ne braska, according to plans and speci fications now on file in this office. A certified check for $100.00 mus accompany each and every bid. Council reserves the right to rejec any or all bids. JOHN C. GALLAGHER, 1 .d Citv illerk. (First publication June 12.) ESTRAY NOTICE. Estray taken up at my farm thre miles south of Emmet, on May 1! 1919, one gray mare branded E on lef shoulder, one black mare brande Lazy E on left shoulder, one blac mare mule branded E pn left shouldei two small mules with notch cut i mane. Owner can have same by pro\ ing property and paying ^ex pen cos. 1- 3 Emmet, Nebr. (First publication June 19.) NOTICE. State of Nebraska, County of Holt, s: To Whom it May Concern: The Commissioner appointed t locate a road commencing at the sour end of Carberry Street in Atkinsoi in Holt County, running thence sout on the Quarter section line throug tl-e south half of Section 32, Towr ship 30, North of Range 14 West, an through the center of Section 5, lowi ship 29, North of Range 14 West an connect with Read No. 21 at th quarter section corner between Sei tions 5 and 8 of said lownship 21 Range 14 and there terminate; has ri ported in favor of the establishmer thereof, and all objections thereto c claims for dagages must be filed in th County Clerk’s office on or before noo of the 30th day of August, A. D. 191! or such roud will be located and es tablished without reference thereto. 2- 4 E. F. PORTER, County Clerk. By T. D. HANLEY, Deputy._ First publication April 19. NOTICE OF PROBATE OF FORE IGN WILL. In the County Court of Holt Count} Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Henr Clay Hobbs, alias Henry C. Hobbs one and the same person, late o Columbus, Ohio, Deceased. lh State of Nebraska: To all person interested in said estate, bot creditors and heirs: Take notice that on the 17th day o June, 1919, a' petition was filed i our said County Court by Adolp Bernt, together with an instrumen purporting to be a copy of the las will and testament of the said Henr; Clay Hobbs and the probate thereo in the Probate Court of Frankli: County, State of Ohio, all duly authen ticated, alleging the death of said*tes tator, resident in the City of Colum bus therein, on the 13th day of March 1911. testate so as aforesaid, am seized of the following described rea estate situated in said Holt Countj Nebraska, to-wit: The southeas quarter of section ten, in ownshi] twenty-nine, north of range thirteer west of the Gth P. M., upon whicl said will operaes; and that sail petitioner is now the owner of sail described real estate by mesne con veyances from the devisees who tool the same thereunder, and praying fo hearing on said petition and for th probate of said foreign will in and fo the State of Nebraska, and that if i shall appear on said hearing that mor than two years have elapsed since th< death of said testator, which is al leged, for an order of this Court dis pensing with the regular administra tion of said estate herein and for th barring of all claims and demand against said estate and for a findin; and decree that said estate in thi state descended free of all debt against said decedent and not liabl for any inheritance tax, and im mediately to assign said above de scribed real estate under the provi sions of said last will, as by law ii such case provided. Which said hear ng has been fixed by the Court foi he 12th day of July, 1919, at the hou of 10 o’clock A. M. of said day, a the County Court Room in said Hoi County, when and where each an . every one of you are hereby require to appear and contest the same; fail ing which the said petition and th relief prayed for will be granted an allowed, ordered and decreed and mad binding and conclusive upon all pei sons, including creditors and heir: and all claims and demands agains said deceased and his said estati whether due or to become due, whethe absolute or contingent, shall and wi thereby become and be forever barret Dated, June 17, 1919. Seal C. J. MALONE, 2-3 County Judge. (First publication June 26.) NOTICE TO ROAD GRADERS. Bids will be received by the towr ship board of Willowdale Township until noon of Saturday, July 12, 1919, for the grading of five milea of road way in said township, starting at the ’ Opportunity store and running south ' therefrom. Grade to be 28 feet from ' outside to outside of ditches, 20 foot roadway with 18 inch crown approxi j mately. Work to be completed within " sixty days after award of contract, f Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. j E. C. WERTZ, j 3-3 Township Clerk. (First publication June 26.) NOTICE. i Notice is hereby given that the f board of supervisors of Holt County, , Nebraska, will receive bids for grad f ing and embankment work on the At f kinson, Inez and Amelia road, until 12 1 o’clock, noon, of July 15, 1919, at . which time said bids will be opened. - Plans and specifications may be seen t at the office of the county clerk. The t board reserves the right to reject any f or all bids. E. F. PORTER, t 3-3 County Clerk. (First publication June 26.) (W. K. Hodgkin, Attorney.) NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE