" Society j, The Frontier. VOLUME XXXIX. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1919. . "PLpsfljf ':■{ .fS Bi^GfUal SSStCfy" NQ 5( «======- ■ ■ - "■ rJssrr ~~ , ■■■;, . C opyright Hart Schaffner & Marx MEMORIAL DAY, MAY 30,1919 It is well to set apart a day in the year as a time for remembrance; a day when we can think of patriotism, hefoism and sacrifice, and fearless un questioning devotion to duty and to the high ideals that our country stands for; when we can remember and pay tribute to those who gave up their lives for the cause of freedom, freedom in not only this country, but of the world. I Memorial Day this year should have especial significence to the people of the United States. We have emerged victorious from the World’s war where the American troops won new honor and glory on many a bloody battle field in bleeding France. Those of our boys whose bodies lie in cemeteries in • r ranee we can not decorate, but on that day we can pay silent tribute to our heroic dead who gave Jheir all in the cause of humanity and right. You may not see what this has to do with the clothing business; there is no particular field for heroism in such work. We don’t have to “lay down our lives selling clothes#- But we have the same sort of spirit in it; a willingness to do all we can to conserve the resources, financial and otherwise, of our customers, and we give them better value for their money than can be found in any other store in this section of the state. r—---— --—■—— .....—___ LADIES’ DRESSES You will find in my ready-to-wear department ladies’ dresses p of the latest ideas. Wool Serges, very nobby and new, at . .$22.50 _ Taffeta Silk and Georgette combinations at .... $35.00 to $50.00 Messaline and Georgette combinations at .$32.50 to $60.00 Plain Georgettes, decorated with beads at . $60.00 SHIRT WAISTS A very beautiful line of Georgette Shirt Waists, hand em ' broidered and beaded, the most beautiful designs, a very P ; necessary garment of todays wearing apparel, in all the f p new shadings and combinations of colors, from $6.50 to$20 LADIES’ TAILORED SUITS III The well known Palmer Garment, that has for many years P been unequaled in quality and style, are on display for your inspection in my ready-to-wear department; prices ranging l\\ from . $35.00 to $75.00 |P GLOVES Silk Gloves, double tipped fingers at 65 to .. 75c ! Double tipped, extra heavy, kid gloves, white, black, grey, :| tan, two-button, at . $2.75 UNDERWEAR We hande the well known Munsing wear, unexcelled for quality, style and fit. Prices ranging in men’s sizes from .. $1.25 to $2.50 All styles and sizes ladies’ wear from . $1.25 to $3.00 HOSIERY Black Silk Hose at . $1.25, $1.50,$2.25,$2.50,$3.00 White Silk Hose at . $1.25, $1.50 Cordevan brown hose at . $1.50 to $3.00 Greys at ....{.'.. $1.25 Cotton Hosiery ranging in price from 40 to. 75 cents FOR MEN A variety of seam backs, plain or satin trim, .... $40, $45, $50 Blue Serges, seam back, . $40, $45, $50 Regular Suits, English cut, up-to-the-minute in style, no ad vance in former price. $32.50, $35, $38.50, $40, $45 A mighty good reason for buying these suits is that their quality is superior to those that are of the latest note. .........- .. ; . , i_ MEN’S SHOES In my stock you will find an old veteran shoe which has proved is reliability for twenty years with all the snap that ' • is required by the classiest dresser and is known as the P. J. McManus hand made. These shoes embodies my own se lection of stock and style, of which there is nothing left out that goes to build the highest standard of footwear. They arc made by a reliable factory, Thompson Brcis., Campolo, Mass., at ... $6.50, $7.50, $8.00 and $8.50 LADIES’ SHOES The Ultra, fit for a Queen, 16-lace boot, black, tan, grey and white, at . $8.50 to $12.50 Colonial Pump, all patent, at ..... $6.50 Colonial Pump, French Kid, at .... $7.50 White Kid, lace oxfords, at ..... $8.50 White Reinskin, lace oxford, military heel, at ....,,. $6.50 ' • • • > . I " : V CHILDREN’S SHOES Sizes 5 to 8, ankle straps, at . $1.25, $1.50 Sizes 8% to 11, ankle straps, gun metal, patent and kid, at .$1,50, $2.00 Sizes 11%, ankle strap, gun metal, patent $1.75, $2.00,'$2.50 Infant’s soft soles, all sizes, from 00 to 8,’at ....1.76c