I" .■" I JOHN BRENNAN Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods and Groceries Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Hides, Flour, Feed, Salt PORTAGE BRANDER TIRES Slioes Foot Schulze Shoes are Easy on the Feet. We fit the Hard to Fit. Come in and be Convinced. CASH DOES IT. O’Neill*Nebraska.' It will not be this warm next winter. v Place your orders Now for Coal and Coke. There will be no hard coal for Nebraska. GaJena Lumber Co. Thirty Two Years continued services to the People of Holt County. With Capital, Surplus and Profits of $180,000.00 Warrants the statement that we can help You. Being members of the Federal Reserve Bank places this Bank in a position to handle Large as well as Small loans. When in need of money come in and talk it over.^ The First National Bank O’Neill, Nebraska ED. F. GALLAGHER, J. F. GALLAGHER, President. Cashier. j / • GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY I You Get Your eFREE SPRAY PUMP advantage of our FREE Spray Pump offer that we wer< new lot. We still have a few of the first lot on hand am : to wait for yours, you will have to act quickly. One 50c your first purchase of one gallon can of CONKEY’S FLY KNOCKER 1 offer, ocen for a United lime I O’Neill Mill & Elevator THE UNIVERSAL CAR Reliable mechanical attention given to your Ford means more service from your car and less cost in its operation. Let us take care of your car. We have the mechanics who know how and use only the genuine Ford materials and only ask the fixed, standard, Ford factory prices. Remember we handle full line of accessories. Fisk, Goodrich and Mickelin casings and tubes. J. B. Mellon Agent, O’Neill, Nebraska. Farm Loans Home Loans On the Best Terms and Least Expense. Can Save You 20 to 50 Per Cent on Your Farm, City, Auto, Hail and Live Stock Insurance. L. G. GILLESPIE Phone 309. O’Neill, Nebr. I * . mcginnis creamery & produce co. Manufacturers of CREAMERY BUTTER AND ICE CREAM | Largest Creamery Between Omaha and the Black Hills. HIGHEST'PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER FAT. I Steam Heat, Electric Lights, Power ! Phone 170 O’Neill, Nebraska. Greedy Hat Shop Fisk Hats always on display at Grady Hat Shop. New novelty veils. Attractive line of pretty white hats for the summer. Come in and see our display. | One block north of First National Bank. OUR SODA GRILL NOW OPEN Same Place Same Force Same Service Same Satisfaction | Send in the Kiddies. Come Yourself. THE O’NEILL NEWS AND CIGAR STORE. Golden Hotel Building James A. Brown, Prop. Sanitary Meat Market I “Say, John, this is Tuesday night don’t forget the beef steak!’’ Prone 150. O’Neill, Nebr. | ——— i “Most of Them Go to Church.” It is safe to say that most of the 883 business men in the city of Lincoln, Neb., who signed agreement to observe the War Angelus in their places of business go to church. Their action in agreement in dicates sentiment that comes from the Go-to-Church habit, and that richly benefits every man in whom such sentiment exists. In the Sunday State Journal of July 14 was the following relative to the War Angelus and the practically unanimous agreement of Lincoln business men to observe it in their places of business. “What has become of the old-fashioned man who was pleased to announce himself as an ‘infidel?” Where is the chap who liked to refer to himself as an ‘atheist?'’ The committee from the Rotary club has been going over the city for signatures to pledges to observe one minute of silent prayer every day for the success of the American soldiers across the seas. Almost one thousand signatures to the pledge have already been received, and out of all the people visited only two refused to sign. One man said that he would do anything he could to help win the war, but that he would be a hypocrite if he signed this agreement. Another said he didn’t believe in prayer, and asked to be excused on that ground. No mean talk. No blowing about independ ence of thought and all that sort of thing. Just an apologetic, good natured, half-diffident refusal to conform. A refusal that may be withdrawn aft£r the new custom has been cr. trial for a few days. “The War Angeflus will be officially begun this week, but a number of stores have already put it in operation. At first the clerks were diffident, but they found the people so responsive that they found it easier than they expected. Just at 11:00 o’clock a whistle blows or a gong sounds. Everybody stops in his tracks. If the customer looks puzzled, the clerk says, ‘That is the War Angelus. We give one minute of silent prayer for the success of the American army.’ Everybody stands immovable, usually with bowed head, for one minute. At the end of sixty seconds the signal is repeated and business moves on as before.” “Over there,” in France, a bell called the Angelus has called to daily devotion since A. D. 1326. The familiar picture by Millet of “The Angelus” has cast its charm over the entire world, callirig many a person to a moment’s silent meditation and perchance a wish that he, too, might feel that close' touch with his Creator that the picture indicates. The War Angelus was originated at the recent international con ference of Rotary clubs in Kansas City. Rotary is a business and pro fessional men’s organization having branches in every city of size in the land. M. E. Church Notes. Preaching Service. 10:30 a. m. Sunday School . 11:30 a. m. Epworth League . 7:15 p. m. Preaching Service . 8:00 p. m. All are cordially invited to at tend these services. MALCOMB B. WILCOX, Pastor. First Presbyterian Church. Preaching Services .... 10:30 a. m. Sunday School . 11:30 a. m. Preaching Service .... 8:00 p. m. Prayer Meeting, Wed. 8:00 p. m. GEO. LONGSTAFF, Pastor. Fitzsimmons Millinery Store Have a nice line of White Hats on Display. Special Sale now on, on all Colored Hats and Trim mings. If you are in need of a hat, at reduced prices, now is the time to buy. Phone 174. O’Neill, Nebr. IF YOU WANT TO Make a Loan or Build a Home TAKE NO CHANCES—COME WHERE THE MONEY IS—WE LOANED, DURING THE MONTH OF JUNE $125,000.00 JOHN L. QUI6 Western Garage * HENRY WINKLER, Prop. All Kinds of Auto Repairing; Gasoline and Oils, Auto Accessories. Campbell Garage Building. O’Neill, Nebr. GKE3^.2nTH> Private Booths—Good Meals; Short Orders, Sandwitches at all Times. Also Fine Line of Cigars. Day and Night Service. O’Neill, Nebr. ** I Bazelman Lumber Co. Lumber and iX.II Kinds of Building Material « Phone 79 O’Neill, Nebr. D. Abdouch Ladies are invited to look at our line of Sum mer Dresses and Georgette and Silk Waists. Nice line at reasonable prices. We also handle Naco and Case Corsets, and a pair of Black Diamond Shoes for every member of l the family. Douglas Street. _ O’Neill, Nebr. -Dr. H. Margaret Frost • « Osteopathic Physician Jordan Building, Phone 262. O’Neill, Nebr. I J. H. DAVISON -Dealer in Harness, Whips, Collars; Also Harness and Shoe Repairing. Prices Right. O’Neill, Nebr. J. U. YANTZI CREAMERY y - Come in or phone in when you want best prices for your cream and poultry. Phone 131. O’Neill, Nebr. Go To THE TOG6ERY For Yovir Furnishings a.nd Cleaning a.nd Pressing Harty & Mullen, O’Neill NEIL I*. BRENNAN Columbia Grafonolas, Columbia Records, New every month. Come in and hear what your boys in camp are singing. Phone 105 O’Neill, Nebr.