In the District Court of Holt County, 1 Nebraska. f In the matter of the application of S. j J. Weekes, Administrator,for license J to sell real estate. l V nf ip a is Vi qvqKit n-iiron tVint in nnvi . suanee of an order of the Honorable . R. R. Dickson, Judge of the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, made t on the 25th day of June, 1919, for the sale of real estate hereinafter de scribed, there will be sold at public t vendue to the highest bidder for cash, at the front door of the Court House in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska, in said county, on the 18th day of July, 1919, at the hour of 10 A. M. the fol lowing described real estate, to-wit: Lot Nine (9) in Block Twenty-two, J (22) in the City of O’Neill, Nebraska. , Said sale will remain open one hour. t Dated this 25th day of June, 1919. i S. J. WEEKES, { Administrator of the Estate of Clar ence J. Simonson, Deceased. 3-4 (First publication June 26.) NOTICE OF REFEREE’S SALE. Notice is hereby given by the un dersigned, that by virtue of an order - of the District Court of Madison County, Nebraska, made on the 18th day of June, 1919, in an action of partition pending in said Court where in Frank M. Ellis is plaintiff and Ed a ward Ellis, Lottie M. Peterson, Swan :1 J. Peterson, Jess J. Ellis, Nettie '’ Ellis, Mable Ellis, Bernice Ellis, Velma , Daily, a minor and Charles H. Daily, Guardian of Velma Daily, minor, are j defendants, directing me as Referee in said action to sell the real estate ,j hereinafter described as upon execu tion; I will, on the 29th day of July, 1919, at 9 o’clock A. M., of said day, , at the West front door of the Court l house, in the city of O’Neill, Holt t County, Nebraska, sell said real „ estate, to-wit: Lots 10, 11, and 12; e in Block K, of O’Neill & Haggerty’s n Addition to O’Neill, Holt County, Ne i braska, at public auction to the high ’ est bidder for cash. Said sale will remain open for one hour. Dated this 24th day of June, 1919. M. D. TYLER, Referee, Norfolk, Nebraska. - Mapes & McFarland, Attorneys, 3-5Norfolk, Nebraska. His Father’s Chance. The teacher was teaching the mean > ing of some new words. Among them was the word “monopoly.” She told of j the monopolies of Elizabeth’s reign f and then of some of the present day. 3 Then to make sure that everyone un 3 derstood it she decided to make a more specific example, f “Jakie”—she turned to the son of a l pawnbroker—“supposing that there J was a great snow on the ground and ^ that all of the sleds this town held j belonged to your father. What would f he then have ?” 1 Jakie’s eyes grew bright and his voice eager as he flashed back the answer: “A chance to make a lot of money.”—Indianapolis News. i 1 » t ) » 1 1 1 c t ! k k i I i 5 ) 1 r t t I 1 B i B ’» t r 1 PAID LOCALS. FARM LOANS, R. H. PARKER. 22tf WANTED—A GIRL FOR O’NEILL Sanitary Laundry. 2-tf WANTED—SOME THIN SOWS.— John L. Quig, O’Neill. 1-3 TO GET A SQUARE DEAL COME to Abbott’s Variety Store. 14tf. FORD ROADSTER FOR SALE— See Ed Davidson or Clarence Faul haber. 50-tf FOR SALE — A SIX-CYLINDER Buick, nearly new.—M. E. Vernon, O’Neill, Nebraska. 48-tf FOR SALE—170 GALLON GASO line Tank complete with pump. New.—H. W. Tomlinson. 52-6p I CAN NOW LOAN MONEY ON Farms and Ranches at 6% per cent nterest. No Commission to pay.—See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Neb. 48-tf AM ANXIOUS TO DISPOSE OF MY residence property this spring. Will make very easy terms for purchaser. —D. A. Doyle. 40-tf SAFETY RAZOR BLADES RE sharpened, low cost. Quick service. Bring in your dull blades.—Neil ,P. Brennan, O’Neill. No.l and 3. LIST YOUR FARM OR RANCH with me. I have several buyers that will be here soon.—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebraska. 50tf F. C. SHELLEY, THE WATKINS man has two boys that want to work in hay field. Inquire Gallagher House on the hill. 3-1 1 1 YEARS EXPERIENCE IN KO I > dak finishing. Developing any size roll, 15c; Pack, 25c; Post Cards, 5c; Prints, 5c.—W. B .Graves. 45tf IF YOU WANT TO BORROW Money on your Farm or Ranch at 6V2 per cent. No commission to pay. —See R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Neb. 48tf WHEN HUNGRY GO TO THE O’Neill Cafe for meals and lunches. Our pies have a reputation. First door south of Quinn’s feed store. 2-tf FLOUR AND FEED—GOLD MEDAL and Bound to Rise flour. Calf and pig meal. Cash for hides at the Cash Feed Store. Deliver any time.—Edw. Eager. 2-tf HUOSE—A PRACTICALLY NEW five-room house on two well located lots in O’Neill for sale very cheap. Also a number of desirabe building lots.—C. M. Daly. 51-tf GOODYEAR TIRES, TUBES ANL Accessories for all motor cars. Chains, Reliners, Patches, Light Bulbs, Stewart Spot Light, Havoline Oils.—Neil P. Brennan. 31 FOR SALE—THE ROY PILGER farm lying about 25 miles northeast of O’Neill near Dorsey. 320 acres deeded. 640 acres school land. Price right.—Pierce Investment Company, Pierce, Nebraska. 52-4 FOR SALE—THE SOUTH FOUR lots of the Bedford place in the west part of town; lots are on sewerage; also good barn. For price and terms write Mrs. W. H. Bedford, Page, Neb., R. F. D. 1. 