■' ....-- -■ ■ - - ■ - -- -~ - • — - g——— — - mm—«: 1 BIG BRED sowsf ■ Biji Type Sows with Quality ■ WILL SELL 1 | Monday, Feb. 24, 19 j At My Farm Near | SOUTH NORFOLK NEBRASKA | | S<>WtpH From Nearly 100 Head__ J 1 THE OFFERING ■■ « Mm I have been raising Chester Whites for several years on a large scale and have always taken pride in g =gg raising them bigger and better each year. About a year ago I decided to reserve a nice bunch of sows g HH for a sale this winter. These have been selected from nearly a hundred head and every one of them is a |gj = choice individual. I know they will please buyers that want big, lengthy sows with good bone, good feet g gg and good blood lines. | THE SIRES The sires of the offering carry the most popular blood lines of the high prize winners of the breed, g HI which will be shown in the catalogue which is now ready to mail. Among the sires are Wm. Penn, a |= = sire of scores of good ones; Snowball, another proven sire; Iowa Chief, who transmits his size and g HI smoothness to his get, and others. 1 BRED TO The offering is bred to Wm. Penn; Snowball; Nebraska Boy, a big boar you will like, and Fancy Boy’s g JH Son, a great son of that good sire Fancy Boy. The sows are bred for early litters. LOCATION J Sale will be held at farm one mile southeast of South Norfolk, Nebraska, which is 48 miles southwest g gg of Sioux City and 125 miles northwest of Omaha, on the C. & N. W. R. R. H! ENTERTAINMENT—Free hotel accommodations for visiting breeders at Perry Hotel. GUARANTEE—Every sow is guaranteed to be in pig. Purchase price will be refunded on any sow |= gg not proving as represented if returned in good cond ition in thirty days. CATALOGUES- Are now ready to mail. CIRCUIT: Feb. 24—Chas. Spengler, Norfolk, Nebraska. Feb. 27—Peter J. Becker, Wausa, Nebr. =1 Feb. 25—Freeman Brothers, Neligh, Nebr. Feb. 28—W. H. Billiter, Carroll, Nebr. Feb. 26—L. H. Franzen, Coleridge, Nebr. | Charles Spengler ( ;jj COL. JARVIS, Auctioneer. NORFOLK, NEBRASKA jg ......... .....if'll!!'Ill'li!'ill!-;:;1 ' j :ll!:;il:Nl!' Hi'lij.llilM!' Ili f f ..Hi'..Ill... J ?~ "53* ff£: " 95'“'”51 W. S. McklBBEN’S | Public Sale? j I ]| As I have leased the ranch and will quit farming, I will sell at Public Auction w j |ft{j at my place, 1 mile east and 4 miles south of Emmet, on the Matt JgJ f jt Brown ranch, on ~ jr It Tuesday, Feb. £5 { 3S Commencing at 12 o’clock, noon, the following: " 8|jB !160 HEAD OF CATTLE j Fifty head of cows, 10 milch cows, 66 two-year-old heifers, 3 full blood Hereford bulls, 40 calves coming yearlings. All the cows and heifers are bred jjgj to full blood Hereford bulls. JT |ft FARM MACHINERY, ETC. | I'm Stacker; 2 sweeps; 3 Deering mowers; McCormick hay rake with trucks; g^ 1 |f new hay rack; P. & 0. lister; com planter; two-row Moline eli; 1 Satlie culti I gj vators; breaking plow; David Bradley feed grinder; tank heater; woven wire gj | j| stretcher; oil tank; garden plow; some harness repairs; Grape] hay fork, f gjc Sideboard; table and six chairs; dresser; churn; 5 burner Acme oil cook stove; gjp j jf heating stove; 4 dozen chickens and other articles too numerous to mention. T PLENTY OF FREE LUNCH SERVED AT 11:30 A. M. ¥ | gj____ jp 8 TERMS—Sums of $10 and under cash. Sums over $10 one year’s time with A 10 per cent interest. No property to be removed until settled for. 'll1 IS W. S.: cKibben * | A Owrver | COL. E. WALLEN, Auctioneer. W. P. DAILEY, Clerk. W. V. Hunter’s P< >stp< >ned Having leased my ranch I will sell at Public Sale at my ranch, 8 miles north of the O'Neill cemeteries, commenc" ing at 12 o'clock, noon, the following described property, on Friday, February 28, 1919 130 Head of Hereford Cattle- .40 cows; 30 heifers; 20 2-year-old steers; 11 40 spring calves. 4Hnrcac O Mf JAC / gelding, 9 years old, wt. 1000/ 1 gelding, 9 years old, wt. 1000,' 1 gelding, 7 FIOI Ca 1 llliva"" years old; wt. 1050,' 1 gelding, 6 years old, wt. 950,' 1 span mules, 9, wt. 2200. POULTRY—3 dozen pure bred White Plymouth Rock hens; 7 dozen Rhode Island Red hens; 12 R. I. R. cockerels; 2 Brcnze turkey hens; 1 Bronze turkey tom; 10 Toulouse geese; 15 White Pekin ducks, 1 1918 Old Trusty incubator, 150 egg capacity. Farm , Etc. John Deere lister; John Deere eli; Canton disc; McCormick binder; 2 riding cultivators; 16-inch sulky plow; Peter Shuttler wagon, narrow tire; 3-section har row; spring hack; press drill; Heney buggy, new; Jehn Deere corn planter with 80 rods of wire; gasoline engine and pump jack; blacksmith forge; heavy McCor mick hay rake; Clipper fanning mill and grader, new; hand corn sheller, new; feed grinder; 2 McCormick mowers, 6-foot; set buggy harness; set work harness; heavy saddle, nearly new; 3-post 25-foot tower, Woodmanse wind mill; Beatrice cream separator, new; kitchen cabinet; 2 kerosene ranges and ovens; Deering corn binder; refrigerator and other articles too numerous to mention. PLENTY OF FREE LUNCH SERVED AT 11:00 O’CLOCK TERMS—Sums of $10 and under cash. Sums over $10 one year’s time with 10 per cent interest. No property to be removed until settled for. W. V. Hunt % Owner COL. JAMES MOORE, Auctioneer. * S. J. WEEKES, Clerk. _mlj——im-nnii n. - - _ - *_ , _ . 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