The Frontier. ——-— --: ■ ::—1 *--— ——-— _ VOLUME XXXIX. O’NEILL, NJEBRASKA; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 1919. NO. 35. -■ 1,1 : ---' - — — M ■ . ■■ — ■■■■ ■■ " !>■■— :• .• Y.- .-x •• xY-XyXvY-YvY:' yYxYx:•:: •.. - . ' ..: : . . • :• • -.•••.v.Yx XXx-'"- x:• .• i-n ' •• ... - - '' V - "" X .•: -• -'r •: •.•••.•.v.y.yX-IyXy.-- } a- . , , rr a %. m ... • * — •* *.r" . . .*s»’. .v.v.-.v.v.. ... . . .» • ■ >/■ •-»- «•. ■•••■.’•^•.v.'.v/iyiKwX-x.avrvr.vXw::-:XvX-; .. 1 C opyrignt Hart wchanner & Marx “—to bind the world s wounds” * “With malice towards none, with charity for all, with firm ness in the right as God gives us to see the right, let us finish the work we are in, to bind up the nation’s wounds, to care for him who shall have borne the battle and for his widow and for his orphans, to do all which may achieve and cherish a just and lasting peace among ourselves and with ~~ all nations.” THESE are the words that Lincoln used in his second inaugural address. They couldn’t be more appropriate if Lincoln had said them today reviewing the returning legions. He would probably have added this, tho— “Let us bind the world’s wounds; let us ex tend the hand of fellowship to nations to IC99I whom freedom has just come as a new and precious gift; let us help to feed, clothe and to heal.” We greet our victorious soldiers with pride; the memory of those who will not return is enshrined in our hearts. We turn now to a new and better era—the era of justice. Ip. j. uvi: c uvi 3sr The home of Hart Schaffner & Marx clothes