2-4p FOR SALE—ONE WATERLOO BOY Tractor Engine, 15-30; one 3-gang John Deere plow; one Ford Ton truck, new November 15, 1918. Enquire of Manchester Bros., Inman, Nebr.— F. J. Manchester, Inman. Nebr. 3-4p FOUND—ON THE ROAD ABOUT eight miles northeast of O’Neill, Wednesday morning, a single sinch saddle and a 32-calibre rifle. Owner can have same by calling at this office, proving property and paying for this notice. 2-tf FOR SALE—20 HEAD OF WORK mares; 2 stallions; 1 jack; 2 reg istered Short Horn bulls. Can be seen at my place, one-half mile west and two and a half north of O’Neill, or call Phone Spruce 142.—Claud W. Howard, the Auctioneer. 3-2 THE O’NEILL PHOTO CO. HAVE 2 fine Player Pianos on display at the Studio. Come and hear them. We will make you attractive easy pay ments or take part in Liberty Bonds. If you desire. Will get you any kind of a piano at Omaha prices. 38tf DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR Iarm. vve nave over iuu pros pective buyers coming to buy farms. We have sold more than 15,000 acres of Holt county farm lands since the first day of January, 1919. This does not include any ranch land, only farms and unimproved lands. If you want your land sold, and only pay a reasonable commission, list your land with us, we will give you a square deal. We have worked for the past seven years to make your land more valuable, and have always kept in mind your interest in Holt county lands. Come in and we will be glad to talk this over with you.—S. L. BERRY, The Holt County Land Man. 2-G NOTICE. The Centuary drive is now about complete. The subscriptions duly re corded, so that any subscriber desir ing to pay first year subscription can do so now, to Emergency Treasurer, 3-4p S. T. WALKER, Pastor. THE PRAISE CONTINUES Everywhere We Hear Good Reports of Doan’s Kidney Pills. O’Neill is no exception. Every section of the U. S. resounds with praise of Doan’s Kidney Pills. Fifty thousand persons are giving testimony in their home newspapers. The sin cerity of these witnesses, the fact that they live so near, is the best proof of the merit of Doans. Here’s an O’Neill case. Harry Bowen, says: “Whenever anyone asks me about a kidney medicine, I recommend Doan’s Kidney Pills, for I have used them. I got Doan’s at Gilligan & Stout’s Drug Store, when ever my kidneys start acting irregularly and my back feels lame. They always relieve the heavy ache and other symptoms and prevent more serious trouble by putting my kidneys in good conditon.” Prce GOc, at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney7 remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Bowen had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mfgrs., Buffalo, N. Y. 21.000.000 Bond Buyers. Before the war there were 260,000 bond buyers in the United States. Today there are over 21,000,000. This is about one person in every five. The Government through the sale of War Savings Stamps is going to attempt to hold these people as bond buyers. In France, due to the lesson of thrift thought following the France-Prus sian war, there is hardly a person who does not own a bond today. Thought Too Late. Bagshaw—I might have told him that if my reputation was as bad as his I’d be glad to lose it. His Wife—I’m glad you didn’t pro long the argument. You showed great self-control in not doing so. Bagshaw—It wasn’t self-control. I didn’t think of it till after I got home. Why Not. Wixon—I’m feeling very fit today; my mind's at ease, and business is good. Rixon—Why are you going round telling people that? Wixon—Why, we always put up a shout when the things go wrong. Why shouldn’t we occasionally admit that things are going right? W. F. FINLEY, M. I). Office over Reardon Drug Store. Phone: Office 28, and Residence 276 Complct Modern Xray Equipment. O’Neill, : Nebraska FRED L. BARCLAY STUART, NER. Makes Long or Short Time Loans on Improved Farms and Ranches. If you are in need of a loan drop him a line and he will call and see you. DR. L. A. CARTER PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Successor to I)r. E. T. Wilson. Glasses Correctly Fitted. Office and Residence, Naylor Block. Phone 72. O’NEILL :: :: • NEBRASKA FOTJTS -DOES Veterinary, Surgery and Dentistry ' Treats Diseases of All Domestic Animals. Day or Night. Phone No. 275. lllttWRlMl * Afefttrtct Title Abstractors Office in First National Bank B jildin? cLhe 5ai?itapy y^eat Market We have a full line of Fresh and Cured Meats, Pure Hoin> X Rendered Lard. Wm. Simpson Naylor Block Phone 150 DR.H.MARGARET FROST OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Noylor Block O’Neill, Neb. All Diseases Treated PV, Ana OflO DR. 0. K. TICKLER VETERINARIAN PHONE | DAY 108 | NIGHT O’NEILL - - . NEBRASKA Frank Campbell \ REAL ESTATE AGENCY 1 Collections Attended To. Insurance written in Best Companies. List your farms or houses with me to sell. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE Companies I Represent: Hartford Fire, Assets ...$40,878,401.31 [ns. Co. North America $23,770,663 00 > American Eagle . $2,886,852.00 The strongest is as cheap as the weakest companies. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA